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3 thai men drove on to my lawn and sprayed chemicals.

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I am happy that I don't live next to the OP, the chemical smoke is a small price to pay to be safe from dengue. If people near you don't allow them to spray then its effectiveness on the whole area suffers. That would be a real selfish act of a farang with an inflated sense of ego.

I actually oppose the use of chemicals, but in this case it is really better than dengue.

checking for open water and put this anti mosquito virus into any open water you don't want to remove. But isn't practical possible country wide.

I actually have a hard time to define "chemicals".

Vitamin C is OK because natural while ascorbic acid is one of these dreaded chemicals, right?


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Pai, Mae Hong Son. I know it's to prevent mosquito's from breeding but, great favor... Burning itch, headache and feeling dizzy. Cant i at least exercise my right of no trespassing on private property?

Eddy, any idea what it is they are spraying?

What you have it's called hangover....


I remember as a young kid in the early 60's we'd get on our bicycles and ride behind the truck spraying this stuff; trying to stay in the "cloud". We all survived.


I remember as a young kid in the early 60's we'd get on our bicycles and ride behind the truck spraying this stuff; trying to stay in the "cloud". We all survived.

Yea, but you turned out so weird that you hang out here. smile.png


Pai, Mae Hong Son. I know it's to prevent mosquito's from breeding but, great favor... Burning itch, headache and feeling dizzy. Cant i at least exercise my right of no trespassing on private property?

Eddy, any idea what it is they are spraying?

What you have it's called hangover....

formaldehyde in the Leo or Chang ?


Just do what the Thai people do now. You can hear the spray vehicle coming from a mile away. Just close up your doors and windows.

If you have an outdoor kitchen, store your dishes in and food in closed cabinets and use dish drainers with covers. Duh. Why would anyone leave dishes exposed in an outdoor kitchen anyway? Don't you have lizards and insects crawling around the outdoor kitchen? Our first condo in Thailand had the kitchen on the balcony. I soon figured out that I had to wash down every surface prior to preparing a meal and couldn't leave anything out on the counters between meals. And that wasn't because the mozzie fog was a problem with a kitchen on a 15th floor balcony!


Pai, Mae Hong Son. I know it's to prevent mosquito's from breeding but, great favor... Burning itch, headache and feeling dizzy. Cant i at least exercise my right of no trespassing on private property?

Eddy, any idea what it is they are spraying?

What you have it's called hangover....

The negative version of a placebo effect. It doesn't cause any problems unless Mark35 is a Mosquito....than of course it is understandable to oppose the spraying.


Hmm I see thai blowing smoke I tend to steer around them but I see someone spraying unknown chemicals I would stay inside. But I been here while so I would tend to think it is to keep the blood suckers away so I might invite them in to spray and get rid of the one I have inside.


Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...


  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

Don't worry. If you have all those symptoms, I doubt whether a mozzy will want to come anywhere near you.

one suspects the mozzy would be scared of catching "farangism"


  • Sense of self entitlement
  • An opinion that all the natives are idiots and cant do anything right
  • An opinion that all natives should kow tow down to the all knowing farang
  • a preference for white socks with their sandal's
  • a preference for "Chang" wife beater's and walking shorts
  • Causes delusions of grandeur
  • Causes sufferers to become bitter and twisted

Seems to me we already have an epedemic !! as those symptoms are very clearly prevelant in many areas including this forum .

Yeah but it all comes down to being treated as second class citizens. If people are treated like dirt, why are they even here? God...I don't get it.


Yeah but it all comes down to being treated as second class citizens. If people are treated like dirt, why are they even here? God...I don't get it.

But the fact is they are not 2nd class citizens either, they are 0 class as they are not citizens in the first instance, see my first bullet point

in reality I am struggling to think of an occasion were I have felt I have every been treated like a "2nd class citizen" in Thailand,

just because some one feels they should have red carpet rolled out for them every time they enter room by the natives just because one is a farang, and they think they being treated badly just because it don't happen, is not the same as being treated as "second class citizen"


the stuff they use whacks cockroaches as well, nasty job to have doing that all day though.

but also useful insects.....


Probably Malathion mixed with diesel. At least that's what it smells like they use here in Chiang Mai. That's a common fogging mixture used in the U.S. for mosquito control. Will do a nice job of killing unwanted insects on those newly planted trees, too.

I had one Thai language teacher who says when she was a kid, the families in her neighborhood used to ask the guys doing the fogging to stick the fogger nozzles into their homes to get the mozzies inside!

Around 25 years ago me and another brought med supplies to the island of Barbuda. They later asked me to try and repair their bug sprayer. They had been putting gas where the malathion mix goes, and vice versa. They said it stopped working as soon as the men who brought if for their use left. I was outside the city hall, changing, cleaning, and then tugging on the pull cord. Shortly it started, a bit of choke, adjust the spay, and the nozzle was spitting out a steady stream of white, thick air. A celebration was immediately called in Codrington town. The school kids playing about 500 meters away were released immediately and surrounded me. I turned it off. The mayor turned it back on looking at the sad student faces and abrupt joy broke out. The kids began whirling through the clouds of smoke so thick they could not see one another. The townspeople we so happy and more so to see their kids playing in this viscous organophosphate nerve agent. No manner of protest would work. They were grateful but insisted this was how they honor the machine that chased away the mosquitoes. Malathion is not the worst but is way not good for humans, especially those in reproductive years.


I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you. I've experienced this annual (semi-annual?) fumigating and I'm still alive. No (known) harm done. Relax, you're not going to die because of it.


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol

do you live in a swamp, probably. I wouldnt let them spray my place in a million years, they used to say DDT was good, agent Orange ,harmless. If you want to come over my place, welcome. you will see I dont have any water lying in puddles, plates or pots.or on the ground or MY lawn.


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol

do you live in a swamp, probably. I wouldnt let them spray my place in a million years, they used to say DDT was good, agent Orange ,harmless. If you want to come over my place, welcome. you will see I dont have any water lying in puddles, plates or pots.or on the ground or MY lawn.

you have absolutely no say in the matter and they will spray whether you like it or not.


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol

seeing as the OP was so quick to howl about suing someone, one wonders if the OP would be up for being sued for the hospital costs of people contracting Dengue locally because he exercised his "rights" and stopped them spraying on "his" property....works both way dunnit ?


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol

do you live in a swamp, probably. I wouldnt let them spray my place in a million years, they used to say DDT was good, agent Orange ,harmless. If you want to come over my place, welcome. you will see I dont have any water lying in puddles, plates or pots.or on the ground or MY lawn.

suppose you will stand you ground and fight for your "rights" then when they are fining you ?

The fact you refer to someone as living in swamp, actually shows the level of your understanding of how dengue outbreaks occur


i have an industrial grade gas mask specifically for occasions like these. and i dont eat anything that doesnt come out of a sealed container for two days after. one has to just hope that the contents werent subject to fogging the day the contents went into the container.

why 2 days??


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol

do you live in a swamp, probably. I wouldnt let them spray my place in a million years, they used to say DDT was good, agent Orange ,harmless. If you want to come over my place, welcome. you will see I dont have any water lying in puddles, plates or pots.or on the ground or MY lawn.

you have absolutely no say in the matter and they will spray whether you like it or not.

I have plenty of say, like ...please dont spray your poison as you can see we dont have standing water, works . you should try it sometime.


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

so you opt out , the mosquitos live and breed and fly off your property and bite someone. will you stand liable for their denque fever? I didnt think so. now if you could train YOUR mosquitoes to stay on your property................! lol

do you live in a swamp, probably. I wouldnt let them spray my place in a million years, they used to say DDT was good, agent Orange ,harmless. If you want to come over my place, welcome. you will see I dont have any water lying in puddles, plates or pots.or on the ground or MY lawn.

suppose you will stand you ground and fight for your "rights" then when they are fining you ?

The fact you refer to someone as living in swamp, actually shows the level of your understanding of how dengue outbreaks occur

What? fighting for rights <deleted>. just be polite, you should try it. I live on the River and years go by without seeing sprayers, but when I do, i just be polite. Yes You are correct in Assuming, that I have a low level of understanding about dengue, keep on assuming.


Fogging -

the WHO doesn't like some of the chemicals used, others are OK. - [if you are concerned FIND OUT what chemicals are being used. Claiming symptoms is a waste of breath.]

it only kills the adult mosquitoes.

It also may kill other insects that we need.

You should leave doors and windows OPEN to get the mosquitoes that are in your house - Aedes love living in houses.

If you try to opt out you are leaving a sae haven for the Aedes mosquito - they have a range of about 200 metres.

This kind of treatment only is effective if it is a BLANKET covering - opting out is putting your neighbours at risk too.

Dengue virus often appears in "clusters" and other groupings - this may be to do with how it is transmitted - by biting and infected person and then biting another person.

Mozzies (females) only feed every 12 to 24 hours or so.

Millions of work hours etc are lost through Dengue every year and it kills thousands worldwide - in Thailand between 100 and 200 per year . The number of reported cases in Thailand is in tens of thousands...

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