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Former British soldier jailed for 50 years in Thailand for drug dealing

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His heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, said: “I am devastated. I don’t know how he will cope.”

Well, heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, please tell me how the "clients" of your son will cope with this:


I laugh loudly when people post tabloid- like propaganda with no real scientific backing to it.

Have you looked at the (proven) effects of alcohol use recently?

MDMA is far LESS harmful, both to the user and those around them, than most substances

For your young kid......?

Where did 'your young kid' come from??

Would you give whisky to an 8 year old? No. Then neither would you give E to an 8 year old. I fully intend, if she is inquiaitive, taking E with my daughter when she is 15/16 and teaching her all the harm reduction knowledge and drug knowledge I have. Rather she tried it with me than with a bunch of friends at a party who don't have a clue what they are doing.

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So, come on members of the hang 'em high club, what are you waiting for?

I must say that selling drugs in Thailand i pretty stupid in the first place. If you dont have a death wish that is. All know that doing drugs in Thailand is very dangerous. The penaltys are just to long. I have heard that they get one year pardon every time the king has bursday. So if he appeals he could get out in ten ore something. If they first have set this penalty it is hard to reduse it by more than 10-20years. Maybe 30.. I not realy shure over there how they do. The same legal system we used in the 50´s.. Almost same.. Im not gonna judge this guy. He did what he did. 50 years was long time. to long. Everyone knows that it is not smart doing drugs in thailand.. So why i dont care about.


ABSOLUTE JOKE..... I are offended and angered by this bullshit pretend justice system which is racist corrupt and a disgrace to the world and shows the UK and all other western countiries its hatred for US.

You have Thais with brains the size of peanuts riding death machines and killing falang on the roads and other means and getting a lecture in court a $10,000 baht fine and no jail...

Hey goose you just took someone from there family and the judge is a joker that should be jailed himself.

This is not acceptable and there is no Thainess give me a break please......

In our countries this is a minor charge the amount hardly indicates the young lad is hard core dealer... Hey dont you know you deport him and ban him from the country you TOSSERS.. I bet the skinny little Thai would not have got 50 years..

This will not go unnoticed KARMA


So you don't think Thai drug dealers get similar sentences or worse? You do realise that two Thai drug dealers were executed by lethal injection in 2009?

I agree that this guy was probably more foolish than evil, and fortunately he will probably get a much reduced sentence on appeal, which as a foreigner, he can probably afford to finance. Unlike many Thais in similar positions.


Anyone that knows the case knows Lances father is lying through his teeth here. He also missed out the part where his father went around Pattaya threatening Al, sorts of people


So you don't think Thai drug dealers get similar sentences or worse? You do realise that two Thai drug dealers were executed by lethal injection in 2009?

Just a little difference between the cases.

200 low harm ecstasy tablets worth maybe 100K baht,

Or...." Both were arrested in 2001 for drug trafficking, the police had surprised them with a cargo of 114,219 pearls of methamphetamine, worth 1.2 million U.S. dollars."...in the case of the 2 dealers executed in 2009/


So you don't think Thai drug dealers get similar sentences or worse? You do realise that two Thai drug dealers were executed by lethal injection in 2009?

Just a little difference between the cases.

200 low harm ecstasy tablets worth maybe 100K baht,

Or...." Both were arrested in 2001 for drug trafficking, the police had surprised them with a cargo of 114,219 pearls of methamphetamine, worth 1.2 million U.S. dollars."...in the case of the 2 dealers executed in 2009/

Yes, that's why their sentence was far more extreme. Nothing to do with nationality or race though.

Ecatasy is rare(ish) in Thailand, you will find he had pills known as Yaba.

Yaba in a non thai tabloid means nothing to the world, Ecstasy does hence they use that instead.

They are 2 completely different drugs.

No, it was Ecstasy.

........................... 2 Life Sentences? No Way!

It is one sentence of 50 years.

His 'friend' got 2 Life Sentences.

his friend got that? I thought he got out?


So you don't think Thai drug dealers get similar sentences or worse? You do realise that two Thai drug dealers were executed by lethal injection in 2009?

Just a little difference between the cases.

200 low harm ecstasy tablets worth maybe 100K baht,

Or...." Both were arrested in 2001 for drug trafficking, the police had surprised them with a cargo of 114,219 pearls of methamphetamine, worth 1.2 million U.S. dollars."...in the case of the 2 dealers executed in 2009/

Yes, that's why their sentence was far more extreme. Nothing to do with nationality or race though.

Apologies, I misconstrued your point. Personally I think the justice system is classist rather than racist. If you got the money, you pay them off. If you don't, you do the time.


ABSOLUTE JOKE..... I are offended and angered by this bullshit pretend justice system which is racist corrupt and a disgrace to the world and shows the UK and all other western countiries its hatred for US.

You have Thais with brains the size of peanuts riding death machines and killing falang on the roads and other means and getting a lecture in court a $10,000 baht fine and no jail...

Hey goose you just took someone from there family and the judge is a joker that should be jailed himself.

This is not acceptable and there is no Thainess give me a break please......

In our countries this is a minor charge the amount hardly indicates the young lad is hard core dealer... Hey dont you know you deport him and ban him from the country you TOSSERS.. I bet the skinny little Thai would not have got 50 years..

This will not go unnoticed KARMA


It is absolutely your type of attitude that breeds hatred.

Your tone is disgraceful in itself.

KARMA will notice your attitude and your hatred too.

Why did not the lad go home and do the business instead of doing it in a TOSSERS country?

Why, oooh why do people of great intelligence populate these TOSSERS countries?


Tossers are seen in abundance.


About 6 years ago, when I was a backpacker, I bought some coke with a buddy I had met in Cambodia. We quickly learned, after taking the tiniest amount, that it was not actually coke, but clearly some kind of opiate (maybe white heroin) as we started being tranquilized (me, more so than my buddy).

He started panicking and took me outside for a walk for a few hours til it wore off. Later, he told me of a similar incident when he was in India, resulting in his roommate dying in his sleep.

Thankfully, we hadn't taken a larger amount.

The next hostel we stayed at actually had warning signs for various things on their walls. One sign warned about, "dangerous drugs which can kill instantly being sold nearby."

Anyway, while 50 years may seem a bit much, let's remember that drugs can kill.

Aside from that, I expect he will be back in the UK within 5 or 6 years and they will most probably release him for having served enough time already.

But, it should serve as a reminder, not to come to Thailand and get cocky. There is law here, though it may not seem like it sometimes.

If all he is complaining about is the cockroaches, hard floors and fish heads, then he isn't doing hard time. This article's attempt to generate sympathy is pathetic.

Not to mention, trying to make it seem like there was some kind of understandable reason he got "mixed up" in drug dealing.

I think his tattoo says it all: Playboy


"E" isn't particularly dangerous, addictive or destructive. Most truly civilized countries wouldn't be too concerned with this crime.

You think methamphetamine mixed with caffeine is not particularity dangerous ?

Ecstacy is supposed to mainly comprise MDMA, back in the 70s marketed as the 'love drug', but now often mainly made up of amphetamines.

The 50 year sentence seems extraordinary, especially as he pleaded guilty, was it commuted from a death sentence? Anyone know if it was an importation or drugs acquired locally. Hopefully the guy will get sentence reductions in the coming years. Does HMG arrange repatriation after a certain period to serve time in UK prison?

Yes they have a repatriation programme but it takes quite a few years , I know someone who served a third of his sentnce here but I don´t know the ins and outs, I also heard that after 3 years you can apply but I´m no expert


This article only reflects one thing...the failure of the thai immigartion system in allowing a lot of young foreign bums into the country especially from Britain, Australia and US. You can see a lot of these trash in town this days.....wonder what they do for a living....not IT guys for sure.


In all fairness 50 years for 200 pills is shocking and disproportionate. It wasn't hard drugs. Apparently the drugs in question were given to him by undercover cops in the first place.

However i think you need to be a special kind of stupid to deal drugs in countries like Thailand.

Mays well be dead than spend the rest of your days in a thai prison...


This sentence is probably a good sentence.. It is classed as life so when he gets repatriated the sentence will be re-evaluated by british judges and will get out sooner than someone who got 33 years.


His heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, said: “I am devastated. I don’t know how he will cope.”

Well, heartbroken mother, Debbie Caswell, please tell me how the "clients" of your son will cope with this:


you wanna do a similar chart on alcohol, ....or cigarettes? .....or sugar? ......or trans-fats?

or how about a chart on pharma drugs. Or bad air in cities. Reminds me of the joke: Did you hear about the guy who quit smoking cigs? Yea, he chose to chew on toothpicks instead. He died of Dutch Elm Disease.


True story: I bought an ecstacy pill in Santa Cruz California, about 18 yrs ago. I took it and went to sit in a hot tub with friends. Nothing unusual happened in my brain. The next day, I found the pusher and asked for my money back (I was half-kidding) and told him nothing happened. He looked in my eyes and said, "Hey man, you're already naturally stoned. That's why the pill didn't have any noticeable effect."


This article only reflects one thing...the failure of the thai immigartion system in allowing a lot of young foreign bums into the country especially from Britain, Australia and US. You can see a lot of these trash in town this days.....wonder what they do for a living....not IT guys for sure.

That's odd. I see dozens of farang backpackers each week in northern Thailand, and I don't meet hardly any stoners. Where do you reside, so that you "see a lot of these trash in town...?" Pattaya? Phuket?

The backpackers I meet are bright, cheery, energetic, and all-around lovely folks. I guess we attract different sorts of people.

Just last week I hung out with two Israelis and a Malaysian lady, all in their early 20's and very bright. We didn't do any drugs, and had a fine time together, working outdoors in the sun and fresh air. Each week is similar, with new folks showing up, and others departing - usually for Laos.


"E" isn't particularly dangerous, addictive or destructive. Most truly civilized countries wouldn't be too concerned with this crime.

For crimes less than this one, people get years of jail in USA, to the point there are more than 2 millions of Americans in jail. I agree that the sentence is disproportionate, still the collateral damages of drugs on life of people is devastating.


Why, why, why do these people do it?

This guy is only 26 years old, his whole life in front of him and now his actions have sent him to hell. I would rather face the death penalty than have to spend the rest of my life in a Thailand stink hole.

Although this guy was dealing drugs without a thought for those who`s lives get destroyed by drugs, it`s still tragic just the same and especially for his family, with whom my main sympathies lie.

The moral rights and wrongs of this is all a matter of opinion. Ruined lives for 200 pills. Was the gamble worth it?


The thing with crime, and this includes drug dealing, is that nobody ever expects to get caught.

No matter what, this is excessive punishment. I don't know how long he will actually spend in jail, I suspect he could get transferred to a UK jail within 5 years, but the punishment here does not fit the crime.

British guys in Thai jails have a harder time than many other nationalities as they get no support from the UK government. There are charities that can help, but basically he will need to depend on help from friends and family outside for even basics like food and basic medicine etc.

Much as I dislike drug dealing, I feel sorry for this guy.

Would you still feel sorry for him if any of your family died because they were using drugs supplied by a dealer?

If there was no drug dealers, almost every type of crime would be reduced.

and AJAYDEE, you cannot say that bartenders can be compared with drug dealers, alcohol is not a drug if drunk in moderation.

of course its a drug! I suggest you do some research into the definition of a drug. http://www.drugs.ie/alcohol_info/about_alcohol/what_is_alcohol/


If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

Anybody dealing drugs is dealing DEATH. scum of the earth.

So you think alcohol vendors or bottle shop owners should get death as well. Since alcohol kills nore people then drugs

There is nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation. The same cannot be said about drugs.

alcohol IS a drug.


All of the excusers' equivalents such as alcohol etc. don't cut it. They won't get you life in a Thai jail. The issue is that this guy was outright stupid and I'd be surprised if he doesn't agree by now.


This article only reflects one thing...the failure of the thai immigartion system in allowing a lot of young foreign bums into the country especially from Britain, Australia and US. You can see a lot of these trash in town this days.....wonder what they do for a living....not IT guys for sure.

In the habit of judging books by their cover, much?



"E" isn't particularly dangerous, addictive or destructive. Most truly civilized countries wouldn't be too concerned with this crime.

I disagree with that


The Thai authority cannot keep this guy for too long because he is taking up one blank space for one local.

The record for the longest held UK Prisoner in a Foreign Land was 17 years, on a drug charge, and this was in Thailand.

When you are held in a cell built for 20, with 78 other prisoners, I don't think room is a priority. According to this UK Prisoner, and he should know after spending 17 years their, 10% of the Prison Population dies. So I guess when it is over crowded they just move the bodies out quicker.


I've never understood the idea that adults need protection from their own enjoyment or even their own self-destruction. If someone wants to smoke something that grows out the ground, or inject it into themselves, or swallow a compound of chemicals made in lab somewhere, it's none of my business and shouldn't be anyone else's.

Your idea about adults having the choice of Free Will is a very good one. On most things I would agree with you 100%. But when talking about Drugs I tend to differ a little bit.

Drug Addiction is a very expensive habit. Hell, sometime I have trouble keeping up with legalized drugs like tobacco and alcohol, so I can just imagine what an ounce of Cocaine per day costs.

Drugs, Under Age Prostitution, and Crime, all seem to show up together a lot. I agree in that it is not anybodies business if one chooses to inject himself with some drug, or smoke a wacky cigarette, or pop a few pills. But when these people hold you at gun or knife point just to take your wallet, or steal your car, or break into your house when you are not home, to support there expensive drug habit, then this becomes everyone business.

You are never going to win the War on Drugs by arresting some guy like this on the street corner, and throwing him jail along with the key. There will just be someone else standing at this street corner and doing the same thing next week. This has been proven over and over again.

The way to win this is to educate our children at home to "Don't Do Drugs", and perhaps also in the School System. That doing Drugs is not Cool, but in fact very dangerous and harmful to them. So many people out there expect the Police or Governments to stop this, when the real problem start at home. It is up to all of us to clean up our own back yard, and not leave it for someone else to do for us.

People tend to think backwards, in that if there are no Drug Pushers there would be no Drug Users. But as already pointed out there will always be another Drug Pusher to replace the last one, and if we do not educate our children of the danger of drugs, there will always be Drug Users as well. But if we can educate our children not to use drugs, then we would also eliminate many Drug Pushers as well. The Law of Economics states a law were Supply and Demand go hand in hand. That if the demand dropped off, the supply will also.

I don't know what to make of people who say "How would you like it if he sold drugs to your children?" The truth is he would have never been able to do that because long ago I had serious discussions with my daughter on the harms of drugs. I can't say for sure the never tried drugs in there life, as I was not with them every moment of there life, but I can say as they grew up they never gave me a reason to ever suspect they did. Now grown and having successful careers.

So how do you tell someone that believe the Police and Government should take away this problem when the Buck Stops Here, and at home? .


This article only reflects one thing...the failure of the thai immigartion system in allowing a lot of young foreign bums into the country especially from Britain, Australia and US. You can see a lot of these trash in town this days.....wonder what they do for a living....not IT guys for sure.

My guess is they work hard and come here and enjoy the time here. Just because they don't fit to your high-so standard of living doesn't mean they are bad people. Young people have money too


It is an utterly ludicrous sentence and reflects the unjust and archaic laws in this part of the world.

The very fact that he had a relatively low amount of a relatively harmless drug says he should have received a sentence proportionate to the crime.

My only caveat on this whole business is there is no report of the chemical breakdown of the tablets he had. If they were MDMA then they are low harm, less harmful than alcohol, tobacco, meth, heroin, valium etc etc

If however they were PMA or PMMA then we get into dodgy territory. Those are the 2 substances which have been responsible for the upsurge in deaths the last year or two. What these deaths say loudly is that it is time to change drug policy. If low harm substances such as cannabis, lsd and mdma were regulated, then quality would be controlled. This would also represent huge savings in court and jail costs and would stop criminalising young people for 'having fun'. Those released revenues could also be put into better rhab schemes for the drugs that are actually dangerous as well as education for young people. Not that we're going to see that discussion any time soon in Thailand, or even the Uk with the current government who can't even listen to their own experts' advice on classification. But it will come in the west, then gradually, but slowly spread further. The Portugeuese policies have proven that such progressive ideas actually work, and I can see it being widespread throughout Europe in the next decade - with the likely exception of the UK.

This poor sod knew he was running a risk - how much of that stupidity was down to recently losing his fiancee I have no idea - but I'm sure he never expected a ridiculous sentence of 50 years.

Someone said earlier, most crimes are committed under the influence of drugs. Well yes, that's true if you are including alcohol (rightfully) as a drug. Around half of all violent crime in the UK is committed under the influence of alcohol. It's when you get to crimes like theft where addictions like heroin or valium become factors.

Time to change our policies worldwide. Time to be progressive, sensible and listen to the experts.

Actually there is a Report on these drugs and there chemical breakdown. I saw it in one of the news articles.

In fact there were 2 Reports, and in which case the Defense will use in there Appeal Case. The Second Drug Report shows a much higher purity of illegal drugs, which the Defense is claiming to be tampering with evidence, and thus resulting in a stiffer penalty.

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