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International observers urged to monitor students' case

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International observers urged to monitor students' case



THE THAI Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR) group yesterday urged the international community to observe military court proceedings against 14 anti-coup students who have been detained since June 26 - in order to ensure transparency and fairness.

The group said the 14, members of the New Democracy Movement, will be taken to the court in order to request that it allows extended pre-trial detention.

"But the students will oppose the request for pre-trial detention, however. If the court approves pre-trial detention, they will be detained for 12 more days."

In related news, Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said during his weekly TV address on Friday night that students should not be making a political move at this point in time. Prayut said those calling for democracy should use their altruistic power for the benefit of the country instead.

Prayut warned that if conflicts do not subside then all attempts made by the government would crumble.

"I must request the people and students. We cannot solve all problems at the same time," said Prayut, adding that instant democracy and peace and order could not be achieved at the same time.

PM's Office Minister ML Panadda Diskul played down concern that detention of the 14 NDM students may eventually lead to a popular revolt, similar to the one which ousted the regime of Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn in 1973, saying the government was talking to others reasonably.

The Prayut administration was not like dictatorships of the old days, he said, and there were attempts to create common understanding with those opposing the government.

He admitted the students were altruistic in their struggle but stressed that national unity was needed now. As for pressure coming from abroad, Panadda said they were looking at Thailand from an outsider's perspective.

At Bangkok Remand Prison yesterday, about 20 villagers mainly from the Northeast gathered to offer moral support and insisted that the seven Dao Din students from Khon Kaen University were innocent.

The villagers came to Bangkok to attend a meeting held by the National Human Rights Commission on Friday. They told the commission that the students had no political groups backing them and were protesting out of their own free will.

They issued a statement in front of the prison titled "The First Statement of the People behind our Dear Dao Din." It said the students had been working in the field in the Northeast for many years to fight against injustice along with the villagers.

Isaan villagers 'support Dao Din'

"Today we gather to call for justice for our dear Dao Din [students]. During the hard times, when we were exploited by capitalists and the state, nobody lent a hand, but them, dear Dao Din," read part of the statement.

"What they have done was not a crime. They were not undermining national security. We believe that they were trying to reflect on problems and frustrations of the people. Today, many groups are accusing them of being backed by political groups or belonging to some particular [political] colour. We confirm that dear Dao Din are with the people and they do not have any political group behind them."

The villagers said the students should be released unconditionally.

They also sang and performed a play in support of the students.

The villagers said they were also members of New Democracy Movement (NDM), as it was not limited only to students but open for all people regardless of age, sex or locality.

Dao Din members from Khon Kaen, plus Wiboon Boonpatararaksa, father of Jatupat, who is a detained Dao Din member, were among the villagers expressing support.

In another related development, a small demonstration was held at Northwestern University in Chicago yesterday, calling for the release of the 14.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/International-observers-urged-to-monitor-students--30263770.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-05

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Yes good plan, Prayut is a sucker for the USA.

The record in accepting international suggestions on how to manage Thai affairs is likely to boost his position, as local media spins foreign intervention.

Its going to go down as well as Putin suggesting gay marriage be declared illegal in the USA.

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The international community can hardly monitor military court proceedings when they are closed so they will have to rely on official announcements and what the defence lawyers may risk saying plus rumours, any leaks etc.

All is not lost though as the students' activities can be highlighted in a comparison with the charges preferred and the ' closed door ' aspect is always good for a headline as are the weak quotes from officialdom

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ALTRUISTIC, adjective, Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others,

"He admitted that the students were [altruistic] in their struggle"

So if even you can see this WHY then are they in gaol??? charged with sedition and inciting unrest????

Oh dear. The Thaivisa junta fan club who have already established that these students are paid lackeys of You Know Who aren't going to like this one little bit. Mind you, they will probably skip over it and act like it was never said...

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ALTRUISTIC, adjective, Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others,

"He admitted that the students were [altruistic] in their struggle"

So if even you can see this WHY then are they in gaol??? charged with sedition and inciting unrest????

Oh dear. The Thaivisa junta fan club who have already established that these students are paid lackeys of You Know Who aren't going to like this one little bit. Mind you, they will probably skip over it and act like it was never said...

I will also like to see their reaction regarding the article posted on the BP today regarding the junta summoning the CEO of Thai PBS for having the 'gaul' to report about the case of these students. Utter, utter lunacy.

I have noticed though that the big junta fan boys have given all these threads a wide berth. djjamie, mikemac,roblok and the like. Maybe they are tired of defending the indefensible with only the "but thaksin" defense.

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Amusing that these organisations that shout about Human Rights seem very silent when it comes say''police being Over zealous. in the U.S.A. , rabid Muslim clerics in other countries, ISIS etc.

As a matter of interest were these groups so concerned when previous administrations here were heavy handed?

You know prominent Muslim lawyers kidnapped in broad daylight and to date never seen again, drug dealer eradication schemes mosque massacres etc.

Selective actions are indicative of a skewed or paid for propaganda mindset.

We have had a year or more of no civil unrest peace on the streets, no demonstrations.

Well to my mind and others too that is a positive move, change takes time and upsets some but the greater majority of the Thai population are happy with the current set up.

Just ask yourselves are all other countries innocent of such actions? press releases are controlled in the U.K. by D notices when it is deemed prudent to restrict coverage of certain items, activities and people..

Democracy, whatever that may be, does wear many different costumes and has many faces and interpretations.

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Amusing that these organisations that shout about Human Rights seem very silent when it comes say''police being Over zealous. in the U.S.A. , rabid Muslim clerics in other countries, ISIS etc.

As a matter of interest were these groups so concerned when previous administrations here were heavy handed?

You know prominent Muslim lawyers kidnapped in broad daylight and to date never seen again, drug dealer eradication schemes mosque massacres etc.

Selective actions are indicative of a skewed or paid for propaganda mindset.

We have had a year or more of no civil unrest peace on the streets, no demonstrations.

Well to my mind and others too that is a positive move, change takes time and upsets some but the greater majority of the Thai population are happy with the current set up.

Just ask yourselves are all other countries innocent of such actions? press releases are controlled in the U.K. by D notices when it is deemed prudent to restrict coverage of certain items, activities and people..

Democracy, whatever that may be, does wear many different costumes and has many faces and interpretations.

No, I wouldn't imagine these students would have been concerned when previous administrations were heavy handed, given they would have been sperm at the time.

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Baboon post # 8

No, I wouldn't imagine these students would have been concerned when previous administrations were heavy handed, given they would have been sperm at the time.


I was not referring to the students but to the Thai lawyers group and international observers groups etc.

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Baboon post # 8

No, I wouldn't imagine these students would have been concerned when previous administrations were heavy handed, given they would have been sperm at the time.


I was not referring to the students but to the Thai lawyers group and international observers groups etc.

Fair enough, but it begs questions such as 'Who says they weren't', 'Was group X even established at the time' and 'Were foreign observers subjected to harassment, threats and/or expulsion'...

Good on you for at least not taking the 'But Thaksin...' path of least resistance...

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Always18 post # 11.

I'm afraid this self-appointed "Protector" of Thailand will never realise that he is part of the problem, not part of the solution...

Not an unreasonable comment in many peoples view,

But the system or administration he replaced was certainly a very big part of the country's problems them .

Now what might be your suggestion regarding a replacement of the current administration?

Being as the local political scene has a somewhat colourful romantic and entrepreneurial family business orientated past regarding cabinet ministers and M.P.s and assorted financial practices and cronies will we go forward with a clean sheet or will we regress to the same old pork barrel politics, vote buying and general corrupt practices under a new administration?

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Always18 post # 11.

I'm afraid this self-appointed "Protector" of Thailand will never realise that he is part of the problem, not part of the solution...

Not an unreasonable comment in many peoples view,

But the system or administration he replaced was certainly a very big part of the country's problems them .

Now what might be your suggestion regarding a replacement of the current administration?

Being as the local political scene has a somewhat colourful romantic and entrepreneurial family business orientated past regarding cabinet ministers and M.P.s and assorted financial practices and cronies will we go forward with a clean sheet or will we regress to the same old pork barrel politics, vote buying and general corrupt practices under a new administration?

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

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lildragon post # 13.

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

And you lildragon have just answered my question absolutely succinctly.

Nothing will actually change.A new civilian administration will be put into power one away or another.

its members will then resume the old age custom of feathering their own nests along with the nests of their family members, business friends and their assorted cronies until such time as the military step in again.

Or the other frightening alternative could be a bloody civil war where everyone loses.

It's no more than a political, financial power driven merry go round.


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lildragon post # 13.

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

And you lildragon have just answered my question absolutely succinctly.

Nothing will actually change.A new civilian administration will be put into power one away or another.

its members will then resume the old age custom of feathering their own nests along with the nests of their family members, business friends and their assorted cronies until such time as the military step in again.

Or the other frightening alternative could be a bloody civil war where everyone loses.

It's no more than a political, financial power driven merry go round.


Yep. A vicious cycle Thailand is stuck in. I'm hoping one day some brave man or woman will break the mould or there is a true revolution in Thailand (not normal Thais protesting and dying for the interests of the opposing elites) but I won't hold my breath on that happening in this life time.

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Not an unreasonable comment in many peoples view,

But the system or administration he replaced was certainly a very big part of the country's problems them .

Now what might be your suggestion regarding a replacement of the current administration?

Being as the local political scene has a somewhat colourful romantic and entrepreneurial family business orientated past regarding cabinet ministers and M.P.s and assorted financial practices and cronies will we go forward with a clean sheet or will we regress to the same old pork barrel politics, vote buying and general corrupt practices under a new administration?

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

What is a 'corrupt military coup' and assuming you're referrring to the May 2014 event how would that relate to it?

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Other Country don't care about this student, they just make little condemnation because it's a Thailand internal affair

In other country this new passed discreetly in major newspaper

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Not an unreasonable comment in many peoples view,

But the system or administration he replaced was certainly a very big part of the country's problems them .

Now what might be your suggestion regarding a replacement of the current administration?

Being as the local political scene has a somewhat colourful romantic and entrepreneurial family business orientated past regarding cabinet ministers and M.P.s and assorted financial practices and cronies will we go forward with a clean sheet or will we regress to the same old pork barrel politics, vote buying and general corrupt practices under a new administration?

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

What is a 'corrupt military coup' and assuming you're referrring to the May 2014 event how would that relate to it?

Coups were forbidden in the constitution. So by doing one the NCPO are corrupt.

Google Thai military corruption for a whole host of links uncensored outside of Thailand that show these hypocrites up for what they are. The microphone scandal, prayuths land sale, appointing family members to 'advisor' roles, there was a military commander that over saw human trafficking in the south, there was also the case of soldiers for hire in a kidnapping of a Ukrainian man in phuket, military top brass having wealth beyond their salaries and also do some reading up on the eastern tigers and diamonds in Cambodia. These are all off the top of my head btw.

I know some of you are so beset in your hatred of Thaksin that you see the military as some sort of holy saviors But they're not. They are the pot calling the kettle black.

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lildragon post # 20

Coups were forbidden in the constitution. So by doing one the NCPO are corrupt.

Google Thai military corruption for a whole host of links uncensored outside of Thailand that show these hypocrites up for what they are. The microphone scandal, prayuths land sale, appointing family members to 'advisor' roles, there was a military commander that over saw human trafficking in the south, there was also the case of soldiers for hire in a kidnapping of a Ukrainian man in phuket, military top brass having wealth beyond their salaries and also do some reading up on the eastern tigers and diamonds in Cambodia. These are all off the top of my head btw.

I know some of you are so beset in your hatred of Thaksin that you see the military as some sort of holy saviors But they're not. They are the pot calling the kettle black.

Sadly you seem to have exposed yourself as an apologist for the previous administration that was influenced or perhaps we should say ''owned and driven'' by one man and his family, their their own political party vehicle.

The corrupt practices you quote indeed happened, yet they were dealt with and are being dealt with. please remember in the greater majority of the cases you quote those deals were made with the approval of the then administration and their full approval plus of course the normal commission rates being paid. those done deals were made prior to the removal of that administration..

Now let us cast our minds back over the last ten years or so,

Do we see a squeaky clean administration?

No we do not, In reality we see people vanishing, state condoned summary justice regarding drugs and ethnic killings during a religious time, diverted funds, laws being altered and made so as to benefit a certain person, his family, dubious parliamentary amnesty bill designed to absolve one person, his family and their cronies of his and their misdeeds.Yet others who opposed him, his family and their cronies were to be prosecuted to the full due to their not being included in the amnesty..

It is your hatred of the current administration that is clouding your views.

Your view of democracy is in many ways a very distorted one.

Now the link below might well go some way to informing you of the true face of Thaksin whom you seem to believe is or was Thailand's savior.

According to popular myths and legends ''the devil'' was a fallen angel.

Now could it be that your hero is in truth a rerun of that scenario?

Thailands very own prince of darkness


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those "international observers" are in fact just agents of American left-liberal mafia which uses an idea of democracy to manipulate and blackmail independent governments. all American NGOs should be banned in Thailand and all their members should be deported as soon as possible.

let's ask who is financing these notorious "New Democracy Movement", "National Human Rights Commission"? Where does the money come from?

Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn was the best manager of this country for decades. Like Phibun 30 years earlier. I hope this time government will be more clever in controlling media and in isolation agents of influence of foreign forces who are eager to topple the government and to restore American marionette as a PM.

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lildragon post # 13.

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

And you lildragon have just answered my question absolutely succinctly.

Nothing will actually change.A new civilian administration will be put into power one away or another.

its members will then resume the old age custom of feathering their own nests along with the nests of their family members, business friends and their assorted cronies until such time as the military step in again.

Or the other frightening alternative could be a bloody civil war where everyone loses.

It's no more than a political, financial power driven merry go round.


Yep. A vicious cycle Thailand is stuck in. I'm hoping one day some brave man or woman will break the mould or there is a true revolution in Thailand (not normal Thais protesting and dying for the interests of the opposing elites) but I won't hold my breath on that happening in this life time.

That vicious cycle will never be broken without massive increases in education and information provision (not the lies and propaganda spread onto people who have been deliberately starved of real education and the ability to think critically and challenge).

In parallel, massive social change away from the hierarchical patronage corrupt accepting culture where those connected are never challenged and above the law to a just meritocracy where all are treated fairly under law and all have opportunities to learn, work and prosper.

I watch the way relatives, friends and acquaintances behave in Isaan. Tricking one another, lying, thieving from one another - not all, but many are totally dishonest without morals and happily steal from the elderly or anyone they can con or threaten or trick. Never been taught any different and see the so called elite doing the same all the time.

Thailand is somewhere around where the developed countries were 2-300 years ago, and not developing quickly in this mentality. I actually think Prayut would change things if he could, but his controllers won't be too happy with the amount of independent thoughts he shows and certainly won't want the changes. The Shins just want to increase the "Thaksin' culture" and create a "people's hero" so they can grab everything for themselves and replace the other elites.

The best hope is that more and more young Thais are going overseas for real education, and more and more have access to the internet and can find things out for themselves. It's from this generation change may come.

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One can endlessly debate the best "way forward" for Thailand and I, for one, do not pretend to have an answer but I am absolutely certain that a great deal of Thailand's modern day woes stem from the fact that they do not have, and have never had, a Western-style moral framework.

The culture of Sakdina is as ingrained in Thai society now as it was 100 years ago - it is just camouflaged a bit better - and that will always trump any Western - style notion of morality or social justice........

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Quote "Prayut warned that if conflicts do not subside then all attempts made by the government would crumble". WOW this is like a green light and waving a red flag in front of a charging bull or looking at it another way maybe the government wants things to crumble to hang onto power to "rectify" things. Then they can cast the blame elsewhere.

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those "international observers" are in fact just agents of American left-liberal mafia which uses an idea of democracy to manipulate and blackmail independent governments. all American NGOs should be banned in Thailand and all their members should be deported as soon as possible.

let's ask who is financing these notorious "New Democracy Movement", "National Human Rights Commission"? Where does the money come from?

Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn was the best manager of this country for decades. Like Phibun 30 years earlier. I hope this time government will be more clever in controlling media and in isolation agents of influence of foreign forces who are eager to topple the government and to restore American marionette as a PM.

Yes...let's ask that!

Who "sponsors them?

And when you -or anybody else- finds an answer to that and bring forth evidence...please come and present them!

Until that day, you are nothing but a conspiracy-theorist, borderline- fascist troll!

Other Country don't care about this student, they just make little condemnation because it's a Thailand internal affair

In other country this new passed discreetly in major newspaper


Oh how false and uninformed!

...but not surprising, not a little bit!

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Not an unreasonable comment in many peoples view,

But the system or administration he replaced was certainly a very big part of the country's problems them .

Now what might be your suggestion regarding a replacement of the current administration?

Being as the local political scene has a somewhat colourful romantic and entrepreneurial family business orientated past regarding cabinet ministers and M.P.s and assorted financial practices and cronies will we go forward with a clean sheet or will we regress to the same old pork barrel politics, vote buying and general corrupt practices under a new administration?

Endless and equally corrupt military coups and governments also isn't helping tbh.

What is a 'corrupt military coup' and assuming you're referrring to the May 2014 event how would that relate to it?

Coups were forbidden in the constitution. So by doing one the NCPO are corrupt.

Google Thai military corruption for a whole host of links uncensored outside of Thailand that show these hypocrites up for what they are. The microphone scandal, prayuths land sale, appointing family members to 'advisor' roles, there was a military commander that over saw human trafficking in the south, there was also the case of soldiers for hire in a kidnapping of a Ukrainian man in phuket, military top brass having wealth beyond their salaries and also do some reading up on the eastern tigers and diamonds in Cambodia. These are all off the top of my head btw.

I know some of you are so beset in your hatred of Thaksin that you see the military as some sort of holy saviors But they're not. They are the pot calling the kettle black.

If coups were forbidden by the constitution (although not in so many words) than staging / executing one would not be corrupt but more like unconstitutional.

The rest is just distraction, with again some tigers thrown in as if that helps, Even the mention of Thaksin distracts.

The topic is about possibly having international observers present while having a Military Court in session. I think in this case Thaksin and the Generals would have the same ideas about foreign intervention.

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those "international observers" are in fact just agents of American left-liberal mafia which uses an idea of democracy to manipulate and blackmail independent governments. all American NGOs should be banned in Thailand and all their members should be deported as soon as possible.

let's ask who is financing these notorious "New Democracy Movement", "National Human Rights Commission"? Where does the money come from?

Field Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn was the best manager of this country for decades. Like Phibun 30 years earlier. I hope this time government will be more clever in controlling media and in isolation agents of influence of foreign forces who are eager to topple the government and to restore American marionette as a PM.

Yes...let's ask that!

Who "sponsors them?

And when you -or anybody else- finds an answer to that and bring forth evidence...please come and present them!

Until that day, you are nothing but a conspiracy-theorist, borderline- fascist troll!

Other Country don't care about this student, they just make little condemnation because it's a Thailand internal affair

In other country this new passed discreetly in major newspaper


Oh how false and uninformed!

...but not surprising, not a little bit!

I'm not see condemnation, resolution and sanction from UNSC I don't see US NAVY and Marines ready to launch an assault to freed this peoples, I'm not hear country downgrade relation with Thailand about this issue . World community don't care about this dear red lover....

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