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My observation as well. There seems to be a seasonal pattern. Not really hard to explain. Most of the posters do NOT live in Thailand. Most of them are still employed in their home country and flock in during "high-season". After a hard days work, the desire to contribute to TVF, is probably not that high on the agenda.

But once they are here, things are different: The daytime is usually not the best of times. The beaches are uninviting. Shopping is done within 2 hours. The day-time staff at the bars are about as uninviting as the beaches.

So what does Farang-Visitor do during daytime? He remembers that there is something like a "Thai-Visa-Forum" and starts working the keyboard. High season for TVF.

The best of it all is: All their accumulated wisdom about Thailand (acquired overseas), will freely be disbursed by them to ignorant Expats, that have been living here for years.


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Silly season. Only Chinese day-trippers and devout sexpats/losers/businessmen left in town at the moment.

Most others have gone back "home" for a visit, either long or short. I must admit that I did the same a few weeks ago.

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Yes its sure is low season now, very nice man, I prefer this season.

Generally all over the board on TV we find these grumpy old men that are just so negative about Thailand, got shafted by their 30-40 year younger wife, eh.

Then we have some posters in Pattaya forum that call Pattaya a dump/sewer or whatever they can think of. This I never understood? If I encountered a place I didn't like, I would rather try forget about it and move forward but no, they keep coming back here and pestering the forum, how odd.

All this negative posting in TV generally, have made me stop reading/posting much in many forums now, could not be bothered anymore.

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Expats are turning their back at Thailand in droves since Thailand has killed the golden goose, and there are also far less western tourists in Thailand, so that would explain why there is much less interest in a Thai oriented forum.

I guess that the Chinese language forums are thriving.

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Yes its sure is low season now, very nice man, I prefer this season.

Generally all over the board on TV we find these grumpy old men that are just so negative about Thailand, got shafted by their 30-40 year younger wife, eh.

Then we have some posters in Pattaya forum that call Pattaya a dump/sewer or whatever they can think of. This I never understood? If I encountered a place I didn't like, I would rather try forget about it and move forward but no, they keep coming back here and pestering the forum, how odd.

All this negative posting in TV generally, have made me stop reading/posting much in many forums now, could not be bothered anymore.

Could it be that the negative ones are the only ones that are left, since the majority has gone home?

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There's no doubt in my mind that posting volume has reduced considerably over the last couple of years. I don't believe there's a high or low season here. My theory is that the Internet has become oversupplied with forums of all types and the novelty of forums is reducing and being replaced by an obsession with other social media such as Face Book, Twitter, Linked In etc.

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I believe tropo is correct. So if we are saying that the market might be changing (or has changed) then how do we (and maybe the advertisers also) think TVF should adapt ?

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