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Dog rules to be enforced on popular Phuket beach

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Dog rules to be enforced on popular Phuket beach
Nattha Thepbamrung

Two of Naiharn Beaches regular dogs enjoy the sunset. Photo: Facebook/Naiharn Beach Dogs

PHUKET: -- Those who take their dogs for walks along Nai Harn Beach are being asked to adhere to exisiting rules relating to what times dog walking is allowed. They are also being asked to ensure their dogs do not disturb beach goers on their visits.

The message has come from Rawai Mayor, Arun Soros, after The Phuket News contacted him on Monday (June 15) to discuss the current situation with Nai Harn̕s soi dogs. An issue which Mr Arun is still trying to resolve.

“We have had several meetings about dogs on Nai Harn beach, both owned and soi dogs, as we have received a number of complaints about them.

“However, at the most recent meeting we finally agreed on times that we will allow the public to bring their dogs to the beach. This will be before 8am and after 6pm. “Anywhere inbetween those times dogs are not allowed, but they can be taken to the pinetree area near the lake.

“One point I would like to stress, however, is that all dog walkers must clean up their dog̕s feaces and must not let the dogs disturb the people around,” Mr Arun told The Phuket News.

“There are many kinds of people who go to the beach. Many love dogs, some do not care much about seeing dogs but do not want the dogs to disturb them. Although there are others who do not like dogs at all.

“I have to make solutions to allow everyone to use the beach peacefully,” he added.

With regards to the stray dogs living on Nai Harn Beach, the mayor insisted that he is looking for a place where they can be kept.

“The dog shelter in Suan Pa Bang Kanun, Thalang is already full. The Livestock Office does not have enough manpower to handle this, so we are trying to figure out a solution,” he said.

He added that in the meantime, the SoiDog Foundation has volunteered to make up signs to explain about how to co-exist with the beach dogs.

SoiDog founder, John Dalley, recently posted a message on the Nai Harn Beach Dog Facebook page (www.facebook.com/naiharnbeachdogs) that after meeting with the mayor at the beginning of the month to discuss about the situation they came up with some temporary solutions to the problem.

The messasge read:

“Members of SoiDog, including myself, met with the Rawai OrBorTor (Mayor) to discuss the dog site in the Nai Harn area (not just the beach).

“After a lengthy and cordial meeting, the OrBorTor is supportive of the plight of the dogs (he has 10 of his own).

“He said that there are too many dogs hanging out in specific spots waiting for the next food handout. Specifically; outside the temple and on the sidewalk opposite by the entrance to the lake island. This is of particular concern due to the heavy cyclists, runner and walker population especially early evening; there have been accidents and interactions.

“Also, outside the Burmese workers camp at the other end of the lake; same reasons as above, Prompthep Cape (on the bend in the road before the main tourist area) and Nai Harn Beach where the OrBorTor is comfortable with the numbers of dogs on the beach but does not want to see an increase.

“He mentioned that SoiDog will create, and the OrBorTor will post awareness signs explaining that the stray dogs are all vaccinated and rabies free, and offering guidelines of how to safely interact should the visitor wish to "Do's and don'ts". The signs will also encourage visitors / tourists to adopt a dog and explain that SoiDog will help to get the dog to their home country.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/dog-rules-to-be-enforced-on-popular-phuket-beach-52801.php

-- Phuket News 2015-06-17


Who's going to enforce this? I really wish they would as there are some really bad dog owners that just let their dogs crap and don't even bother cleaning it up. One particular guy with a Rott comes specifically to mind as it looks like he enjoys it after his dog takes a big dump ; idiot poser.

I've seen K Arun at Nai Harn exactly one time and that was when there was a drowning. Hey K Arun, how about taking care of the dump next to the lake..............?


So responsible dog owners have to adhere to special hours and have to clean up after their dogs while stray dogs are allowed there any time and can crap anywhere.

The soidog outfit should be made to clean up after the strays they love so much.

It must be a great relief to those who get bitten (their fault of course) that the all, well most, well some, of the stray dogs have been vaccinated and are rabies free.


this is a bit lame, what about shooting all dogs on beaches, in sois and anywhere that have no collar or obvious owner?

Perhaps this would help the country with a few more jobs, could even hiere traffic police to give them something to do other than changing the lights manually?


As long as they realise that as Buddhists, these dogs could be in some way undergoing a lesser form of life after being a human, all will be well.


Better to make special zoning, same size as for jet skis, and with a bit of luck, there will even be some space free for a zone for tourists.


The guy with ten (10) dogs is not so unusual. I've come across this often, in residential areas.

Must cost a fortune to feed them and have proper Vet treatment. One can only hope they're well trained and don't disturb the neighbours.



As long as they realise that as Buddhists, these dogs could be in some way undergoing a lesser form of life after being a human, all will be well.


I guess it all comes down to the lack of consideration for others seen in ...

maybe its too expensive to deal with neutering all these dogs. I know lots of countries where they do the shooting at night removing unwanted pets. its not as if they are native inhabitants, they are mainly genetically engineered things and many look so ill it would be the most compassionate thing to do.


Rawai OrBorTor has to be the worst run OrBorTor in the south of the island.

How do I know?

The garbage dumped on the road right next to where the Rawai garbage trucks park, which is next to the Rawai OrBorTor offices.

Just more hot air. Seems that saying they will do something equates to actually doing something in their own minds.


In Elizabethan England, they used to empty chamber pots out of the bedroom windows until they realised it caused life-threatening diseases; 60 years ago dogs were allowed to roam free on UK streets until the road accidents/children maiming incidents/dog dirt exacted a toll.

Perhaps in a 1000 years it will become clear that ONLY working dogs should be allowed to survive the inevitable cull. Perhaps in a 1000 years evolution will have moved on and humans will realise that only stupid, selfish, thoughtless people own dogs.



As long as they realise that as Buddhists, these dogs could be in some way undergoing a lesser form of life after being a human, all will be well.


I guess it all comes down to the lack of consideration for others seen in ...

maybe its too expensive to deal with neutering all these dogs. I know lots of countries where they do the shooting at night removing unwanted pets. its not as if they are native inhabitants, they are mainly genetically engineered things and many look so ill it would be the most compassionate thing to do.

Castrating the male dogs is the answer.

It does not go against the Buddhust principles, and is a reasonably easy and cheap procedure.

If only some of those billions of baht of funding actually went to getting the job done here.

The problem could be be fixed in one dog generation.


in many case the dog is more clever than his owner

If a race of aliens from space were to observe one species of creature following another species and picking up its excreted waste, which species would be deemed the dominant one in their report back to HQ?


in many case the dog is more clever than his owner

If a race of aliens from space were to observe one species of creature following another species and picking up its excreted waste, which species would be deemed the dominant one in their report back to HQ?

Seinfeld already covered that about 10 years ago.

NKM, you should know huh?

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