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We Speak With City Hall As Pattaya Experiences Flash Floods…again.


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We speak with city hall as Pattaya experiences flash floods…again.


For those living here in Pattaya or enjoying a well earned break here in Fun City, it was certainly no fun for us all on Tuesday Night as Pattaya experienced a period of sustained heavy rainfall which caused chaos around Town.

Our journalists toured Pattaya and came back with some all too familiar pictures of roads around the City submerged in flood water. We approached Pattaya City Hall and suggested that with all the drainage modification work which has been undertaken by the City, flooding should not be occurring.

A source from the Public Works Department told us that despite their best efforts in modifying the drains, they simply cannot cope with the severity of rainstorms such as the one we experienced on Tuesday night. He confirmed that many drains become blocked with refuse and other foreign items and he simply does not have the resources to keep every drain clear at any one time.

So the next time Pattaya experiences a heavy rain storm take the necessary precautions and expect the worst.

-Pattaya City News

Wednesday 13th September 2006

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He confirmed that many drains become blocked with refuse and other foreign items and he simply does not have the resources to keep every drain clear at any one time.

And when have you ever seen any council workers actually cleaning out drainage pipes? :o

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He confirmed that many drains become blocked with refuse and other foreign items and he simply does not have the resources to keep every drain clear at any one time.

And when have you ever seen any council workers actually cleaning out drainage pipes? :o

Jai Dee,

City hall does have the equipment to clean the drains. that big green truck used to suck the drains clear. I just think the problems are that they cannot clean every drain in the city.

If the city started to enforce the litter laws especailly durring the rainy season it would at least help the problem.


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He confirmed that many drains become blocked with refuse and other foreign items and he simply does not have the resources to keep every drain clear at any one time.

And when have you ever seen any council workers actually cleaning out drainage pipes? :o

these city farthers have no idea how to fix things here in dodge city

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He confirmed that many drains become blocked with refuse and other foreign items and he simply does not have the resources to keep every drain clear at any one time.

And when have you ever seen any council workers actually cleaning out drainage pipes? :o

I have never seen a councul worker

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South Pattaya Road thursday morning.

post-2109-1158206878_thumb.jpg post-2109-1158206898_thumb.jpg

I was also on S. Pattaya this morning. Sloshed through the water to the Kasikorn bank where I was the only customer. Wanted to go to BPH but couldn't - the driver wouldn't drive through the ponds. Must cost the city a lot in lost business.

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I have been here some years and think it is fair comment, after driving around today, that the city is in the worse state than I ever remember seeing it before.

PPP - piss poor planning, the present administration have other interests apart from what thay were elected to do!!!

No wonder there are so many Pattaya knockers, it's become a Cowboy town, now we need us a good Sheriff to sort things out????

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South Pattaya Road flooded again this evening ( friday ) :o

....and Jomtien Beach Road and the promenade between the road and the sea. For six hundred metres, from KFC southwards, it was impossible to distinguish where between flood water and sea water. Drivers were intent on doing u-turns at each end and what chaos!! I've never seen Jomtien Beach Road so badly flooded, and for such a distance, in all of my time living here.

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If the powers that be actually gave a sh1t maybe they should start to look at the mainstay of their tourism industry. It is becoming a very dangerous and dirty place to visit, add to that the latest visa restritions which I am sure will also hit the city hard, Pattaya is going downhill and accelerating all the way.

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