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Sweden to open emergency clinic for male rape victims


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Hospital in Sweden to open first rape clinic for men

STOCKHOLM: -- A hospital in Stockholm is to open Sweden's first emergency clinic for male rape victims.

The South General hospital already has a walk-in centre which provides urgent care for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted.

But it announced on Wednesday that it would be admitting men and boys from October.

Some 370 cases of sexual assault on men or boys were reported in Sweden last year, Swedish media report.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33187011

-- BBC 2015-06-19

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so boys who have been assaulted by catholic priests, in small towns near the polar circle, will have a loooong journey to do until they arrive at this clinic. I bet the 370 cases didn't happen right in the neighbourhood of this institution

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Political stunt obviously. Do raped men have needs that require a separate medical environment?

Obvious to you, perhaps.

I think this article would best be titled "... for sexually assaulted male victims."

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Political stunt obviously. Do raped men have needs that require a separate medical environment?

Are you suggesting their needs are any less than a female victim's? Only one difference, one, and that is pregnancy. Otherwise, the violence and mental trauma would be the same, don't you think?

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Political stunt obviously. Do raped men have needs that require a separate medical environment?

Are you suggesting their needs are any less than a female victim's? Only one difference, one, and that is pregnancy. Otherwise, the violence and mental trauma would be the same, don't you think?

Nah I think getting reamed out up the Ring is more violent than with the Ladies(more room for stretching),,,,,You ask any pretty boy in jail,,,

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This must be for all the new immigrants they took in... Feel bad for them. 30% of their population is immigrants now I think. So sad.

Yes and most of their immigrants are looking to take advantage of the generous welfare system there. I feel bad for all these homeless people but taking them in only makes a bad problem worse as more will come. Today's society needs skilled educated people not under performers who want to live on the dole. If they are Muslim well they want to re-educate you. You have an obligation to your native people first. This is not the world of my grandfathers day where people were needed and even then people with a trade were welcomed first. These people will not hit the ground running or maybe they will looking for a place to hide.

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Sweden's rape statistics are worst than India's. What a waste.

But read what is rape in Sweden....A lot things is called rape that wouldn't be rape in India. As well in Sweden women would report most cases, while in India, I guess most non violent cases would not be reported. So it only looks similar.

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Political stunt obviously. Do raped men have needs that require a separate medical environment?

I'll put it another way;

Do raped women have needs that require a separate medical environment?

Perhaps I have miscommunicated. I am quite sure male rape can be every bit as nasty as it is for females. What I am saying is, why would they need a separate medical facility? Especially since the number of victims nationally is under 400. I am sure they can recover in a hospital the same way that non raped assault victims can. This is why I claim it is political.

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Political stunt obviously. Do raped men have needs that require a separate medical environment?

If I was not so old I would travel there and carry a sign saying to put it mildly "Available"

Thought I'd post a photo of the cutie who will be waiting for you.


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Sweden's rape statistics are worst than India's. What a waste.

But read what is rape in Sweden....A lot things is called rape that wouldn't be rape in India. As well in Sweden women would report most cases, while in India, I guess most non violent cases would not be reported. So it only looks similar.

Still, beautiful country going down the tube. White Man's Burden.

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