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American gay couple unable to leave Thailand with daughter

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A mythical man in the sky 'created' man and a woman from 'magic'. He also created the earth by 'magic'.

I'll take gays over fools that believe in a 2000 year old book of fairy tales thanks.

Ironically enough before that book was written being gay/bi/what ever the hell you wanted in ancient Greece/Rome was never an issue. Seems we have been going in reverse with those attitudes for 2000 years.

Another one who knows more that everyone else. Whoopee do you you.

So much in science is now confirming some of the things that the bible wrote. Was it more than an historical account of events, a ripping good yarn at the time, an attempt to move away from debauched multi-god worship and lewd practices of the times? Who knows. But, billions have believed in it over thousands of years, even after man's corruptions twisted it. Of course they didn't know as much as you; but only a fool thinks everyone else a fool.

I know many homosexual people who are very religious, some of whom are ministers in their faith, and many who try hard to live as they believe not just turn up on a Sunday morning.

You'd fit right in with the societies of ancient Rome and Greece. Slavery, sexual abuse, gang rape as a punishment, criminals used as "gladiators", and invasion, pillage and dictatorship of neighboring countries. Very civilized. And yes, we do seem to be going in reverse.

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Nowadays whenever somebody dares to say somehting negative about gay people it is discrimination, it is homophobia, etc... it never ends.

You've just added the word 'bigotry' to your vocabulary today? Congrats.

No he hasn't. You are trying to pin that tag on a view that is expressing a common behavior trait. Claiming any who make a comment you don't like to be bigotry.

The poster was whining that he couldn't say something negative or disparaging about a particular group or class of people. That's the dictionary definition of bigotry. If you don't like it or disagree, go take it up with the lexicographers and usage panels.

And there is no irony in my post. I challenge you to prove otherwise.


A mythical man in the sky 'created' man and a woman from 'magic'. He also created the earth by 'magic'.

I'll take gays over fools that believe in a 2000 year old book of fairy tales thanks.

Ironically enough before that book was written being gay/bi/what ever the hell you wanted in ancient Greece/Rome was never an issue. Seems we have been going in reverse with those attitudes for 2000 years.

Another one who knows more that everyone else. Whoopee do you you.

So much in science is now confirming some of the things that the bible wrote. Was it more than an historical account of events, a ripping good yarn at the time, an attempt to move away from debauched multi-god worship and lewd practices of the times? Who knows. But, billions have believed in it over thousands of years, even after man's corruptions twisted it. Of course they didn't know as much as you; but only a fool thinks everyone else a fool.

I know many homosexual people who are very religious, some of whom are ministers in their faith, and many who try hard to live as they believe not just turn up on a Sunday morning.

You'd fit right in with the societies of ancient Rome and Greece. Slavery, sexual abuse, gang rape as a punishment, criminals used as "gladiators", and invasion, pillage and dictatorship of neighboring countries. Very civilized. And yes, we do seem to be going in reverse.

Because throughout history Christianians never slaughtered people, raped and pillaged? Persecuted scientists as heretics, kept slaves or were sexual deviants? (They are stuff famous for that today)

The overall message of 'be a good person' and spirituality and yes it is a historical fantasy peice (lots of horrible blood and guts in there too, rape and 'gods' very warped sense of compassion). Thing is people take it literally creating bigoted attitudes. I don't mind if people want to Be religious, but don't use a 2000 year old semi historical text to apply to everything today. It is too antiquated.


If God want any Couple to have baby one them should get pregnant. If one can not get pregnant that is God saying no babies.

He did say steal kill for one or buy one

God doesn't exist though. He's a figure in people head

Of course you can prove that for a fact?

Wouldn't it be fun if the burden of proof were always on those who rejected ridiculous assertions instead of those who espouse them. In such a world, we'd have to accept statements like "there are invisible unicorns on Pluto" as factual until we can develop the technology to conclusively prove the statement false. This is not a theism/atheism thread so we won't take it further, but you might want to look up "null hypothesis" to get a better understanding on how we properly accept or reject hypotheses.


This thread is like the dying screams of the dinosaurs. The world has moved on and become a better place, and your bigoted whining is irrelevant now.


Nowadays whenever somebody dares to say somehting negative about gay people it is discrimination, it is homophobia, etc... it never ends.

You've just added the word 'bigotry' to your vocabulary today? Congrats.

No he hasn't. You are trying to pin that tag on a view that is expressing a common behavior trait. Claiming any who make a comment you don't like to be bigotry.

The poster was whining that he couldn't say something negative or disparaging about a particular group or class of people. That's the dictionary definition of bigotry. If you don't like it or disagree, go take it up with the lexicographers and usage panels.

And there is no irony in my post. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

"The concept of Bigotry can have slightly different meanings in American and British English.

In British English it refers to a state of mind where a person is obstinately, irrationally, or unfairly intolerant of ideas, opinions, or beliefs that differ from their own, and intolerant of the people who hold them.[1][2]

In American English, the term can be used similarly; however, it can also be used to refer to intolerance towards a group of people in general based on their group characteristics such as race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, andsocioeconomic status.[3][4]"

There you are. American English is entitled to it's own definitions, which those who wish can use. Like American Laws, not universally applicable.

However, read the American English definition carefully, along with the post you commented on again. Now can you see your irony................. no thought not.


A mythical man in the sky 'created' man and a woman from 'magic'. He also created the earth by 'magic'.

I'll take gays over fools that believe in a 2000 year old book of fairy tales thanks.

Ironically enough before that book was written being gay/bi/what ever the hell you wanted in ancient Greece/Rome was never an issue. Seems we have been going in reverse with those attitudes for 2000 years.

Another one who knows more that everyone else. Whoopee do you you.

So much in science is now confirming some of the things that the bible wrote. Was it more than an historical account of events, a ripping good yarn at the time, an attempt to move away from debauched multi-god worship and lewd practices of the times? Who knows. But, billions have believed in it over thousands of years, even after man's corruptions twisted it. Of course they didn't know as much as you; but only a fool thinks everyone else a fool.

I know many homosexual people who are very religious, some of whom are ministers in their faith, and many who try hard to live as they believe not just turn up on a Sunday morning.

You'd fit right in with the societies of ancient Rome and Greece. Slavery, sexual abuse, gang rape as a punishment, criminals used as "gladiators", and invasion, pillage and dictatorship of neighboring countries. Very civilized. And yes, we do seem to be going in reverse.

Because throughout history Christianians never slaughtered people, raped and pillaged? Persecuted scientists as heretics, kept slaves or were sexual deviants? (They are stuff famous for that today)

The overall message of 'be a good person' and spirituality and yes it is a historical fantasy peice (lots of horrible blood and guts in there too, rape and 'gods' very warped sense of compassion). Thing is people take it literally creating bigoted attitudes. I don't mind if people want to Be religious, but don't use a 2000 year old semi historical text to apply to everything today. It is too antiquated.

I agree - and not just those pretending to be Christians - people claim to be devout in many religions, and then get up to all sort of antics. Do as we say, not as we do. The history of the Catholic Church in particular is rich with lies, sexual perversions, persecutions, and extortion. The Hindu caste system was designed to be very different to how man corrupted it - many of my Hindu friends lament that. Many atrocities have been carried out in the name of religion. If you know any service people who served in the Balkans - Bosnia, Kosovo, ask them.

However, many scientists are religious, or are involved in researching the emotional and intuitive parts of humanity. Research into human brains is revealing more and more constantly, including that we only scratch the surface in our understanding. Where this research leads is anybody's guess. But we still have much to find out about ourselves. Is this connected to religion in some way - maybe, maybe not.

Using old texts, and trying to apply them literally allows people to interpret things how they want especially by the zealots.


If God want any Couple to have baby one them should get pregnant. If one can not get pregnant that is God saying no babies.

He did say steal kill for one or buy one

God doesn't exist though. He's a figure in people head

Of course you can prove that for a fact?

Wouldn't it be fun if the burden of proof were always on those who rejected ridiculous assertions instead of those who espouse them. In such a world, we'd have to accept statements like "there are invisible unicorns on Pluto" as factual until we can develop the technology to conclusively prove the statement false. This is not a theism/atheism thread so we won't take it further, but you might want to look up "null hypothesis" to get a better understanding on how we properly accept or reject hypotheses.

Congratulations - you've added the words arrogant and smug to your vocabulary today.

I am very familiar with null hypothesis thanks, as I am with those who stoop to childish comments.

"we" - is that a split personality, delusions of royalty, or do you believe you're a plural being?


Congratulations - you've added the words arrogant and smug to your vocabulary today.

Nope, known 'em for a long time and don't mind putting them into action when called for.

I am very familiar with [...] those who stoop to childish comments.

In that case you're going to positively love the next comment:

"we" - is that a split personality, delusions of royalty, or do you believe you're a plural being?


Gay couple.... baby... I don't need to read the rest, if this is a debate then the world's gone to shayte... wake me up when I wake up...

I'm with you there Brother. This world is gone to shayte, no point waking up as reality has been distorted.

Whose egg? I assume it was the surrogate mother. If she agreed prior, then she should comply with the agreement, regardless of her biases or possible ideas to try and get more money, or thoughts of getting the girl for herself. A deal is a deal.

As for two men being good parents. It's entirely possible. I'm not a gay activist. Most kids I've known in the past 50 years have been raised by single moms. I've been a foster dad for about 17 of those kids. The average family scene, with a mom and dad, is lacking. Some parents are good, yet most have problems, and some mom and dad teams are despicable. I've spoken with men who were beat up by their fathers on a regular basis. Others had mothers who abused them. Good parenting doesn't have much to do with a male and a female co-joined by a marriage certificate - any more than having car registration papers makes someone a good driver.


People who don't mind their own damn business when they are in no way affected can go to hell.

Busy bodies can go to hell.

Bigots can go to hell.

(Figuratively speaking, of course)

...and where is hell? Not Pattaya, is it?


So any news updates on progress with this case? Is it looking good for the gay couple to get their child out of Thailand, or not?

I hope not. I say that not as anything to do with the sexual orientation of the wanabe parents, but because exploiting poor people in foreign countries to produce children that could be used for nefarious purposes is just plain WRONG.

If one's motives are pure, do it the right way and do it in your own country where there are laws to prevent misuse of the child. If you can't afford that, either adopt, or accept that you weren't meant to procreate.

Too many people in the world already anyway.


So any news updates on progress with this case? Is it looking good for the gay couple to get their child out of Thailand, or not?

I hope not. I say that not as anything to do with the sexual orientation of the wanabe parents, but because exploiting poor people in foreign countries to produce children that could be used for nefarious purposes is just plain WRONG.

If one's motives are pure, do it the right way and do it in your own country where there are laws to prevent misuse of the child. If you can't afford that, either adopt, or accept that you weren't meant to procreate.

Too many people in the world already anyway.

Nefarious purposes?

This couple?

So you would make the same post if the couple was straight? coffee1.gif

I'm sure someone believes that. rolleyes.gif


So any news updates on progress with this case? Is it looking good for the gay couple to get their child out of Thailand, or not?

I hope not. I say that not as anything to do with the sexual orientation of the wanabe parents, but because exploiting poor people in foreign countries to produce children that could be used for nefarious purposes is just plain WRONG.

If one's motives are pure, do it the right way and do it in your own country where there are laws to prevent misuse of the child. If you can't afford that, either adopt, or accept that you weren't meant to procreate.

Too many people in the world already anyway.

Nefarious purposes?

This couple?

So you would make the same post if the couple was straight? coffee1.gif

I'm sure someone believes that. rolleyes.gif

Are you blind? Did you not see I say that not as anything to do with the sexual orientation of the wanabe parents????????????

Of course I'd say the same thing if they were straight. Paying poor people in a foreign country to do what you can't do in your own is just WRONG, and buying a child like a puppy dog is an abomination.


So any news updates on progress with this case? Is it looking good for the gay couple to get their child out of Thailand, or not?

I hope not. I say that not as anything to do with the sexual orientation of the wanabe parents, but because exploiting poor people in foreign countries to produce children that could be used for nefarious purposes is just plain WRONG.

If one's motives are pure, do it the right way and do it in your own country where there are laws to prevent misuse of the child. If you can't afford that, either adopt, or accept that you weren't meant to procreate.

Too many people in the world already anyway.

What 'nefarious purposes'?


So any news updates on progress with this case? Is it looking good for the gay couple to get their child out of Thailand, or not?

I hope not. I say that not as anything to do with the sexual orientation of the wanabe parents, but because exploiting poor people in foreign countries to produce children that could be used for nefarious purposes is just plain WRONG.

If one's motives are pure, do it the right way and do it in your own country where there are laws to prevent misuse of the child. If you can't afford that, either adopt, or accept that you weren't meant to procreate.

Too many people in the world already anyway.

What 'nefarious purposes'?

If you read the thread they have already been discussed.


You know what is ironic. I bet there's people commenting here against these guys yet they have sex with Ladyboy which no matter what they say, makes them

A homosexual


You know what is ironic. I bet there's people commenting here against these guys yet they have sex with Ladyboy which no matter what they say, makes them

A homosexual

We the topic is about a baby not being let out of Thailand... so if a LB and a dude tried to take one out.. it would be the same result....

Good on Thailand for doing this.

Why don't they go back to America and rent a womb there.. maybe their mothers or sisters.

Praying on the poor people of this world to get what they want and crying when it doesnt go there way.


Wow, this thread has run away. Let me guess, a handful of fossilised homophobes venting their spleen, thinly disguising it as concern for the child.

Those nineteen fifties propaganda films really worked.


You know what is ironic. I bet there's people commenting here against these guys yet they have sex with Ladyboy which no matter what they say, makes them

A homosexual

We the topic is about a baby not being let out of Thailand... so if a LB and a dude tried to take one out.. it would be the same result....

Good on Thailand for doing this.

Why don't they go back to America and rent a womb there.. maybe their mothers or sisters.

Praying on the poor people of this world to get what they want and crying when it doesnt go there way.

the thing is, its about money Thailand has created an economy that has people that are desperate enuf to do this, and these guys are desperate enuf to have paid her for it, so who's exploiting who?

bit like prostitution who's exploiting who? the hooker exploiting the punters desperation or the punter exploiting the womens desperate situation

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