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Former British soldier jailed for 50 years in Thailand for drug dealing

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It's like the recent $30,000 fine (that's US dollars, not baht) required from a farang who caused an accident while riding a motorbike in which a couple of people got bruised, no one killed. The unsung rule of breaking the law in Thailand: Thais often get let off, farang get hit severely, and cops are untouchable.

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If you sell drugs and get caught you have to pay the penalty....

This is not the UK we all know the consequences here for foreigners....

OK maybe 50 years is. A bit harsh, but he knew what he was doing.

His father owns a pub in Pattaya ...... So he could of warned him for sure.....

No excuse.... If he wanted money get a job and work like the rest of us had to.....


He must have known the risks....harsh penalty i know, but its only a 50 stretch, it'll fly by.... he'll be back dealing by the time he's..er, 76.

Wake up, he's a f'ing drug dealer ...

If you could get down off the pulpit long enough you might begin to realize there is a difference between heroin and E. Sentences should take these things into account. You would think we were in the US. Pure silliness. Lunacy is more like it.
Did i, or did i not say that it was a harsh penalty? Yes or no? So keep your beak out!

So you think its ok to sell any kind of drugs on the streets, possibly contaminated with all sorts of chemicals???

You think its ok? Knob

I guess I still have a little bit of a liberal streak. I do not use drugs. But, I did in my youth, and I think sentencing should be commensurate with the crime. This one is so far over the top. He did not have the cash to influence the sentence. That is the plain and simple reality here. End of story.
You didn't answer my question....where did i say that the sentence was fair?

Would you like it if he sold any type of drugs to your son or daughter? Better that he's off the streets for as long as possible...end of.


This sentence is over-kill for any possible damage to society from MDMA (street name ecstasy). In my opinion, it is over-kill even if he had been selling heroin. Opium was 100% legal in Thailand until 1962 and if you go to rural Isaan, many villagers smoke ganja.

Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Ecstasy-therapy-approved-for-trial-in-Marin-6283115.php

Brain Scans Hint at Therapy Uses of Ecstasy for Anxiety, PTSD http://psychcentral.com/news/2014/01/18/brain-scans-hint-at-therapy-uses-of-ecstasy-for-anxiety-ptsd/64700.html

The Role of MDMA (Ecstasy) in Coping with Negative Life Situations Among Urban Young Adults http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3235684/

For those vehemently against any sale of any illicit drug, there are, believe it or not, shades of gray in the dangers associated with different drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are perfectly legal and are far more damaging to society than most illicit drugs. Every drug you could want has been legal (10 day supply) in Portugal for more than 14 years and illicit drug use has gone down 30% and drug deaths are down by 50% without the criminal justice system being involved. Can anyone find any negative stories on Portugal's relaxing of drug laws? NO!

Some people are risk-takers, some people are gay, and some people are drawn to drugs. There is something inside them that makes them that way and criminalization has never stopped, or even reduced, these behaviors. I'm glad my world is not 'black and white'.


What you are talking about is Politics. Then there is also the LAW. 200 tablets of Meth may appear less than, say, 1.5kgs of heroine, still, it is above what they consider for personal consumption. That normally draws Death penalty in Thailand. The other guy was right: 50 years clearly is a commuted Death sentence. Could be that other judges in other instances did not apply the Law as they should have, whatever the reason. You cannot take pretext from such cases to require that the judge NOT apply the Law here, also.

BTW Meth is actually very dangerous.

I see what you did there. You, on your own and regardless of the information in the OP, substituted the word 'ecstasy' with the word 'Meth'. How unobservant do you think I am?

I agree that abuse of Methamphemines (a diet drug that was legally prescribed for weight-loss for decades) CAN be dangerous but what has MDMA aka Ecstasy, Molly, have to do with the OP or the price of tea in China?

If you took the time/made the effort, you would know from the links I posted that MDMA is becoming medicine for some, soon to be many, people. If you wish to justify the 50 year sentence, you are writing to the wrong person.

BTW, please link to any previous seller of 200 ecstasy tablets given a death-commuted-to-life-sentence in Thailand. Also please link to the list of drugs and the punishment for their possession in Thailand. I doubt there is a death penalty for MDMA possession. Just because you believe something to be true doesn't make it so.


You didn't answer my question....where did i say that the sentence was fair?

Would you like it if he sold any type of drugs to your son or daughter? Better that he's off the streets for as long as possible...end of.

I'd rather he was selling good quality E to my child than pushing endless shots promotions or cocktail buckets.


This sentence is over-kill for any possible damage to society from MDMA (street name ecstasy). In my opinion, it is over-kill even if he had been selling heroin. Opium was 100% legal in Thailand until 1962 and if you go to rural Isaan, many villagers smoke ganja.

Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Ecstasy-therapy-approved-for-trial-in-Marin-6283115.php

Brain Scans Hint at Therapy Uses of Ecstasy for Anxiety, PTSD http://psychcentral.com/news/2014/01/18/brain-scans-hint-at-therapy-uses-of-ecstasy-for-anxiety-ptsd/64700.html

The Role of MDMA (Ecstasy) in Coping with Negative Life Situations Among Urban Young Adults http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3235684/

For those vehemently against any sale of any illicit drug, there are, believe it or not, shades of gray in the dangers associated with different drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are perfectly legal and are far more damaging to society than most illicit drugs. Every drug you could want has been legal (10 day supply) in Portugal for more than 14 years and illicit drug use has gone down 30% and drug deaths are down by 50% without the criminal justice system being involved. Can anyone find any negative stories on Portugal's relaxing of drug laws? NO!

Some people are risk-takers, some people are gay, and some people are drawn to drugs. There is something inside them that makes them that way and criminalization has never stopped, or even reduced, these behaviors. I'm glad my world is not 'black and white'.


What you are talking about is Politics. Then there is also the LAW. 200 tablets of Meth may appear less than, say, 1.5kgs of heroine, still, it is above what they consider for personal consumption. That normally draws Death penalty in Thailand. The other guy was right: 50 years clearly is a commuted Death sentence. Could be that other judges in other instances did not apply the Law as they should have, whatever the reason. You cannot take pretext from such cases to require that the judge NOT apply the Law here, also.

BTW Meth is actually very dangerous.

Ecstasy, not meths. Ecstasy is less harmful than whisky.

Exactly. There is an earlier post quoting the former head of Britain's Drug Control Board stating that MDMA is less dangerous than riding a horse.



The biggest mistake he did was selling it in Thailand.

Should have stayed home and done the business - would have been an innocent little rich boy, isn't it?

Oooooh these undeveloped countries. They are ruining the developed beings.


This sentence is over-kill for any possible damage to society from MDMA (street name ecstasy). In my opinion, it is over-kill even if he had been selling heroin. Opium was 100% legal in Thailand until 1962 and if you go to rural Isaan, many villagers smoke ganja.

Ecstasy therapy approved for trial in Marin County http://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Ecstasy-therapy-approved-for-trial-in-Marin-6283115.php

Brain Scans Hint at Therapy Uses of Ecstasy for Anxiety, PTSD http://psychcentral.com/news/2014/01/18/brain-scans-hint-at-therapy-uses-of-ecstasy-for-anxiety-ptsd/64700.html

The Role of MDMA (Ecstasy) in Coping with Negative Life Situations Among Urban Young Adults http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3235684/

For those vehemently against any sale of any illicit drug, there are, believe it or not, shades of gray in the dangers associated with different drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are perfectly legal and are far more damaging to society than most illicit drugs. Every drug you could want has been legal (10 day supply) in Portugal for more than 14 years and illicit drug use has gone down 30% and drug deaths are down by 50% without the criminal justice system being involved. Can anyone find any negative stories on Portugal's relaxing of drug laws? NO!

Some people are risk-takers, some people are gay, and some people are drawn to drugs. There is something inside them that makes them that way and criminalization has never stopped, or even reduced, these behaviors. I'm glad my world is not 'black and white'.


What you are talking about is Politics. Then there is also the LAW. 200 tablets of Meth may appear less than, say, 1.5kgs of heroine, still, it is above what they consider for personal consumption. That normally draws Death penalty in Thailand. The other guy was right: 50 years clearly is a commuted Death sentence. Could be that other judges in other instances did not apply the Law as they should have, whatever the reason. You cannot take pretext from such cases to require that the judge NOT apply the Law here, also.

BTW Meth is actually very dangerous.

I believe that Malaysia either still does, or quite recently used to have, a limit of 1 ounce of cannabis, for someone to be convicted of trafficking or dealing, and to be hanged, no ifs or buts. And I don't for a minute believe that the race of religion of the perp played much of a part in sentencing! I believe Singapore was/is similar. So, 200 tabs = 50 years! Is there really much that is disproportionate between the two countries' tariffs?!

Correction: In Malaysia it is now the mind-bogglingblink.png amount of seven ounces of pot, where one can be hanged for dealing/trafficking.

How is Malaysian drug law pertinent to a discussion of Thailand's laws on drug possession? Do you have a link to the penalties associated with the possession of various drugs in Thailand?

I find it hard to believe this young man sold MDMA, aka ecstasy, fully knowing he would be sentenced to 50 years in Klong Prem Prison (one of the most notorious Hell-holes of all the world's prisons) if caught. Maybe he was on drugs and had a diminished capacity to know the extent of his damage to society.


Too bad you didn't post #15 or you would know it is beginning to be used as a medicine.

This if from the US DEA website: http://thedea.org/statistics.html

Yes, this guy was a real menace to society. /sarcasm

BTW, The US DEA classifies marijuana as a Schedule 1 or 'hard' drug alongside heroin and crack cocaine.


Most of the people that show up in the ER, even those in genuine medical danger, will make a full recovery. Most...but not all. In recent years in the US, the greatly increasing rate of MDMA use has made deaths a somewhat regular occurrence. Listening to the government 'drug experts' you might think users were dropping like flies. The truth, as usual, is less grim than the drug warriors would have us believe:

Deaths involving MDMA (from districts reporting to SAMHSA):


1994 - 1

1995 - 6

1996 - 8

1997 - 3

1998 - 9

1999 - 42

2000 - 63

2001 - 76


That's it then, problem solved....take us much drugs as you like, then end up in hospital, let the doctors make you better, or die.....thanks, see you again next week Doc!

Are they actually taking MDMA, MDMA analogs, or a drug being sold at MDMA but is not.

Are the deaths from overdoses of MDMA or are the deaths caused by other factors and then then toxicology report indicates MDMA in the victim's system, and the death is attributed to MDMA.

I personally knew a whole lot of people taking MDMA in my University days, and I don't know of one person that ever overdosed, no less died from ingesting MDMA or MDMA analogs.

I'll go back to:

There's lies;

Damn lies: and


What's the real story with the published stats? Why not publish alcohol related deaths as a direct comparison?

Actually, my post confirms that MDMA is on a par with aspirin, mortality-wise.

Annual Causes of Death in the United States http://www.csdp.org/publicservice/causes.htm

note that prescribed drug deaths are double of all the illegal drugs combined.



Wake up, he's a f'ing drug dealer ...

If you could get down off the pulpit long enough you might begin to realize there is a difference between heroin and E. Sentences should take these things into account. You would think we were in the US. Pure silliness. Lunacy is more like it.
Did i, or did i not say that it was a harsh penalty? Yes or no? So keep your beak out!
So you think its ok to sell any kind of drugs on the streets, possibly contaminated with all sorts of chemicals???
You think its ok? Knob
I guess I still have a little bit of a liberal streak. I do not use drugs. But, I did in my youth, and I think sentencing should be commensurate with the crime. This one is so far over the top. He did not have the cash to influence the sentence. That is the plain and simple reality here. End of story.
You didn't answer my question....where did i say that the sentence was fair?
Would you like it if he sold any type of drugs to your son or daughter? Better that he's off the streets for as long as possible...end of.

I am thankful every day of my life, that I do not have a son and a daughter. That aside, it is up to the parent to instill enough sense into the child, so that when presented with the opportunity later, they have the substance, and the good sense to say no. And if I had a son or a daughter I probably would not mind if he sold them some pot. No big deal at all. Most kids try it at one time or another. So what?


The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

Or if drugs were legal and controlled there would be no dealers, that would work too !!

Hmmmmm, why do I hate these scrotes.........Many moons ago I spent a few years as a mini cab driver in London. Over a period you learned who the junkies were. Mostly laid in doors all day on benefits and called us to take them to the pharmacy to get their free prescription drugs, which I helped pay for. On taking them back home it was mandatory to check the floor behind me as some jacked up in the back and left used syringes on the floor...Bar stewards....

As a taxpayer, you should have been happy as it is a lot cheaper to give these lost souls free drugs than to pay for their incarceration. Also, they didn't have to steal to supply their addiction. Just because you hate them doesn't mean you have to throw common sense and economics out of the window. BTW, do you hate everyone on government assistance? FYI, your hate is hurting you more than the people you hate; hate eats you up inside.

One day, science may be able to correct the 'addiction gene' and these people won't suffer/be a burden, but that day isn't here, yet.



Actually, my post confirms that MDMA is on a par with aspirin, mortality-wise.

Annual Causes of Death in the United States http://www.csdp.org/publicservice/causes.htm

note that prescribed drug deaths are double of all the illegal drugs combined.


MDMA is well below aspirin mortality wise.

There are also several factors/explanations as to the reported rise in MDMA deaths. One has to be very careful. There is great use of the word 'involving'. This means that several substances may have been detected in the bloodstream but usually the tabloid media overlook the benzos and alcohol and other similar dangers and focus on MDMA. There is also the factor that more Es were being adulterated with PMA and PMAA and in fact, recently many pills have those substances exclusively.

Visits to emergency rooms/casualty have also increased substantially, but this is more due to more widespread harm reduction programmes, better online and offline peer education and a willingness to seek help that didn't exist as much 15-25 years ago.

The solution is simple; legalise and regulate MDMA, sell it only through pharmacies and watch the deaths reduce as well as taking away income from organised crime.


As a taxpayer, you should have been happy as it is a lot cheaper to give these lost souls free drugs than to pay for their incarceration. Also, they didn't have to steal to supply their addiction. Just because you hate them doesn't mean you have to throw common sense and economics out of the window. BTW, do you hate everyone on government assistance? FYI, your hate is hurting you more than the people you hate; hate eats you up inside.

One day, science may be able to correct the 'addiction gene' and these people won't suffer/be a burden, but that day isn't here, yet.


There is no such thing as an 'addiction gene' so your supposed solution will never arrive. It is a combination of some genetic factors and some environmental ones. There will always be addicts of some kind. What can change is how we treat them, both from a detox perspective and as a society.

In the short term, the best solution is likely to prescribe pharma quality heroin or amphetamine (the latter being one of the most difficult addictions to 'cure'). Switzerland went down that road and has seen BBV rates, crime and numbers of new addicts plummet.


50 years most be a mild sentence if he had be a Thai city cent there will only be death penalty, but serve 10 - 20 yers in thailand before he can be sent home UK.

Drug delling is the worst crime ever and i can only say rest in peace. He not death yet but nearly the same.

Drug delling is the worst crime ever

I disagree. Pedophilia, the preying on innocent, defenseless children for sexual gratification, seems much more damaging to the individual victim and to society as many studies show that molested children often grow up to become molesters themselves.

Every customer of a drug dealer is voluntarily seeking the services of the dealer. In fact, may people refer to it as a victim-less crime. Portugal and the Czech Republic have both 100% legalized drugs and their societies are provably better for doing so. Please educate yourself and stop thinking with the same brain that was indoctrinated when you were young. You can grow out of your prejudices, you know?



And in another thread on TVF

"Turn crisis into opportunity: PM THE NATION"

Chin up boy. There's gotta be something meaningful for you inside Klong Prem.


So he will do 8 years max and then be sent back to the UK to serve another 3 or 4 and then paroled to go about his business!

speaking from personal experience?


Ecstacy is supposed to mainly comprise MDMA, back in the 70s marketed as the 'love drug', but now often mainly made up of amphetamines.

The 50 year sentence seems extraordinary, especially as he pleaded guilty, was it commuted from a death sentence? Anyone know if it was an importation or drugs acquired locally. Hopefully the guy will get sentence reductions in the coming years. Does HMG arrange repatriation after a certain period to serve time in UK prison?

I am not a Brit but why should he be transferred to a British prison and there to become a burden on the English taxpayer for 50 years. I am no great lover of China but they seem to have the perfect answer to this kind of crime.

Well I AM a Brit and I totally agree with you

With a bit of luck he'll die of AIDS after sharing the needle of heroin he'll become addicted to... Scumbag drug dealers

They all deserve to have copious amounts of what they sell injected into their veins... Let's be rid of the scum

Why are you so full of hate that you think 50 years in one of the world's most horrible prisons is not enough? You strike me as one who would be first in line at a stoning. You could join ISIS and behead a few people. Would that satisfy your blood-lust?



The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

Or if drugs were legal and controlled there would be no dealers, that would work too !!

That could be the case, I don't really know, I have not got an opinion on this yet, I would need to know more about it.

Study Portugal's 14 years experience of legalizing a 10 day supply of any and all drugs. Addiction rates down by 30% and deaths from drugs by 50%. Has anyone read horror studies coming out of Portugal concerning drug use? NO.

Keith Richards, of The Rolling Stones, famously said that the reason he is not dead is because he used only high quality heroin. Poor addicts have to buy in the street. Keith Richards is a tax-paying contributor to society and admired by many yet the poor street addict is scorned. Sir Mick Jagger is also self-confessed heroin user yet he was knighted. Double standards, anyone? Does someone have to be rich to have human dignity?



First !! .................. I hate drug dealers !! ...............coffee1.gif

Define drugs. that little image shows a coffee drinker. Is caffeine not a drug? Do you hate yourself? And what about hemp? Listed as a Class 5 drug (same as heroin) by US's DEA, yet hemp never got anyone stoned in the history of the world. Do you hate hemp dealers also?

If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

Anybody dealing drugs is dealing DEATH. scum of the earth.

Alcohol is a drug. Are all the alcohol dealers dealing death also? Are they also scum of the earth? that would include all the top execs in every beer and booze company worldwide, plus private distillers, plus every outlet and nearly every mom & pop shop ww. Also, the truckers, the advertisers, the stadiums with ad banners, TV stations. That's a lot of 'scum of the earth', from your perspective. Then there are pharma drugs - which statistics show kill more people than all illegal drugs combined. Yet more scum, eh Colin?

Seems you don't drink coffee or tea, enjoy a ciggy or the occasional beer or glass of wine.....Or take something for a headache.....?

I was commenting on the glaring hypocrisies of the self-defeating War on Drugs - a war which has been lost every year since instigated by Nixon, well-known as a heavy boozer. I doubt you want to steer this discussion to me and my lifestyle. But since you did: I don't do any of the substances you mentioned, other than a Bayer aspirin once in awhile for a headache. If you choose to discredit what I stated in my prior post, you've got to try and make a better argument than what you mentioned above.

The bottom line: I totally disagree with SE Asian countries' draconian laws against druggies. It's wrong for many reasons, and it depicts SE Asian leaders as petty, subjective, small-minded, ignorant, hypocritical, and mean.


Why are you so full of hate that you think 50 years in one of the world's most horrible prisons is not enough?


For the love of god, he is NOT going to do 50 years in a Thai prison.

He'll do FOUR and head off to the UK.

As for the rest, that depends on him.

Agreed though, wishing AIDS and stuff on people is the sign of a slightly sick mind, even though I have no sympathy for him and I am not convinced by daddy's story.


His heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, said: “I am devastated. I don’t know how he will cope.”

Well, heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, please tell me how the "clients" of your son will cope with this:



He might be a ratbag and a rogue but this sentence is way out of proportion to the crime ( even if it is only 5 years in Thailand and then more to follow in the UK). It's getting more than a little tiresome to see the disparity in sentencing going on.

Violence does not get sufficient jail time but dealing in some trendy pills (harmless or otherwise) gets life plus ( for some).

Ecatasy is rare(ish) in Thailand, you will find he had pills known as Yaba.

Yaba in a non thai tabloid means nothing to the world, Ecstasy does hence they use that instead.

They are 2 completely different drugs.

No, it was Ecstasy.

........................... 2 Life Sentences? No Way!

It is one sentence of 50 years.

His 'friend' got 2 Life Sentences.


His heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, said: “I am devastated. I don’t know how he will cope.”

Well, heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, please tell me how the "clients" of your son will cope with this:


I laugh loudly when people post tabloid- like propaganda with no real scientific backing to it.

Have you looked at the (proven) effects of alcohol use recently?

MDMA is far LESS harmful, both to the user and those around them, than most substances


Drugs in any form are poison, but 50 years is excessive when compared to other sentences handed out.

As an ex soldier, although I did rather longer in uniform, I'm saddened that he would stoop so low. I've had some difficult times since I left the mob and although tempted on one occasion by a wide boy who himself landed up in clink, my disciplined background wouldn't allow me to stray. That said, a lot of things have changed for the worse since I was 26 and the world seems to become more selfish and generally less caring now.

My final thought is why do individuals like this always think they can get away with it, particularly in a foreign country where we stick out like sore thumbs? There are never any prizes for stupidity.

My final thought is why do individuals like this always think they can get away with it, particularly in a foreign country where we stick out like sore thumbs?

Maybe he was taking a 'feel good' drug, possibly MDMA, and his judgment was impaired.



His heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, said: “I am devastated. I don’t know how he will cope.”

Well, heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, please tell me how the "clients" of your son will cope with this:


I'm guessing that, unlike millions of other people, you've never dropped an E in your life.


ABSOLUTE JOKE..... I are offended and angered by this bullshit pretend justice system which is racist corrupt and a disgrace to the world and shows the UK and all other western countiries its hatred for US.

You have Thais with brains the size of peanuts riding death machines and killing falang on the roads and other means and getting a lecture in court a $10,000 baht fine and no jail...

Hey goose you just took someone from there family and the judge is a joker that should be jailed himself.

This is not acceptable and there is no Thainess give me a break please......

In our countries this is a minor charge the amount hardly indicates the young lad is hard core dealer... Hey dont you know you deport him and ban him from the country you TOSSERS.. I bet the skinny little Thai would not have got 50 years..

This will not go unnoticed KARMA


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