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Austere brand of Islam on rise in Europe, stirring concerns

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A little off topic but just been reading : http://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/world/the-secret-world-of-isis-brides-u-dnt-hav-2-pay-4-anything-if-u-r-wife-of-a-martyr/ar-AAc3UcD?ocid=ASUDHP

Worth a read of that article and all the links from it to give an insight into why young women in particular go to join IS.

I have no problem with young women that want to go to marry IS fighters, as long as they have equal right to having a 500 pounder in their lap. The west is far better off without mothers of future Islamic fanatics forming a 5th column in western countries.

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Australia's distance has nothing to do with their success in controlling the problem.

It is their attitude in not allowing them to stay if they land or interception at sea.

They are deported or settled outside Australia.

If we did the same by deporting them to settle in the Falklands if they did not want to return home the flood would

slow to a trickle.

As it is Europe is now faced with a problem of some of the more extreme followers of this religion wanting to take us back to the Middle Ages.

Europe needs someone strong to sort this problem.

I don't see them flocking to Russia.

It is of course true that Australia has stopped "illegal maritime arrivals", but there are significant question marks on whether the PNG Solution or detention on Nauru will be viable in the medium term. In the meantime Australia has increased it's humanitarian / refugee intake (mainly persons vetted by UNHCR) from 13k+ to 20,000 p.a., most of whom are from Muslim majority countries.



Australia's distance has nothing to do with their success in controlling the problem.

It is their attitude in not allowing them to stay if they land or interception at sea.

They are deported or settled outside Australia.

If we did the same by deporting them to settle in the Falklands if they did not want to return home the flood would

slow to a trickle.

As it is Europe is now faced with a problem of some of the more extreme followers of this religion wanting to take us back to the Middle Ages.

Europe needs someone strong to sort this problem.

I don't see them flocking to Russia.

It is of course true that Australia has stopped "illegal maritime arrivals", but there are significant question marks on whether the PNG Solution or detention on Nauru will be viable in the medium term. In the meantime Australia has increased it's humanitarian / refugee intake (mainly persons vetted by UNHCR) from 13k+ to 20,000 p.a., most of whom are from Muslim majority countries.


It will be interesting to see what viable solutions are enacted for EU countries to address 'austere Islam'. I believe UK is now deporting illegal migrants, including the criminal element under the 'deport first, appeal later' policy.


So, you would like to deport Muslims from UK to Falkland Islands?

All Muslims? Also the 10,000 Muslim millionaires currently living in UK?

You make a big mistake.

Muslims are not only Muslims, they usually have roots in a foreign country. Many have forgotten about this, and some Imams take advantage of this by providing them a religious-only identity.

Why don't you find out where they (their parents, grandparents, etc) actually came from?

You might find out that many came from Pakistan (incl. today's Bangladesh). Find out how Pakistanis are treated in some Arab countries. Then, why should Moslems with Pakistani roots follow Arabian Imams?

You misunderstand me.

What I am saying is that is a solution to dissuading economic migrants heading for the UK.

Places like the Falklands offer a sancuary for those wanting to live an austere fundamentalist lifestyle.

No decadence down there just bracing fresh air.


If you were right with your generalisations.......

He is talking about Islam, not Muslims..

Exactly. Doctrine wise, Muslims should avoid all association with the Kuffar.

It is just fact, and I'm met several great fellas in various parts of the Muslim world who struggle because of this. On the one hand, an instinctual human contac means they want to associate with me, but officially they are not supposed to be associating with such filthy kuffar at all unless it is merely a practical association relationship following a dhimmi status under their Islamic dominion. Myself and others have met many great folks in Muslim nations, but that is not an example 'of' Islam. It took me a bit too long to get this. It is merely inherent human kindness. Islam, in the lifetime of its own warlord 'prophet' sought to conquer the globe, and all those who refused Islam were put under third class status (or massacred). Islam doesn't 'do' equality, unless you submit to the club. Countless Muslims ignore this, luckily for us. Long may they disobey.


So, you would like to deport Muslims from UK to Falkland Islands?

All Muslims? Also the 10,000 Muslim millionaires currently living in UK?

You make a big mistake.

Muslims are not only Muslims, they usually have roots in a foreign country. Many have forgotten about this, and some Imams take advantage of this by providing them a religious-only identity.

Why don't you find out where they (their parents, grandparents, etc) actually came from?

You might find out that many came from Pakistan (incl. today's Bangladesh). Find out how Pakistanis are treated in some Arab countries. Then, why should Moslems with Pakistani roots follow Arabian Imams?

You misunderstand me.

What I am saying is that is a solution to dissuading economic migrants heading for the UK.

Places like the Falklands offer a sancuary for those wanting to live an austere fundamentalist lifestyle.

No decadence down there just bracing fresh air.

That's an interesting point. Let's say you have neighbors who are poor and relatively miserable with their mean-spirited belief system. Their house is riven with ants and cockroaches, so they move out, wander the streets, and wind up huddled just outside your front door. As soon as you open the door, they rush in with old blankets and set themselves up in your entryway, living room, etc. You might give them a cabin in the back yard - to get by. You're not likely to give them the master bedroom, full run of the house and kitchen and sauna, are you?

The point here: if you're compelled to take refugees in, you don't have to give them full run of the territory. Long ago, when Britain had undesirables, it shipped them off to Australia (granted, they were prisoners, not refugees). If France still controlled Chad and Algeria and Syria, it could ship migrants off to tent settlements there. Oh waitaminute, that's where many of them come from. Almost forgot, countries like Chad and Algeria and Syria used to be somewhat habitable. By tearing down their forests, over-grazing, depleting water, making too many babies, and overfishing, those and all other Arab countries, are in miserable conditions.

Combine the fact that they've despoiled and over-run their own countries, with them being saddled with a mean-spirited belief system, ....then it's no surprise they deperately want flock to better places - places with more tolerance, better resources, kinder people (who don't chop off hands for petty theft, and who don't slice off girls' clitorises, etc).


Good image.

If I would have no one to run my kitchen, clean the house etc. and would be too old or too lazy to do it myself, I wouldn't mind my guests to do the work that I can't or don't want to do myself.

UK has a serious demographic problem. Natives are getting too old, and they hardly have children.

Falkland Islands would maybe oK for some migrants, but the shepherds over there would certainly not be too amused about your suggestion. What about Gibraltar?

The waste of forests etc began long before Islam. You can blame it on the Romans and their neighbours with all their wooden ships. Certainly true for Algeria.

Syria was quite oK once, Damaskus was a one of the most liberal cities in the Middle East once. But the West supported the rebels from North Syria, fully aware that they were actually jihadists. So, many of today's problems with fundamentalistic Muslims are actually products of the West.


If its not ISIS its another little clique emerging,we will soon lose count of who is who and who is doing what.Personally i would like to see the USA re introduce agent orange to towns in Iraq and Syria and just exterminate them.While i detested what this chemical did to vietnam it is one way to get rid of this filth,and before anyone shouts at me saying what about innocent civilians i would like to quote a line from a bob dylan song "anyone with any sense has already left town"


If its not ISIS its another little clique emerging,we will soon lose count of who is who and who is doing what.Personally i would like to see the USA re introduce agent orange to towns in Iraq and Syria and just exterminate them.While i detested what this chemical did to vietnam it is one way to get rid of this filth,and before anyone shouts at me saying what about innocent civilians i would like to quote a line from a bob dylan song "anyone with any sense has already left town"

There are an estimated 6 - 8 million civilians in DAESH held territory. Anyone caught attempting to 'leave town', whether they be men, women or children are either killed or brutally punished. Rather than the quote from Dylan the idiom 'caught between a rock and a hard place' comes to mind.


No way, let alone humanitarian aspects. USA would only produce solidarity among *all* Muslims in the region. Maybe that's what IS wants.

I would personally count on the Kurds to fight IS.

And yet because of moronic US policy that all military aid to Iraq go through Bagdad the Kurds are denied the means to be as effective as they could be.


If its not ISIS its another little clique emerging,we will soon lose count of who is who and who is doing what.Personally i would like to see the USA re introduce agent orange to towns in Iraq and Syria and just exterminate them.While i detested what this chemical did to vietnam it is one way to get rid of this filth,and before anyone shouts at me saying what about innocent civilians i would like to quote a line from a bob dylan song "anyone with any sense has already left town"

There are an estimated 6 - 8 million civilians in DAESH held territory. Anyone caught attempting to 'leave town', whether they be men, women or children are either killed or brutally punished. Rather than the quote from Dylan the idiom 'caught between a rock and a hard place' comes to mind.

how do you know this to be true,not saying its not just asking.If i was there i would find a way out rather than live in a hell hole.


Good image.

If I would have no one to run my kitchen, clean the house etc. and would be too old or too lazy to do it myself, I wouldn't mind my guests to do the work that I can't or don't want to do myself.

UK has a serious demographic problem. Natives are getting too old, and they hardly have children.

Falkland Islands would maybe oK for some migrants, but the shepherds over there would certainly not be too amused about your suggestion. What about Gibraltar?

The waste of forests etc began long before Islam. You can blame it on the Romans and their neighbours with all their wooden ships. Certainly true for Algeria.

Syria was quite oK once, Damaskus was a one of the most liberal cities in the Middle East once. But the West supported the rebels from North Syria, fully aware that they were actually jihadists. So, many of today's problems with fundamentalistic Muslims are actually products of the West.

You are mistaken. There is no need to let the people doing the house cleaning etc become citizens of the UK. Saudi runs entirely on "guest workers" and sends them all home when their contract ends.

It would only take a few hundred potential terrorists being sent to the Falklands to stop all illegal economic migrants trying to enter Britain, just as offshore settlement has stopped the boatloads of potential terrorists entering Australian territory.


No way, let alone humanitarian aspects. USA would only produce solidarity among *all* Muslims in the region. Maybe that's what IS wants.

I would personally count on the Kurds to fight IS.

And yet because of moronic US policy that all military aid to Iraq go through Bagdad the Kurds are denied the means to be as effective as they could be.

Agree ,i like the kurds if its one people that deserve their own country its the kurds.


Good image.

If I would have no one to run my kitchen, clean the house etc. and would be too old or too lazy to do it myself, I wouldn't mind my guests to do the work that I can't or don't want to do myself.

UK has a serious demographic problem. Natives are getting too old, and they hardly have children.

Falkland Islands would maybe oK for some migrants, but the shepherds over there would certainly not be too amused about your suggestion. What about Gibraltar?

The waste of forests etc began long before Islam. You can blame it on the Romans and their neighbours with all their wooden ships. Certainly true for Algeria.

Syria was quite oK once, Damaskus was a one of the most liberal cities in the Middle East once. But the West supported the rebels from North Syria, fully aware that they were actually jihadists. So, many of today's problems with fundamentalistic Muslims are actually products of the West.

You are mistaken. There is no need to let the people doing the house cleaning etc become citizens of the UK. Saudi runs entirely on "guest workers" and sends them all home when their contract ends.

It would only take a few hundred potential terrorists being sent to the Falklands to stop all illegal economic migrants trying to enter Britain, just as offshore settlement has stopped the boatloads of potential terrorists entering Australian territory.

You have to wonder why the Uk does n't copy australia's example.Is it because the UK are hampered by EU rules and laws?


Good image.

If I would have no one to run my kitchen, clean the house etc. and would be too old or too lazy to do it myself, I wouldn't mind my guests to do the work that I can't or don't want to do myself.

UK has a serious demographic problem. Natives are getting too old, and they hardly have children.

Falkland Islands would maybe oK for some migrants, but the shepherds over there would certainly not be too amused about your suggestion. What about Gibraltar?

The waste of forests etc began long before Islam. You can blame it on the Romans and their neighbours with all their wooden ships. Certainly true for Algeria.

Syria was quite oK once, Damaskus was a one of the most liberal cities in the Middle East once. But the West supported the rebels from North Syria, fully aware that they were actually jihadists. So, many of today's problems with fundamentalistic Muslims are actually products of the West.

You are mistaken. There is no need to let the people doing the house cleaning etc become citizens of the UK. Saudi runs entirely on "guest workers" and sends them all home when their contract ends.

It would only take a few hundred potential terrorists being sent to the Falklands to stop all illegal economic migrants trying to enter Britain, just as offshore settlement has stopped the boatloads of potential terrorists entering Australian territory.

You have to wonder why the Uk does n't copy australia's example.Is it because the UK are hampered by EU rules and laws?

IMO based on 10 years working in the UK, it's because UK politicians are too PC to do anything meaningful. They could stand up to Brussels if they wanted to, but they don't.

Not a single statesman among the lot of them.


No way, let alone humanitarian aspects. USA would only produce solidarity among *all* Muslims in the region. Maybe that's what IS wants.

I would personally count on the Kurds to fight IS.

And yet because of moronic US policy that all military aid to Iraq go through Bagdad the Kurds are denied the means to be as effective as they could be.

Speaking of moronic things, do you think that the Turks will allow the arming of the Kurds through their territory? How do you think it would work to try and arm them through Iran?



The conflict between Turks and Kurds is already in parliament.

PKK might claim a free Kurdistan after sucessful fight against Daesh. Iran might support them.

Turkey is a NATO member, but it would be quite ridiculous to call NATO against the ones that fought against NATO's biggest enemy.

Guess this will become a separate topic.


Turkey has reduced itself under Erdogan to nominal Nato membership.

Still, given Turkey is a sovereign government the Kurds continue to actively resist, it's prudent for the US not to arm Kurds.

The most encouraging development is that the issue has entered the Turkish parliament, as has been noted here, so it would also be unwise to disturb or disrupt that huge factor.

Nato has for some years now been riding herd on Turkey rather than relying on it in the defense of Europe. Turkey is positively excluded from entering the EU and for very good reasons.


Turkey has reduced itself under Erdogan to nominal Nato membership.

Still, given Turkey is a sovereign government the Kurds continue to actively resist, it's prudent for the US not to arm Kurds.

The most encouraging development is that the issue has entered the Turkish parliament, as has been noted here, so it would also be unwise to disturb or disrupt that huge factor.

Nato has for some years now been riding herd on Turkey rather than relying on it in the defense of Europe. Turkey is positively excluded from entering the EU and for very good reasons.

It is time that the West realise that an Islamicised Turkey is not an ally and act accordingly. For a start the Germans could send all the Turks home, as they are a 5th column.


When the heads of the European countries allowed Muslim people in to become full citizens,

they saw working hands, lots and lots of working hands who doesn't mined to work hard

like the Europeans are, little they knew that what they did, will turn around in 20-30 years

to bite them on the ass, big time,

Muslims, as a whole do not assimilate or integrates, they keep to themselves owing to

religious beliefs and largely as to not lose their Identities, a Muslim person can be your

best neighbor and friend, but one day he will turn on you if he was so told by his Mullah

Imam or preacher,,,,

Europe didn't want the Jews, and did everything in their power to persecute, imprison,

liquidate and exile them back in the 40' now the got the Muslim instead, and they're

there to stay... good luck to you Europe....

Great post. May I add if Western powers are only now seeing the an austere brand of islam this reveals the ignorance and willful negligence they possessed earlier. This is not a newly developing "brand" of islam, how absurd.

Islam is the only religion/ideology to ever have a highly evolved tenet of their faith built upon migration practices, dos and donts- hirja. The entire faith is predicated upon a supremacism that has muslims living in proximity to non

believers, but constantly inculcated they are the best among peoples, and that you may be friendly, compassionate, but no, you are not supposed to ever really, really take non believers as friends. This is not an odd line tossed

about by imams rather a catechism, a procession of faith issue.

I have no intention today to indict muslims, only westerners. Islam is as islam is, and always has been- there is no new brand. But the stewards of the West, divorced from any reason or intellectual heritage, imagined a world that

did not, could not, and never would exist- one where there was camp fire songs, ecumenical worship, Gaia Gazing, and bread for all. Islamic jiahd is no more responsible for destroying the West then yersinia pestes was for destroying

the West.

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