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Thai-English actress Anna Reese begs cop's family for forgiveness

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300,000 Baht seems to be the forgiveness fee as it was in the Red Bull case.

This is the second time you posted the exact same incorrect information. Keep trolling; maybe you'll get a bite. I just now gave you a nibble.


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If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

Since she couldn't know, in advance, the parked car she hit was occupied I don't think she had any intent to destroy this family. Wouldn't it matter to you whether your son's 'killer' was malicious or not? 'Your son is dead so she must die' or is that statement true only is she shows up at his funeral begging your forgiveness?

shameful, selfish and disgusting

Would it be better if she didn't apologize in front of the world and beg forgiveness? Maybe she should be like in the US and not offer compensation either and make the family sue her in court.

There really is the possibility that night that she had the choice of either hitting a swerving motorcyclist or a parked car (not knowing the parked car contained a sleeping person). IF that were true and she sacrificed her car to prevent injury/death to a wildly driving motorcyclist she may have been making a noble choice. Just because things didn't work out that way doesn't mean she is evil enough for you to cause her family to hold a funeral for her. It seems you are not open to any other possibility than the one you seem so strongly to believe that you would kill her if she showed up in your presence. I'm seeing a new side of your personality and it's ugly. Causing another death would not bring your son back but would bring more misery in the world. Sad that you would get some satisfaction from her/another death.

Rush to judgment, much?


I will be easy on you, because I very much like your signature lines... Nobody said she did it intentionally. The thing here is that on the video the whole world can see that the little brat was intoxicated. For me it pulled the lid off when she started to scream her drama queen alike "Mai ao! Chun bowk wa, my ao!" and I would have bitchslapped her to unconsciousness right on the spot if I were the policeman in charge and see my dead colleague family father lying with a broken skull In that car!" In such a state of drunkenness, you don't make logical or even noble choices, my believing in the good of humanity friend! She fell asleep and swerved off road to then be woken up by harsh reality, quite different from the pityful soaps she is acting in. Life is hard, and hard on her should be justice!


Will Thailand ever get serious about the endemic corruption of famous people being able to walk away from inconvenient events.

A policeman dies having been dragged down the road by an heir to the Red Bull dynasty, an actress cannot be tested for drink or drugs because she was not ready. Was the cop ready for death, probably not.

The military will be in control for the next year or so. Stick your heads above the parapets generals and make the change, make Thailand a country we are proud to live in.


..they could easily ascertain where she had been and whether she was drunk...

...the way she was carrying on...it is a given.....and then some......

...causing a spectacle furthermore......

...disgusting does not begin to describe this public charade.....

...it would have held more credence if it had been done in private.....

...but who knows what happened behind the scenes leading up to this....

White man is talking in riddles... cowboy.gif


Another opp. for a round round of bashing by the "holier than thou's". When a person points a finger at another, he has three pointing back at him.

This story has brought out a side in some of our species that, to say the least is not only indecent, but so sad that it could make one wonder if the human race is regressing rather than evolving.

Reading posts like yours, I'd say we are in regression! intheclub.gif


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

Since she couldn't know, in advance, the parked car she hit was occupied I don't think she had any intent to destroy this family. Wouldn't it matter to you whether your son's 'killer' was malicious or not? 'Your son is dead so she must die' or is that statement true only is she shows up at his funeral begging your forgiveness?

shameful, selfish and disgusting

Would it be better if she didn't apologize in front of the world and beg forgiveness? Maybe she should be like in the US and not offer compensation either and make the family sue her in court.

There really is the possibility that night that she had the choice of either hitting a swerving motorcyclist or a parked car (not knowing the parked car contained a sleeping person). IF that were true and she sacrificed her car to prevent injury/death to a wildly driving motorcyclist she may have been making a noble choice. Just because things didn't work out that way doesn't mean she is evil enough for you to cause her family to hold a funeral for her. It seems you are not open to any other possibility than the one you seem so strongly to believe that you would kill her if she showed up in your presence. I'm seeing a new side of your personality and it's ugly. Causing another death would not bring your son back but would bring more misery in the world. Sad that you would get some satisfaction from her/another death.

Rush to judgment, much?


I will be easy on you, because I very much like your signature lines... Nobody said she did it intentionally. The thing here is that on the video the whole world can see that the little brat was intoxicated. For me it pulled the lid off when she started to scream her drama queen alike "Mai ao! Chun bowk wa, my ao!" and I would have bitchslapped her to unconsciousness right on the spot if I were the policeman in charge and see my dead colleague family father lying with a broken skull In that car!" In such a state of drunkenness, you don't make logical or even noble choices, my believing in the good of humanity friend! She fell asleep and swerved off road to then be woken up by harsh reality, quite different from the pityful soaps she is acting in. Life is hard, and hard on her should be justice!

Whose post are you responding to? I am offended that Tatsujin would want to cause another death, as if that would make him feel better. Respond to that if you want to respond to my post.

BTW, my perception from watching the video was that she was not drunk but terribly distraught and in disbelief that she had taken someone's life. Do you think she was such a hard person she would think to fake her emotions? Who expects to find someone sleeping in a parked car on the side of a busy street where people typically drive fast? (see post #70)

There really is the possibility that night that she had the choice of either hitting a swerving motorcyclist or a parked car (not knowing the parked car contained a sleeping person). IF that were true and she sacrificed her car to prevent injury/death to a wildly driving motorcyclist she may have been making a noble choice.

It seems as if accidents can't happen in your world and anyone who screws up must be brutally punished regardless of intention.



..and of course there just happens to be a camera and a crowd there.

Vulgar, self-promoting, self-centered **$$*(*$((*#(@#(@9..!!!

Are you saying the actress organised the press? You don't think a high profile funeral would normally attract a press feeding frenzy?


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

Since she couldn't know, in advance, the parked car she hit was occupied I don't think she had any intent to destroy this family. Wouldn't it matter to you whether your son's 'killer' was malicious or not? 'Your son is dead so she must die' or is that statement true only is she shows up at his funeral begging your forgiveness?

shameful, selfish and disgusting

Would it be better if she didn't apologize in front of the world and beg forgiveness? Maybe she should be like in the US and not offer compensation either and make the family sue her in court.

There really is the possibility that night that she had the choice of either hitting a swerving motorcyclist or a parked car (not knowing the parked car contained a sleeping person). IF that were true and she sacrificed her car to prevent injury/death to a wildly driving motorcyclist she may have been making a noble choice. Just because things didn't work out that way doesn't mean she is evil enough for you to cause her family to hold a funeral for her. It seems you are not open to any other possibility than the one you seem so strongly to believe that you would kill her if she showed up in your presence. I'm seeing a new side of your personality and it's ugly. Causing another death would not bring your son back but would bring more misery in the world. Sad that you would get some satisfaction from her/another death.

Rush to judgment, much?


I will be easy on you, because I very much like your signature lines... Nobody said she did it intentionally. The thing here is that on the video the whole world can see that the little brat was intoxicated. For me it pulled the lid off when she started to scream her drama queen alike "Mai ao! Chun bowk wa, my ao!" and I would have bitchslapped her to unconsciousness right on the spot if I were the policeman in charge and see my dead colleague family father lying with a broken skull In that car!" In such a state of drunkenness, you don't make logical or even noble choices, my believing in the good of humanity friend! She fell asleep and swerved off road to then be woken up by harsh reality, quite different from the pityful soaps she is acting in. Life is hard, and hard on her should be justice!

I really want to thank you for clearing things up for me. From the video I couldn't tell that she was a spoiled intoxicated brat, I had just thought here was a young dramatized lady who was just involved in a terrible accident where someone was killed. I did wonder how you new she fell asleep while driving, were you in the car at the time? as I wasn't able to come to that conclusion. Yes I agree with you, she didn't make logical or even noble choices but until you go through something where you become terribly distraught and in disbelief of what's happening, you shouldn't judge others. One time I was like you, You new what you were doing, sometimes you really don't. Accidents do really happen and how one copes with it varies, just because how she seeks forgiveness isn't your way doesn't make hers' wrong. Maybe it's an act but I believe that Anna Reese will do more than give the family a few million Baht


As is usually the case here, the wealthy and famous are above the law. Usually it is not quite so blatant and not quite so obvious. This case really unmasks how dysfunctional the Police are, and the weeks and months to come, will likely unmask how dysfunctional the justice system is here. The fact that she was not given the same treatment as a day laborer at the crime scene says it all. She is an insect. Vermin. She is behaving in a way that demonstrates a complete and total lack of class. No humility. No sorrow. Only self concern. What a piece of work.


..and of course there just happens to be a camera and a crowd there.

Vulgar, self-promoting, self-centered **$$*(*$((*#(@#(@9..!!!

Are you saying the actress organised the press? You don't think a high profile funeral would normally attract a press feeding frenzy?

She certainly didn't hide from the press... perhaps she was even playing to the press.

There will also have been the option of visiting the family to offer her sincere apologies and ask for forgiveness in private.

She could also have visited the Temple to pay her respects, privately in the early hours away from the prying eyes of the press.

The whole 'begging for forgiveness' event appears distasteful and a media play for sympathy.


With regards to the actual accident: Of course, it was an accident, no one does this deliberately (well, most, although there has been the spoilt brat who drove his car into the bus stop).

However, the greatest outstanding question is how on earth did she get away without being breathalysed that night? Which Policeman allowed this? and is he being charged for a failure / dereliction of duty? (of course not!).


Not there to say sorry, but to beg for forgiveness. Unless misquoted, that really is quite digusting.

Actually if you read again, you'll see that it's worse even :

Quote : "I'm here to ask for forgiveness." Anna said to the media. "I want his family and the deceased to forgive me for what happened."

To ask is not to beg, for a start. And then on second thought she doesn't even ask, she just wants.

We live in a world where the rich and famous are the modern replica of European aristocrats in the 18th century : the richer they are the less they pay, they see their privileges as God sent, they live among themselves, when they spend large amounts of money (cars, planes, boats, art) it mainly makes other rich guys richer, they consider themselves to be above the law, and they don't ask, they want.

However let's not forget that celebrities are what we make them. They don't make society, society makes them, and society is everybody. If we could rid ourselves of our desire, admiration and awe towards wealth and celebrity, these stars would shine again as they and we all are : small flickering flames, quite temporary, quite insignificant, each of us a mere whisper in the universe.


..and of course there just happens to be a camera and a crowd there.

Vulgar, self-promoting, self-centered **$$*(*$((*#(@#(@9..!!!

Are you saying the actress organised the press? You don't think a high profile funeral would normally attract a press feeding frenzy?

She certainly didn't hide from the press... perhaps she was even playing to the press.

There will also have been the option of visiting the family to offer her sincere apologies and ask for forgiveness in private.

She could also have visited the Temple to pay her respects, privately in the early hours away from the prying eyes of the press.

The whole 'begging for forgiveness' event appears distasteful and a media play for sympathy.


With regards to the actual accident: Of course, it was an accident, no one does this deliberately (well, most, although there has been the spoilt brat who drove his car into the bus stop).

However, the greatest outstanding question is how on earth did she get away without being breathalysed that night? Which Policeman allowed this? and is he being charged for a failure / dereliction of duty? (of course not!).

I never said she didn't play up to the press, it's what the rich and famous do, everywhere, when they are in the shit.

However it is pure nonsense to suggest, as I feel the poster I quoted was, that she was responsible for them being there.


I travel often on this frontage road where the accident happened, infact for a few years i lived on a moo baan there, Traffic there at night travels at high speed and although it has a lane in each direction with a hard shoulder both sides, traffic still travels on the hard shoulders facing the oncoming cars/trucks through lack of enforcement,

Its difficult to imagine anyone getting the idea to park on the hard shoulder and sleep with or without hazard lights on.

They appear to show the accident spot in the first 15 seconds of this Channel 3 news report.

It's a hard shoulder on a 3 lane motorway. Not trying to apportion blame, but it does look like the kind of place you don't want to park too long.



Killed someone , now playing to the cameras with mock grief in an attempt to gain sympathy and support. I really hope she gets nicked and banged up , but she wont ,


I would have thought the decent way to ask for forgiveness would have been to wait until after the funeral then approached them at their home. Asking forgiveness in the privacy of their home without the media present. To me that would be a genuine apology. This just looks like a self promotion. Maybe I am wrong, and I hope I am, but doing the "beg for forgiveness" privately would be better. I do think she is feeling remorse and is genuine after watching the video. I sincerely hope the family and her can find peace and solace in the future. Of course sufficient compensation for loss of the bread winner. For what it is worth I do not believe she was drunk and she seemed to have all faculties together in the video


I would have thought the decent way to ask for forgiveness would have been to wait until after the funeral then approached them at their home. Asking forgiveness in the privacy of their home without the media present. To me that would be a genuine apology. This just looks like a self promotion. Maybe I am wrong, and I hope I am, but doing the "beg for forgiveness" privately would be better. I do think she is feeling remorse and is genuine after watching the video. I sincerely hope the family and her can find peace and solace in the future. Of course sufficient compensation for loss of the bread winner. For what it is worth I do not believe she was drunk and she seemed to have all faculties together in the video

If it is given genuinely, sorry does not be need to be given with a TV camera present. She should have spoken privately to the family with zero fanfare.


Just watching the video it is clear to see that the man's wife is not happy with the arrangement 1 bit. I believe that it is hugely insensitive for her to show up unannounced & steal the show (figuratively speaking). I believe by the original video that she was wasted, a fair amount of shock and disbelief but absolutely hammered nontheless. The petulent tantrum she had screaming mai ow mai ow when perfectly reasonable requests were being made,
She was trying to save her own skin then, and she is trying desperately to do so now. I hope she loses everything to feel somebody else's pain.

Incidentally though the place where the deceased man's cop car was sitting hardly looked wide enough for a car to be parked. That said people should drive carefuuly and take stock of what is up ahead


Where does it state that she didn't say sorry?

I'm not saying it would excuse her actions but a few posts on here attack her for not saying sorry before asking for forgivness when you simply have no idea if thats what happened.


The soap opera is not playing out with Anna in the print and Thai television media.

It is right here, on Thai Visa with mostly men aging badly.


..and of course there just happens to be a camera and a crowd there.

Vulgar, self-promoting, self-centered **$$*(*$((*#(@#(@9..!!!

Are you saying the actress organised the press? You don't think a high profile funeral would normally attract a press feeding frenzy?

She certainly didn't hide from the press... perhaps she was even playing to the press.

There will also have been the option of visiting the family to offer her sincere apologies and ask for forgiveness in private.

She could also have visited the Temple to pay her respects, privately in the early hours away from the prying eyes of the press.

The whole 'begging for forgiveness' event appears distasteful and a media play for sympathy.


With regards to the actual accident: Of course, it was an accident, no one does this deliberately (well, most, although there has been the spoilt brat who drove his car into the bus stop).

However, the greatest outstanding question is how on earth did she get away without being breathalysed that night? Which Policeman allowed this? and is he being charged for a failure / dereliction of duty? (of course not!).

One may ask if any policeman in the history of this country has ever been charged with dereliction of duty? Is that law even on the books? In order to enforce that law, there would have to be law and order to begin with, which barely exists here. This is a clear case of "wait a minute, I recognize you. Let me call the captain, to see what he wants to do with this famous person". Law and order? Funny.


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

It is quite beyond belief. Begging forgiveness before saying sorry. Beyond that, as yet, the family has no idea if this woman is going to face any punishment at all, other than money.

So I wouldn't be offering any forgiveness before working out how culpable the woman actually is.

Isn't this woman a luug kreung. Can't her father offer any advice worth taking. I.e. say sorry before you beg for forgiveness..

Her father died when she was 2.

My condolences. Obviously too much to expect the Thai side of the family to understand grief and personal circumstance.

Not my father, HER father! Why are you giving me your condolences?? There is no need for condolences. I don't know her from Adam. Her father died over 20 years ago. I am sure she is over it by now. She is an actress and her bio is all over the internet. Try a bit of research


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

Since she couldn't know, in advance, the parked car she hit was occupied I don't think she had any intent to destroy this family. Wouldn't it matter to you whether your son's 'killer' was malicious or not? 'Your son is dead so she must die' or is that statement true only is she shows up at his funeral begging your forgiveness?

shameful, selfish and disgusting

Would it be better if she didn't apologize in front of the world and beg forgiveness? Maybe she should be like in the US and not offer compensation either and make the family sue her in court.

There really is the possibility that night that she had the choice of either hitting a swerving motorcyclist or a parked car (not knowing the parked car contained a sleeping person). IF that were true and she sacrificed her car to prevent injury/death to a wildly driving motorcyclist she may have been making a noble choice. Just because things didn't work out that way doesn't mean she is evil enough for you to cause her family to hold a funeral for her. It seems you are not open to any other possibility than the one you seem so strongly to believe that you would kill her if she showed up in your presence. I'm seeing a new side of your personality and it's ugly. Causing another death would not bring your son back but would bring more misery in the world. Sad that you would get some satisfaction from her/another death.

Rush to judgment, much?

No rush to judgement, just going on the facts to date. She was intoxicated, she killed someone, she refused to be breathalyzed, she fled the scene, she turned up at the funeral begging for forgiveness. To me that's just selfish, thinking only herself.

As for the "there'd be another funeral that day" statement ... I can guess you'll only ever understand that when you're a father. What we say and what we would actually do are entirely different things. I'm disgusted that yet another "hi-so" soap opera star (or rich son/daughter of someone with the right name) cares so little for the people below them and thinks they can pretty much get away with anything, with no consequences for their actions. And in too many cases, they are correct.

With regards to my "ugly" personality, well, you're entitled to think what you want. For me, I don't care one way or another. I personally think these types of people's personality's are far worse than mine.

There's always a "possibility" that you are correct, but you and I both know that's not the case. If there was anything more to this story, we'd have heard it by now. So please, stop defending people like these, and instead defend the innocents that have actually been killed.


This may all look very strange and in poor taste to westerners, but it may very well reflect cultural norms in Thailand, so we should not be so quick to condemn her without knowing more about this. I, for one, don't know what Thais expect under such circumstances. But I do know that some prisons hold annual reconciliation ceremonies to bring prisoners and victims' families together (imagine that in the west!), and I do know that in many countries, you can wipe the slate clean with a payment to the victim's family (the idea of 'blood money' is, for example, acceptable within Islamic cultures). Our culture is no more 'right' in such matters than others....

Bla bla bla. Seen it before yes. But, unless the reports are translated wrong, the way she is expressing herself actually doesn't go with the norm.

Normally they come to say sorry,not to ask for forgiveness first.

1. The article doesn't mention what she said to the family, only what she said to the media

2. How long have you trusted the Thai English media for accurate and nuanced reportage?


Few have mentioned Thai Culture.my first shock.Lucky he got killed on Monday ,now we have time to cash the Insurance fund before the Weekend and get new Mo Cycles. My neighbors Sons.Never foregoten that,but it's the norm here


It can only be Thainess. If I killed someone for driving far to fast ( which she was , her Benz is mainly steel , cop car plastic , disindigrated) I would not be able to face the ones at the funeral , but to turn up for a photo shoot.! Maybe LoS acceptable.

Since when has Toyota built plastic cars? They're made of steel, exactly the same as Mercs and the police car had not disintegrated, it sustained rear damage similar to the damage at the front of the Merc.

If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.
It is quite beyond belief. Begging forgiveness before saying sorry. Beyond that, as yet, the family has no idea if this woman is going to face any punishment at all, other than money.

So I wouldn't be offering any forgiveness before working out how culpable the woman actually is.

Isn't this woman a luug kreung. Can't her father offer any advice worth taking. I.e. say sorry before you beg for forgiveness..

Her father died when she was 2.

My condolences. Obviously too much to expect the Thai side of the family to understand grief and personal circumstance.

Not my father, HER father! Why are you giving me your condolences?? There is no need for condolences. I don't know her from Adam. Her father died over 20 years ago. I am sure she is over it by now. She is an actress and her bio is all over the internet. Try a bit of research

I didn't give u my condolences. I was offering them to her in general. Least anyone can do....


If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

her father is English

If my son's killer arrived at the funeral of my son begging me for forgiveness, there'd be another funeral that day ... shameful, selfish and disgusting ... so Thai.

her father is English

And ... ? Your point is ... ?

She's Thai (mixed), with Thai mindset and Thai way of doing things.


I travel often on this frontage road where the accident happened, infact for a few years i lived on a moo baan there, Traffic there at night travels at high speed and although it has a lane in each direction with a hard shoulder both sides, traffic still travels on the hard shoulders facing the oncoming cars/trucks through lack of enforcement,

Its difficult to imagine anyone getting the idea to park on the hard shoulder and sleep with or without hazard lights on.

They appear to show the accident spot in the first 15 seconds of this Channel 3 news report.

It's a hard shoulder on a 3 lane motorway. Not trying to apportion blame, but it does look like the kind of place you don't want to park too long.


Yes..have to consider certain facts.

Had the police officer not been parked there sleeping, rather parked some where far more appropriate ( certainly a far less dangerous spot ...and not illegally...? ) ......then the accident would not have happened....you can argue.

You can legally argue that the police officers action of parking in a dangerous spot was, in effect, creating a dangerous situation while had it not been Anna Reeee colliding with the parked car it could have been another vehicle colliding with a parked car that should not have been parked there in the first place.

If some one is dong a U turn where they should not be doing a U turn and you collide with that person while you were changing lanes and lets say you did not use your blinker / signal when changing lanes and collided with the person performing an illegal U turn, then who is to blame????....if witnesses say you changed lanes and did not use your signal.....or they say that you were speeding???..... considering what was unfolding in front of you while arguing you should not have been speeding and should have used your signal....as if that argument makes the person performing the illegal U turn exempt from any responsibility for the accident that did occur while it was them that initiated the beginning of the accident

Lets say Anna Reese was not drunk and was not speeding and or texting/ talking on her cell phone...but she collided with a police car parked where it should not have ben parked and in effect deemed illegally parked....then who is to blame for the accident.

Only her...or should the officer accept some of the blame for his lack of good judgment while putting himself in harms way long before Anna Reese crossed his path.

Just saying.


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