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Urinating Foreigner Facebook Clip angers Thai social media Pattaya community


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Nary not a day passes by when the ' Thai public ' is not outrage or angry and frothing at a mouth

of this or that involving farangs... and this is a peaceful people, the land of smiles, I shedder to think

what will be the reactions of the Thai public had they not been the peaceful and smiling people

the profess to be....

You're onto something.

This seems to me a symptom of the internal political situation here.

Protests about internal Thai issues are forbidden ... so going after foreigners serves a social pressure relieving (speaking about relievingcoffee1.gif ) purpose.

Yeah, the pisser is acting like a moron but he doesn't represent foreigners.

There are a lot of double standards here, especially regarding what we are allowed to get away with and what they are allowed to get away with and those standards change every day to suit the situation. They can even be reversed. He got away with. You never know til you have to go and if you're drunk enough to do that, then you had too much.

Piss weak I say.

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The only reason I read the Thai Visa postings is to watch you all twist yourselves into a pretzel trying to make this OK, and ignoring what you would say if a Thai person did the same thing.

It is hysterical to think that if one of you were on your way in your car with your daughter, wife, mother ... your boss .. or even alone .. that you would not be offended to have the guy in front of you pull it out and LITERALLY - PISS ON YOU.

Of course not. No offense. Right?

HEADLINE: Thailand is not a Disneyland / Frat Boy Party for the personal amusement of White People.

If you see Thai people saying "enough is enough" ... this BS is going over the top. They are only saying what YOU would say, if the flip flop were on the other foot.

What this guy did is wrong, obscene, stupid and ILLEGAL. If found, he should be deported.

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It comes under indecency and anyone, not just farang, should be heavily fined for such actions. Thai's relieve themselves in full view of the passing public in many places without caring. Fine them all. Be hard but be fair and do not discriminate. Maybe Baht 2,000 for first offence and increasing exponentially after that.

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IMHO crass indecency. This would be flashing in any other society which is a criminal offence. Yes we know there are plenty of instances where people (both farang & thai) have to go and sometimes the only place to do it is at the side of the road etc. I myself have been caught short on my frequent trips up-country but I stop and go into the bushes. I would never ever pee in similar circumstances to this foul moron. And while I am on the subject of indecency you guys that walk around Pattaya without a shirt on please stop it. Seeing some of you that do it I would also put down to indecency especially the pot bellied fat flabby brigade. Have you no standards?

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Not the smartest thing to do but, come on, this is an isolated incident. Local men piss outside everywhere all the time and I've seen bar hookers crouching and pissing in the street surrounded by passers by.

Had the baht bus been going in reverse, is that where the expression 'pissing in the wind comes from'?unsure.pngwhistling.gifwink.png

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I can only hope the guy reads this thread.

You low-life piece of trash....

No respect for other countries, you should not be allowed out of your own.

Does this also apply to all the thais that decide to take a slash in public too? coffee1.gif

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IMHO crass indecency. This would be flashing in any other society which is a criminal offence. Yes we know there are plenty of instances where people (both farang & thai) have to go and sometimes the only place to do it is at the side of the road etc. I myself have been caught short on my frequent trips up-country but I stop and go into the bushes. I would never ever pee in similar circumstances to this foul moron. And while I am on the subject of indecency you guys that walk around Pattaya without a shirt on please stop it. Seeing some of you that do it I would also put down to indecency especially the pot bellied fat flabby brigade. Have you no standards?

I agree with you on the no shirt thing. Last weekend up in Issan we were having a few beers in the evening at the local shop when a foreigner turned up without a shirt. I'd never given it much thought before but have to say I found it really rude. If we'd been sitting at a bar on a beach then maybe ok but not when your 450 km from the nearest one.

When he showed up for a second day without a shirt, my grandson asked him why he didn't have one. Brought a smile to my face hearing a 2 year-old say that.

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Try being in British provincial town centre when the pubs and clubs have closed if you want to see public urination! It happens everywhere and is not exclusive to any nationality or race.

Pissing publicly and full frontal is a little different and in most countries would constitute indecent exposure.

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He got his 10 baht worth! crazy.gif

Obviously one of Thailand's finest cheap charlies, didn't want to spend the additional THB 3.0 to use one of local dunnies, so in addition to his cut price transport he has saved himself THB 3.0

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I can only hope the guy reads this thread.

You low-life piece of trash....

No respect for other countries, you should not be allowed out of your own.

Does this also apply to all the thais that decide to take a slash in public too? coffee1.gif

If they do it in a baht bus like this guy, then yes.

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Totally agree with Pinkpanther99. This IS a big deal. Yes, some Thais pee outdoors but they usually do it discreetly and in a way that does not expose their private parts. But, that's not really the point. The point is a foreigner doing something totally offensive to not only Thais but to me and I am sure many other foreigners as well. I try to always be aware that I am a guest in Thailand and I try to conduct myself accordingly--someone like this jerk makes us all look bad. Glad I wasn't on the bus and hope it wasn't a windy day. If they can find him I won't be sad if he is deported and banned from returning.

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Same as Thais? No they have enough brains to go behind a tree. Come on out the back of a bus! He would be locked up in most countries. another example of our high class tourists.

No, in the west, urinating in public is a minor misdemeanor punished with a fine. In Thailand, there is no statute criminalizing urinating in public. Instead, if police decide to present a charge of such a crime, the do it under the public indecency and morality law, an overly vague statute abused by the police for the purpose of extorting bribes. For that reason, Thais are completely unaware that urinating in public is a criminal offense. Because this was posted on social media, they can single out a farang for their public outrage, while ignoring that the offense is commonly engaged in freely by their own citizens.

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there we have it, the Thais are doing it here and doing it there !

Wow, what kind of an excuse is this for such a revolting behavior ?

Where ever this low life is from, would he get away with this in his own home country ?

Piece of filth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I have seen a woman on walking street in Pattaya stop and squat right over a drain in the middle of the street and urinate into the drain. In full view of at least 50 people seated in the pubs along the road around 9 pm at night.

Extremely needed comment.

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Maybe I should start taking pictures and posting up on social media all the Thais I see urinating in public. I doubt the Thais would disapprove and complain.

Go on then; particularly if you see them doing it on a baht bus in full frontal public view.

Personally, I have seen many, many Thai men peeing in public. The soi in Pattaya where my friend lives, permanently stinks of urine.

I have only ever witnessed a foreigner peeing in public once. A German man at the edge of the sea on Pattaya beach. I was disgusted with him too.

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I see plenty of people urinating in public everyday. if they really want to ban this, impose a fine on all citizens and not just an isolated case of a foreigner. Maybe more public bathrooms are needed too.

This is the pot calling the kettle..

I see thais stopping all over the place whipping it out and taking a piss. The thais on Facebook should tell their fellow countrymen to set a better example. Hypocritical for sure!

based on various comments i heard the expression "whipping" might be a slight exaggeration laugh.png

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Maybe I should start taking pictures and posting up on social media all the Thais I see urinating in public. I doubt the Thais would disapprove and complain.

Go on then; particularly if you see them doing it on a baht bus in full frontal public view.

Personally, I have seen many, many Thai men peeing in public. The soi in Pattaya where my friend lives, permanently stinks of urine.

I have only ever witnessed a foreigner peeing in public once. A German man at the edge of the sea on Pattaya beach. I was disgusted with him too.

There are a lot more Thais than foreigners in Thailand so it's hardly surprising!

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I have seen a woman on walking street in Pattaya stop and squat right over a drain in the middle of the street and urinate into the drain. In full view of at least 50 people seated in the pubs along the road around 9 pm at night.

wai2.gif My friends Thai wife did it on Soi Yamato on new years evegiggle.gif

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Its no big deal......................But it would have been if he were Chinese, then we would have had page after page about how mad the Thai government is to let these people in against the detriment of all the upstanding Farang bar flies.........coffee1.gif

No big deal ? You must come from a awful place.

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