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Prayut denies planning to abolish free healthcare to save money for buying submarines

Lite Beer

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He's been listening to 'we all live in a yellow submarine' a little too much

a complete, utter waste of money while he scraps the health care scheme

"while he scraps the health care scheme"

Do you have any source for your claim, that he (PM-Prayut) has decided to scrap the health care scheme ? blink.png I know it makes an excellent scare-story, but where's the proof ?

The source for the idea in today's thread, linked below, attributes the idea to "A GROUP of doctors" and an academic, nowhere does it say that this is government policy, or that the PM has made any such decision.


But I do agree with you, and have been saying so for some time, that the RTN doesn't need, and the country cannot afford, the submarines which they've been requesting for several years, and which thus far have not been approved.

There are cheaper and better options, which might perhaps be considered, if any threat of invasion existed.

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He's been listening to 'we all live in a yellow submarine' a little too much

a complete, utter waste of money while he scraps the health care scheme

"while he scraps the health care scheme"

Do you have any source for your claim, that he (PM-Prayut) has decided to scrap the health care scheme ? blink.png I know it makes an excellent scare-story, but where's the proof ?

The source for the idea in today's thread, linked below, attributes the idea to "A GROUP of doctors" and an academic, nowhere does it say that this is government policy, or that the PM has made any such decision.


But I do agree with you, and have been saying so for some time, that the RTN doesn't need, and the country cannot afford, the submarines which they've been requesting for several years, and which thus far have not been approved.

There are cheaper and better options, which might perhaps be considered, if any threat of invasion existed.

well if he doesn't scrap the health scheme then that's very good news and I made a mistake

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is a submarine like a 2nd hand car, can you get some money back after 10 years ?

why do thais need toys like this in the first place ? how much grease money do they need to work & keep working ... remember those nice spy balloons & others

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He's been listening to 'we all live in a yellow submarine' a little too much

a complete, utter waste of money while he scraps the health care scheme

Pray tell, where does it say the Healthcare scheme has been scrapped by the current government?

While you're at it, could you also include data on how under or over financed the Heathcare scheme has been since it started in 2001? Furthermore add the costs of having the "30 Baht" reintroduced by the previous government because that had such nice ring to it?

Do your research they are planning to scrap it. It's obvious you don't think Thai's healthcare is as important as buy some shiny new subs which are part of a p***ing contest with other nations. The 30baht scheme is loved by ordinary Thai's who have little money to pay for healthcare.

Well, I did my research and there is no plan to scrap the Heathcare scheme.

Obviously I think a proper Heath Care scheme important as well as a scheme which offers 'affordable' healthcare. Unlike some I don't care about the name '30 Baht' scheme as that just reminds me it costs 80 Baht to administer.

BTW Did I hear you advocate the UK drops their new shiny aircraft carriers as surely that would help keep the NHS affordable? Anything on Cambodia removing it's troops along the border so Thailand can abolish it's army? An appeal to the UN so Thailand can save money? Should Thailand be brave and just abolish it's Armed Forces to shame the other countries?

now wouldn't THAT be great news? countries stop spending on military might and more on health, education and care of the elderly?

apart from this 'dream' of humanity actually caring for each other sub's for Thailand is still a waste of 1.1 BILLION US dollars as I see no threat that warrants it yet I see a nation that desperately needs education and upgraded hospitals etc.

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So, why would someone complain these subs 'only' go 260 feet? Someone just trying to distract just as much as you do as none of this has any relation with PM Prayut denying to scrap the Heath Care scheme, only to reign in it's exploding costs?

What exploding costs Rubl? According to the other paper, the costs are all very reasonable when compared to other countries, in fact there is room for increased spending. 4% of GDP is not high.

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Well, I did my research and there is no plan to scrap the Heathcare scheme.

Obviously I think a proper Heath Care scheme important as well as a scheme which offers 'affordable' healthcare. Unlike some I don't care about the name '30 Baht' scheme as that just reminds me it costs 80 Baht to administer.

BTW Did I hear you advocate the UK drops their new shiny aircraft carriers as surely that would help keep the NHS affordable? Anything on Cambodia removing it's troops along the border so Thailand can abolish it's army? An appeal to the UN so Thailand can save money? Should Thailand be brave and just abolish it's Armed Forces to shame the other countries?

And here Rubl goes trying to change the subject......

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If they buy 3 Subs, they better buy a deep sea recovery vessel as well,

as it would just be an accident waiting to happen.

Surely common sense would say health service first,but this is Thailand.

regards Worgeordie

There is the answer in your comment.. Common sense, there is none and there will never be any to hand around.

3 subs it will be then.

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I don't think it comes down to choosing between submarines or healthcare really.

However, and this is only my personal view, fancy submarines are the sort of thing you buy *after* you've finished making the roads safe. Serious investment is required in the strict training and testing of drivers, strict MOT roadworthiness tests of all vehicles, and seriously strict policing of the roads.

I'm not really a submarine expert, but my understanding is that they are intended to protect the security of the nation, and by extension the lives of citizens and visitors in that nation. I would personally rate the current dangers on the roads here as a greater threat to life than attack by enemy subs. As a casual observer I would seriously urge the overhaul of driver, vehicle, and road safety regulations, as an urgent priority. It would cost a lot more than the subs, and take a very long time to coalesce, but the long-term rewards to this great nation both economically and in saving lives, would be astoundingly positive. Safe roads equals business investor and visitor confidence, equals more subs than you could ever dream of in the future.

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Just to be clear -

No money to expand the healthcare scheme.

However, does have billions of dollars to buy 3 subs that can dive in water as deep as 260 feet.

Ok............got it.

Let's it make clear, an ageing population, resistance to increase pension age from 60 to upwards, resistance to increase of the tax base, cut have to be made.

That's why only three subs which can dive 240 meters are bought for 36 billion Baht (about US$ 1.1 billion). BTW why would those subs need to dive deeper (assuming that detail is correct)?

well, in the Gulf of Thailand, these subs will drag bottom at (on average) around 58 meters... that is unless those crafty Chinese built back-hoes on the rudder... whistling.gif

Put that into perspective, I understand that recreational scuba divers regularly go to 40 meters on a tank of compressed air... seems like they could soon go wreck-diving on a couple of new submarines... coffee1.gif

So, why would someone complain these subs 'only' go 260 feet? Someone just trying to distract just as much as you do as none of this has any relation with PM Prayut denying to scrap the Heath Care scheme, only to reign in it's exploding costs?

It seems that you missed the point. Because the waters off the coast of Thailand are shallow, submarines are not the best use of assets. More effective equipment would be offshore patrol boats, helicopters, patrol aircraft. Thailand has a serious shortage of modern rescue aircraft. Are you aware that Thailand only has 3 helicopters as medi-evac designated? They also function as VIP transport. The 3 may or may not be available for medi-evac in a country of 67 million and a nation with heavy air traffic off its coasts. And before you make one of your usual smartass comments about their intended use please keep this in mind;

16-Oct-07 : SEOUL, South Korea - The Royal Thai Air Force has become the latest head- of-state customer to fly in a Sikorsky S-92® VIP helicopter, as Sikorsky Aircraft today announced the sale of three of the VIP aircraft to transport the Thai royal family.

The aging Bell fleet is not designed for offshore search and rescue. The money for the submarines will have to come from somewhere and it certainly won't be from the army's resorts and golf course upkeep budget. The military has pushed its large budget increase through during a period when the economy is in the crapper. Please tell me where the money is going to be sourced to purchase the Chinese surplus.

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It seems that you missed the point. Because the waters off the coast of Thailand are shallow, submarines are not the best use of assets. More effective equipment would be offshore patrol boats, helicopters, patrol aircraft. Thailand has a serious shortage of modern rescue aircraft. Are you aware that Thailand only has 3 helicopters as medi-evac designated? They also function as VIP transport. The 3 may or may not be available for medi-evac in a country of 67 million and a nation with heavy air traffic off its coasts.


The aging Bell fleet is not designed for offshore search and rescue. The money for the submarines will have to come from somewhere and it certainly won't be from the army's resorts and golf course upkeep budget. The military has pushed its large budget increase through during a period when the economy is in the crapper. Please tell me where the money is going to be sourced to purchase the Chinese surplus.

Politics aside, a good government -- whether civilian or military -- would put the needs of its citizens ahead of the self-interested whims of its leaders.

Unfortunately, that notion seems to be a rarely evidenced philosophy here -- no matter which color or side happens to be running the country at any point in time.

GK is right, those other kinds of investments, probably also less expensive overall compared to the submarines, would be far better for both the defense of the country and the well-being of its people.

That the current government apparently fails to see that, or sees it but cannot bring itself to do the sensible thing, is disappointing. But it's not like that's any kind of new governmental phenomena here.

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Pray tell, where does it say the Healthcare scheme has been scrapped by the current government?

While you're at it, could you also include data on how under or over financed the Heathcare scheme has been since it started in 2001? Furthermore add the costs of having the "30 Baht" reintroduced by the previous government because that had such nice ring to it?

Do your research they are planning to scrap it. It's obvious you don't think Thai's healthcare is as important as buy some shiny new subs which are part of a p***ing contest with other nations. The 30baht scheme is loved by ordinary Thai's who have little money to pay for healthcare.

Well, I did my research and there is no plan to scrap the Heathcare scheme.

Obviously I think a proper Heath Care scheme important as well as a scheme which offers 'affordable' healthcare. Unlike some I don't care about the name '30 Baht' scheme as that just reminds me it costs 80 Baht to administer.

BTW Did I hear you advocate the UK drops their new shiny aircraft carriers as surely that would help keep the NHS affordable? Anything on Cambodia removing it's troops along the border so Thailand can abolish it's army? An appeal to the UN so Thailand can save money? Should Thailand be brave and just abolish it's Armed Forces to shame the other countries?

now wouldn't THAT be great news? countries stop spending on military might and more on health, education and care of the elderly?

apart from this 'dream' of humanity actually caring for each other sub's for Thailand is still a waste of 1.1 BILLION US dollars as I see no threat that warrants it yet I see a nation that desperately needs education and upgraded hospitals etc.

In comparison the previous government spent 700 billion Baht on a self-financing scheme and still has defenders here as it helped all poor farmers to get rich, allegedly that is.

So, indeed the nation needs education desperately. With 480 billion reserved in the national budget and no results some measures there would really help.

BTW with the Health Care scheme so wonderful why would the previous government reinstate the 30 Baht and admit that it costs more to collect and ended up with stating "but people can elect not to pay"? If the scheme is so wonderful why does it require additional money? Aren't hospitals available? Don't people love what they've got?

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Well, I did my research and there is no plan to scrap the Heathcare scheme.

Obviously I think a proper Heath Care scheme important as well as a scheme which offers 'affordable' healthcare. Unlike some I don't care about the name '30 Baht' scheme as that just reminds me it costs 80 Baht to administer.

BTW Did I hear you advocate the UK drops their new shiny aircraft carriers as surely that would help keep the NHS affordable? Anything on Cambodia removing it's troops along the border so Thailand can abolish it's army? An appeal to the UN so Thailand can save money? Should Thailand be brave and just abolish it's Armed Forces to shame the other countries?

And here Rubl goes trying to change the subject......

and here goes smutcakes bending the truth.

A poster here states PM Prayut will scrap the Heath Care scheme another tells there's money for 260 feet diving subs and I'm changing the subject?

Topic title "Prayut denies planning to scrap free health care to save money for subs". Even you wrote to me that these is room for increased spending. So why all the obsession with subs? Just people trying to position the Prayut government is as bad light as possible even if it means bending the truth a bit?

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So, why would someone complain these subs 'only' go 260 feet? Someone just trying to distract just as much as you do as none of this has any relation with PM Prayut denying to scrap the Heath Care scheme, only to reign in it's exploding costs?

What exploding costs Rubl? According to the other paper, the costs are all very reasonable when compared to other countries, in fact there is room for increased spending. 4% of GDP is not high.

4% of GDP is how many Baht? There's room for increased spending, but people complain about 36 billion Baht spread over seven years? How about the 700 billion Baht lost in less than three years on the self-financing RPPS?

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At least Thaksin did something for the people

Well propaganda from marxist side.... If Taksin do something why Isaan remains the poorest region thailand ?

Why during YL regime no poor farmer receive payment of their rice crop ? Why only landlords proxy to his camp receive benefit from rice scheme ?

Why Taksin not use is personal fortune for help poorest area of Thailand ? Why Taksin and is camp use vote buying ?

Why he want to transform a constitutional monarchy to fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra rules ?

hahahahahahaha , he's a fascist is he. I recall him winning via elections not military take overs. Actually the poor's lot did improve vastly since he first took power. have a look and don't let your obvious hatred for the man get in the way of FACTS

Would you like to quantify the "vast improvements" Thaksin achieved for the poor? Certainly threw some things their way but broke many promises. However, he did achieve a very vast improvement in his and his families fortunes during the same period which he happily bragged about to Forbes.

The last Thaksin government aka the Yingluck puppet regime was more concerned with passing laws to whitewash his crimes, and their own, and get their hands on a mega amount of money without the usual checks and balances. Fascist, possibly but certainly a wannabee dictator. He started off admiring Singapore and the Lee family and wanted to emulate them. Somehow he seemed to loose any semblance of morality and ethics and was behaving more like Mugabe or Hun Set his eternal friend.

Thaksin, left to his own devices would bleed Thailand dry and turn it into a Shin autocracy. The opposition are careful not to bleed too much but stave off as much change and development as they can, unless it's to their benefit. Nepotism, corruption, patronage, hierarchy are alive and well - just the thieving is not so blatant in you face, and the lies a little less ludicrous than PTP.

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Let's it make clear, an ageing population, resistance to increase pension age from 60 to upwards, resistance to increase of the tax base, cut have to be made.

That's why only three subs which can dive 240 meters are bought for 36 billion Baht (about US$ 1.1 billion). BTW why would those subs need to dive deeper (assuming that detail is correct)?

well, in the Gulf of Thailand, these subs will drag bottom at (on average) around 58 meters... that is unless those crafty Chinese built back-hoes on the rudder... whistling.gif

Put that into perspective, I understand that recreational scuba divers regularly go to 40 meters on a tank of compressed air... seems like they could soon go wreck-diving on a couple of new submarines... coffee1.gif

So, why would someone complain these subs 'only' go 260 feet? Someone just trying to distract just as much as you do as none of this has any relation with PM Prayut denying to scrap the Heath Care scheme, only to reign in it's exploding costs?

It seems that you missed the point. Because the waters off the coast of Thailand are shallow, submarines are not the best use of assets. More effective equipment would be offshore patrol boats, helicopters, patrol aircraft. Thailand has a serious shortage of modern rescue aircraft. Are you aware that Thailand only has 3 helicopters as medi-evac designated? They also function as VIP transport. The 3 may or may not be available for medi-evac in a country of 67 million and a nation with heavy air traffic off its coasts. And before you make one of your usual smartass comments about their intended use please keep this in mind;

16-Oct-07 : SEOUL, South Korea - The Royal Thai Air Force has become the latest head- of-state customer to fly in a Sikorsky S-92® VIP helicopter, as Sikorsky Aircraft today announced the sale of three of the VIP aircraft to transport the Thai royal family.

The aging Bell fleet is not designed for offshore search and rescue. The money for the submarines will have to come from somewhere and it certainly won't be from the army's resorts and golf course upkeep budget. The military has pushed its large budget increase through during a period when the economy is in the crapper. Please tell me where the money is going to be sourced to purchase the Chinese surplus.

So, since your ideas on how to patrol the shore conflicts with subs you see no need of them. Well, that's no problem. I'm sure the Air Force will agree with you.

BTW the average depth of the Gulf of Thailand is 58 meters, maximum 85 meters. The Gulf of Bothnia average 60 meters with maximum of 295. According to Sweden subs regularly take wrong turns and end up too close to shore, although they seldom manage to find them.

Anyway, no plans to scrap the free Health Care Scheme for subs.

Edited by rubl
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He's been listening to 'we all live in a yellow submarine' a little too much

a complete, utter waste of money while he scraps the health care scheme

"while he scraps the health care scheme"

Do you have any source for your claim, that he (PM-Prayut) has decided to scrap the health care scheme ? blink.png I know it makes an excellent scare-story, but where's the proof ?

The source for the idea in today's thread, linked below, attributes the idea to "A GROUP of doctors" and an academic, nowhere does it say that this is government policy, or that the PM has made any such decision.


But I do agree with you, and have been saying so for some time, that the RTN doesn't need, and the country cannot afford, the submarines which they've been requesting for several years, and which thus far have not been approved.

There are cheaper and better options, which might perhaps be considered, if any threat of invasion existed.

well if he doesn't scrap the health scheme then that's very good news and I made a mistake

Just another "honest mistake" clap2.gif

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At least Thaksin did something for the people

Well propaganda from marxist side.... If Taksin do something why Isaan remains the poorest region thailand ?

Why during YL regime no poor farmer receive payment of their rice crop ? Why only landlords proxy to his camp receive benefit from rice scheme ?

Why Taksin not use is personal fortune for help poorest area of Thailand ? Why Taksin and is camp use vote buying ?

Why he want to transform a constitutional monarchy to fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra rules ?

Are you this unhinged just some of the time or all of the time. He makes a metaphor and you go off on a tangent and you even quoted YL who wasn't mentioned. Leave your personal problems in bed when you get up in the morning, far better for the mental health, but then again you could just simply be Asian.

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Well, I did my research and there is no plan to scrap the Heathcare scheme.

Obviously I think a proper Heath Care scheme important as well as a scheme which offers 'affordable' healthcare. Unlike some I don't care about the name '30 Baht' scheme as that just reminds me it costs 80 Baht to administer.

BTW Did I hear you advocate the UK drops their new shiny aircraft carriers as surely that would help keep the NHS affordable? Anything on Cambodia removing it's troops along the border so Thailand can abolish it's army? An appeal to the UN so Thailand can save money? Should Thailand be brave and just abolish it's Armed Forces to shame the other countries?

And here Rubl goes trying to change the subject......

and here goes smutcakes bending the truth.

A poster here states PM Prayut will scrap the Heath Care scheme another tells there's money for 260 feet diving subs and I'm changing the subject?

Topic title "Prayut denies planning to scrap free health care to save money for subs". Even you wrote to me that these is room for increased spending. So why all the obsession with subs? Just people trying to position the Prayut government is as bad light as possible even if it means bending the truth a bit?

There are arguments for and against the military viability of submarines for the RTN. There are arguments for and against the 30 baht health care scheme - should it be free, maintained, increased, abolished; should the spending on health be increased and if so by how much.

These are not the only two items in the Thai budget. Submarines are not the only items for consideration in military expenditure.

The previous government were secretive with budgets and issued conflicting figures, especially concerning their vaunted self financing rice scheme. Very large sums of money seem unaccounted for, either by sloppy accounting or desire.

The current government have many issues to address including the budget and public spending. Linking two items together is far to simplistic but is being done to try and show the current government in a poor light. Many people believe what they are told - the health care money is being used to buy subs, Yingluck and Thaksin did nothing wrong, the UDD support democracy.

Remember when the lovely Yingluck wanted to buy 4 new passenger planes for exclusive use by her family government. So they could all fly about wherever and whenever they wanted, free, in total secrecy, and do as they pleased? Wonder if that money was going to come from health, education or rice scams?

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At least Thaksin did something for the people

Well propaganda from marxist side.... If Taksin do something why Isaan remains the poorest region thailand ?

Why during YL regime no poor farmer receive payment of their rice crop ? Why only landlords proxy to his camp receive benefit from rice scheme ?

Why Taksin not use is personal fortune for help poorest area of Thailand ? Why Taksin and is camp use vote buying ?

Why he want to transform a constitutional monarchy to fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra rules ?

Are you this unhinged just some of the time or all of the time. He makes a metaphor and you go off on a tangent and you even quoted YL who wasn't mentioned. Leave your personal problems in bed when you get up in the morning, far better for the mental health, but then again you could just simply be Asian.

He might have a different view than yours - but that doesn't mean he's unhinged anymore than you are. In fact, forum rules prohibit call other posters stupid or mentally disturbed in some way just because they have a different view. If you don't like the rules feel free to leave.

How was ExPratt's post a metaphor btw? If was a statement to which a poster replied. The last government has been shown to be a owned and controlled by Thaksin through his sister as a proxy or puppet. It's true that the poorest farmers were excluded from the scheme allegedly designed to help the poor. The World Bank also report that very little of the money from the scheme benefited the poor farmers who were allowed to join. Where did it all go?

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Buying subs, same as the aircraft carrier, that now they call a helicopter carrier. !! Toys for the boys !!

Total waste of money Thailand has no need of subs.

i don't want to put you down. BUT we don't really know, do we. wai.gif

We don't know anything about there country's security policy.

From which planet are you (and yes I want to put you down). They want to station the subs in the gulf, the gulf is on average 40 m deep. To operate efficiently they must have 60 m plus water. From a military perspective there are no reason to have subs stationed in the gulf because they have zero value. If they stationed them in Phuket they could be used to control the straits of Malecca. So for military value they must be stationed far away from BKK but this will not be done as their HQ has already been build near Chon Buri (at a cost of B0,5 bn). The only reason for the subs is to say they have them and to show them of at parades.

This government will be indebting the country for generations to come.

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I’m sure the IMF would be more than willing to lend a helping hand...coffee1.gif

Thailand has to just stand in the queue, first Greece. It's population just democratically voted to want more money and not pay back any already borrowed.

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Buying subs, same as the aircraft carrier, that now they call a helicopter carrier. !! Toys for the boys !!

Total waste of money Thailand has no need of subs.

i don't want to put you down. BUT we don't really know, do we. wai.gif

We don't know anything about there country's security policy.

From which planet are you (and yes I want to put you down). They want to station the subs in the gulf, the gulf is on average 40 m deep. To operate efficiently they must have 60 m plus water. From a military perspective there are no reason to have subs stationed in the gulf because they have zero value. If they stationed them in Phuket they could be used to control the straits of Malecca. So for military value they must be stationed far away from BKK but this will not be done as their HQ has already been build near Chon Buri (at a cost of B0,5 bn). The only reason for the subs is to say they have them and to show them of at parades.

This government will be indebting the country for generations to come.

I need to respectfully disagree with you.

Thailand needs those subs, they will look very nice standing next to the aircraft carrier.

Of course as for the use of the aircraft carrier?

that is another useful item, they can store all those explosive scanners on them

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At least Thaksin did something for the people

Well propaganda from marxist side.... If Taksin do something why Isaan remains the poorest region thailand ?

Why during YL regime no poor farmer receive payment of their rice crop ? Why only landlords proxy to his camp receive benefit from rice scheme ?

Why Taksin not use is personal fortune for help poorest area of Thailand ? Why Taksin and is camp use vote buying ?

Why he want to transform a constitutional monarchy to fascist dictatorship “republic” under Thaksin Shinwatra rules ?

Are you this unhinged just some of the time or all of the time. He makes a metaphor and you go off on a tangent and you even quoted YL who wasn't mentioned. Leave your personal problems in bed when you get up in the morning, far better for the mental health, but then again you could just simply be Asian.

He might have a different view than yours - but that doesn't mean he's unhinged anymore than you are. In fact, forum rules prohibit call other posters stupid or mentally disturbed in some way just because they have a different view. If you don't like the rules feel free to leave.

How was ExPratt's post a metaphor btw? If was a statement to which a poster replied. The last government has been shown to be a owned and controlled by Thaksin through his sister as a proxy or puppet. It's true that the poorest farmers were excluded from the scheme allegedly designed to help the poor. The World Bank also report that very little of the money from the scheme benefited the poor farmers who were allowed to join. Where did it all go?

Hang in there, you will get your dream vocation as a moderator one day, but before you judge a comment learn to interpret what the person is insinuating. For the record, unhinged has many meanings, i.e. confused, beside oneself, agitated, anxious, bothered, carried away, distraught, distressed, frantic, hysterical, overwrought, rattled, shook up, upset and worked up to name a few that is appropriate to his comments. Nowhere did I indicate he was stupid or mentally disturbed in some way as you put it. If I had I would have used the appropriate term. Maybe you have doubts about his disposition yourself, for it is you who intermediately conjured up something more sinister.

Metaphor - Implied comparison.

Anyway, all said and done, ExPratt answered him quite correctly and adequately.

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If they buy 3 Subs, they better buy a deep sea recovery vessel as well,

as it would just be an accident waiting to happen.

Surely common sense would say health service first,but this is Thailand.

regards Worgeordie

The waters around Thailand aren't deep enough to need a DSRV, they can use their normal escape procedures

Haggis, that rather presupposes that a, they have normal escape procedures and b, that they will practice them

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So, why would someone complain these subs 'only' go 260 feet? Someone just trying to distract just as much as you do as none of this has any relation with PM Prayut denying to scrap the Heath Care scheme, only to reign in it's exploding costs?

What exploding costs Rubl? According to the other paper, the costs are all very reasonable when compared to other countries, in fact there is room for increased spending. 4% of GDP is not high.

4% of GDP is how many Baht? There's room for increased spending, but people complain about 36 billion Baht spread over seven years? How about the 700 billion Baht lost in less than three years on the self-financing RPPS?

Of course people complain, and so should you if you had any kind of consistency in what you write. You among others complained mercilessly against anything the previous Government did, for the most part facts of issues were ignored, so its a bit raw you coming here whining that people are just trying to look for things to beat the Government with.

The fact is that this Government came to power on the back of large protests about, corruption, transparency, waste of money on the rice scheme etc with a promise of reforming the system, so can you really not understand why people would not complain about this proposed purchase regardless of what went before under the previous Government? especially when noises are being made about their being insufficient funding available for the Universal Health Care program?

Can you honestly say, without pontificating on something unrelated that this purchase is either necessary, and that the money could not be put to far better use?

There are many things here which are shades of grey as to whether they are right or wrong, and there are things like this which are black and white, which is pretty much universally agreed on by every single commentator, editorial on every single new site on the web. The fact that you cannot even bring yourself to be critical of something so blindingly obviously wrong, really devalues your position as a rational poster in my opinion.

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