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Lawyer for former Bangkok Police Chief to meet Japanese prosecutors


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So this bozo was police chief - right so that makes him smart.

He was on an official fact finding trip - that makes his opinions valuable which means he is not stupid.

He knows the pistol was in his luggage because he repacked it into hand luggage. As an ex-policeman, senior at that, he would have no illusions as to the illegality of taking it on a plane - you can't do that in Thailand either!

So basically he has no excuse whatsoever and is relying on his mates in Thailand to drum up a diplomatic situation to get him off. That just shows the ego of this pompous ass.

And the some government moron tries to blame it on the Japanese trying to discredit the Thai aviation industry? Another pompous ass - bang him up to for making Thailand look stupid.

Crikey this place is full of pompous ignorant fools - products of its corruption - that all the ordinary people are supposed to respect. Ever wondered why Thailand has this respect culture! Maybe because the prats who get to the top are only there because they are so BAD and have to demand respect for otherwise they would be the laughing stock of the world and the ordinary Thai people with a brain.

Edited by timewilltell
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"Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said in Bangkok that he did not think Camronwit's case would have a negative impact on Thailand amidst the International Civil Aviation Organisation's ongoing safety concerns about the Thai aviation sector." .....

Thaiwife ask me if the PM use his toe to think .... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Maybe she solved the mystery about all these idiotic statements cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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ated by the

You know I don't think an intelligent man as he is would have tried to take a gun knowingly into Japan. What for ?

He did not because a Police chief out of stupidity. All you negative ones that say he knew. I am glad a case cannot be tried here in TV. EVERYONE would be guilty.

Take a look at your selves Have you ever made a mistake ?

Give the guy a break We all make mistakes at one time

I hope your post is written with a sarcastic pen/keyboard. If not, I pray you have/will never hold a responsible position involving the safety of humans in any capacity whatsoever.

BTW my mistakes in this context have been limited to forgetting a nail-file and a pair of toe-nail clippers both of which were detected and confiscated from my hand luggage at Birmingham (BHX) Airport.

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You know I don't think an intelligent man as he is would have tried to take a gun knowingly into Japan. What for ?

He did not because a Police chief out of stupidity. All you negative ones that say he knew. I am glad a case cannot be tried here in TV. EVERYONE would be guilty.

Take a look at your selves Have you ever made a mistake ?

Give the guy a break We all make mistakes at one time

leaving thailand maybe he forgot it was there, maybe a mistake sure, but forgot repacking on the way back c'mon be serious.

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What a mess. The excuses from the local side are so transparent that I doubt the Japanese will fall for any of them. Since the Thais are putting so many resources into getting this General out of his own mess, they will probably end up letting him off with a slap on the wrists in the interests of diplomacy. We can all dream that he is punished as any other would be. Perhaps this is the excuse I needed to get back down to the temple for a bit of 'tum boon' clap2.gif

I do wonder why 80 people were over there looking at a waste facility though. Seems like an ironic waste of resources in itself.blink.png

".......why 80 people were over there....."

A junta jaunt?

Was thinking exactly the same thing.

80 people to look at a waste facility?

That's 80 Business Class seats, 5-star Hotels, expense accounts for Rapongi, some karaoke to appease their hosts, gifts for the wife and mia noi...

They could have bought the waste facility at these kind of junket prices.

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"An elderly man who could easily be forgetful' He's only 60 years of age, if that's 'elderly' in this day and age I must be positively ancient. Forgot my arse!

A short time ago, he was holding a high ranking position in the RTP in charge of the police in BKK.

Now, suddenly, he's an "elderly" man at age 60 who can't remember where he puts his gun...


Try that excuse the next time any of us have a problem at Thai Immigration, and see how well that goes over with the good Thai police in charge there...

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80 people to look at a waste facility?

That's 80 Business Class seats, 5-star Hotels, expense accounts for Rapongi, some karaoke to appease their hosts, gifts for the wife and mia noi...

They could have bought the waste facility at these kind of junket prices.

I'd been thinking the same thing, ever since the 80 figure was first reported...

What hasn't been said, though, is who was footing the tab for this junket? The Thai national government, the local folks in Pathum Thani who are considering building a plant, or the Japanese interested in getting a contract or selling their technology?

Somehow, it seems fitting, though, that this guy is now dealing in the garbage business. Not too different from his former profession.

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What a mess. The excuses from the local side are so transparent that I doubt the Japanese will fall for any of them. Since the Thais are putting so many resources into getting this General out of his own mess, they will probably end up letting him off with a slap on the wrists in the interests of diplomacy. We can all dream that he is punished as any other would be. Perhaps this is the excuse I needed to get back down to the temple for a bit of 'tum boon' clap2.gif

I do wonder why 80 people were over there looking at a waste facility though. Seems like an ironic waste of resources in itself.blink.png

".......why 80 people were over there....."

A junta jaunt?

Was thinking exactly the same thing.

80 people to look at a waste facility?

That's 80 Business Class seats, 5-star Hotels, expense accounts for Rapongi, some karaoke to appease their hosts, gifts for the wife and mia noi...

They could have bought the waste facility at these kind of junket prices.

When the PM took over didn't he say there would be no overseas trips without very good reason etc. ?

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Kamronwit awaits decision from Japanese prosecutors after arrest

BANGKOK, 25 June 2015 (NNT) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has revealed that the former Bangkok police chief will remain in police custody in Japan, until local prosecutors can decide whether to indict him for firearms possession.

Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit arrived in Japan on June 19 to visit a waste incineration plant in Tokyo, along with 80 delegates from Thailand. He was arrested for attempting to bring a gun on board a plane at Narita International Airport. If found guilty, he could face up to ten years in jail.

Japanese prosecutors will have 20 days to decide whether to charge Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit with violating Japan’s firearm control law. Japanese police are compiling evidence in the case to send to the prosecutors.

The ministry said the Thai embassy in Tokyo is coordinating with local authorities to ensure legal proceedings are undertaken swiftly.

-- NNT 2015-06-25 footer_n.gif

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if hes allowed to get away with it, then it will set a new precedence for others to follow suit knowing there is a legal out if caught

Which could well be a reason why he will feel the full impact of the Japanese laws an social attitudes to guns.

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The focus here is on the aircraft security angle and even if he is able to finangle his way out of this he still has to explain to the Japanese why he was in possession of a gun in Japan without lawful excuse. He admits moving the gun around in his luggage in Japan and this may well be a very damaging admission. The fact he is allowed to carry a firearm in Thailand is no excuse for travelling around Japan with one unless it is authorised in advance. .

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When I thought they were talking about his service revolver or Glok I had some sympathy for him not thinking as this could be considered part of him when he carries it all the time. This derringer throw away though is a different story.

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whistling.gif There is the possibility that he did not take it from Thailand to Japan, but bought it illegally in Japan and was trying to bring it back to Thailand when the Japanese caught him with it in his luggage.

I would presume that the Japanese are more diligent in searches for such things than the Thais are.gun

It looks to me more like a novelty gun, than a serous gun

I rather discount that he bought it in Japan, but it is a possibility.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I think it will be VERY interesting to see how this turns out.

Even though he's no longer officially with RTP, he still has some status as a retired Thai government official. So there is a diplomatic element that comes into play.

Also, I wonder if the Red Bull folks have any pull with the Japanese authorities, since this guy might well have some friends there who feel they owe him a favor... whistling.gif

Yet, at the same time, the Japanese authorities seem to be treating the oxy drug case with the Toyota PR chief pretty seriously... no walk on that one, even though I gather she's the PR chief for the whole Japanese Toyota entity, not just the U.S. division anymore. BTW, she's still in jail, a week after her arrest while police continue their investigation.

All I can say it, it sure ISN'T Thailand there....

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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You know I don't think an intelligent man as he is would have tried to take a gun knowingly into Japan. What for ?

He did not because a Police chief out of stupidity. All you negative ones that say he knew. I am glad a case cannot be tried here in TV. EVERYONE would be guilty.

Take a look at your selves Have you ever made a mistake ?

Give the guy a break We all make mistakes at one time

And mostly we pay for them, I'd think if we ask around the jails if their crimes were just a mistake, we'll get a resounding YESrolleyes.gif

BTW an intelligent man would pack and check his own bags before flying os

Was a nice junket for him as I'm sure he's qualified in waste disposalwhistling.gif

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You know I don't think an intelligent man as he is would have tried to take a gun knowingly into Japan. What for ?

He did not because a Police chief out of stupidity. All you negative ones that say he knew. I am glad a case cannot be tried here in TV. EVERYONE would be guilty.

Take a look at your selves Have you ever made a mistake ?

Give the guy a break We all make mistakes at one time

Not with a loaded gun.

I have carried a hand gun, after proper training. It was always within instant reach of my right hand or locked away, unloaded, with the ammunition stored in a different location.

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Do Thai police officers, and retired Thai police officers, have permits to carry firearms in Japan? If they just pack them in the checked bagage? I guess not, and that means the bloke will be charged with illegal posession also, no matter If the gun is legal in Thailand or not.

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The gun is only half the problem here. He had the bullets too for crying out loud.

So his BS story is that he remembers packing his gun AND bullets to take with him when in Thailand, but doesn't remember packing the same gun AND bullets in Japan. His story is piss weak & I hope the Japanese prosecutors make an example of this fool.

Also the aviation safety body should request cctv / stills of the luggage scan. I don't buy for one second he will have been searched with any diligence. We all know that vip's in Thailand don't tolerate lower classes scrutinizing them

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Thailand has its laws and Japan has theirs.

When in Japan, you need to follow Japanese laws, since Thailand's laws mean nothing there.

Perhaps, it might have gone better for him, if he was an active duty Thai police officer who was carrying his service revolver at the time, though he still would have been illegal under Japanese law. But in this case, he wasn't an active duty police officer and he wasn't carrying his service revolver.

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He said he personally believed that Camronwit had genuinely forgotten that he had the gun in his bag, as he was now an elderly man who could be easily be forgetful.

So why invite him to Japan for a tour of this facility... clearly in this "frail" condition he would have forgotten everything on his return & the whole trip would have been a waste of time !!

Would have been better if he tossed the offending article into a nearby river & not try to take it through Narita airport !

Piss poor excuse (which may have some substance in Thailand among friends) but now he will face Japanese laws after offending on Japanese territory

hope his son has packed a few extra pairs of underwear for his extended stay & not more ammunition !!

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Im sorry I might be missing something here... why would a retired policeman on a business trip to Japan to view a waste burning power plant even contemplate packing a gun and taking it on commercial flight whether in luggage or carry on.... what possible motive/ driver/ intention/ need would an invited business guest need for a handgun in Japan..

I could somewhat understand this scenario if it was in bottom of his bag .. a relic from his yesteryear activities but he has admitted to packing it prior and then repacking it in Japan into his medicine bag that if I read correctly went into his hand held luggage

I could understand even have a modicum of sympathy if this was a situation where it was unknown by himself that it was in his bag.....i.e I forgot completely it was in there/ old bag I used to use years ago when i was on the force sort of thing ...... but he has obvious cognisance of its existence by virtue of the repack process in Japan and his reported statement that he consciously packed it prior to departure and thus has knowingly tried to board a commercial flight packing a firearm.......

This just doesn't make sense to me in any way . Im not normally a subscriber to conspiracy theories but its almost like he wanted to get caught on return leg hence transferring gun to his carry on luggage where he would have known the screening capability was far greater than what checked luggage receives....... why ??? Who benefits who loses from this if indeed he did want to get apprehended on the return leg.....

Assuming he didn't know he inadvertently brought it into Japan, why, when he discovered the gun didn't he just throw it away in a river immediately and certainly before leaving to go back to Thailand? He's certainly wealthy enough to buy a replacement gun when he got back to Thailand. Why did he feel the need to keep it? Instead of Kamronwit, his new nickname is 'Nit wit'.


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He knows the Worlds Aviation laws but since he was a former police chief the laws do not imply to him. He broke the law and should serve the time. Since he knew he had the gun when he left Thailand did he think he lost it coming back. It was in his personal bag and only he put it there. Just a little gun but little guns still kill. Another black mark for Thailand and when will it end!

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"An elderly man who could easily be forgetful' He's only 60 years of age, if that's 'elderly' in this day and age I must be positively ancient. Forgot my arse!

I am so sorry you forgot yoir arse, it is located between the top of your legs and the small of your back ;-). Hope this helps?

What he forgot was a 'comma'.


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Prawut said Camronwit had forgotten the gun was in the medicine bag.

That's some serious medicine. I'd hate to see the Healing Services list.

I'm trying to write a decent joke to tell the security people at BKK, the next time they're dutifully poking their metal detector at all my metal prosthetic hinges. I'm working on the "I forgot I had them with me" angle for now, but I think this story has the potential for a far greater classic gag somewhere.

Remain vertical and they won't detect anything.
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When I thought they were talking about his service revolver or Glok I had some sympathy for him not thinking as this could be considered part of him when he carries it all the time. This derringer throw away though is a different story.

...and that's a good point.

If he realized in Japan that he "accidentally" had this little gun, why didn't he visit the embassy and hand it in, or wrap it in newspaper and dump it in the waste facility to avoid trouble.

Either he is not real bright...or he considers himself above the law...actually probably both.

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The embassy certified to the Japanese side that the suspect had travelled to Japan on an observation trip related to a garbage-fuelled power plant at the invitation of the Japanese authorities.

The trip comprised about 80 people.

That's a lot of people to observe a garbage-fuelled power plant.

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The embassy certified to the Japanese side that the suspect had travelled to Japan on an observation trip related to a garbage-fuelled power plant at the invitation of the Japanese authorities.

The trip comprised about 80 people.

That's a lot of people to observe a garbage-fuelled power plant.

Yeah, normally they don't bother getting the opinion of the garbage.

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Perhaps this has been raised already but I recall a couple of years ago that a senior customs official assaulted a security guard at the airport for trying to check him. So it might be the case that staff are wary of the 'VIP' set.

I don't see the Japanese letting this go easily: they have extremely strict gun laws and are not about to make themselves look fools in the eyes of the world.

I guess you're right. A retired police general, former head of BKK police, close friends with politicians etc etc. A powerful man most certainly one of the VIP set. The security people wouldn't challenge him, nor would he expect them too. The arrogant stupidity is that they expect other countries will treat them with the same reverence and awe.

He was probably shocked they dared search his carry-on; and even more shocked to be arrested. Don't they know who he is? When that didn't work his first story was that it was a long lost gun and he been surprised to find it; followed by the I packed it in my carry-on on the way back by accident. Changing stories won't help his case.

The Japanese police aren't like the Thai police he's used to. The aren't looking for bribes, impressed by contact names and status, and don't want hiso favors in future. The pursue the truth - something totally alien to him. I hope the Japanese prosecutors and judges apply the law and not be soft due to Thai diplomatic overtures or the usual attempts at smoke and mirrors.

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