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Holy smokes!. You mean the banks are normally open on weekends? When did that start?

I think I spent the first 40+ years of my life without access to any "financial services" after 17:00 (19:00 on Fridays- woohoo) and zip on weekends and holidays. One more weekend won't really matter in the scheme of things.

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Appreciate the heads up. I wonder if they intended to inform their clients by some means other than Facebook.

Every time I've logged into my Kasikorn bank account over the past 2 weeks (at least) there has been a notification

I also received an email from them yesterday informing me of the shut down.

I do log into Kbank's internet banking a few times a day, but even so you should have been aware.


Appreciate the heads up. I wonder if they intended to inform their clients by some means other than Facebook.

Every time I've logged into my Kasikorn bank account over the past 2 weeks (at least) there has been a notification

I also received an email from them yesterday informing me of the shut down.

I do log into Kbank's internet banking a few times a day, but even so you should have been aware.

Yes, it has been showing up the last couple of weeks. The post you've quoted is a month old.


Appreciate the heads up. I wonder if they intended to inform their clients by some means other than Facebook.

I received an SMS from them about it this morning... in Thai, of course... So they have definitely gone above and beyond the call of duty to inform their customers. (NOT!)

My wife translated the message... as stated above... pretty much anything and everything will be offline.

Luckily KBank isn't my only bank.


...I had heard 16th and 17th....

...now 17th to 19th....

...I think it means 'we better have cash in hand as, otherwise, we will have no access whatsoever to our funds'....

...it is a bit strange....

..wonder if they did do any deals in Greece....


<deleted>? All the "oh I'm shocked and stunned", why didn't I know about this? What rock have you people been hiding under? Its been in the news more than a month, TV news 3 times. I received a message on my phone weeks ago, if anyone else didn't, try applying for the sms notification service at the ATM.

Everyone should have a rough idea how much you usually spend on a weekend, go to the ATM and take how much you need. SIMPLE, what's the problem? Its not like the world is going to end people. facepalm.gif


...I had heard 16th and 17th....

...now 17th to 19th....

...I think it means 'we better have cash in hand as, otherwise, we will have no access whatsoever to our funds'....

...it is a bit strange....

..wonder if they did do any deals in Greece....

Are "Thai weekends" different from Western ones? whistling.gif


It's worth bearing in mind that the last time they had a system shutdown, in November last year, and then only scheduled to be overnight, the systems didn't come back online for a further five hours.

A lot of people were caught out during this overrun, their debit cards were being declined at retailers and gas stations and they couldn't get cash out of any ATM's, some people travelling overseas weren't aware of the overrun, or even the scheduled shutdown, and reported having numerous problems.

I'm sure that Kasikorn have learned from the problems of the earlier, albeit much shorter, shutdown, and this one will go without a hitch and leave all the naysayers with egg on their faces.


Every bump on the banking road is a cause for alarm. We all fear one day, that they'll all be shut down. The fear is legitimate, since after all all banks are literally one bank.

Hope not, one or two shares in a western bank. My time here Thai bank is great. Tried to get 75,000b out of my western bank several years ago in cash. They were quite upset that I did not give several days notice.

Try COmmonwealth Australia...I went to get $6000 from my account cash and they did not want to give it only a cheque....so I got a cheque for $150000 and went next door.


well, I am not worried but I am going to take out more cash than I need for the downtime, just in the offhand chance a lot of other customers are asking for their money as well


Can't remember how I got cash before the Internet. Can't remember it being that difficult.

We had a couple of options:

a) Go into a local bank and make a withdrawal...bank hours were somewhat limited back in the dark ages

B) Go to a local merchant that knew you and cash a check (remember those?). I grew up in a small town; everyone knew whose check was good and whose was not.


Appreciate the heads up. I wonder if they intended to inform their clients by some means other than Facebook.

I received an SMS from them about it this morning... in Thai, of course... So they have definitely gone above and beyond the call of duty to inform their customers. (NOT!)

My wife translated the message... as stated above... pretty much anything and everything will be offline.

Luckily KBank isn't my only bank.

I got caught out yesterday and not impressed.

Before anyone says I have no excuse with the so called well publicized notification in advance, firstly concerning this site I rarely go onto TV these days. Secondly, most of my interaction with KBank is via ATM and I never noticed any warning message displayed which they claim was shown on all machines. If it was there it certainly wasn't prominent. I received no sms on this even though I get sms for ATM withdrawals/deposits. When I called them yesterday they mentioned that some selected customers were contacted by sms so why not all of us that they have mobile contacts for on something so important? I also don't understand why banks in Thailand are so adverse to sending out written communications (including bank statements) by post.


Appreciate the heads up. I wonder if they intended to inform their clients by some means other than Facebook.

I received an SMS from them about it this morning... in Thai, of course... So they have definitely gone above and beyond the call of duty to inform their customers. (NOT!)

My wife translated the message... as stated above... pretty much anything and everything will be offline.

Luckily KBank isn't my only bank.

I got caught out yesterday and not impressed.

Before anyone says I have no excuse with the so called well publicized notification in advance, firstly concerning this site I rarely go onto TV these days. Secondly, most of my interaction with KBank is via ATM and I never noticed any warning message displayed which they claim was shown on all machines. If it was there it certainly wasn't prominent. I received no sms on this even though I get sms for ATM withdrawals/deposits. When I called them yesterday they mentioned that some selected customers were contacted by sms so why not all of us that they have mobile contacts for on something so important? I also don't understand why banks in Thailand are so adverse to sending out written communications (including bank statements) by post.

So how was your Sunday then, without cash.

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