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Upstairs Neighbor Makes Too Much Noise.

The Skipper

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Man, the guy (farang) that moved in above me is real inconsiderate of his neighbors, banging, slamming, stomping, thumping. All day long.

I called him several time, asking him nicely, to help me identify the noises coming thru my ceiling.

Absoutley zero coperation, says its "normal" and I need to adjust.

If fact he seems to "turn it up" after my last call. He got real nasty and insulting on the phone last time I called.

Should I just beat the crap out of him?

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Strange thought it may sound, it might be worth complaining to the landlord. Especially if other tenants are also being disturbed.

In a previous existence, I was having a very tempestous relationship which resulted in loud door banging and shouting late at night. The landlord warned us about 3 times and then threw us out :o

But if that doesn't work, kick the shit out of him. :D

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Hey Skipper,

If by any chance you don't think you're up to it, I can recommend 4 very nice Thai lads in Pattaya, with all the necessary equipment - vis a vis a handy sized peice of wood - who could a very respectable job for you for a small fee :o

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Man, the guy (farang) that moved in above me is real inconsiderate of his neighbors, banging, slamming, stomping, thumping. All day long.

I called him several time, asking him nicely, to help me identify the noises coming thru my ceiling.

Absoutley zero coperation, says its "normal" and I need to adjust.

If fact he seems to "turn it up" after my last call. He got real nasty and insulting on the phone last time I called.

Should I just beat the crap out of him?

One important thing to consider, is he bigger than you? :o

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I had that before.

Complaining to the landlord - other people should be complaining too.

Still it may take months before the guy is out.

The quickest way could be - moving out yourself.

Before that, you may try with a complaint to the landlord that the place has become unbearable and that usual contractual terms can not be followed - unless the landlord does something to return the conditions into their normal state.

Violence - the guy can also be able to shell 5-10K baht and send thugs on you.

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I had an experience like this back home once. The neighbor upstairs didn't want to cooperate. He threatened me with a big flashlight when I tried to talk to him about it in person once (after a few phone calls). A few years earlier I had trouble understanding a housemate's complaints about noises I made unconsciously and habitually, or "normally". So this was my turn to suffer!

The moral is that people often don't understand the complaints of others until they have been in the same situation. They either don't hear the noise themselves or think the other person is just being oversensitive and unreasonable. Your neighbor is probably too young and/or immature to care about how his behavior affects others.

Some day he will be in your shoes. For now you could either view it as an opportunity to "let go" and allow these noises to blend in with the barking dogs or other neighborhood noises, perhaps be grateful you don't live next to an airport, etc., or start looking for a new place to live.

As far as your landlord is concerned, try to observe your neighbor carefully and look for things he might be doing that would concern the landlord or interest the police. If it's just noise, I doubt that the landlord will care. It's either you or him, if he's going to lose a tenant, so why should he waste time and energy on the problem?

If your could wait a while and try to make friends or develop a decent connection with this individual, perhaps you could make a recording of his noise, and give it to him on a tape or mp3 file. That way, if he could hear what you hear, maybe he’d be willing to change. :o

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Talk face to face with the guy in front of witnesses and be friendly about it, doing it on the phone is a waste of time in this case.

Talk to the landlord and see if diplomatic reasoning can sort it out.

If this doesn,t work and there is no chance of resolving it, tell the landlord your moving out if your renting unless it is sorted.

Do you know anyone in authority that may be able to assist you and maybe get the man to see reason, maybe a third party might like a friendly policeman.

If you own the property get the people to who you pay fees to for the admin. ect to have a word.

Collect a few names from other rooms to put weight behind your complaint.

Either way he,ll know it,s you who has complained so be aware of this.

Forget the heavy stuff as you will only get yourself into bother and it could get really serious.

Lawbreaking ect.

I,ve gone face to face with others a couple of times, just stuck my hand out to shake theres and introduced myself and said i,m the man who,s having noise problems and is there any chance of being reasonable.

It broke the ice and it also got them to be understanding and friendly towards me.

One was a fkcing organ that was played louder than whatever i was trying to listen to.

Sometimes repeat after repeat after repeat by their children who where practicing.

I actually got the man to come into my home while it was playing and asked him if he thought i was being unreasonable about wanting it turned down. ( as he came home before entering his house. )

I just said do you mind coming and looking at something for me in the house, mate. Friendly of course

He couldn,t believe the sounds and apologised even before i stated my thoughts on it.

Since then we have become very good nieghbours and friends who talk about any differences.

After all it can be a 2 way thing regarding unseen niggles ect.

Good luck anyway and i hope some of all the advice being offered helps.

marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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Go up to his place, dont knock on the door, hit it with a hammer.

when he opens the door start going off liek a mad man, use the hammer on the wall behind you and just go sick on it, then turn around to him and calmy say can you keep the noise down.

People are alot more scared of a physco then a tough mad, because you can never predict what a physci will do

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Simple, rent the unit directly above him.

:D <deleted> brilliant :D I love it.

Go up to his place, dont knock on the door, hit it with a hammer.

when he opens the door start going off liek a mad man, use the hammer on the wall behind you and just go sick on it, then turn around to him and calmy say can you keep the noise down.

People are alot more scared of a physco then a tough mad, because you can never predict what a physci will do

Great advice as usual Donz. While Skipper is beating the wall with a hammer the guy stabs him in the heart. The cops come and the guy says, 'this crazy man from downstairs came up here and tried to kill me with a hammer; I had no choice but to defend myself". :o

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Simple, rent the unit directly above him.

:D <deleted> brilliant :D I love it.

Go up to his place, dont knock on the door, hit it with a hammer.

when he opens the door start going off liek a mad man, use the hammer on the wall behind you and just go sick on it, then turn around to him and calmy say can you keep the noise down.

People are alot more scared of a physco then a tough mad, because you can never predict what a physci will do

Great advice as usual Donz. While Skipper is beating the wall with a hammer the guy stabs him in the heart. The cops come and the guy says, 'this crazy man from downstairs came up here and tried to kill me with a hammer; I had no choice but to defend myself". :o

Dont you mean suicide :D

Hey well in that case beat his door down with the hammer and his walls and he will be too scared shitless to bother you again

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Noisy inconsiderate neighbours, sort of taps into the inner Neanderthal, totally sympathise.

Apart from using ear plugs (which is not nice long term) is it possible you can access his fuse box unseen?

I had the same situation when living in a demountable, with a noisy so and so, who would get loaded then play his music flat out, despite everyone else being on a different shift.

Laying in bed, tossing and turning one night, the incessant ‘boom boom’ of the bass cutting through the ear plugs, thoughts of unspeakable acts of violence being suppressed, grimace on the face, I just happened to suddenly see the white box mid wall level. It turned out to be a fuse box. The little light globe sort of went ding. After some experimenting, when he was out, I located his unit and had fun switching it off at completely random times (which also reset his alarm clock), it sorted it out veeery quickly.

Check it out, you may be lucky and be able to find his fuse box before you blow yours! Good luck

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Simple, rent the unit directly above him.

:D <deleted> brilliant :D I love it.

Go up to his place, dont knock on the door, hit it with a hammer.

when he opens the door start going off liek a mad man, use the hammer on the wall behind you and just go sick on it, then turn around to him and calmy say can you keep the noise down.

People are alot more scared of a physco then a tough mad, because you can never predict what a physci will do

Great advice as usual Donz. While Skipper is beating the wall with a hammer the guy stabs him in the heart. The cops come and the guy says, 'this crazy man from downstairs came up here and tried to kill me with a hammer; I had no choice but to defend myself". :o

Dont you mean suicide :D

Hey well in that case beat his door down with the hammer and his walls and he will be too scared shitless to bother you again

And Skipper gets evicted for destroying the landlord's property, and for being of unsound mind. :D

But at least that would solve the noise problem. :D

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I think Skipper is in a better situation than we were in when the house next door to our old house was being built...it took over a year and the neighbor had those poor guys working in the wee hours of morning, seven days a week!

In an apartment you have lots of neighbors, and numbers equal strength in this type of dilemma. If Skipper and enough of his neighbors march down to the landlord's office and demand that something be done about Mr. Noisemaker, the landlord will have to act. Otherwise, he looks to lose a lot of rent money. You may be surprised how quickly the noise will disappear.

Poor Skipper has had some bad luck at his place; first it was an army of soi dogs and now it's this guy upstairs.

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crickys skip,

that's a real delemma, and to have a recalcitrant punter living above you is worse than eating a <deleted> sandwich for breakfast. :D

theres a few friends here that are advising you to use physical violence on this fella and teach him not to be so inconsiderate of your good self, taking into account that you are a top skipper and all.

now we must look at the possible consequence's of pulling this fellow on.

1. he could turn out to be a real mean mother fo and possibly rearrange your facial features so you are more ugly than mike tyson :D

2. he could possibly kick your arse that hard that you will be hitching a ride on the international space station. :D

3. he could make life real frigging difficult for you if you dont give him a real good whooping.

now if you where succesful none of the above would apply, the problem would be over, and this flogger would turn into your subordinate craping in his daks every time he seen you.

<deleted> mate, that would be brilliant would'nt it ? :D

pay back time and i love a bit of pay back. :D

she's a big call skip to go down this path, and i dont think its a top idea at all my friend. :D

jes--us skip,

ive usually got all the correct 110% strait up answers, but this has got me thinking out loud and the brain matter is cranking over at warp speed.

frigging hard call mate, even in farang land, let alone being in los where all the rules are different.

good frigging god skip, :D

i think ive got the bleeding answer mate, :D

just hang on till november can you ?

i'll be in town and i'll sort that tosser out if he ain't changed his pathetic trouble causing ways.

cheers mate. :o


can you say a bit hello to the professor, mr howle and that cracking bit of crumpet ginger, as they are my favorites :D

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The solution is easy! Just tell your (Thai) landlord that this guy boasts every day how he is unbeatable in any fight, and how he thinks all Thai men are complete pussies! Tell him that this guy has (my apologies for saying this!) a poster of HM which he uses as a dartboard......

That should ensure that someone gets rid of him pretty quick...


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Man, the guy (farang) that moved in above me is real inconsiderate of his neighbors, banging, slamming, stomping, thumping. All day long.

I called him several time, asking him nicely, to help me identify the noises coming thru my ceiling.

Absoutley zero coperation, says its "normal" and I need to adjust.

If fact he seems to "turn it up" after my last call. He got real nasty and insulting on the phone last time I called.

Should I just beat the crap out of him?

Don't use violence. Don't employ hit-squads. Don't waste your breath with reasonable negotiation.

I had a similar problem three years ago, with an Australian and his GF.

Over the period of 3-4 weeks, I caused his complete mental breakdown with specially designed conversationalist and mesmeric actions and communications.

He left.

If you search on the WWW you will find methods of achieving this. There are also several self-help books available, on how to control people's minds through speech and mesmerism.

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Man, the guy (farang) that moved in above me is real inconsiderate of his neighbors, banging, slamming, stomping, thumping. All day long.

I called him several time, asking him nicely, to help me identify the noises coming thru my ceiling.

Absoutley zero coperation, says its "normal" and I need to adjust.

If fact he seems to "turn it up" after my last call. He got real nasty and insulting on the phone last time I called.

Should I just beat the crap out of him?

Don't use violence. Don't employ hit-squads. Don't waste your breath with reasonable negotiation.

I had a similar problem three years ago, with an Australian and his GF.

Over the period of 3-4 weeks, I caused his complete mental breakdown with specially designed conversationalist and mesmeric actions and communications.

He left.

If you search on the WWW you will find methods of achieving this. There are also several self-help books available, on how to control people's minds through speech and mesmerism.

Are you available for hire? What's your day rate?

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Man, the guy (farang) that moved in above me is real inconsiderate of his neighbors, banging, slamming, stomping, thumping. All day long.

I called him several time, asking him nicely, to help me identify the noises coming thru my ceiling.

Absoutley zero coperation, says its "normal" and I need to adjust.

If fact he seems to "turn it up" after my last call. He got real nasty and insulting on the phone last time I called.

Should I just beat the crap out of him?

Don't use violence. Don't employ hit-squads. Don't waste your breath with reasonable negotiation.

I had a similar problem three years ago, with an Australian and his GF.

Over the period of 3-4 weeks, I caused his complete mental breakdown with specially designed conversationalist and mesmeric actions and communications.

He left.

If you search on the WWW you will find methods of achieving this. There are also several self-help books available, on how to control people's minds through speech and mesmerism.

:o you just lost any credibility you had :D

wait.....this is a wind-up post right? you got me!

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