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Democracy UK Style.

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Still believe in the tooth fairy ? Santa Claus ? Easter Bunny ?

How about the UK being a Democracy ?

David Cameron has told Eurosceptic ministers they will be forced to quit if they want to campaign for the UK to leave the European Union.

And in a warning shot to Tory MPs, Mr Cameron added: "If you want to be part of the Government, you have to take the view that we are engaged in an exercise of renegotiation to have a referendum that will lead to a successful outcome.


Sounds more like a dictatorship to me.


It's fair enough as far as it goes. The Conservative manifesto stated that they would attempt a renegotiation of the UK's arrangements with the EU and hold a referendum on the outcome which is what he's doing. It is a principle of Cabinet Government that Ministers take collective responsibility for Cabinet decisions and resign if they don't like them, a principle which was frequently ignored by LibDem Cabinet Members.

Cameron of course isn't saying what will happen if the renegotiations produce no meaningful concessions, which is probably where he is going to end up. It's going top be quite interesting.

Wh'y's the wretched font size gone small?


It's fair enough as far as it goes. The Conservative manifesto stated that they would attempt a renegotiation of the UK's arrangements with the EU and hold a referendum on the outcome which is what he's doing. It is a principle of Cabinet Government that Ministers take collective responsibility for Cabinet decisions and resign if they don't like them, a principle which was frequently ignored by LibDem Cabinet Members.

Cameron of course isn't saying what will happen if the renegotiations produce no meaningful concessions, which is probably where he is going to end up. It's going top be quite interesting.

Wh'y's the wretched font size gone small?

Gotta disagree Eff1n2ret.

MP's are elected by their constituents to represent them.

MP's are not elected to be told which way they can or cannot vote.

I was about to say, it would be nice to see this group actually live by their principles and jump ship to another Party. UKIP immediately sprang to mind, only because of the EU fiasco.

Dozens of Conservative MPs have declared themselves ready to campaign for Britain to leave the EU if David Cameron's renegotiation amounts to "anything less than fundamental change".

In a move that will pile pressure onto the Prime Minister, Conservatives for Britain - a new group that already has over 50 politicians signed up - says it is drawing up criteria by which to judge the Government's reforms.


But it seems that Cameron has already performed an about turn

David Cameron has not given ministers an EU referendum ultimatum, Downing Street has insisted in an attempt to play down the Prime Minister's comments at the G7 summit.

Number 10 was forced to clarify Mr Cameron's position after comments he made suggested ministers would be forced to resign if they did not back the campaign to stay in the European Union.


I honestly think that Cameron does not know his @rse from his elbow.


It's fair enough as far as it goes. The Conservative manifesto stated that they would attempt a renegotiation of the UK's arrangements with the EU and hold a referendum on the outcome which is what he's doing. It is a principle of Cabinet Government that Ministers take collective responsibility for Cabinet decisions and resign if they don't like them, a principle which was frequently ignored by LibDem Cabinet Members.

Cameron of course isn't saying what will happen if the renegotiations produce no meaningful concessions, which is probably where he is going to end up. It's going top be quite interesting.

Wh'y's the wretched font size gone small?

Gotta disagree Eff1n2ret.

MP's are elected by their constituents to represent them.

MP's are not elected to be told which way they can or cannot vote.

I was about to say, it would be nice to see this group actually live by their principles and jump ship to another Party. UKIP immediately sprang to mind, only because of the EU fiasco.

Dozens of Conservative MPs have declared themselves ready to campaign for Britain to leave the EU if David Cameron's renegotiation amounts to "anything less than fundamental change".

In a move that will pile pressure onto the Prime Minister, Conservatives for Britain - a new group that already has over 50 politicians signed up - says it is drawing up criteria by which to judge the Government's reforms.


But it seems that Cameron has already performed an about turn

David Cameron has not given ministers an EU referendum ultimatum, Downing Street has insisted in an attempt to play down the Prime Minister's comments at the G7 summit.

Number 10 was forced to clarify Mr Cameron's position after comments he made suggested ministers would be forced to resign if they did not back the campaign to stay in the European Union.


I honestly think that Cameron does not know his @rse from his elbow.

Ridiculous, mate !

Cameron is a well known West Ham Villa or was it, Aston United, fan.



EU , in or out vote , the freedom of choice ,which was offered to the electorate in the run up to the election ,

Tory ideal , freedom of choice. clap2.gif

Now , the goalposts have moved .. Elected Tory MP,s are threatened , if they do not follow the Tory line, they are out of a job .

What , becomes of the the opinions of your local constituents , who voted you into office.. A sweet F.A......Thatcherism is alilve and well ,.

P.S , being a ex working man , had the pain , and paid the taxes ,,, i do not support the Labour , lazy and lame regime.

What , does , the future hold ,,, ??? All is lost ...coffee1.gif

I may as well , buy a house , in my thai my darlings name ,, cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


EU , in or out vote , the freedom of choice ,which was offered to the electorate in the run up to the election ,

Tory ideal , freedom of choice. clap2.gif

Now , the goalposts have moved .. Elected Tory MP,s are threatened , if they do not follow the Tory line, they are out of a job .

What , becomes of the the opinions of your local constituents , who voted you into office.. A sweet F.A......Thatcherism is alilve and well ,.

P.S , being a ex working man , had the pain , and paid the taxes ,,, i do not support the Labour , lazy and lame regime.

What , does , the future hold ,,, ??? All is lost ...coffee1.gif

I may as well , buy a house , in my thai my darlings name ,, cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

What a load of rubbish. MPs can vote as they see fit. Quite rightly parties will want them to toe the line. If they or their constituants don't agree with the party line then they are free to leave the party. They will still be an MP and can still vote as they please but as an indipendent MP.

Up to them.


The latest is:... Cameron has retracted his statements which set the UK Press ablaze,that he threatened any of his cabinet with the sack if they did not support him,and campaigned for a YES to exit Europe against his Europhile viewpoint!.Now he is blaming the Media for misunderstanding what he said sick.gif , the man is a balloon,no wonder Merkel treats him with contempt! and as for buying a used car from him, not a chance!


The latest is:... Cameron has retracted his statements which set the UK Press ablaze,that he threatened any of his cabinet with the sack if they did not support him,and campaigned for a YES to exit Europe against his Europhile viewpoint!.Now he is blaming the Media for misunderstanding what he said sick.gif , the man is a balloon,no wonder Merkel treats him with contempt! and as for buying a used car from him, not a chance!

"the man is a balloon"

I prefer 'ping-pong ball', because it's light-weight, and changes direction at the slightest touch ! rolleyes.gif

Which was a less-bad thing, when he had the Lib-Dems, to act as a restraining-influence.

I think it was 'Tricky Dicky' Nixon, who was asked after a debate at Oxford/Cambridge (?) Student's' Union, "were you ever a used-car salesman ?" laugh.png

And I'm glad to be watching this circus from here, with a cold-beer in my hand, it's better than a Thai soap-opera !

... now that sparks a thought ... Downton Coronation 'Downing Street', anyone ? "Nah, Leave it 'aht, Guvner !" wink.png


The latest is:... Cameron has retracted his statements which set the UK Press ablaze,that he threatened any of his cabinet with the sack if they did not support him,and campaigned for a YES to exit Europe against his Europhile viewpoint!.Now he is blaming the Media for misunderstanding what he said sick.gif , the man is a balloon,no wonder Merkel treats him with contempt! and as for buying a used car from him, not a chance!

"the man is a balloon"

I prefer 'ping-pong ball', because it's light-weight, and changes direction at the slightest touch ! rolleyes.gif

Which was a less-bad thing, when he had the Lib-Dems, to act as a restraining-influence.

I think it was 'Tricky Dicky' Nixon, who was asked after a debate at Oxford/Cambridge (?) Student's' Union, "were you ever a used-car salesman ?" laugh.png

And I'm glad to be watching this circus from here, with a cold-beer in my hand, it's better than a Thai soap-opera !

... now that sparks a thought ... Downton Coronation 'Downing Street', anyone ? "Nah, Leave it 'aht, Guvner !" wink.png


Ricardo - you're 'aving a laugh, unch ya, that's already been done (firty years ago) wiv Yes Minister & Yes, Prime Minister!? - 'Nob Enders', perhaps?

Yes, I prefer to laugh instead of cry, who's with me on that ? ! rolleyes.gif

Actually I believe that Gilbert & Sullivan also produced light-entertainment along these lines, more than a century ago !

All togever nah ! "For he is an Englishman ! Ta-Dah ! Hurrah for an Englishman ... " wai2.gif

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