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Warrant out for Australia 'IS medic'


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Australia issues warrant for doctor recruiting in Syria

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australian police issued an arrest warrant Thursday for an Australian doctor who appeared in an Islamic State movement recruitment video urging Western medical professionals to join him in Syria.

Tareq Kamleh, a 29-year-old Australian born and educated doctor who had worked in several Australian public hospitals appeared in the video in April describing his medical work in Syria as his "jihad for Islam."

The blue-eyed son of a Palestinian father and German-born Muslim convert mother, who grew up in the Australian west coast city of Perth, has said his only regret about leaving Australia last year to join the Islamic State movement was that he had not left sooner.

Australian Federal Police said in a statement that Kamleh, who now uses the name Abu Yusuf al-Australi, would be arrested if he returned to Australia on three terrorism charges that carry a maximum total of 45 years in prison.

The charges include being a member of and recruiting for a terrorist organization.

He also faces a charge under new counterterrorism laws of remaining in a terrorism no-go zone, the Islamic State group stronghold of al-Raqqa province in Syria. Australia banned travel to al-Raqqa in December and to the Iraqi city of Mosul in March, under laws which critics argue put the onus on defendants to prove they have not engaged in terrorism.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-19

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Somebody made a comment on a similar thread last week that "Enoch was right", in reference to the British politician Enoch Powell who was outspoken in his condemnation of mass immigration to the UK in the 60's and 70's.

I've always known of Powell but never really been aware of the detail of his objections, so I've spent a few days researching his beliefs and politics on the web, particularly youtube.

I don't believe I'm a racist in any way. But looking back on what he was foretelling at that time in regard to the development of society if unlimited immigrants were allowed in to Britain, he got it 100% correct. Everything he forecast would happen has in fact happened and getting worse. If anything, he understated the issues somewhat.

Australia had similar immigration policies at the time and are suffering the same ramifications.

I repeat, I am in no way a racist or bigot, but in the case of the UK and Australia, their then policies of a multicultural society where all cultures could live together in harmony has turned out to be a pipe dream.

Enoch definitely was right.

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Gsxrnz I quite agree, not only do immigrants to UK & Aust not assimilate, neither do Australians & UK poms assimilate. I find where ever I go in the world there's communities of ex pats; however one difference, poms & Aussies don't try & change the culture or laws when they live abroad, except the drinking culture . All jokes aside, we are born where we are born & our beliefs & culture in bred. Multi culturism does not work

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In the UK, his family would be giving tearful interviews asking for him to come home and the BBC would be blaming unspecified 'groomers' for radicalising this otherwise fine citizen.

Just revoke his Australian citizenship and let him get whatever Allah sees fit in Syria. The kind of justice they deserve can be handed out much more easily (and cheaply) there.

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Somebody made a comment on a similar thread last week that "Enoch was right", in reference to the British politician Enoch Powell who was outspoken in his condemnation of mass immigration to the UK in the 60's and 70's.

I've always known of Powell but never really been aware of the detail of his objections, so I've spent a few days researching his beliefs and politics on the web, particularly youtube.

I don't believe I'm a racist in any way. But looking back on what he was foretelling at that time in regard to the development of society if unlimited immigrants were allowed in to Britain, he got it 100% correct. Everything he forecast would happen has in fact happened and getting worse. If anything, he understated the issues somewhat.

Australia had similar immigration policies at the time and are suffering the same ramifications.

I repeat, I am in no way a racist or bigot, but in the case of the UK and Australia, their then policies of a multicultural society where all cultures could live together in harmony has turned out to be a pipe dream.

Enoch definitely was right.

Yes he was, but as soon as he said that he was hit with that magical racist card too

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