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NBC to Donald Trump: You're fired

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Ordinarily, I have zero respect for NBC's corporate decisions. I don't know all they've done, but I do know they made two glaring mistakes regarding who to appoint to host The Tonight Show. First they snubbed David Letterman, even though Johnny Carson hand-picked David to succeed him. Big mistake by NBC. Then, years later, NBC dumped Conan O'Brian for no good reason, after having just assigned Conan the top spot. NBC execs did it after just a couple weeks of Conan. If you asked them, they'd probably say it was because Jay Leno was controlling things at that time.

However, on topic, I'll say NBC make a good decision to dump Trump, though they should have done it months ago.

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The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Maybe hoping for a protest vote? Every yank i talk to says America has gone to the dogs because of Obama, who was only voted in

on the PC card.

One guy even stated Obama will always be known as the limp dlck president

I'm a yank and you didn't talk to me. I like Obama. He's done a reasonably good job. I resent the appellation you mention. Have u been looking in the mirror too much?


The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Maybe hoping for a protest vote? Every yank i talk to says America has gone to the dogs because of Obama, who was only voted in

on the PC card.

One guy even stated Obama will always be known as the limp dlck president

I'm a yank and you didn't talk to me. I like Obama. He's done a reasonably good job. I resent the appellation you mention. Have u been looking in the mirror too much?

I've talked to quite a few of those Americans too, but it was hard to talk to some after they fell off their bar stool.

I mean the country is in a terrible mess. There is a hint in the air that some limits may be put on gun control; there is a fledgling start to health care for an aging and physically not-so-well population, there is a movement to full equal rights for everyone. Yes, it sounds pretty awful.

We need someone like Trump. If you think his mouth is dangerous, how would you like to have someone like that with his finger on the big red button.


The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Maybe hoping for a protest vote? Every yank i talk to says America has gone to the dogs because of Obama, who was only voted in

on the PC card.

One guy even stated Obama will always be known as the limp dlck president

did they tell you they were also ex navy seals?


Its interesting the NBC has not cut its ties with Al Sharpton, He makes Trump seem like a choir boy

They can't, some idiot would call them racists.


The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Don't know what the republicans are thinking but every time trump speaks the democrats glow with joy.


The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Don't know what the republicans are thinking but every time trump speaks the democrats glow with joy.

If what you're saying were true, then Democrats would be doing everything they could to ensure his nomination. But they're not. They are attacking and trying to shut down his message. Why? Because they are scared to death and don't want anybody to hear him. Trump is saying a lot of things that appeal to the majority of the population of the USA. And the cultural coup the Supreme Court launched last week is doing nothing but help.


Those poll numbers are exactly what I'd expect, with Bush, Walker, and Rubio in that order. A bit surprised that Carson is that high. Trump has been getting a lot of publicity lately with his outrageous comments. But he won't be around in the end...which is a disappointment to those on the democratic side.


Its interesting the NBC has not cut its ties with Al Sharpton, He makes Trump seem like a choir boy

...and I guess, you have some quotes to back that up, right?!

You know...something, where Al Sharpton calls a whole part of the population "rapists"...

Bring it on!


Beautiful. I am thrilled with NBC, over their extremely wise choice. This pig is nasty, malicious, without an ounce of fair play in his bones. And he is ugly, cheating, aggressive, smelly, obnoxious, lacking in any sense of nobility or grace, and just a poor state of a half man. After the vicious tirade that he launched against many of the super kind, very hard working, incredibly honest and noble Mexican friends of mine, who are contributing vast amounts of money to the US economy, Univision was totally within their rights to cancel their airing of this swine's show. He cannot stand being rejected, as he is so fragile, and his self esteem is so low. After all, he is the one who has to look into the mirror every morning. Can you imagine what a horrid affair that must be? What an absolute runt of a man. The very fact that he is running for president, says a lot about just how low this entire political system has descended.

There is no question that he is pandering to the masses and the Fox crowd. It was a calculated decision to throw the Latino population under the bus, as he knew few would consider him to be a viable choice as a leader. But, what a nasty thing to say, and what a bunch of crap. Sure, there are some unsavory characters coming over the border. But, most are coming from El Salvador and Honduras, two of the murder capitals of the world. Most Mexicans are hard workers. Most of the Mexicans I know are giving a lot back to society and taking very little.

​I would not vote for him, if he were the last candidate in the world. I realize that this office does not exactly attract the best and the brightest anymore. Nor does it attract men or women with integrity. But, this guy is a gangster. He is a hooligan. He is one of the nastiest men in the country. Do we really want someone like that in our faces every day?


What a load of tosh and claiming that Donald Trump has "low self esteem" is the kicker. I'm not a fan of the guy, but he has accomplished a lot in his life and is not "ugly" or any of that other nonsense. I'm not voting for him for president though.


What a load of tosh and claiming that Donald Trump has "low self esteem" is the kicker. I'm not a fan of the guy, but he has accomplished a lot in his life and is not "ugly" or any of that other nonsense. I'm not voting for him for president though.

What I have seen over the course of my life, is that people who have high self esteem, are more likely to treat others fairly, and to show kindness and respect to others. Frankly, I think the man despises himself, despite the show he creates. Would you be able to live with yourself? I have always been a firm believer that it is far easier to become a billionaire if you are willing to give the shaft to everyone you do business with, than to play by the rules. This is precisely the way this swine conducts him business. I have heard it from people who have sat across the table from him in real estate deals. I have heard it from attorneys that have represented people who have done deals with him. He simply refuses to play fairly. It goes against everything he is about. He absolutely refuses to leave one dollar on the table. If he feels that the other guy is getting a fair deal, he does everything in his power to make sure that changes. That is completely unnecessary behavior. That is not the way a man who feels good about himself behaves. Plain and simple, he is a gangster.


In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

And telling the truth is something you will never find Tiny Trump doing.


Ironically, it will probably require an alien (space not illegal, ha, I know what you were thinking) version of a blowhard bigot and threat to reunite us all as a single humanity. Oh, wait a minute, I think they already made that movie….

wait a minute, you might be referring to Tiny Trump, except he has never done a single thing in his life to reunite anything or anybody, nor to benefit anyone outside of his immediate family.


The GOP fear The Donald for one main reason, he has the war chest to run a campaign without relying on big-money donations from big business, foreign interests and wall street... He can spend as much or more than any other candidate without a dime in donations... Despite the views posted above his message does resonate with the average American that has seen their quality of life diminish under both mainstream parties... Anyone remember Ross Perot? Same, same, no different than The Donald... If Trump continues without getting laughed out of the race, he could split the GOP vote and hand the 2016 election to the Dems... It's obvious big-money opponents are already running a smear campaign against him, after all, he is such an easy target...

And THIS crazy sombitch is currently #2 in GOP polls! What the HELL are Republicans THINKING?!?!?

Maybe hoping for a protest vote? Every yank i talk to says America has gone to the dogs because of Obama, who was only voted in

on the PC card.

One guy even stated Obama will always be known as the limp dlck president

I'm a yank and you didn't talk to me. I like Obama. He's done a reasonably good job. I resent the appellation you mention. Have u been looking in the mirror too much?

Well i remember a stage in history when a certain country invaded another and was raining bombs on innocent women and children.

At that time the whole world was waiting to see what Obama would do.

And he did pretty nuch nothing, until it was to late.

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