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US boy, 3, killed self with gun he found in mother's purse

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Tragic as it is, I feel a bit coffee1.gif ....it will never change, and more children will die, most certainly, while the NRA continues to lobby for guns for everybody.

More kids age 5 and under die in backyard swimming pools, and the NRA doesn't "lobby for guns for everybody"

So many drownings because there are no national regulations regarding pool fences in the US. Same stupid thinking I suspect. It impinges on their precious rights...meanwhile kids die who shouldn't


This type of incident happens far too often in the US, and most likely, occurs much more often when victims are fatally wounded but do not die and goes unreported.

USA - land of the free, negligent and living in denial.

Doctors and any medical facility are required to report any injuries from a gunshot to be reported to the police. There are pretty accurate records of the number of injuries.

True but they happen so often that theyre not newsworthy events unless someone dies.

It would be great if some public entity could take the fatality data and publicly display a real time ticker of how many kids have been wounded by firearms.


This type of incident happens far too often in the US, and most likely, occurs much more often when victims are fatally wounded but do not die and goes unreported.

USA - land of the free, negligent and living in denial.

BS - More children under the age of 5 drown in backyard swimming pools than by gunshots.

But don't let facts get in the way of an ignorant rant.

And just how does someone get "Fatally wounded, but do not die" and incredulously, "goes unreported"?


This type of incident happens far too often in the US, and most likely, occurs much more often when victims are fatally wounded but do not die and goes unreported.

USA - land of the free, negligent and living in denial.

Doctors and any medical facility are required to report any injuries from a gunshot to be reported to the police. There are pretty accurate records of the number of injuries.

True but they happen so often that theyre not newsworthy events unless someone dies.

It would be great if some public entity could take the fatality data and publicly display a real time ticker of how many kids have been wounded by firearms.



Tragic as it is, I feel a bit coffee1.gif ....it will never change, and more children will die, most certainly, while the NRA continues to lobby for guns for everybody.

More kids age 5 and under die in backyard swimming pools, and the NRA doesn't "lobby for guns for everybody"

So many drownings because there are no national regulations regarding pool fences in the US. Same stupid thinking I suspect. It impinges on their precious rights...meanwhile kids die who shouldn't

No, it's that the US isn't a nanny state like the one you likely grew up in where the Government tells you when to eat, sleep and take a $#!T

BTW, more kids under the age 5 drown in bathtubs than are killed by gunfire.

I suppose there should be a two inch water limit in tubs to satisfy you nanny state types.



Tragic as it is, I feel a bit coffee1.gif ....it will never change, and more children will die, most certainly, while the NRA continues to lobby for guns for everybody.

More kids age 5 and under die in backyard swimming pools, and the NRA doesn't "lobby for guns for everybody"

My 4 year young girl won't drown in a swimming pool, she learned to swim age 2, neither will she kill herself age 5 with a gun, no guns around here.

This USA thing "all people may carry loaded guns" is plain stupid.


......And the FBI estimates that up to 3 Million crimes are prevented by legal gun owners annually. Is that "insanity" or would you rather have 3 million people victimized by thugs every year?

Stay in your safe little nanny state while we citizens (not subjects) exercise our right to protect ourselves from criminal elements.What will you do? Cower in fear and try to "rationalize" with some thugs to not kill you after they rape your wife and daughter?

In recent months one of my neighbours in the UK who had moved from South Africa in recent years got a phone call from South Africa. His father and mother had returned home in their car and entered the secure compound. The security dogs were strangely silent. Out of the shadows a man walked straight up to the husband and shot him right in the face at close range, his wife next to him who was now understandably in terror. She was tied up and believed she would be raped or shot next. She wasn't but now has to live her elder years with that image of her husband's head being blown apart.

The house itself was full to the gills with firearms. He was a firearms enthusiast,big on the firearms for self-defense leaning, and they knew it full well as they researched.

Even the son believes that they were so merciless because they knew he was a firearms proponent, so they took no chances at all and executed him immediately. The security dogs had been poisoned in advance, by the way. The luxury he potentially had to neutralise first and ask questions (or not) later, was also a luxury the killers had. What did they steal? A few heirlooms and firearms they could access.

I appreciate the theory behind firearms being a deterrent and in some scenarios I think they can (particularly if handled by very well trained individuals). In others, I think they up the chances of wannabe heros escalating and truly screwing up a situation that could have been de-escelated or put down with far less 'end game' force.

The 'everyone armed solves / deters everything' theory doesn't match reality in all sorts of ways, and it is arguable that the ferocity of crimes in areas of the world with high gun ownership (legally, or illegally) is directly linked. If someone knows their attempt to rob could be met with lethal force, they may just go that extra mile to neutralise their opponent before the other neutralises them.

It works both ways.

The theory is that without firearms, a criminal is going to be all the more ferocious in his / her crime if the target house or person is not armed because the claim is that they have free reign. I'm not quite sure it always pans out that way (examples of that may be found, but on the whole probably isn't the norm), and in reality we are not expected to be shivering lambs to the slaughter, even if the law is indeed frustratingly ambiguous about what it will decide 'after' an event, was acceptable force in defending property / loved ones. Myself, I don't let that paralyse me though.

If there is a direct threat to loved ones I will do whatever is needed to disable that threat and will deal with consequences later. Protecting the loved one is my priority. Anyone who is paralysed into inaction by legal concerns cared more about self preservation than their loved ones.

I could argue that because criminal elements gettings firearms here is far less easy, this levels the playing field a bit in such scenarios and lessens the chance of us being shot in the face or from the shadows as we walk around the house in the early hours after hearing disturbances.

You wouldn't believe how inventive Brits have become with home defense. Baseball bats, kitchen knives,, axes, machetes, steel bars, it can be like a scene from Braveheart under the beds of even some elderly residents. Of course, the more damage inflicting the more we delve into the realms of our own such impliments being used upon us if things go badly.

Non firearms does open the door for warning off / talking down criminals though. Guns may do similar in theory, but only if someone is well trained and psychologically used to the high adrenaline and not panicky (both the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys'). If not, 'shoot first' or equally ' freeze in inaction' can result. If the criminal has firearms they may just shoot first (re : the south African victim) to remove complications. If both attacker and defender are psychologically wired that lethal force is involved at both ends, lethal force is likely to be the outcome of it all.

And not always in the defenders favour.

I still believe that Government working behind the scenes to scupper criminal elements from obtaining firearms overseas and even getting them into the country is the most effective public safety, a 'nip it in the bud' approach rather than expecting citizens patch up the failings with firearms.

In a situation where largely anyone can go and buy a firearm and ammo, it serves to feed the 'need' for everyone to also be armed because that 'anyone' out there, is now out there.

Trying to "Talk down" and rationalize with a criminal is about the worst thing one can do. Do you honestly believe you can talk a criminal out of committing a violent act against you?

You are merely projecting and you are having a hard time coming to grips that their is evil in this world and psychopaths that will kill you for a dollar and "trying to talk them out of it" is an exercise in futility and will likely end up in a worse scenario.

Sorry, but everyone doesn't think like you do, have empathy or care for the well-being of others. You are projecting.

And a crime-ridden hell hole like S Africa is not comparable to the US and if someone wants to rob and or kill you, they can no matter how prepared you are.

Police Officers in the US have been ambushed and murdered recently.

And not anyone can go buy a firearm and ammunition. Perhaps if you knew more about the subject, you wouldn't resort to anecdotal evidence and other stories that fit your narrative.

FBI stats say that firearm owners in the US prevent up to 3 Million crimes from occurring per year. That's 3 Million people that would likely be victimized - raped, robbed, murdered, etc...

And the fact that in US States that issue concealed carry permits to law-abiding citizens that have undergone rigorous background checks and training have all seen a drop in violent crime.

In fact, crime has dropped in the US while gun ownership has gone up.


What you are asking for is a perfect society where there are no guns and no need for guns. Sorry, but your utopia doesn't exist and there will always be those that wish to harm others.

Look at Papua New Guinea - the "Raskols" & "Kips Kaboni" gangs there make their own guns.


As for Brits becoming industrious in using items other than guns to protect their homes, they have also been arrested for doing so, some even for putting barbed-wire around their property.

Brit Tony Martin was arrested and convicted of Manslaughter for killing a burglar that broke into his home. This thug had 29 prior arrests and on the night he was killed, he was just released on bail for another crime.

British law tends to favor the law-breakers and not those that defend their home, like Martin, who had been burglarized 10 times before taking action.

The facts are that Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens save lives.

Read the work of John Lott, such as "More Guns, Less Crime" Lott, an anti-gun researcher who undertook the largest and most comprehensive gun and crime study ever undertaken in the US to prove his point that Guns do not prevent crime.

When he was done with his study, he found the exact opposite and is now pro-gun.

Lott used gun and crime statistics from every county in the US, unlike the flawed Kellerman study that used a few examples, then extrapolated the results.

Or you could read the works of Gary Kleck.I would suggest reading "Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America"

Gary Kleck Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee and is a member of the ACLU, Amnesty International USA, and Common Cause, among other politically liberal organizations.

He is also a lifelong registered Democrat. He is not and has never been a member of or contributor to the NRA, Handgun Control Inc., or any other advocacy group on either side of the gun-control issue, nor has he received funding for research from any such organization.

His research finds that American civilians use their firearms as often as 2.5 million times every year defending against a confrontation with a criminal, and that handguns alone account for up to 1.9 million defenses per year.

In 1993, Kleck won the Michael J. Hindelang Award from the American Society of Criminology for his book Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America.

He has testified before Congress and state legislatures on gun control proposals. His research was cited in the Supreme Court's landmark District of Columbia v. Heller decision, which struck down the D.C. handgun ban and held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.

Lott and Kleck have arguably done more research on this subject than anyone or any group or entity, and they both came away with the same conclusion: Guns in the hands of responsible citizens save lives and prevent Millions of crimes.

There is also an academic, peer-reviewed, long-term study of the effect of various public policies on public, multiple shootings in all 50 states over a 20-year period performed by renowned economists at the University of Chicago and Yale, William Landes and John Lott. It concluded that the only policy to reduce the incidence of, and casualties from, mass shootings are concealed-carry laws


Tragic as it is, I feel a bit coffee1.gif ....it will never change, and more children will die, most certainly, while the NRA continues to lobby for guns for everybody.

More kids age 5 and under die in backyard swimming pools, and the NRA doesn't "lobby for guns for everybody"

My 4 year young girl won't drown in a swimming pool, she learned to swim age 2, neither will she kill herself age 5 with a gun, no guns around here.

This USA thing "all people may carry loaded guns" is plain stupid.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, between 2006 and 2010 a total of 303 children under age 5 years old drown in just bathtubs, less than that of gunfire. Are you going to stop bathing your child as well?


And "all people may carry loaded guns" in the USA is completely BS and ignorance. You are calling your own false argument "plain stupid" which speaks volumes about yourself.

It is very difficult to obtain a concealed carry permit in the US, but in the states that allow concealed carry, crime has fallen at a higher rate than non-carry states.

It amazes me how those that have so little knowledge of firearms feel the need to embarrass themselves by spewing their utter ignorance, and that's putting it lightly.


The technology is there to render the gun only usable by the owner.

It's high time it was enforced.

Sure, unless your palms are sweaty or wet, or the batteries are low, or any number of other factors as we all know that technology never fails, right?

This would also add hundreds to the cost of a firearm, punishing low-income people who often are the people that have the greatest need to protect themselves.

This argument has been debated and the reason why it hasn't been implemented is because if it fails 0.00001% of the time, that's too many, not including other factors such as the cost which is punitive.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" don't you people get?

When a system is invented that works 100% of the time under all conditions and is cost-effective, then I'll consider it. Until then, it's nothing more than mental masturbation.


The technology is there to render the gun only usable by the owner.

It's high time it was enforced.

Yes simple ,,,dont have Guns


Another tragic loss.


Bumper sticker slogans. The typical "argument" of the anti-gun crowd. Fits their sound byte attention span.

I guess a "Real Man" like you will single-handily fight off 3 armed home invaders, right tough guy?


This could happen a million times in the U.S. and gun laws wouldn't be changed.

Some will celebrate that.

Like the anti-gun crowd that will exploit such a tragedy to advance their agenda.


So the child manged to disengage the safety catch, assuming of course that it was on!

I was brought up in a firearm environment in the UK and there were very strict rules about not bringing loaded weapons into the house. My father and grandfather were extremely strict about this and in thirty odd years I did not see the rule broken once.

Yet the Teacher's unions fight tooth and nail to prevent gun safety from being taught in schools, but they will take a classroom full of young kids to an Adult Store on a field trip.

While this child wasn't old enough for school, I do find it hard to believe a child has the strength to pull a 8+ pound pull trigger unless the hammer was cocked.

Nonetheless, a child that young should be taught not to touch a firearm under any conditions.

Firearms are like magnets, especially for boys. "Child that young should..." You obviously have no children?


I feel sure that she was not a member of any legal state militia.

People also seem to ignore that the constitution's right to bear arms includes the phrase "well regulated" in it's reasoning. How about imposing some good regulations, then?

This phrase is from its era and has been settled many times by the US Supreme Count, going back to the beginning. It's pointless to debate it, but you are to be congratulated for being the 7 billionth person on earth to (erroneously) ask the question. You've won a prize of one bottle of Chang. thumbsup.gif (Empty bottle, LOL.)

Recently, Washington DC got its hands slapped by the Supreme Court for making it difficult for citizens to own guns.

The Oxford English Dictionary of 1709 says: "If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations.” Well regulated was a common term and militia didn't mean the military.

You will be considered to be correct in your presumption when the US Supreme Court changes its tune and agrees with you. Meaning not in your lifetime, LOL.


Hey ... before you get up on your high horse and preach to the unwashed .. put down that quart of Koolaid and drink a nice hot cup of something black with caffeine in it.

The "Supreme court" is appointed and not elected and the majority of them came via Republican - Conservative Presidents.

The entire thing comes down to that. Those clowns in the black robes acting like they are the Maitre ' D at the "From God's finger tips to your plate cafe" are nothing more than a "check' in the "checks and balances" that is total crap ..

Because the very people that are supposed to "check" ... PUT THEM ON THE JOB.

So yes, the Republican Conservative bench is doing what it was put there for.

In the next few years, the very old SCOTUS will have many meaningful retirements .. if a Democrat is in office who does not think "John Q Public" needs an assault rifle and Mom's don't need LOADED guns in purses ...Let's hope you have the same reverence for their decisions.

We know the answer. You are not about bowing to the findings of the Supreme Court ... you just like that the deck is stacked in your favor. (Today)

Remember this conversation in ten years when your "Gun Lobby in Robes" is long gone and there is a meaningful effort to reverse the insanity we see in the Wild West / USA.

You wrote a lot, although you said nothing but stated your wishful thinking.

Wild West USA - Laughing at your ignorance.

And even the Dems know that the gun control issue is a loser because 90 Million voters own guns and will no longer stand for their Constitutional rights continually being undermined, so keep dreaming.

And the FBI estimates that up to 3 Million crimes are prevented by legal gun owners annually. Is that "insanity" or would you rather have 3 million people victimized by thugs every year?

Stay in your safe little nanny state while we citizens (not subjects) exercise our right to protect ourselves from criminal elements.What will you do? Cower in fear and try to "rationalize" with some thugs to not kill you after they rape your wife and daughter?

You wrote a lot, although you said nothing ... new ... anyway.

look, i am American, we have been over and over and over this and the bottom line is that not one day goes by with out some news article about cops shooting unarmed kids, and gun deaths at a rate among the population that are now so "normal" ... folks hardly take notice.

I am probably old enough to be your father, and somehow, have lived in three of America's largest cities, and traveled much of this world ... all without much trouble, and all without a gun.

It really comes down to this ... if you want trouble, you can find it. Many gun people seem to WANT a problem ... so .. perhaps ... just perhaps ... they generate scenarios .. real or imagined .. to get a "Dirty Harry" hard on and use their guns.

I am not too afraid of criminals in the USA ... I am afraid of nut jobs like you ... and reckless police who seem to be think that .... in a moment of irony .. they are ABOVE the law.

May i ask you a question? Are you in Thailand or the USA?

If you are in Thailand, do you have a gun?

Please answer those two questions, because I have a follow up ... thanks.


I hear the pro gun people say "Guns do not kill..people do" and "we have the right to protect ourselves"

Glad I live in a country where I don't feel so scared of people around me that I feel the need to carry a loaded gun.

RIP young child.

I am sure I will not have to wait for the next similiar news story from the good ole USA

No, you live in an insulated bubble of self-denial believing that you will never be the victim of a violent crime.


Another tragic loss.


Bumper sticker slogans. The typical "argument" of the anti-gun crowd. Fits their sound byte attention span.

I guess a "Real Man" like you will single-handily fight off 3 armed home invaders, right tough guy?

Get solid bedroom door,few cameras and insurance. Beats fighting 3 armed invaders.Chance surviving 1-3 firefight,not good.. What size is your TV ? Must be something special for three armed men wanting it so badly!


The NRA's response to every gun death is "it wouldn't have happened if there were more guns around. The NRA has become an extremely right-wing political cult.


This phrase is from its era and has been settled many times by the US Supreme Count, going back to the beginning. It's pointless to debate it, but you are to be congratulated for being the 7 billionth person on earth to (erroneously) ask the question. You've won a prize of one bottle of Chang. thumbsup.gif (Empty bottle, LOL.)

Recently, Washington DC got its hands slapped by the Supreme Court for making it difficult for citizens to own guns.

The Oxford English Dictionary of 1709 says: "If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated Appetites and worthy Inclinations.” Well regulated was a common term and militia didn't mean the military.

You will be considered to be correct in your presumption when the US Supreme Court changes its tune and agrees with you. Meaning not in your lifetime, LOL.


Hey ... before you get up on your high horse and preach to the unwashed .. put down that quart of Koolaid and drink a nice hot cup of something black with caffeine in it.

The "Supreme court" is appointed and not elected and the majority of them came via Republican - Conservative Presidents.

The entire thing comes down to that. Those clowns in the black robes acting like they are the Maitre ' D at the "From God's finger tips to your plate cafe" are nothing more than a "check' in the "checks and balances" that is total crap ..

Because the very people that are supposed to "check" ... PUT THEM ON THE JOB.

So yes, the Republican Conservative bench is doing what it was put there for.

In the next few years, the very old SCOTUS will have many meaningful retirements .. if a Democrat is in office who does not think "John Q Public" needs an assault rifle and Mom's don't need LOADED guns in purses ...Let's hope you have the same reverence for their decisions.

We know the answer. You are not about bowing to the findings of the Supreme Court ... you just like that the deck is stacked in your favor. (Today)

Remember this conversation in ten years when your "Gun Lobby in Robes" is long gone and there is a meaningful effort to reverse the insanity we see in the Wild West / USA.

You wrote a lot, although you said nothing but stated your wishful thinking.

Wild West USA - Laughing at your ignorance.

And even the Dems know that the gun control issue is a loser because 90 Million voters own guns and will no longer stand for their Constitutional rights continually being undermined, so keep dreaming.

And the FBI estimates that up to 3 Million crimes are prevented by legal gun owners annually. Is that "insanity" or would you rather have 3 million people victimized by thugs every year?

Stay in your safe little nanny state while we citizens (not subjects) exercise our right to protect ourselves from criminal elements.What will you do? Cower in fear and try to "rationalize" with some thugs to not kill you after they rape your wife and daughter?

You wrote a lot, although you said nothing ... new ... anyway.

look, i am American, we have been over and over and over this and the bottom line is that not one day goes by with out some news article about cops shooting unarmed kids, and gun deaths at a rate among the population that are now so "normal" ... folks hardly take notice.

I am probably old enough to be your father, and somehow, have lived in three of America's largest cities, and traveled much of this world ... all without much trouble, and all without a gun.

It really comes down to this ... if you want trouble, you can find it. Many gun people seem to WANT a problem ... so .. perhaps ... just perhaps ... they generate scenarios .. real or imagined .. to get a "Dirty Harry" hard on and use their guns.

I am not too afraid of criminals in the USA ... I am afraid of nut jobs like you ... and reckless police who seem to be think that .... in a moment of irony .. they are ABOVE the law.

May i ask you a question? Are you in Thailand or the USA?

If you are in Thailand, do you have a gun?

Please answer those two questions, because I have a follow up ... thanks.

You make a lot of false assumptions and cite anecdotal evidence to match your narrative. And I doubt you're old enough to be my Father.

Again, why is it that the people that know the least about guns feel a need to spew their ignorance nearly every chance they get?


How do you explain the above chart?

I guess all of those "Dirty Harry" wannabe's must be exercising great self-control.

And I'll say it again:

Gary Kleck Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee and is a member of the ACLU, Amnesty International USA, and Common Cause, among other politically liberal organizations.

He is also a lifelong registered Democrat. He is not and has never been a member of or contributor to the NRA, Handgun Control Inc., or any other advocacy group on either side of the gun-control issue, nor has he received funding for research from any such organization.

His research finds that American civilians use their firearms as often as 2.5 million times every year defending against a confrontation with a criminal, and that handguns alone account for up to 1.9 million defenses per year.

In 1993, Kleck won the Michael J. Hindelang Award from the American Society of Criminology for his book Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America.

He has testified before Congress and state legislatures on gun control proposals. His research was cited in the Supreme Court's landmark District of Columbia v. Heller decision, which struck down the D.C. handgun ban and held that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.

You can also read "More guns, less crime" 3rd edition by John Lott Jr.

Lott was vehemently anti-gun and did the largest and most comprehensive study on guns and crimes in the US, including using statistics from every County in the US

Lott came to the undeniable conclusion that more guns equaled less crime and facts and logic caused him to change his position regarding gun ownership.

I would challenge anyone with an "anti-gun" position to read his study which is available in book form.

Merely stating that if "guns made us safer, the USA would be the safest country on the planet" is not based on any facts, just unproven opinion, whereas Lott performs a comprehensive study over several years using scientific data stating the opposite.

I challenge anyone with an open mind to read the book/study and then come back here and explain why his study is not backed by facts instead of an opinion based on bias.

Especially seeing how Lott was vehemently anti-gun and performed the most comprehensive study on guns to prove his claim and became pro-gun after studying the FACTS.


There is also an academic, peer-reviewed, long-term study of the effect of various public policies on public, multiple shootings in all 50 states over a 20-year period performed by renowned economists at the University of Chicago and Yale, William Landes and John Lott. It concluded that the only policy to reduce the incidence of, and casualties from, mass shootings are concealed-carry laws.

The US does not have a gun problem. The US has a problem with a demographic that makes up less than 5% of the population, but commits 2/3rds of gun murders in the US, which is why you can't compare the US gun crime rate with other countries, although there are many other countries with far higher gun crime rates.

Deduct that 5% demographic, and you have about 2,500 gun deaths annually committed by over 90,000,000 gun owners. Yeah, a lot of "Dirty Harry/Rambo" types out there just itching to shoot someone.

And an unarmed teen is not seemingly shot by police every day. Stop watching/listening to the idiots in the media when the facts and stats say different. The Media loves these stories because they sell.

If it bleeds, it leads. Gun crime is rare outside of cities like Chicago, Detroit, DC, Baltimore, Oakland and other shit-hole inner cities that have been under Democrat control for the past 50 years.


The NRA's response to every gun death is "it wouldn't have happened if there were more guns around. The NRA has become an extremely right-wing political cult.

Oh, you speak for the NRA? If so, you speak out of an orifice other than your mouth.

And for the record, the NRA has pushed for most of the legislation that punished criminals that use a gun in a crime.

They are also the US's oldest Civil Rights group. They helped pass the legislation that allowed blacks to own guns so they could defend themselves against the Klan.

They also teach gun safety to Millions of people and a lot more good than your ignorant self will ever know.

But saying "Guns bad and NRA" in the same sentence makes you think you're clever, but all it shows is your ignorance.

Start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Rifle_Association#Legislation


Question for the anti-gun types - why do you feel the need to spew such utter ignorance on a subject you know so little about thereby embarrassing yourselves?

Some of the comments here are just staggering in their ignorance.


Another tragic loss.


Bumper sticker slogans. The typical "argument" of the anti-gun crowd. Fits their sound byte attention span.

I guess a "Real Man" like you will single-handily fight off 3 armed home invaders, right tough guy?

Get solid bedroom door,few cameras and insurance. Beats fighting 3 armed invaders.Chance surviving 1-3 firefight,not good.. What size is your TV ? Must be something special for three armed men wanting it so badly!

Insurance won't help you when you're dead. And home invaders generally don't rob houses for TV's. Another ignorant argument.

The sound of chambering a round into a shotgun will end most home invasions without a shot being fired, let alone a "firefight"

Stop getting your gun "knowledge" from Hollywood movies.

The chances of surviving a home invasion if you are armed are a lot higher than you cowering under your sheets in your bedroom and wetting yourself while your wife and daughter are raped in front of you and it's the last thing you see before being murdered.


Always remember 'guns don;t kill people, people kill people'. As clear a case of suicide as the NRA will ever find. And in related news the Sate of Arizona is about to pass a new law that absolves legal gun owners of any responsibility for bullets once they have left the gun.


Maybe to stop other idiots from leaving loaded guns laying around. What did she think it was, a loaf of bread?

If every idiot in the US wasn't allowed to own a gun, the chance of an event like this would be much less likely.


There is little argument that the NRA started as a venerable and respected association.

It is only in the last 20 years that the NRA has been captured and turned into a right-wing political cult, incapable of intelligent dialog and debate (as is demonstrated by many of the posters here). When an organization demands more guns in elementary schools, defends the right to own and use assault weapons and wants all citizens to carry concealed weapons it has obviously lost touch with any sense of reality.

The USA is so caught up in guns and defending 2nd amendment rights that they fail to see they have already traded away all their other liberties and they clutch on to their guns as some trophy of their war on government. The time has come for the responsible and silent members of the NRA (who are the majority of it's members) to take back their once reasonable and responsible organization from the zealots who fail to recognize and accept their own culpability in the deaths of so many innocent victims.

I firmly believe in the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms, I just don't believe that our founding fathers intended that it to be taken to the extremes that the NRA and the zealots who have now control it have lead us to.

I know that my comments will fire off the extreme wacko element that trolls these posts and send them into their crazed tizzy, so I will cease following this thread to avoid their hatred and vitriol. I pity them in their anger, ignorance and their hypocrisy.


There is little argument that the NRA started as a venerable and respected association.

It is only in the last 20 years that the NRA has been captured and turned into a right-wing political cult, incapable of intelligent dialog and debate (as is demonstrated by many of the posters here). When an organization demands more guns in elementary schools, defends the right to own and use assault weapons and wants all citizens to carry concealed weapons it has obviously lost touch with any sense of reality.

The USA is so caught up in guns and defending 2nd amendment rights that they fail to see they have already traded away all their other liberties and they clutch on to their guns as some trophy of their war on government. The time has come for the responsible and silent members of the NRA (who are the majority of it's members) to take back their once reasonable and responsible organization from the zealots who fail to recognize and accept their own culpability in the deaths of so many innocent victims.

I firmly believe in the 2nd amendment and the right to bear arms, I just don't believe that our founding fathers intended that it to be taken to the extremes that the NRA and the zealots who have now control it have lead us to.

I know that my comments will fire off the extreme wacko element that trolls these posts and send them into their crazed tizzy, so I will cease following this thread to avoid their hatred and vitriol. I pity them in their anger, ignorance and their hypocrisy.

Nice screed, except you are basing your rant on your own false argument.

BTW, do you even know what an "Assault Weapon" is?

It's a full auto weapon, banned for all intents and purposes in the US. The only people that use that term are the media and ignorant people, which is where I suppose you get your knowledge of firearms.

Again, why is it that the people that don't know what they are talking about feel the need to express their ignorance?


Maybe to stop other idiots from leaving loaded guns laying around. What did she think it was, a loaf of bread?

If every idiot in the US wasn't allowed to own a gun, the chance of an event like this would be much less likely.

Yes, because anyone in the US can buy a gun. Again, more ignorance. Why do people that know so little feel the need to prove it?

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