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New Bt2000 fine for spitting, blowing nose and littering in public places


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Surely only the most avid Thai basher can find fault with this

Litter and garbage are huge problems here in Phuket ( and Samui ) and I can only applaud any efforts to make the streets and the sea cleaner!

How common are public trash and litter containers in Phuket and Samui. Can you find one one each street corner? Placed at even intervals, say 100 feet apart at the beach. In the front and throughout markets and malls?

I'll answer this one for you. They aren't. So this 2000 baht fine is really about what??? ฿฿฿฿฿฿

Show me the money!


As far as Samui goes, public trash and litter containers are indeed a rarity, and when you do find one,the chances are it is full to overflowing, and surrounded by piles of stinking carrier bags of trash. And when it is collected, there is nowhere for the "dustmen" to dispose of it except to dump it alongside an incinerator that hasn't worked for years:-


By the way if the use of plastic carrier bags is ever discontinued, the doo doo will really hit the fan/streets!

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a Few years ago i had the unfortunate ride on a VIP bus over night, I sat next to a man , who constantly cleared his throat and chest, spitting it into a Lipo bottle.

And your point being? That people with chest/lung infections shouldn't travel on buses? That you were surprised that he didn't spit it all over the floor? What?

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ive heard that farting is being looked at due to the environmental issues relating to it. i understand a fine is being considered and should the suspect lift or levitate their leg in the production of the offense that the agravating factor would incur a more significant penalty. of course aroma, pungency. toxicity and offense to victims in the vicinity would be taken into account. id endorse this move by the authorities

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ive heard that farting is being looked at due to the environmental issues relating to it. i understand a fine is being considered and should the suspect lift or levitate their leg in the production of the offense that the agravating factor would incur a more significant penalty. of course aroma, pungency. toxicity and offense to victims in the vicinity would be taken into account. id endorse this move by the authorities

Any fart that can knock a buzzard off a shit wagon at 15 meters will be fined. Som Tom farts have been known to knock Condors out of the Andes.

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Blowing nose ??? seems a bit extreme

ha ha ha.... you never been to china have you ? ya gotta dodge hockers and green slime , the bottom of your shoes will be sticky in two hours . this spitting is coming from china , specifically the Han Chinese . they even spit on the buses . nasty , and its coming to a street near you .

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a Few years ago i had the unfortunate ride on a VIP bus over night, I sat next to a man , who constantly cleared his throat and chest, spitting it into a Lipo bottle.

dude is dead , when the constant stream of slime has to be coughed up every 2 minutes his lungs are already gone . the big C loves the Chinese chain smokers .

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Well, i certainly agree with the spitting and littering part. Is the municipality going to begin to supply bins? Bangkok has the fewest amount of bins per capita as any city I have ever seen. I have carried trash for 10-15 minutes on occasion searching for a bin to put it in. So, if you are gong to pass a law like this, you will need to provide the public with a means of avoiding littering. The city is going to have to place 10,000 to 100,000 bins around town, if they hope to implement a law like this one. Otherwise, just more jawboning. But, blowing your nose in public? Which rocket scientist came up with this one?

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Well, i certainly agree with the spitting and littering part. Is the municipality going to begin to supply bins? Bangkok has the fewest amount of bins per capita as any city I have ever seen. I have carried trash for 10-15 minutes on occasion searching for a bin to put it in. So, if you are gong to pass a law like this, you will need to provide the public with a means of avoiding littering. The city is going to have to place 10,000 to 100,000 bins around town, if they hope to implement a law like this one. Otherwise, just more jawboning. But, blowing your nose in public? Which rocket scientist came up with this one?

There are bins outside every 7-11 and Family Mart.

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Another ridiculous law that will never actually be enforced. Thais are no Singaporeans, and couldn't be paid to give a shit about litter.

A thai tour guide once told me the reason that there are no bins in Thailand is that a bomb was once found hidden inside one. A likely story, of course. Makes you wonder why the government didn't remove all the holes in the roads too...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by jackspade
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Well, i certainly agree with the spitting and littering part. Is the municipality going to begin to supply bins? Bangkok has the fewest amount of bins per capita as any city I have ever seen. I have carried trash for 10-15 minutes on occasion searching for a bin to put it in. So, if you are gong to pass a law like this, you will need to provide the public with a means of avoiding littering. The city is going to have to place 10,000 to 100,000 bins around town, if they hope to implement a law like this one. Otherwise, just more jawboning. But, blowing your nose in public? Which rocket scientist came up with this one?

Even if you could get them to place the bins, then you'd have the problem of getting them emptied! Within days, each one would begin to resemble a mini landfill.

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He said spitting fluid or any substance out of your mouth in Japan is a violation of law that could face 30-day detention or a fine of 1,000-10,000 yen (300-3,000 baht) fine.

Thailand's future is soo foreseeable now .Ping Pong Ball and banana shooting girls will soon face life imprisonment, or a 100 baht fine.

Or both.

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

Better in your pocket than on my thong.Throw a tissue in a bin,if you can find one.

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