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Soi Dogs -- Workaround?

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Dogs have alway been a nuisance. When i was in my teens,i had a job delivering groceries.

.One day I delivered to a large house, I had both arms full of boxes,I rang the bell with my elbow, The door opened and a large black Labrador mounted my leg,and started to

try and screw it ( make love to it ) The Lady of the house yelled to me KICK HIS BALLS, so there I am loaded with boxes trying to kick the dogs privat parts.

She the yelled at me NO NO NOT THOSE !! THE ONES ON THE LAWN!!

Aaha ! A closet Jasper Carrott fan from the distant past !! That was a great sketch this story came from. See if you can find it.

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The bamboo stick is not for hitting the dogs with, just point it at them. Attacking dogs a baffled by having sticks pointed at them and will usually retreat when confronted with a pointed stick.

Another option is a 50-50% mix of ammonia or water in a small water pistol.

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I cycle every day,and have the same problem. I now carry a number 2 golf iron. I use a forged one as the sound of the club when it hits the dogs head is a nice CLUNK Not like the cheap

cast iron type,that tend to go PING

2 irons are fine for hitting dogs, but I find a 7 iron gets them off the ground better.

A driver keeps me another 6" further away...

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I cycle every day,and have the same problem. I now carry a number 2 golf iron. I use a forged one as the sound of the club when it hits the dogs head is a nice CLUNK Not like the cheap

cast iron type,that tend to go PING

2 irons are fine for hitting dogs, but I find a 7 iron gets them off the ground better.

A driver keeps me another 6" further away...

good idea....I've got an old big bertha hanging around.......cant wait to hear the sweet sound of that connecting with doggie skull

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You are too aggressive......

a) Give them some food

cool.png take a stick and stones and fight your way

c) find a other route

d) poison them

e) ride a bicycle instead

f) go swimming instead

g) start lifting weights instead


Not much of a human being would poison animals h90. I guess you aren't if you suggest that.

I assume you are vegetarian....

Beside poison in Thailand are the glue traps still allowed, should be worse than poison.....For rats who are not lucky enough to look cute.

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Here's a video that shows how to deal with soi dogs. Never tried this myself.

They guy in the video makes a good point although the dogs there already know him and know not to mess with him. But there are a couple of other things you need to have if you are to successfully deal with such dogs because you will be running and that can set them off especially as you run away from them.

1. The best item is a retractable metal rod or baton, preferably light with a weighted end. I think the UK cops use them. If you cannot find one long enough, then use the golf stick or bamboo, as mentioned by others. Make sure it is long enough.

2. Consider carrying either a pepper spray or a container of ground white pepper with dried chilly pepper mixed in. I used to be chased by dogs when cycling in a village - I would dribble some of this in my wake and those dogs got the message very quickly. It is also handy for those dogs who creep up behind you as you are running.

3. Most dogs are afraid of stones. If you are really stuck and you have no stones, lean down as if to pick up a stone and pretend to throw it. That probably saved my life one late evening in a town in Laos when 40 dogs started to stalk me. But best to carry a few stones on your person - a catapult also helps your aim as you can bounce the stone off the ground so that it catches the dog under his belly where it really hurts him.

By the way, I don't think you are being aggressive. I think you are a person who wants to go running and it helps your well-being and health. Good on you. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you are this or that because you like to run.

And before the pseudo-dog-lovers come out to point fingers because of alleged dog-cruelty, I too deplore the fact that dogs are allowed to roam around the streets to attack humans and kill each other (I have seen this happen). I own dogs and care for them especially well. Dogs should be kept behind gates at night especially. Otherwise they roam in packs which is the same dog mentality as dogs who worry and attack sheep. When it comes to dogs attacking me, it is the same as when a human wants to injure or kill me - it is him or me. Full stop. If I can stop the dog from killing me while not killing him, well and good. But I have had the worry of having to take endless shots against rabies which made me ill for months after a severe dog bite in Thailand 20 years ago and since then I take no prisoners against dogs who even slightly growl at me on the street.

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What's up, TVers.

For now, I need a fix.

Who, out there, runs regularly, especially in small towns/countryside with a lot of vicious dogs? And how do you not give a shizzle about them? Do I have to carry a big stick (not practical at all)? Do I carry kibble to feed them until they all know and love me and leave me alone (don't want to give them that satisfaction)?

Realistic, ideally tested solutions wanted. I apologize if this isn't the right forum for this post. If it isn't, admin, please move it to the right place.

Thanks, in advance, to anyone who can help me get back out there again soon. I will owe you a huge debt of gratitude.

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I live in the boonies up north. Surrounded by paddies/ copses/ cornfields. Every farm/ shack/ house has a slew of dogs. I used to jog regularly in the country lanes, carrying a stout English walking stick with iron point. The animals would appear randomly in packs of 4 to 10, sometimes ahead but usually just behind me. I don't like breaking my stride ( it's tough enough just getting out and jogging) but I do stop and face them and advance. The bulk scurry away but the alpha males keep challenging until I walk straight towards them then they back off. It is impossible to jog looking backwards and they will reassemble and follow. I have given up even walking in the lanes. There is a real possibilty of bites and very little chance of assistance on the roads.

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The bamboo stick is not for hitting the dogs with, just point it at them. Attacking dogs a baffled by having sticks pointed at them and will usually retreat when confronted with a pointed stick.

Another option is a 50-50% mix of ammonia or water in a small water pistol.

OK, I like this! Anyone have any experience of using this successfully? Easier to carry when running than a long stick.

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Dogs have alway been a nuisance. When i was in my teens,i had a job delivering groceries.

.One day I delivered to a large house, I had both arms full of boxes,I rang the bell with my elbow, The door opened and a large black Labrador mounted my leg,and started to

try and screw it ( make love to it ) The Lady of the house yelled to me KICK HIS BALLS, so there I am loaded with boxes trying to kick the dogs privat parts.

She the yelled at me NO NO NOT THOSE !! THE ONES ON THE LAWN!!

Aaha ! A closet Jasper Carrott fan from the distant past !! That was a great sketch this story came from. See if you can find it.

Sorry not Jasper,much earlier

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...if 2 or more dogs...they switch to 'pack mantality'....very dangerous...

I have a lot of this where I live/run. Would the stick or ammonia/water suggestions still work, or are they all going to keep chasing me as long as I run, which ... is the point!

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Learn dog body language, all my local dogs are scared of me, you just explain to them once that their life is at risk if they attack, they will remember and stay clear.

You can focus them (one) direct in the eyes, he'll back off (Don't try it with a German Shepard or Rottweiler). The even pretend to be friendly, wagging the tail, go around you and bite you from the back side.

With a pack of dogs, they always try to get on your back side

OK how do you handle a soi dog most are mongrels?

That is an insult to mongrels, they are called a Heinz, 57 varieties.

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I cycle every day,and have the same problem. I now carry a number 2 golf iron. I use a forged one as the sound of the club when it hits the dogs head is a nice CLUNK Not like the cheap

cast iron type,that tend to go PING

2 irons are fine for hitting dogs, but I find a 7 iron gets them off the ground better.

A driver keeps me another 6" further away...

good idea....I've got an old big bertha hanging around.......cant wait to hear the sweet sound of that connecting with doggie skull

Yes, but you must admit there is nothing like the well -bred clunk of a forged iron.

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Thanks, in advance, to anyone who can help me get back out there again soon.

Order one of these...

Totally agree with the concept of this, and the dude is right, but the dogs like to go for the legs.

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There are lots of threads and posts on here about the best solution for the dog that chases you

I have tried all of the suggestions and until I was bitten by one about a year ago just passed it off as one of those things you have to accept if you are a runner, walker or cycler like me

Not wishing to be hounded off my favourite sport I came up with a good solution which has been 100% successful and is is a golf number 1 driving club made out of graphite without the head.

Only weighs a few grams and can be easily stowed on a bike or maybe even finely balanced by a runner, for a walker it doesn't even look out of place.

Owning two surrogate dogs that serves as our kids I am also a dog lover and would not use it as a weapon on any dog but just waving it around does the trick and they quickly lose any interest in chasing you.

Just curious: If it's something lightweight, which it would have to be for running, and waving it the dog(s) proves it(them), it wouldn't be useful to protect you, would it?

Maybe, having this handy would be useful for you.

I advised my friends to have this on their person during their morning runs or evening walks where there are menacing soi dogs.

It's a compact Flashlight (small) with powerful enough light should you get caught up in the dark, rechargeable in-built battery, made of Aviation Aluminium. Comes with a belt pouch, too.

Other than being a nondescript small flashlight, it's a Taser discharging 220v shock.

I recommend it to be used as a deterrent accessory and for personal protection.

Friends who had since have this gadget, thus far have never find a need to apply it directly. The electric flash it creates are enough to send the most vicious pack scattering with fear.

In my personal experience, I had flicked it only twice during my runs in Nakhon Nowhere, where there's a vicious pack up one area that are always a menace to expat and locals.

After which there's never a need as they gave me a wide berth as I passed.



Edited by WhoWhenWhyWhat
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Here's a video that shows how to deal with soi dogs. Never tried this myself.

They guy in the video makes a good point although the dogs there already know him and know not to mess with him. But there are a couple of other things you need to have if you are to successfully deal with such dogs because you will be running and that can set them off especially as you run away from them.

1. The best item is a retractable metal rod or baton, preferably light with a weighted end. I think the UK cops use them. If you cannot find one long enough, then use the golf stick or bamboo, as mentioned by others. Make sure it is long enough.

2. Consider carrying either a pepper spray or a container of ground white pepper with dried chilly pepper mixed in. I used to be chased by dogs when cycling in a village - I would dribble some of this in my wake and those dogs got the message very quickly. It is also handy for those dogs who creep up behind you as you are running.

3. Most dogs are afraid of stones. If you are really stuck and you have no stones, lean down as if to pick up a stone and pretend to throw it. That probably saved my life one late evening in a town in Laos when 40 dogs started to stalk me. But best to carry a few stones on your person - a catapult also helps your aim as you can bounce the stone off the ground so that it catches the dog under his belly where it really hurts him.

By the way, I don't think you are being aggressive. I think you are a person who wants to go running and it helps your well-being and health. Good on you. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you are this or that because you like to run.

And before the pseudo-dog-lovers come out to point fingers because of alleged dog-cruelty, I too deplore the fact that dogs are allowed to roam around the streets to attack humans and kill each other (I have seen this happen). I own dogs and care for them especially well. Dogs should be kept behind gates at night especially. Otherwise they roam in packs which is the same dog mentality as dogs who worry and attack sheep. When it comes to dogs attacking me, it is the same as when a human wants to injure or kill me - it is him or me. Full stop. If I can stop the dog from killing me while not killing him, well and good. But I have had the worry of having to take endless shots against rabies which made me ill for months after a severe dog bite in Thailand 20 years ago and since then I take no prisoners against dogs who even slightly growl at me on the street.

Well said (written), Sir.

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Thanks, in advance, to anyone who can help me get back out there again soon.

Order one of these...

Totally agree with the concept of this, and the dude is right, but the dogs like to go for the legs.

I'm sure The Strutter Comany has a range of add on accessories to deal with that.


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Learn dog body language, all my local dogs are scared of me, you just explain to them once that their life is at risk if they attack, they will remember and stay clear.

You can focus them (one) direct in the eyes, he'll back off (Don't try it with a German Shepard or Rottweiler). The even pretend to be friendly, wagging the tail, go around you and bite you from the back side.

With a pack of dogs, they always try to get on your back side

Doesn't looking stray dogs directly in the eyes actually provoke them? I always thought (think I've read) that you should avoid making eye contact.

Look, I've worked for days on end in mountains with bears nearby every day, and that was fine with me, because I understand the rules. Here, pretty much everywhere in Thailand (SE Asia?), the dogs actually rule the streets, so there's no 'negotiating' with them, unless you're the one who feeds them.

I just need to know how to free myself from the anxiety of being bitten by one of these (possibly rabid) dogs, so I can start enjoying runs again. Key word: runs. The thing that makes dogs chase you almost every time.

So, a bamboo stick (light weight but not particularly strong if you need to strike with it) or some kind of golf club (with or without the head)? Are those my only options?

I'd like to get back out there tomorrow.

What about a squirt gun with vinegar in it? They won't like it but they won't be mortally wounded either. I bet a couple days of that in the face and you will be fine.

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A driver keeps me another 6" further away...

good idea....I've got an old big bertha hanging around.......cant wait to hear the sweet sound of that connecting with doggie skull

Fortunately, I've never had to take it that far. I hope I never do have to harm one. Just having it at hand seems to do the trick.

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Hey bud, dont worry bout the haters here. Get a stream spraspraying peper spray gun. Spray the <deleted> in the eye and they will remember it for a life time! Wont kill them or cause permanent injury. I too had this problem in my ex's village. Works a treat. Stick to the same route....they will ALL remember you and stay the fruck away. Happy trails ;)

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Hey bud, dont worry bout the haters here. Get a stream spraspraying peper spray gun. Spray the <deleted> in the eye and they will remember it for a life time! Wont kill them or cause permanent injury. I too had this problem in my ex's village. Works a treat. Stick to the same route....they will ALL remember you and stay the fruck away. Happy trails

But be aware that pepper spray is illegal. I'd rather deal with the dogs than the legal system... But we all need to make our own choices.

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I have had this experience with dogs in Thailand. At night a flashlight worked. But in the day I don't think it would do much. In my experience, these dogs are pretty territorial, once you slow them down a bit, and are beyond their patch, they leave you alone. I think the bamboo stick/walking stick/golf club sounds like the best plan. My worry with pepper spray/ammonia is that a small bottle of something has no deterrent affect. Sure it will make them unhappy if you do get them with it, and seems like they will remember the next time, see Impulse answer above, but until they are close and attack, they really are not going to be fearful. The stick, I think they would be fearful. Good luck. For sure this is an unsettling experience.

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A driver keeps me another 6" further away...

good idea....I've got an old big bertha hanging around.......cant wait to hear the sweet sound of that connecting with doggie skull

Fortunately, I've never had to take it that far. I hope I never do have to harm one. Just having it at hand seems to do the trick.

What a coincidence,I knew a woman called Big Bertha She loved it doggy fashion

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