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Australia's PM Tony Abbott makes no promises on IS man's children


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Australian leader makes no promises on IS man's children
ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia's prime minister said Wednesday he felt for the five children of an Australian convicted terrorist in the Islamic State movement who became notorious last year for posing for photographs while clutching the severed heads of Syrian victims.

But Prime Minister Tony Abbott would make no promises that his government would help repatriate the young family from the Middle East following the father's reported death, saying that keeping Australia safe was his first priority.

Reports that the children's Australian father Khaled Sharrouf, 33, and his Australian friend Mohamed Elomar, 30, had been killed in airstrikes in the Islamic State-held city of Mosul in Iraq have intensified calls from relatives for Australian help to bring the family home.

Sharrouf slipped out of Australia in late 2013 and his Muslim-convert wife, Tara Nettleton, followed him to Syria with their children soon after.

He used his brother's passport to leave because his own had been canceled due to his terrorism convictions. It's likely that his family's passports have also been cancelled on security grounds, stranding them in Syria.

Sharrouf's 7-year-old son horrified the world a year ago when he was photographed holding the severed head of a Syrian soldier by the hair. Sharrouf's eldest child was married to Elomar at the age of 13.

Australian police issued arrest warrants for Sharrouf and Elomar on terrorism offenses days after their photos with severed heads emerged.

Sharrouf, a former drug dealer with a history of mental illness, met his wife in high school.

Nettleton's Sydney-based mother Karen Nettleton said in a media statement late Tuesday that her daughter had "followed her heart and has paid an enormous price."

"My daughter has made the mistake of a lifetime," she said. "Today she is a parent alone in a foreign and vicious land looking after a widowed 14-year-old and four other young children."

"Mr. Abbott, I beg you, please help bring my child and grandchildren home," she said.

Asked if he felt for the children, Abbott told Nine Network television: "I suppose at one level, yes."

"But on the other hand, we have to appreciate the scale of the evil which has been practiced here, and that's the thing," Abbott said.

"We will act to protect our country, the safety of our community is the first concern of government," he said.

The government has said that verifying Sharrouf's death would be the first step before any possible talks with the family on repatriation.

But Abbott said that that step had not yet been taken, saying there was a high degree of confidence that Elomar was dead, but "we don't have any such certainty as to the other individual."

Sydney-born Sharrouf, who was also a Lebanese national, was a prime target of legislation introduced to Parliament on Wednesday that would allow terrorists who are dual nationals to be stripped of their Australian citizenship.

Australia will block the return of dual citizens suspected of terrorism based on security advice and deport court-convicted terrorists under new citizenship laws.

The government estimates that up to half of about 120 Australians who have traveled to Iraq and Syria to fight for the Islamic State movement are dual citizens.

The government has also passed contentious new laws that make it a criminal offense to even visit Mosul or the Islamic State movement's Syrian stronghold of al-Raqqa province, where the Sharrouf family was thought to be based.

Sharrouf was among nine Muslim men accused in 2007 of stockpiling bomb-making materials and plotting terrorist attacks in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's largest cities.

He pleaded guilty in 2009 to charges that he had prepared for a terrorist act and served less than four years in prison.

The government is considering making the proposed citizenship-stripping laws retroactive so that Sharrouf's accomplices in the terrorist plot could be deported once they are released from prison.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-24

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Sharrouf "had a history of mental illness and was a drug dealer"...which tells me he was well suited to ISIS.He is a lebanese and was living in australia.Interesting that australia took in thousands of lebanese christians and muslims during their civil war in 1976 and gave them a good home and a new start,and that is how many of them repay a country's generosity!

I really have no sympathy for migrants who abuse another's generosity.

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The Australian govt should bring them back. Put the mother into prison and take the children into care, this is the only way they will have a chance in life. The mother has already chosen her path and is not fit to have the care and control of the children.

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the view of most Aussies is leave them there .. she made the choice to follow him with the kids now they have to live with it ....who would have a child that has had photo's taken of him holding a severed head of some poor victim who probably has a family with children, wife and parents

these children would be scared for life and the ways of isis stamped well into the subconscious that will rear it's ugly head when they grow up in the Islamic way

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The Australian govt should bring them back. Put the mother into prison and take the children into care, this is the only way they will have a chance in life. The mother has already chosen her path and is not fit to have the care and control of the children.

The kids will almost certainly have already been radicalised.

They will also be harbouring a grudge for the death of their father who would probably been a hero image to them.

They are a security risk that can not be ignored. Why take the risk of exposing your population to tomorrow's potential terrorists in your country.

The government's first duty is the safety of their nation and people.

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Sharrouf "had a history of mental illness and was a drug dealer"...which tells me he was well suited to ISIS.He is a lebanese and was living in australia.Interesting that australia took in thousands of lebanese christians and muslims during their civil war in 1976 and gave them a good home and a new start,and that is how many of them repay a country's generosity!

I really have no sympathy for migrants who abuse another's generosity.

I must correct you, it is the Muslim lebs that is the problem, the Christian lebs that I have met and worked for in Australia are some of the nicest people I have met, and I am a Atheist.
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If the children have Australian citizenship, then they should be allowed to return to Australia.

It's been reported Elomar in recent times was a member of DEASH internal security, so god only knows what additional horrors he carried out in that role. Unbelievably naive for the grandmother to make appeals in the media spotlight for mother to return to Oz with children. At the very least I wouldn't place much hope on the mothers life expectancy or indeed the families ability to avoid DAESH forces to exit Syria.

Edited by simple1
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That picture will stay with the kid forever he returns to Australia.

These crazy people must realise if they turn and abandon a civilised country then there is no return.

I admire Tony Abbott.

Wish he was in the UK to sort a few problems such as the mass economic migrants heading to freeload.

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If the children have Australian citizenship, then they should be allowed to return to Australia.

Since when a citizenship entitle you to a card blanch behavior? if the next would be ISIS

fighters from Australia will know that their children have no way to go back to Australia

than he might think 10 times before he take the step to go get himself killed for some

idiotic, lunatic cause....

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Sharrouf "had a history of mental illness and was a drug dealer"...which tells me he was well suited to ISIS.He is a lebanese and was living in australia.Interesting that australia took in thousands of lebanese christians and muslims during their civil war in 1976 and gave them a good home and a new start,and that is how many of them repay a country's generosity!

I really have no sympathy for migrants who abuse another's generosity.

I must correct you, it is the Muslim lebs that is the problem, the Christian lebs that I have met and worked for in Australia are some of the nicest people I have met, and I am a Atheist.

No doubt you are correct,another thing i learnt was that they would n't know the truth even if it was staring them in the face.Bob hawk has a lot to answer for!

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What a load of rubbish this is

Judging purely from the article that started this I say far out them all.

If they are out of the country leave them there and check out those Centrelink recipients who are calling for rescue.

What a load of <deleted> to pester the PM with. Leave them where they are!


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You blokes clearly have a few comprehension problems.

They are australian citizens, they can come back any time they want.

The question is whether the government is going to offer repatriation to bring them home.

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You blokes clearly have a few comprehension problems.

They are australian citizens, they can come back any time they want.

The question is whether the government is going to offer repatriation to bring them home.

maybe they still hold dual citizenship,and that is coming up for discussion in parliament.

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You blokes clearly have a few comprehension problems.

They are australian citizens, they can come back any time they want.

The question is whether the government is going to offer repatriation to bring them home.

maybe they still hold dual citizenship,and that is coming up for discussion in parliament.

You mean the one which breaches all forms of due process?

I'll guess they'll try and make it retroactive. And stamp on that legal precedent as well.

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Well said Mr. Abbott - leave them all where they are and let that be a lesson to other maniac convert-psychoes ... Skrew Tara Nettleton and her mom as well, who needs wannabe terrorists - burn in hell M. d-bags ...bah.gifsick.gif

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The wife must have been as nutty as he was. She probably thought the whole thing was terribly exciting. I can't say I feel very sorry for her. If she has her Aus. nationality still and money, she can come all by herself can't she?

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'"My daughter has made the mistake of a lifetime,"'. Not to mention a few others' lifetimes.

A pity the UK government (and its judiciary) lack the spine of the Australians. There are undoubtedly more than a few UK dual nationals who would benefit from having just the one nationality - the other one.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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'"My daughter has made the mistake of a lifetime,"'. Not to mention a few others' lifetimes.

A pity the UK government (and its judiciary) lack the spine of the Australians. There are undoubtedly more than a few UK dual nationals who would benefit from having just the one nationality - the other one.

In fact Oz government claimed it was using the template of existing UK legislation. However, Oz government is now changing a few sections of the Citizenship Act (expected to be approved by Parliament today) as their previous proposals were unlikely to survive a High Court constitutional challenge.

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The legislation now in force could affect many more than those immigrants who have gained Oz citizenship. Many born here are given dual citizenship due to their parentage, whether they want it or not. Greece as prime example gives you Greek citizenship if you have Greek heritage. Oz citizens can be conscripted if they are of military age and visit Greece.

BTW Tara's family must have thrilled when she brought home her Lebanese muslim drug dealer would-be terrorist with mental health problems.

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Today she is a parent alone in a foreign and vicious land looking after a widowed 14-year-old and four other young children

Oh boo hoo.

Why is there even a debate about this?

I'm sick of western governments caring more about foreigners that mean ill to our societies than they do about their own citizens.

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Tony Abbotts loyalty is to the good people of Australia.

Thankfully he has the strength and conviction to do the right thing.

The UK government need to take a leaf out of his book and discover why it's still the lucky country while we have to endure the invading hords who hate the western way of life but love the free money and housing.

Edited by Scott
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Sharrouf "had a history of mental illness and was a drug dealer"...which tells me he was well suited to ISIS.He is a lebanese and was living in australia.Interesting that australia took in thousands of lebanese christians and muslims during their civil war in 1976 and gave them a good home and a new start,and that is how many of them repay a country's generosity!

I really have no sympathy for migrants who abuse another's generosity.

I must correct you, it is the Muslim lebs that is the problem, the Christian lebs that I have met and worked for in Australia are some of the nicest people I have met, and I am a Atheist.

No doubt you are correct,another thing i learnt was that they would n't know the truth even if it was staring them in the face.Bob hawk has a lot to answer for!

Before poor old Bob, it was Gough Whitlam, then Malcolm Fraser. Whitlam introduced multiculturalism through that fool, and criminal, Al Grassby, the then Immigration Minister and Fraser expanded on it, then we have the Rudd, Gillard, Rudd era. These lot have just as much to answer for as Hawkie.

Insofar as certain religious groups within a nationality are concerned, it is not only restricted to Lebanese but to those of the practising faith from many middle eastern countries who have no respect for the truth or authority. I am not saying all but a vast majority and this is from personal experiences in dealing with them over a 30 year period within law enforcement. Now just asking but what is the relevancy between the post and your non-believer status?

Edited by Si Thea01
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The Australian govt should bring them back. Put the mother into prison and take the children into care, this is the only way they will have a chance in life. The mother has already chosen her path and is not fit to have the care and control of the children.

By the tone of your post it appears that you are not an Australian Citizen and do not even reside there. If you aren't then why should we take your post seriously. The mother is well known and a raving lunatic and if she gets back, will face the full force of the law. Now for the children, I would say radicalised by now and how in the hell are they going to be brought back into society and will they ever be trusted. Doubt it but for the care part, seeing you are so compassionate, please give us you address and we will endeavour to have then sent to you and you can be responsible for their care and future upbringing.

At this time the deaths have not been confirmed, so many, like other posts, go off half cocked without the full facts. When their demise has been confirmed and that this is not a ploy to get the wife and children back, then some posters might be taken a little more seriously. I have never wished death on anyone but if they have been killed then they will not be missed. His wife and children are unacceptable risks to the Australian people, now and into the future and I for one would not like the decision to being them back resting on my head 10 or 20 years from now. And of course, all of the repatriation expenses and other associated costs will have to be met by the Australian tax payer.

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