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French terror suspect took selfie with beheaded victim

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Well , I hope this opens some French eyes , to vote for Marine Le Pen in the next election. Hard line on immigrants ( and maybe a Frexit ?)

I voted for Marine in 2012 and will do so again. I agree with BB ( my avatar) that she is a modern day Jeanne D'Arc. ( no offense to our English friends intended 555 )

I like what Marine said after the jihadist attacks in Paris last January:


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Terror suspect, well put. Please allow me to comment on the locked post about Muslims, killing in S. Thailand. I am interfaith, a real Muslim would never do any such thing. Not an aspiring Muslim, not any muslim. It was done by terrorists. Divide and conquer.


The suspected killer, she added, "isn't a Muslim in my opinion."

Bull****. Your "suspected killer" IS the modern face of Islam.

You left out the word "radical" before Islam. Trust me, I'm not defending that religion. I saw an interview with an Islamic scholar who had also received a western education, and in trying to define some of the inconsistencies of Islam, he finally said westerners could never understand the illogic of Islam. While these radicals make up about 10% of all Islam, they get most of the headline coverage.

And F4CK YEAH this murderer certainly is the modern face of radical Islam!

Radical muzz jihadists are a minority; but it is unfortunately larger than the 10% you cited as revealed in MSM polling. From the Newsweek Magazine I linked previously:

"One in six French citizens sympathises with the Islamist militant group ISIS, also known as Islamic State, a poll released this week found....

Newsweeks France Correspondent, Anne-Elizabeth Moutet, was unsurprised by the news. This is the ideology of young French Muslims from immigrant backgrounds, she said, unemployed to the tune of 40%, whove been deluged by satellite TV and internet propaganda. She pointed to a correlation between support for ISIS and rising anti-Semitism in France, adding that these are the same people who torch synagogues."

This jihadist <deleated> was on a surveillance list; but there are too many of these neanderthals to keep track of. I debate on French sites with Muzz and when I visit their Facebook profiles it is no longer a surprise to see a black jihad flag with their home address in France. These subhumans need to be deported to the nearest islamic <deleated>hole where they can do as they please to themselves and their farm animals.

no, the French origin is one thing, the real French do not whistle the Marseillaise and does not torchent ass with the French flag, but unfortunately for some, they may be of French nationality and insulting France, but also enjoy with all aids.

The origin and nationality, it's different.


When was the last time a southern Baptist beheaded another?

When was the last time a southern Baptist planted a bomb anywhere?

When was the last time a southern Baptist destroyed a passenger plane in flight?

Need I go on to dispell your ridiculous post?

Islamic radicals are driving the Islamic world. The silent majority are immaterial.

And why doesn't Buddhism, Jainism or any other religion save Islam receive the moniker religion of peace? Repetition does not demonstrate fact and its use is very telling - it amounts to what is known as gaslighting.

When was the last time a southern Baptist beheaded another?

When was the last time a southern Baptist planted a bomb anywhere?

When was the last time a southern Baptist destroyed a passenger plane in flight?

Need I go on to dispell your ridiculous post?

Islamic radicals are driving the Islamic world. The silent majority are immaterial.

They are subtle. they spout their rhetoric and incite others to action.

Now I suppose the next question has to be...Please tell us who has been incited by the Southern Baptist Church to kill people in rather large numbers, or even rather small numbers?

You need to put the shovel down. You wil never get out of the hole if you keep digging.cheesy.gif


Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed. This topic is not about Christianity.

Please stay on topic.


seems all this most violent religious blah blah has created two things

1) backlash by Arabs (see Kuwait)

2) younger people worldwide are finally figuring out the charade of "religion" and are turning away.

Implosion comes to mind.


After bantering a bit and reading a lot of comments my one thought is - what is the point of religion? Who actually benefits from religion? It's the longest running scam in history and still seemingly intelligent people get sucked in it. Why? What does religion actually do for anybody - except extract money from their banks and the catch-all excuse for a good rousing war?

My thought is that religion is for people who can't handle the idea of when you die that's it, gone, finished. Religion holds out the promise of more to come (heaven, paradise, nirvana, whatever) which probably provides a level of comfort to some people.


seems all this most violent religious blah blah has created two things

1) backlash by Arabs (see Kuwait)

2) younger people worldwide are finally figuring out the charade of "religion" and are turning away.

Implosion comes to mind.

The Tunision shooter was 24 years old.

Do you honestly believe he was turning away from religion...or was he actually trying to come closer to his faith?


'Context of the times' often is something to consider, but Islam stands out in that it went expansionist aggressive within the lifetime of its own founding warlord (so called prophet), under his directions and full involvement. 'Christendom' was a creation of clever manipulative folks long after its founding man. Islam has no such excuse. Muhammad didn't attempt to 'rise above' the climate of the times, he harnessed it to his advantage (including booty and preceding over marriages of captured slaves) and his life friends carried on the Jihad after he died, to 'almost' bring much of the world under its ideological and political dominion. Muhammad was just another angry warlord going through a mid life crisis. Instead of losing it and shelling out on a fancy camel to regain his youth, he embarked on a war against all those who didn't accept his revelation.

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