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Thai Police want elimination of street-racing on national agenda


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Police want elimination of street-racing on national agenda
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- POLICE WILL propose that the elimination of street racing be put on the national agenda with the implementation of urgent measures such as setting up checkpoints from midnight to 6am for the next couple of years, police spokesman Pol Lieutenant Prawut Thavornsiri said yesterday.

Relevant agencies will today discuss other possible measures, including inspections of motorcycle-parts shops, the results of which will be tabled at a meeting next Monday presided over by Justice Minister General Paiboon Koomchaya, Prawut said.

"Police have proposed initial solutions such as raising fines from Bt500 to Bt5,000 so they will think carefully before committing the offence, or impounding the vehicles used in a race, as well as proposing that the [minimum age for driver's licences] be raised from the current 15, as people of that age might not be mature enough," he said.

Meanwhile, Mim Khongyoo, 27, apologised to police chief Pol General Somyot Poompanmoung and Prawut. He had posted an online message accusing volunteers in the "Ratchaphruek Model" operation, in which 425 racers were nabbed in Bangkok on May 30, of stealing motorcycle parts.

Prawut replied that police would not press any charge against Mim but would go after those posting threats against the volunteers, as well as those administering pages providing information about police checkpoints.

A special police unit yesterday dispatched undercover officers to inspect 10 Bangkok locations known for motorcycle parts and accessories in a bid to solve the street-racing problem.

Meanwhile, Panadda Chamnansuk, a lecturer from Kasetsart University's faculty of social science, said the issue of street-racing youths stemmed from the government's failure to facilitate the proper development of children and encourage youth to pursue their aptitudes.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Police-want-elimination-of-street-racing-on-nation-30262063.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-11

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So why not give those kids a strip of asphalt somewhere out of town where they can race , and have some officers there to make sure they wear protective clothing and helmets,

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We all know about the lax standard of enforcement there is here so what difference will putting the issue on the national agenda make ?

Oh yes, some headlines and BS which is all that matters.

The national agenda must include many issues, eg corruption, and we know how successful every govt''s war on that has turned out.

The BIB have the solution in their own hands, simply do the job properly and with dedication hopefully supported by the courts etc who stop being swayed in their judgements by certain 'factors ' !

However here we have situation where the BIB are trying to turn the spotlight away from themselves by this spin of the national agenda.

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The old adage the goes : one fool throws a stone in the ocean 1000 wise men will not find it,

you don't need 10 generals to solve the issue, decree that all motorcycles will be confiscated

and sold at auction forthwith, and you will see that you have eliminated 90% of the problems,

but here in Thailand they want to make an omelet with while the egg stays whole and to please

every body.. that will now work...

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I am unsure why this is such a problem, Darwinism laws apply here.

I say close down a tollway for the night. Make sure they all race. Until only one victor remains upright.

Dec Wang delights

Problem solved

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Can I make a modest request? Can you please put driving safety and aggressive traffic law enforcement on the national agenda? Thousands more are killed by bad driving habits and alcohol, than in street racing. Let Darwin take care of the street racers.

Edited by oneday
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Why not? This is so very much more important than getting rid of corrupt police and reforming the education system so the decreasing IQs can be stopped.

If the really important things are not fixed, the world will start thinking that LOS means Land Of Stupid. Probably not something Thais will appreciate. coffee1.gif

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If police want to eliminate street racing - take what ever steps are necessary to fix the problem and get on with it - enough newspaper non stories, hand wringing, useless press releases, and verbal nonsense.

Just Do It.

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The old adage the goes : one fool throws a stone in the ocean 1000 wise men will not find it,

you don't need 10 generals to solve the issue, decree that all motorcycles will be confiscated

and sold at auction forthwith, and you will see that you have eliminated 90% of the problems,

but here in Thailand they want to make an omelet with while the egg stays whole and to please

every body.. that will now work...

What gibbering nonsense.

Crush them, end of story, end of problem, next.

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So why not give those kids a strip of asphalt somewhere out of town where they can race , and have some officers there to make sure they wear protective clothing and helmets,

very naive

that's not fun for them, they can only get the REAL KICK on public roads, like the 22 (16+6) - lane road 400 meters away from where I live - races virtually EVERY night.

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So why not give those kids a strip of asphalt somewhere out of town where they can race , and have some officers there to make sure they wear protective clothing and helmets,

Because, my friend, the police & government will then be held responsible for any accident or fatality. In a general term, not a bad idea, but ! Unless safety measures implemented & BIG insurance taken out way too risky for the police department.

Can you imagine what would follow if some HiSo kid was killed racing in an event sanctioned & supervised by the police ?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a rev head from way back, but police run motor vehicle events are open to all kinds of abuse.

Just my opinion..... Mal.

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JMHO ~ Why not organize a track out at Don Mueng airport using 1 of the old runways? Organize it with safety checks for both bike and rider. Charge 100 baht per rider and 20 baht per spectator. Use the money for prizes, maintenance, cleaning, ect. It's not like the noise would bother anyone out there. The military has a base next door to provide emergency medical services and security.

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If they are racing at mid night it is not because of the police but because of parent that can not control there children. These racers have no respect for the police, there parents or any adults! So sad!

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Can I make a modest request? Can you please put driving safety and aggressive traffic law enforcement on the national agenda? Thousands more are killed by bad driving habits and alcohol, than in street racing. Let Darwin take care of the street racers.

I don't think the Thai police have a national agenda, or anything resembling a plan, to address the very common problems:

- unlicensed operation

- reckless operation

- drunk driving

- modified and unsafe vehicles

- poor road design and condition

- poor signage

Moreover, no national agenda could be considered credible unless there was collection and clear, monthly reporting of accident, injury, and fatality statistics. The numbers game is an essential part of the program. We should be seeing the press releases every month here in TVF.

Instead, the police are going for a flashy issue - those rowdy teenage ruffians and their races. It's a problem, but it's also a handy distraction from the overriding issue - NO PLAN, NO MEASUREMENT, NO WAY TO JUDGE PROGRESS

The sad part is that this overall issue, unlike those in politics and government, would be easy to address, and would make the police look more competent. Meanwhile, people are dying on the roads. sad.png

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Not raising the 500 Baht fine this would be criminal, attempted murder 500 Baht causing death by drunk driving 500baht being a street racer 500 Baht if they raise this to 5000 it will only mean more drunk rich police on duty as they will be happy with a 1000 baht for cash save the journey to police station.

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'"Police have proposed initial solutions such as raising fines from Bt500 to Bt5,000 so they will think carefully before committing the offence ...' That would make sense, as would the application of realistic fines to other offences.

'... or impounding the vehicles used in a race ...' As would that.

'... as well as proposing that the [minimum age for driver's licences] be raised from the current 15 ...' This, on the other hand, naively assumes they actually have licences.

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