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Thai Navy seeks to buy three Chinese submarines in Bt36-billion deal

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I wonder just how the average Thai sailor will respond to a sub mariners life?

I had a short induction assessment course as a submariner many a year back and I assure you it is not the nicest of experiences.

Rare breed sub mariners they have my respect. I much preferred being on top of the ocean as opposed to in it umpteen fathoms down.

At least you were in with a chance if disaster struck.

I would really like to see thais do the 'blow and go'whistling.gif from depth in the USA training tower in New London, CT. I did it. Are there thai divers? Just sayin'wai2.gif


And why does Thailand need 3 subs? To protect themselves from snorkeling Rohingya who are entering Thailand illegally? What a joke.

I'd love to wake up one morning and read a news headline like this;

Thai Government to spend 36 Billion Baht on eradicating poverty and inequality and improving education.


Dear PM/General, If you are having trouble keeping Huey's in the air you do not need three or even one submarine. Is it true you have an aircraft carrier ? If so what for ?

Be very careful about getting in bed with the Chinese, they will want to change you flag, a nice Star, and many other things !!


Would you really buy something that your life depended on that said "Made in China"?

I despise the Chinese Communist government as much as I despise the falang fascists who infest Thai Visa -- BUT the Chinese space program has been faultless and superb. Besides, the 3-sub deal is all talk and no walk. TIT.


you people miss the most important question:

Does the sub have Line?


They may come with pre-installed GPS that will inform the Chinese of the subs' locations at any time.


Would you really buy something that your life depended on that said "Made in China"?

I despise the Chinese Communist government as much as I despise the falang fascists who infest Thai Visa -- BUT the Chinese space program has been faultless and superb. Besides, the 3-sub deal is all talk and no walk. TIT.

"I despise the falang fascists who infest Thai Visa"

I understand....Completely!

I like to differentiate from those who consider debate to be conflict.

Opinions are not agenda's - debate is not conflict.

I find it helpful to maintain that perspective. One remains respectfully above the fray. It prevents lazy "shoot the messenger" inclinations in the absence of substantive input..


a cover up for China expanding its fleet.

The question of why Thailand needs subs still has been unanswered. Sounds fishy to me.

Of course a civilian government would say "NO" to the deal.


"there is no backstage lobbyist."

The Navy doesn't need a lobbyist when the military controls the government, especially when active military makes up 50% of the legislature and the Chief of the NCPO is also the PM. All the navy needs is a back channel to the NCPO. A quick phone call and a deal is struck.

The NLA rubberstamps the funds through issuance of treasury bonds that will obligate future Thai governments and the Thai people to pay for the submarines over the next 7+ years. And not mentioned is the additional cost for infrastructure, training, simulator, contingencies, parts contracts, etc.

It's fortunate for Prayut that he is not accountable to the Thai people for choosing to spend on doubtful weapon systems than on critical water management and transportation infrastrucutre.


"More importantly, submarines are defensive strategic arms. We will purchase them to balance our power with neighboring countries."

I don't quite understand, how a balance of power is going to be achieved with Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam, by buying submarines ? Lao is out of the equation, it is land-locked. Who else has them, and is a current threat to Thailand, or could be a threat inside the use-by date of a sub ? More likely toys for boys, or something like the belief that all major cities have to have a revolving restaurant on top of a stick.

Could think of a hundred ways the money could be better spent improving the life of Thais. The power has been off in my village in Chumpon every second or third day for a month now, because the sub station is crap.

I shudder to think about their first day out to sea without their Chinese driving instructor.


I wonder just how the average Thai sailor will respond to a sub mariners life?

I had a short induction assessment course as a submariner many a year back and I assure you it is not the nicest of experiences.

Rare breed sub mariners they have my respect. I much preferred being on top of the ocean as opposed to in it umpteen fathoms down.

At least you were in with a chance if disaster struck.

I just don't want to be there when they get a hankering for Durian.


I wonder just how the average Thai sailor will respond to a sub mariners life?

I had a short induction assessment course as a submariner many a year back and I assure you it is not the nicest of experiences.

Rare breed sub mariners they have my respect. I much preferred being on top of the ocean as opposed to in it umpteen fathoms down.

At least you were in with a chance if disaster struck.

I just don't want to be there when they get a hankering for Durian.


Or Palat


This is more about Chinese extending influence in SEA than Thailand buying or needing submarines. The price is probably cheap for three subs Thailand just does not need..

In any event, the waters proximate are so shallow you will be able to see the logs from the air and deal with them!!


I am sure the Chinese submarines will be just fine. What could possibly go wong???

I have purchased some "made in China" items. I hope the subs are of a better quality. Its a good thing that some Thai navy people will be watching the construction. They say a squad of 50 men must work in a co-ordinated fashion to run the boat. I hope this works out as well. I think there is a saying that " to many captains spoil the soup" Ooops that should be chefs sorry.


To placate naysayers, Navy has agreed to have submarine races off coast of various depressed resort beaches. Maybe could stay submerged for 21 days, but crew might mutiny because they couldn't tweet and post selfies... did they take that into account? Water so shallow here that nailing subs would be "shooting fish in a barrel". How about some frigates and just let them sink like ferries?


After one air ship that can't fly or do the mission it was purchased for and a aircraft carrier with no planes you think they would have learned their lesson.

I think W.C. Fields had a saying about this but due to advanced age I cannot remember the exact wording.


So I wonder how much the maintenance contract is on top along with the training and armament ? Or are they going to use khaosan rd qualified submariner engineers and sea to air Temple made rockets ?

Oh and dont forget to have that Sub blessed and draped with white cotton from top to bottom, thatll help.

sorry but its such a funny picture and yknow what ? they probably will have a blessing ceremony too. wai.gif

Yes, and all the dashboard covering religious stuff I see in so many vehicles doesn't seem to work too well.

After watching some Thai's drive I have come to the conclusion that they need all the earthly and celestial help they can get and yes it does not seem to work.


At each appearance of the Admiral, just ask him 2 questions.

1) what are the Royal Thai Navy's plans for the RTN's aircraft carrier, and can we have a look at the Post Investment Review?

2) You guys have sold the tax payers snake oil once, and you want to repeat that?


I am going to ask a stupid but serious question.

On what grounds could the RTN argue a need for adding submarines to their defensive fleet? Who are they deterring, what are the threats, why...?

Go easy on the sarcasm


I am sure the Chinese submarines will be just fine. What could possibly go wong???

thai army requested wheels on the subs so they could chase croocked cops in a rolling gunfight .........


Will they prove more reliable than the secondhand German ones, is the question? Akin, I suppose, to tossing up between a used Mercedes and a new Geely Panda. But they are well armed, so the Thai navy is thinking ahead.

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