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the balcony restaruant, jirung resort,maerim

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a very nice late afternoon to all,in particular all those beautiful maerimitessmile.png

the jirung resort has flattened its lovely old teak restaruant,and is currently in process of building a new one, which will be called the balcony

the jirung resort is situated adjacent to the big c coming block of land and just before tiger kingdom

sam a very affable aussie, who has just taken over the reins as G.M. at the jirung,and is busily addressing, to put the resort back on the block

according to sam, the balcony restaruant will be 5 star, at 3 star prices, thai/western cusine,the views are superb from the balcony

sam has a business plan, that diners will be rewarded for continued patronage at the balcony etc etc

there will be surprises given every day, etc etc etc

sam firmly beleives in giving something back to his regurlar diners

the opening date is approx 3 months away,will do my best to update,anything new that crops up with the balcony at jirung

any feedbacks or comments from the beautiful maerimites would be very welcomed,or any member for that matter,and passed on accordinglybiggrin.png


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