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Where Were The Police As Australian Real Estate Agent Is Badly Beaten On Pattaya Beach Road.

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I hope the Aussie makes a full recovery. And some of you need to be kind to the BIB--there they were, out running down the beach trying to catch all those nasty lady boys (whose heels were sinking in the sand). There were broken nails, screaming faggots, exhausted police--of course they couldn't help this poor Aussie.

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Well I based my original comments based on the story which I took at face value. What else can you do?

It would seem that our dear mayor also took the story at face value - or maybe he has his own agenda :o

The point is, how on earth can we start insulting Australians, accusing them of lying, with a veritable vitriol of anti - Aussie invective. etc. when we have no real knowledge of the truth.

Yet we shoot our mouths off and start bad mouthing someone who is hospital, after apparently being brutally beaten by 4 Thais.

Maybe there's something more to this business of which we are unaware - but surely for the time being the poor guy is entitled to the benefit of the doubt? :D


Yea, I'm sick of reading stuff like this too.

"Australian real estate agent badyly beaten" like he was working??

I lived on soi post office for several months and frankly I was ahamed to be a farung and seeing the behavour of farungs who think that this is there personal playground where they can act stupid and disrespectful be drunk and disorderly and the cops should want to protect them Why???

To all you crybabies out there who think that the farung is always right and everything Thai is wrong I suggest you don't wipe your feet, never mind the lights, go now and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Did you READ the article?

Do you think splashing someone with water warrants theft and broken bones?


First off since when is an article in PCN a reliable source? you even think that guys would tell the newspaper the truth if something he did was the cause of this all???

Imagine newspaper interviews you and you would say: "yes I was drinking all night walked by 4 guys, stepped in a puddle of water whiwh splashed them. One of them made a comment about them and as I was drunk and with my gf I needed to step it up and started insulting the prro guy you know as that is what we do whenwe are drunk." I am sure all of you guys would say that when interviewed right?????

I am not accusing anyone it you guys who are accusing people and yes you caqn as nothing ever should provoke a visious attack like this one but come on guys dont treath that guy as he is a saint as he just might not be. And thenagain I never saw wood lying around on beach road to beat up up someone so to me it still looks like they were looking for him.


Guess you missed the second story too ... but then again you are defending folks that broke a man up badly and stole from him ... what should I expect?


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.


Not only did the four of them prove themselves spineless cowards by having to get "tooled up" , the moment they pulled the chain from around his neck, they proved themselves to be lowlife scumbag muggers :D

How can anyone even try defend what they did :D

Scum is scum, whatever it's colour :o


I didnt miss anything no and maybe your capability of reading isnt that good but I am not defending anybody in this case I am just fighting the idea of people gathering behind a story of which they dont even know the start of, but allready finnished it.

If you can show me one word in which i defend those so called thiefs I will appologise personally on ever Englsih speaking Newspaper in Pattaya for you. You seem to mix up defending with questioning the integrity of the victim and yes as I mentioned before he is the victim no matter what has happened but not just make the victim look like a saint as sometimes they are not.

Guess you missed the second story too ... but then again you are defending folks that broke a man up badly and stole from him ... what should I expect?
First off since when is an article in PCN a reliable source?

Probably as reliable - or unreliable as any paper anywhere in the world. We're not debating the reliabilty of the story - just the story as presented to us. This is what allegedly happened, and this is our reaction to that alleged event.

If it turns out that the story is untrue, then we shall amend our comments accordingly. But it's patently ridiculous to automatically assume the report is false and the victim is a liar.

I am not accusing anyone

Quote from your previous post: "Now you ever saw a drunk Aussie say sorry for anything he did???"

Are you sure? :o


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.

Take a look at the Role models in the upper circles and all the stuff in the news about how they interpetate the laws of the land.

What do we expect them to do apart from copy them.

I must say i love Pattaya and am not a critic or a cynic but.

Don,t you think that the locality is a magnet for all the low lifes to make their home due to the rich pickings of the tourists / farang.

Put the scum away for a long vacation and then return them to where they came from and make the local authorities keep an eye on them.



I can dream the impossible can,t I

I didnt miss anything no and maybe your capability of reading isnt that good but I am not defending anybody in this case I am just fighting the idea of people gathering behind a story of which they dont even know the start of, but allready finnished it.

If you can show me one word in which i defend those so called thiefs I will appologise personally on ever Englsih speaking Newspaper in Pattaya for you. You seem to mix up defending with questioning the integrity of the victim and yes as I mentioned before he is the victim no matter what has happened but not just make the victim look like a saint as sometimes they are not.

Guess you missed the second story too ... but then again you are defending folks that broke a man up badly and stole from him ... what should I expect?

Can you show me where anyone made the victim looked like a saint. On the contrary, all we did was express sympathy, whereas you, my friend seem to have some personal vendetta against Australians, judging by some of the bile you have been spitting out in their direction. :o


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.

Take a look at the Role models in the upper circles and all the stuff in the news about how they interpetate the laws of the land.

What do we expect them to do apart from copy them.

I must say i love Pattasya and am not a critic or a cynic but.

Don,t you think that the locality is a magnet for all the low lifes to make their home due to the ric

A magnet...No!... Pattaya is a vibrant, bustling city and criminals can see opportunities and weaknesses to exploit as they do anywhere in the world.


Perhaps the unfortunate victim used the 'dreaded' f-word for some reason towards one of the attackers - particularly if he had had a few drinks.

This, in itself, would be enough in the eyes of some Thais for them to retaliate violently....perhaps even killing the victim in their fury if they got carried away and were abetted by their peers.

A very nasty incident.

It's surprising how many posters on this thread continue to defend the indefensible......violent assault.

In the UK this can land you up to ten years!


I've said it many times; DO NOT wear gold in Thailand! Especially late at night and drunk!

With regard to the 4 on 1 attack.....the Thais think the "Marquis of Queensberry" was some fag English guy. :o When Thais street fight it is not some Western concept of 'who is the better man' and 'fair play'....... it is about hurting/killing someone quickly by any means possible. And later laughing about how many broken bones there were!

I didnt miss anything no and maybe your capability of reading isnt that good but I am not defending anybody in this case I am just fighting the idea of people gathering behind a story of which they dont even know the start of, but allready finnished it.

If you can show me one word in which i defend those so called thiefs I will appologise personally on ever Englsih speaking Newspaper in Pattaya for you. You seem to mix up defending with questioning the integrity of the victim and yes as I mentioned before he is the victim no matter what has happened but not just make the victim look like a saint as sometimes they are not.

Guess you missed the second story too ... but then again you are defending folks that broke a man up badly and stole from him ... what should I expect?

What we KNOW ------- a man was beaten and robbed. The beating caused broken bones. Those broken bones were the result of 4 <yes FOUR> people beating him with weapons. We ALSO know that it was reported that he had been drinking. We also know the BiB were remiss in ther duties. We also know that it was reported he was ROBBED.

We also know you don't like Australians!

We also know something VERY telling .... The Mayor of Pattaya PERSONALLY visited the victim of this crime in the hospital.

The ONLY speculation NOT based upon the story is by someone assuming that the victim deserved it somehow ... and THAT is a sad reflection on youDirk!


This gang mentality when fighting is definitely asian. I've experienced it with Indians and Chinese in the UK.

Fair doesn't come into it.

One on one and they shit themselves, but watch out if you are outnumbered :o


They have got three out of the four attackers:

Three men arrested in Australian Beach Attack case.


On Friday Afternoon we joined Police Colonel Somnook at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital as he paid a visit to Mr. Michael Bernard, the Australian Real Estate Agent who was brutally attacked on Pattaya Beach Road earlier this week by four Thai men all because of a splash from a puddle of water. The Colonel was joined by three suspects who were positively identified by the victim as three of the four men who set-upon him earlier this week causing Mr. Bernard to sustain a broken leg and other minor injuries. The three men who all work as watch and CD vendors on Pattaya Beach were taken to the victim to apologize for the attack but each man remained silent and showed no emotion as Mr. Bernard explained to them that he has donated money to local children’s charities on a number of occasions and was disgusted that the men attacked him over something so trivial as a splash of water. The search is still on for the fourth attacker but for now, the three suspects have been charged with assault and are waiting to appear in court.

Pattaya City News,

Friday 15th September 2006


Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Oi Foxy !

Can you please stop using words of more than 2 syllables at this time of night please.

It is Friday after all. :o

We also know you don't like Australians!

The ONLY speculation NOT based upon the story is by someone assuming that the victim deserved it somehow ... and THAT is a sad reflection on you Dirk!

my friend (and now dont come with you are not my friend as you are damm right on that one) it looks like you are very fast with making judgements on assumptions and not on clear knoweledge. Maybe you should learn on how to gather details first of any kind of event before you can judge someone instead of judging people on hear say or pure assumptions.

So if I say did you ever meet an Aussie say sorry when he is drunk makes me hate all Aussies well let me put something straight a Tomato is red, my car is red therefor my car must be a tomato right??? well in that case you are right I guess in what you assume! Even in technical terms a statement like that one is called a false assumption!!!!!

And look what Kuergen just said all Aussies are sheep f°°°°

must he hate all people coming from Austria right as that is where Aussies come from right as I am sure I read it once in one of my pre school journals I ever read so it must be the truth!!!

Guys I am not blaiming anyone here or not defending anyone just seeing alot of people discussing some assumption about no one realy knows anything about.

I'll lay odss the Thai men involved were local mafia.

The BIB won't go near them - they operate hand in hand.

On top of everything else going on right now, it's not exactly improving Thailand's image. :o

And they don't need visas !

Any of you "clean the trash out of Thailand" got a comment

on that ?


What we KNOW ------- a man was beaten and robbed. The beating caused broken bones. Those broken bones were the result of 4 <yes FOUR> people beating him with weapons. We ALSO know that it was reported that he had been drinking. We also know the BiB were remiss in ther duties. We also know that it was reported he was ROBBED.

The Thai poster is right in asking why so many are taking the farangs side. You state "What we KNOW..." , how do you know this? Were u there, did u see it happen? Who told u the story? As far as I can see the only one who gave a statement is the Australian and his GF.? They could be telling the truth, but they also could be biased, they could be mistaken, they could be lying. How can you state that you KNOW these facts. You have no evidence at all of the puddle, of sticks of wood, of 4 thais, of the police not showing up. I'm a farang but it does surprise me to see so many of you drawing conclusions from no real evidence.


What we KNOW ------- a man was beaten and robbed. The beating caused broken bones. Those broken bones were the result of 4 <yes FOUR> people beating him with weapons. We ALSO know that it was reported that he had been drinking. We also know the BiB were remiss in ther duties. We also know that it was reported he was ROBBED.

The Thai poster is right in asking why so many are taking the farangs side. You state "What we KNOW..." , how do you know this? Were u there, did u see it happen? Who told u the story? As far as I can see the only one who gave a statement is the Australian and his GF.? They could be telling the truth, but they also could be biased, they could be mistaken, they could be lying. How can you state that you KNOW these facts. You have no evidence at all of the puddle, of sticks of wood, of 4 thais, of the police not showing up. I'm a farang but it does surprise me to see so many of you drawing conclusions from no real evidence.


1) Dirk aint Thai ....

2) The guy WAS beaten .....

3)They have 3 of the guys already

4) It was important enough to involve the Mayor ....

5) Broken bones

6) Taken <not to be identified .. but they were> to apologize.


Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Oi Foxy !

Can you please stop using words of more than 2 syllables at this time of night please.

It is Friday after all. :o


Friday already? now where`s that beer?


What we KNOW ------- a man was beaten and robbed. The beating caused broken bones. Those broken bones were the result of 4 <yes FOUR> people beating him with weapons. We ALSO know that it was reported that he had been drinking. We also know the BiB were remiss in ther duties. We also know that it was reported he was ROBBED.

The Thai poster is right in asking why so many are taking the farangs side. You state "What we KNOW..." , how do you know this? Were u there, did u see it happen? Who told u the story? As far as I can see the only one who gave a statement is the Australian and his GF.? They could be telling the truth, but they also could be biased, they could be mistaken, they could be lying. How can you state that you KNOW these facts. You have no evidence at all of the puddle, of sticks of wood, of 4 thais, of the police not showing up. I'm a farang but it does surprise me to see so many of you drawing conclusions from no real evidence.

OH chingching.....you forgot One important point Three of the attackers have been CHARGED by the Police with assault and they are looking for the Fourth. :o

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