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At the moment I am out of Thailand working but wanted to book a course in Malaysia for mid July, should not be a problem I thought....wrong!!

As background we have been in Thailand coming up for 5 years and have banked with Krungsri for most of that time including getting my wages paid into their Foreign Currency deposit. I had a fair chunk in there and also have a couple of current accounts with them as well

I have noticed over the past few years that the branch we use is getting worse and worse. They are Ok at basic paying cash in or taking it out (so long as it is small amounts!!) but absolutely anything other than those basic tasks requires a lot of time and several phone calls to BKK, they truly seem unable to do anything by themselves

Today the wife attended after going in the day before and being told that foreign transfers need to be done before 15:00 hours, no problem will do! on getting there this morning with all the paperwork from the company in Malaysia including all the account details address swift code etc the usual circus commences

'Need invoice'---you have the invoice it is the email with the letterhead saying on payment of the bill through the Account number /swift code then I am booked on this course with this company and it costs MYR 3223

'Cannot work out the price'---- It costs MYR3223 you can either tell us how much in Baht or transfer as MYR as I do not really care if it is a couple of thousand baht more, I just want to be sure it is paid----cannot because every day the exchange rate changes, no shit isn't that what banking is all about!!!---- Cannot work out the price....

Ok no good speaking to the monkey at the desk so can I speak to the manager as every time we do anything in this bank it is a nightmare, 'not here but if you come back later will be in' Ok will do that then...

My missus goes back later and spent another 2 hours being messed around and waiting on inept staff who patently have no clue of how to do their job, several more phone calls to BKK still no clearer on how much it costs to send the basic International transfer to Thailand's close neighbor and soon to be AEC partner Malaysia

In summary I have given up and the wife has closed all the accounts and withdrawn everything other than the $500 deposit in the Foreign Currency Account which I will withdraw as soon as I get home and sort out an alternative. My wife is not loud or gobby but in her words she lost it with them today and ended up making a scene due to their complete inability to do their jobs

The missus withdrew 1.4million baht and stopped an account that has had a large monthly wage paid in for over 4 years as well as 2 current accounts that were well used and I wont use that Bank again ever due to the clowns who work there. All this has happened because the staff are absolutely useless problem is I now need to find if there is any Thai bank in Pattaya that is staffed with slightly less cretins than the old Branch and are able to do basic bank transfers without it turning into another farce like todays epic

I am not holding my breath but thought I would ask.....


TIT, you will never get western type service here. The locals don't demand good service. They are trained to expect poor service everywhere. Can't change it, so don't upset yourself over it. Sorry but that's the hand that's dealt here.


I have had dealings with the Krungsri at The Avenue, Bangkok branches are marginally better, but I think the people who make the rules are morons for some of the crazy things they do.

I use Citbank in Singapore for my overseas earnings, good service and I keep the bulk of my funds outside of Thailand. I also have a credit (more like fancy debit) card with them which I use for overseas purchases etc. I did not have to leave Thailand to open this account.

Citibank Thailand are also pretty useless and it takes 2 business days to transfer to any other bank in Thailand and you get screwed on the exchange rate coming into Thailand. I transfer in reasonably large chunks of cash when required and can see what the rates should be at http://bankexchangerates.daytodaydata.net/default.aspx



I just had another thought.

What about UOB? I believe they were OK a couple of years ago.



Bangkok Bank hands down the best of the worst. I had a chunk of money with Krung Thai and asked for interest on my money I was told foreigners could not get interest on their accounts only Thai's. When BB told me they paid interest I ran not walked to Krung Thai on the same floor and yanked ALL of my money out and went straight to BB. Their immigration letter is also much cheaper than KT.


I agree with most comments that it's an absolute crapshoot at any bank in TH. I use Citibank (Citigold) in BKK and Bangkok Bank at the main office on 2nd Road in Pattaya. If it's even slightly different from normal transactions, it usually turns into a nightmare. Bottom line, these are the best of the worst banks IMO. That notwithstanding, I've had some dealings at BBL lately that give me some hope---there is one rep who pretty sharp---name if you message me.


Thanks for the replies guys much appreciated I nearly didn't post as I expected it to turn into the usual bitch fest so I am pleasantly surprised!

I will give Bangkok Bank a look when I get home but Litlos if you have any information about setting up the Citibank Singapore I would be really interested as I am pretty much disillusioned with Thai levels of service and ineptitude so even if it costs a bit more it might be the way ahead for me...

JMWPACIFIC pm inbound


Thanks for the replies guys much appreciated I nearly didn't post as I expected it to turn into the usual bitch fest so I am pleasantly surprised!

I will give Bangkok Bank a look when I get home but Litlos if you have any information about setting up the Citibank Singapore I would be really interested as I am pretty much disillusioned with Thai levels of service and ineptitude so even if it costs a bit more it might be the way ahead for me...

JMWPACIFIC pm inbound

I had a quick look at the Singapore website for Citi and is more aimed at Singapore locals. I have sent an email to my contact and should have something back on Monday which I can pass on.

What I have been doing is transferring in via TT a large chunk of cash about every 3 months for living expenses, this goes straight into my Kasikorn account, which seems to work reasonably well. The best incoming rates seem to be had by Kasikorn, SCB and UOB on a regular basis. I had some dealings with Kasikorn at the Avenue on 2nd rd, they were not to bad.

I am interested to see how you go as I will moving down that way in 3 weeks.



Thanks for the update Litlos!

I have a Kasikorn account and like the rest it works well for any small cash in cash out stuff but I get the impression if I asked for anything out of the ordinary they would be just as bad as Krungsri, don't know for certain as I don't use them very often now but they gave me that impression hence why I did most things through Krungsri until recently

If I could sort out a regular Foreign Currency Deposit for my wages with a bank that can also do basic International stuff that is all I really want, I would be happy and if they have internet banking that would be a bonus!! tbh I am not overly wanting something which requires transferring my wages in as I have found that all the Thai banks I have used have been a complete pain in the shitter when asked to do anything even slightly out of the ordinary

I don't do online trading and nor am I some International jetsetter, I do get a good wage paid in GBP every month and just require a bank that is not populated by idiots masquerading as bank staff who have the ability to do basic banking tasks without myself or the wife spending hours getting messed about, I know that's a tough ask in this country to expect a person to be able to do their job to a reasonable standard......


Thanks to the guys that recommended Bangkok Bank and their 2nd Road branch, just had an email from the missus that she went to that branch and the international payment to Malaysia mentioned in the OP that wasted the best part of a day (and which Krungsri still could not manage to send even after hours and numerous phone calls!!) has now been paid. Not bad seeing as we are not even members of that bank yet, she also mentioned it was a pain free process so thanks again for the recommend!!

Which Thai bank in Pattaya is least inept...are there any?

they are all same same and only slightly different tongue.png

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