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Ask for tooth whitening in Bangkok


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@alt was the result good? Is it Worth it?

Yes, and yes.

First time was in Vietnam. I then wanted to get it done again in BKK. BKK was obviously more expensive but still very cheap compared to western prices.

The place I went to on Suk Rd. is inside this plaza (1st or 2nd floor): https://www.google.ie/maps/@13.73859,100.558136,3a,75y,205.32h,89.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZJoFmOmmWhXGWW0JrC8JRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Found them professional, perfect English (the dentist... the receptionist had almost none). They also had my records from 4 years ago when I first went there. Also they mentioned I had a few cavities but didn't even try to sell me anything, just advised I get them sorted out at some stage 'when you go home'

Ps. While having the laser job done, get your teeth cleaned... oh my god it was the best feeling in the world after

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@alt was the result good? Is it Worth it?

Yes, and yes.

First time was in Vietnam. I then wanted to get it done again in BKK. BKK was obviously more expensive but still very cheap compared to western prices.

The place I went to on Suk Rd. is inside this plaza (1st or 2nd floor): https://www.google.ie/maps/@13.73859,100.558136,3a,75y,205.32h,89.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZJoFmOmmWhXGWW0JrC8JRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Found them professional, perfect English (the dentist... the receptionist had almost none). They also had my records from 4 years ago when I first went there. Also they mentioned I had a few cavities but didn't even try to sell me anything, just advised I get them sorted out at some stage 'when you go home'

Ps. While having the laser job done, get your teeth cleaned... oh my god it was the best feeling in the world after

You had your teeth whitened but didn't get fillings to repair the decay in the structure of your teeth? Seriously?

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Whitening has good results for most. First did it about 13 years ago (Christ, where did the years go?) in Bangkok when it was very good value, but I used the cheaper option of the teeth molds and gel approach, not the laser treatment. Since then I've noticed in passing that it is not as good valuevalue in Thailand these days. What I should mention is, don't see it as a long term result because it will lose its initial effect over time defending on lifestyle (coffee, tea, smoking, staining foods etc, the things that led you to whitening in the first place) and once you've had your teeth shining white it is hard not to keep wanting it back, which of course is the whole commercial cycle trap of the procedure. Being English, Tea is my 'vice', and even milky tea will eventually, gradually, lessen whitening results but also foods with strong inherent staining colour such as foods with slices like turmeric will begin to lessen initial results after a few months. Every few years I 'top up' with Gels bought online and do a home course of a few days with a day off in the middle to lessen sensitivity from stronger gels. As I say, good results but if you can't lay off the staining foods and drinks due to loving them too much then it is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom. One complication, whether doing the gel approach or laser approach in Thailand is that you want to avoid staining foods and drinks during (and for a day orvtwo after) the whole course of the gel approach and for some time after laser treatment (alt will know how long for). Easier said than done in a country with all that spicy colour laden food in front of you. Are you going to eat white bread and water or plain noodles for several days?

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  • 4 months later...
Thantakit Dental is quite a good choice to have your teeth whitening. Been there a few times (root canal) and the place is pretty impressive. I've actually enquired about their teeth whitening service and they use a non-laser system which is safer and provides quicker results. The procedure lasts about an hour but I think the sessions may depend on the discoloration really.

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@alt was the result good? Is it Worth it?

Yes, and yes.

First time was in Vietnam. I then wanted to get it done again in BKK. BKK was obviously more expensive but still very cheap compared to western prices.

The place I went to on Suk Rd. is inside this plaza (1st or 2nd floor): https://www.google.ie/maps/@13.73859,100.558136,3a,75y,205.32h,89.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZJoFmOmmWhXGWW0JrC8JRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Found them professional, perfect English (the dentist... the receptionist had almost none). They also had my records from 4 years ago when I first went there. Also they mentioned I had a few cavities but didn't even try to sell me anything, just advised I get them sorted out at some stage 'when you go home'

Ps. While having the laser job done, get your teeth cleaned... oh my god it was the best feeling in the world after

You had your teeth whitened but didn't get fillings to repair the decay in the structure of your teeth? Seriously?

You should see his car! Engine oil is almost tar from lack of changing, headlights are burned out, tires have no tread, and the brakes are worn to the shoe... but Boy, does it ever shine in the sunlight after having a nice new coat of wax!

What's the point of whitening teeth that will fall out if you let the cavities grow unchecked?

On point: I see cosmetic teeth whitening clinics in every dental shop here in BKK.

Edited by DirtyDan
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@alt was the result good? Is it Worth it?

Yes, and yes.

First time was in Vietnam. I then wanted to get it done again in BKK. BKK was obviously more expensive but still very cheap compared to western prices.

The place I went to on Suk Rd. is inside this plaza (1st or 2nd floor): https://www.google.ie/maps/@13.73859,100.558136,3a,75y,205.32h,89.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZJoFmOmmWhXGWW0JrC8JRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Found them professional, perfect English (the dentist... the receptionist had almost none). They also had my records from 4 years ago when I first went there. Also they mentioned I had a few cavities but didn't even try to sell me anything, just advised I get them sorted out at some stage 'when you go home'

Ps. While having the laser job done, get your teeth cleaned... oh my god it was the best feeling in the world after

You had your teeth whitened but didn't get fillings to repair the decay in the structure of your teeth? Seriously?

Well, I'd imagine he got that done later. I've had the same experience- got my teeth whitened, dentist suggested I had a cavity checked out at a later date.

Which is what I did.

I don't see what's weird about that.

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@alt was the result good? Is it Worth it?

Yes, and yes.

First time was in Vietnam. I then wanted to get it done again in BKK. BKK was obviously more expensive but still very cheap compared to western prices.

The place I went to on Suk Rd. is inside this plaza (1st or 2nd floor): https://www.google.ie/maps/@13.73859,100.558136,3a,75y,205.32h,89.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZJoFmOmmWhXGWW0JrC8JRA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Found them professional, perfect English (the dentist... the receptionist had almost none). They also had my records from 4 years ago when I first went there. Also they mentioned I had a few cavities but didn't even try to sell me anything, just advised I get them sorted out at some stage 'when you go home'

Ps. While having the laser job done, get your teeth cleaned... oh my god it was the best feeling in the world after

You had your teeth whitened but didn't get fillings to repair the decay in the structure of your teeth? Seriously?

Well, I'd imagine he got that done later. I've had the same experience- got my teeth whitened, dentist suggested I had a cavity checked out at a later date.

Which is what I did.

I don't see what's weird about that.

I didn't even bother responding to the other guy. But yeah, you're right. I was on my last day in BKK, I was not going spending all of it in a dentist. Got my teeth cleaned, took the advise, and got a few small jobs done (under insurance) when I got home... no issue.

But you have to expect the (regular) smart a$$ comments from the usual TV brigade.

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any honest dentist, will tell you, its doesnt work.

Its like all the woman's cream that promise you less wrinkle, do you think its really works? I dont think so!

Your teeth will be just one tone wither, for a couple of weeks. But your wallet will be a lot lighter.

Tooth withening is just one more scam aimed at gullible people.

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any honest dentist, will tell you, its doesnt work.

Its like all the woman's cream that promise you less wrinkle, do you think its really works? I dont think so!

Your teeth will be just one tone wither, for a couple of weeks. But your wallet will be a lot lighter.

Tooth withening is just one more scam aimed at gullible people.

This might be true for laser, but gel worked very well on my teeth.

Guess possible with lifetime of smoking and tea stains maybe a bridge too far...?

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Does anyone know where to easily buy bleach 20%? Cheap. Thanks.

I had good success with bleach and custom trays. A friend had laser and it didn't work well and really hurt. Bleach hurts too but really works pretty well imo. Don't do over 20%.

i guess you can do your own gel at home

For the laser, back home, i did ask my dentist. He quoted me 500 euro, with no garantie it will work. In others, thats just a scam.

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/29/2015 at 6:47 PM, alt said:

I didn't even bother responding to the other guy. But yeah, you're right. I was on my last day in BKK, I was not going spending all of it in a dentist. Got my teeth cleaned, took the advise, and got a few small jobs done (under insurance) when I got home... no issue.

But you have to expect the (regular) smart a$$ comments from the usual TV brigade.

Indeed.  And worse, some dentists here are sleazy sales people.  Happened twice that a dentist (when I go for whitening or a cleaning locally) try and convince me I have 10+ "abrasian cavities".  Then I check with my regular dentist in Belgium and he says the tradeoff is that anytime you fill them you first have to remove good material, so it does more harm than good with tiny cavities.  One instance was in 2003.  Haven't needed a single filling ever since.  I floss every night, brush my teeth twice, and go for a checkup every 8 months.  Never have a problem.  I completely trust my dentist in Belgium.  In fact, he didn't even charge me at all a couple of times because he knows I don't have health insurance in Belgium.  Typical old fashioned village dentist with a good ethic.

Edited by ChidlomDweller
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