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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash

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Sounds plausible, motorbike cuts in front & witness to it, what on earth was police car doing stopped on motorway, asking for something to run up the back of it.

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Everyone is busy insulting each other they've seem to have lost sight of the article. I find it interesting that the driver was allowed to leave without an investigation and when she does deign to make a statement a witness appears and collaborates her story. Maybe I'm just a cynic but that seems like a big coincidence.

She is not going anywhere and generally police asses that in situ but if we must template laws then it is odd to be sure. Stranger still is the time taken to record alcohol levels.


I can't believe all the idiots here who who are of the opinion that she was drunk or has to go to jail. You don't know. If anything, the few facts we have points to an accident were the drivers fault had been minimal, except for possible speeding. The interference of the bike and placement of the victim's car seem to support that.

The worst part is the fact that she was "allowed" to go without testing for alcohol, but that is normal privilege given to the elite in Thailand.


In the end if it was you or me we WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN LET GO and we would still be in our crapped out pants. different laws for diffrent folkswai2.gif

Had to happen!!

Thai visa culture

It's true though.


Sounds plausible, motorbike cuts in front & witness to it, what on earth was police car doing stopped on motorway, asking for something to run up the back of it.

Do they have trees on motorways? He was parked on the service road alongside the motorway.


The article states that this occurred on a motorway, What is the speed limit on motorways?

If she was cut up by a motorbike and witness reports show this to be a possibility, it is a natural reaction to swerve in order not to hit the bike. Unfortunately she hit the car.

What was the policeman thinking to park his car and sleep on a motorway?

I don't believe that we know enough to put the blame 100% on the woman


In the end if it was you or me we WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN LET GO and we would still be in our crapped out pants. different laws for diffrent folkswai2.gif

Had to happen!!

Thai visa culture

It's true though.

Not so if simple specifics make the statement.

Posters on this site generally want to make the Thais villains in an apropo story. That element is boring.


Crazy ass lady....

Rich enough to take a taxi..or get a hotel....but has to run into people.

How pathetic.

What the hell has a taxi and a hotel got anything to do with what happened?


I can't believe all the idiots here who who are of the opinion that she was drunk or has to go to jail. You don't know. If anything, the few facts we have points to an accident were the drivers fault had been minimal, except for possible speeding. The interference of the bike and placement of the victim's car seem to support that.

The worst part is the fact that she was "allowed" to go without testing for alcohol, but that is normal privilege given to the elite in Thailand.

So is speeding not breaking the law?


Speed kills. And she must have been motoring. Hope they spend that poor copper's life for something.

Speed doesn't kill , lack of attention signals and awareness kills.

It does. "Lack of attention signals and awareness" without 100+kph and he lives.

You are using the same excuse as the Thais do. Just that awareness cannot be measured. Its just stupid.

It's not the speed, it's the sudden stop.

Edit: Damn, someone else beat me to it. Should have read the whole thread.


Everybody has a right to have an opinion.....and if that opinion runs another person into the ground....they still have the right to think that......but why oh why....do they feel the compulsion to put it down on paper... irresistible?

"If you have nothing good to say about a person, then better to say nothing".

God be with the days when parents tried to instill this principle into their children.


Most motorways that I have driven on in my lifetime have ....................................no parking or stopping signs everywhere along them .

And also provide designated breakdown and/or rest areas.

Parking /stopping on the side of a motorway is recipe for a problem..............................as is speeding ( but I have no knowledge what the speed limit actually is on this section of road).


While most seem to be trashing the girl, my question is: What the hell was a cop doing parking his car along the side of the road to take a nap? Surely to God he could have found a better place than that!

Indeed. Parking up and taking a nap on the side of a motorway is not a good idea.


Early morning hours, a speeding car, a car parked by the road and probably without lights on......A very bad combination..and bad luck too.



A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

An important observation. If at all possible, I never park or leave my car on or partly on the road. It drives my lady nuts. I always pull off.

Give the rest of the traffic travelling 90 kph through a village all the room they need . . . .


"She also said she was planning to go on a religious retreat and make merit for the victim"



Speed kills. And she must have been motoring. Hope they spend that poor copper's life for something.

Speed doesn't kill , lack of attention signals and awareness kills.

Of course speed kills. If she was going the correct speed the guy prob would have survived.


"She also said she was planning to go on a religious retreat and make merit for the victim."



When the arguments fail turn to insults..........if it helps you.


you trip over on the floor and bang your head at a slow speed and it can still kill you, ask the Germans why they aren't all dying in droves on their autobahns (unrestricted) its because they pay attention to their surroundings

On roads built for 200+kph traffic, organised lanes for those 'aware' kinds of speed and drivers in machines capable of executing controlled speed

Yet what moron would try that here.

A fool, (and there are plenty of those here), her and you seemingly.

Great analogy

Mai kow jai..

Cogency is what arguments are about. I have not insulted you but have asked how slowing vehicular speed down is not part of the equation.

As of yet the only thing you have contributed to this sorry Thai equation are German autobahns.

as is comprehension, you called me a fool.

If speed kills why aren't we all dead? we are all travelling at many thousands of miles per hour, your comment "speed kills" is "general" speed does not in itself kill, lack of awareness does, you stated SPEED KILLS as the be all and end all in YOUR FIRST comment, this was then altered to "lack of awareness +100kph" so you shifted the goal posts

Kannot get enough kannots on Thai visa. Almost as though the site breeds them.

"A fool" ,here, is part of a tripartite expression and was not directed at anyone. Indeed the article 'a' should make that comprehensibly obvious, ....... For most unless you cccannnot!

Speedingwas the point i initially made, and i take it we have all at some point have sped. That does not equate your "why aren't we all dead/" as you now wish to discuss theoretical astro-physics. The irony about that and forums is that i can discus that stuff in detail!! And without SHOUTING.

But it seems silly and we have gone beyond Anna's egregious error.

Go faster kannnnnooootttt

She was on a motorway at 3am I seriously doubt it was crammed full of cars/trucks, 100+kmh is not the problem the problem is she was not paying attention ,SPEED does not kill, even 120kmh would not be dangerous on a motorway at 3am.

No evidence to suggest the bike "cut her up" just her words, the witness said he saw a bike and heard a crash but 99-100 people DONT actually see the accident they look a second or so after hearing the bang then jump to conclusions.


A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.

Well maybe that can happen, but lights are better than no lights in any poor visibility circumstances.

Here with Thais using emegency flashers for lots of reasons other than an a side of the road emergency they lose some of their effectiveness.

RIP to the cop


Everyone is busy insulting each other they've seem to have lost sight of the article. I find it interesting that the driver was allowed to leave without an investigation and when she does deign to make a statement a witness appears and collaborates her story. Maybe I'm just a cynic but that seems like a big coincidence.

And very easily bought in Thailand


no loss to the gene pool if it was a thai cop ( bearing in mind how they consider dead people ).

You back .. your second post certainly topped your first!

Please, enlighten us, why, exactly is it a good thing that a Thai Citizen, a police officer, was killed this way?

And really, i have only been living In the Kingdom for five years with a Thai wife and friends... Other here, much longer... we sit at your feet great teacher...

How do Thai People "consider dead people" that relates to this gentleman's horrid death?

I am curious, in this age of the internet, do we now have trolls, who have never visited the Kingdom or lived here, just stirring the pot?

The floor is yours... you have our full attention.

Ya gotta me here bro,as only bin hear tirtenn yeers,bit thin agin yer till hoose an anglofile,r u a shark watin ta pounce.well bro yer just lost,lurve tae heer back frtom yer

You are apiece of work "Bro" ...

Let's part company here ...

I enjoy a battle of wits, but never dual with someone who is unarmed.

Good evening ...

Is it just me, or is that cologne you are wearing from the new Calvin Klein series, bat s>>t crazy?

OH Wait .. i get it...

The reason you have been here thirteen years and this is your first time ... ever .. on Thai Visa?

You got canned, created a new identity, and are back.

Well played sir, well played indeed![/colo



This is actually the routine Run to Singapore like the Heir to the Red Bull fortune did a runner. Vorayuth Yoovidhya, remember him . He killed a cop and ran to Singapore before they

could get their hands on him

Now hes in hiding hoping they will forget about it . I will not forget it and I suspect she will do the same Run from the authorities And to think that the Prime Minister has a real opportunity to show

just how Thailand is changing and request that Singapore hand him over to Thai Authorities. This is easy so why don't they do it ? Show they will not tolerate a cop killer

The Red Bull guy is back living in Thailand since his grand-daddy died.. everyone got paid off... the policeman is dead, cannot bring him back... Better result all round... We all make mistakes especially when we were young... lucky he is rich..! RIP the dead policemen.


Two people made mistakes (possibly three including the motorcyclist), like we all do. Just one of those people is now dead.

We are discussing it here because the other one of those people was a celebrity.

If that is not the case why are the other sixteen or so deaths that happen every day on Thai roads not being talked about with so much interest?

(Edit: Of course there will be peaks and troughs as there are huge peaks around Songkran for instance, but that's the average)

You think I exaggerate?

"A study this year (2014) showed that Thailand ranked number two of road fatalities in the world, with 44 road deaths per 100,000 people. Fatalities from road accidents made up 5.1 percent of Thailand’s overall deaths. According to the Royal Thai Police, there were 6,185 deaths as a result of road traffic incidents between October 2013 and September 2014 (4,610 males and 1,575 females). In comparing statistics it should be noted that there is a difference in the method of calculating statistics for road deaths in Thailand (at the scene of the accident) and the WHO (within 30 days of the accident)."


You can download the full report as well if you wanted to read more : http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_safety_status/2013/en/

6185 / 365 = 16.94 lets say that's sixteen a day.

But you know this already, you deal with it every day.

Every Thai friend I have spoken to has seen someone die on the roads. Some many more than once.

Yes I have limited experience of Thailand, I am a English Motorcycle Instructor, what do I know about Thailand?

In fact I have openly asked for people to comment on my riding in Thailand -

I ride as best I can to our Police Roadcraft Standards and have spent many years learning defensive riding techniques.

However I am always looking for new ideas, new ways to keep us motorcyclists alive on the roads.

The latest ideas in the UK are to avoid such accidents in the first place. We all have the skills and abilities to do so.

I know some here will attack me with the usual TiT argument, Most people who have passed their driving test think they are a good driver (It's always someone else who needs training or is a bad driver).

I don't claim I can wave a magic want and make Thailand safe. But it can be done.

I hope at least a few of you will take the time to have a look at this.


It is not about pointing fingers and blaming anyone. Just avoiding the event happening in the first place. Taking responsibility for our own actions. I include myself in this, we are all still learning.

Most of the accidents in Thailand involve motorcycles I doubt many are speeding but just look at their driving style, sure you get the odd boy racer but many just have sheer bad driving habits, corners cut right off when turning right etc often on the wrong side of the road.


They let her go home without immediately submitting her to a blood test or a breathalyser? This is after seen visibly staggering and a smell of alcohol at the scene. I just can't believe the level of incompetence and bowing and scraping to anyone of the slightest importance. It's truly sickening.

She is an actress how does that make her important?

If you don't know that Thais worship anyone of any kind of celebrity status, including soapie stars, and the police treat them entirely differently to the average citizen, then you know nothing about Thailand.


Most motorways that I have driven on in my lifetime have ....................................no parking or stopping signs everywhere along them .

And also provide designated breakdown and/or rest areas.

Parking /stopping on the side of a motorway is recipe for a problem..............................as is speeding ( but I have no knowledge what the speed limit actually is on this section of road).

So what happens when folk break down on a motorway, is all the traffic stopped.....?

No, the driver gets out and gets help, in UK you walk to an assistance phone box.

A driver must be in full control of the ride, which means visually too, to deal with any possible occurrence.

Your more likely to find emergency services get called out to assist and any Police cars will wait behind the broken down vehicle with their flashing lights full on until they have been removed, advice is to get out of the car and get BEHIND the barrier also.

To be honest the Policeman was pretty stupid to stop there but he has had most likely ZERO training.


Its tragic for both parties. Ms Reese has to live with this for the rest of her life and that likely means she will think about this every day.......

I doubt it. There is remorse shown for the cameras, but she has probably already convinced herself that it wasn't her fault.


what the hell is going on this woman kills a policeman a fatal accident she is neither breathalysed or tested for drugs and to cap it all she is allowed to walk away from the scene of the accident and she refused to go to the police station she is an actress and this sounds like a farce . I hope the policemans family is well recompensed .

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