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Father faces deportation to Thailand after 27 years in Britain for two 'stupid crimes'

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A lot to consider on this one. He went to France in his early years , what sort of passport. If he came with the same bad deal from Nigeria instead of Thailand would we/I feel different ? There are those Brit. Cits. who are a lot younger than him who live a life of crime. Why can't he marry the mother of his child then he could stay as long as he wants. I am married to a Thai lady but I could get deported any time . Lot to think about and discuss on the barstool.


I wish the U.S. would pass a law like this.

They have. Asian gang- bangers' lacking US citizenship from California have been deported to SE Asian countries like Lao/Cambo in large numbers, with no family or poor language skills. Most lack citizenship only because they did not bother to apply., like the Vietnamese GF years ago in SoCal who was a refugee. Many of these gang members are brutal killers and with their English and gang contacts hooked up with locals in Asia quiclky and are doing just fine with crimes, drugs and violence.

Embezzling and assault are serious crimes, not stupid mistakes. This bloke has no legal right to remain in the UK whilst his appeals are pending. No human rights problem either. His partner/child can come to Thailand and apply for an extension just like anybody else. The alien women I know married to Thai men BTW seem to have no problem with employment and running businesses and their dealings with Immigration appear carefree.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Good riddance to bad rubbish

Glad to see Britain can get rid of some of the bad immigrants,wish they could get rid of a lot more criimal inclined ones.

A young infant when arriving in England would well and truly make him a bad Englishman would it not, and seeing that most like yourself lack empathy or no understanding of true justice, I would think staying at home staying in England would truly be appropriate with the likes of your type. Once a POM always POME (Prisoner of Mother England)

Don't tar us all with the same brush mate. Cos then you are doing like the poster you quoted is doing smile.png

My sincere apology if it came across that way, if so, it was unintentional. thumbsup.gif However in saying that if the subject was cricket it would be whole different story. Are commiserations in order before the Tests start?gigglem.gif


Soutpeel said above

"It doesn't contravene any UN charter, which relates to depriving someone of a citizenship, the persons under question would hold two citizenships, and therefore a law could be passed to revoke one of those citizenships, therefore they are not deprived of a Citizenship they still have another one"

Not if those individuals were humanitarian refugees or asylum seekers which was why i phrased it carefully. Generally you would be correct.

Nonetheless the rights of the individual are generally held higher than those of the state and the authority of the state hence the reason why you cannot render people stateless nor should states be able to willfully use its executive function in deciding these matters.

Just outlining processes as they oblige signatories.


This is wrong on so many levels ... and another reason I detest the UK.

His crimes were no different from 1,000's of others that Britons commit on a daily basis, so jail him ... or fine him ... but he hasn't killed anyone, and doesn't deserve to be deported, especially as he is the father OF a British child, that will (now, presumably) lose his father.

This guy really needed to have been more careful.

As a father, with responsibilities, he shouldn't have stolen over 2,000 pounds, or assaulted anyone.

I don't believe that murder is the line which defines when someone should be deported either.

Within this framework, anything up to murder is permissible, does this include rape/pedophilia - at what point do countries have the right to remove undesirable non citizens?

The nature of all defined crime is that it labels people who are not considered conforming.

If non citizens don't conform, they should be made to leave.

He has (if I read it correctly) indefinite leave to remain.

I agree he shouldn't have committed the crimes, however, I personally don't think that's a good enough excuse to kick someone out of the country when they have children that ARE British citizens.

If you go down that road, let's also then deport all British citizens that don't conform and that are convicted of the exact same crime rather than fining or imprisoning them. Perhaps we could also send them off to Australia. Oh wait, we already did that.


Ahhhh. How heart wrenching! Like, we never, ever hear this story the other way around here in the Land of Smiles.

My best friend, who has a Thai son living here in Thailand, just got deported back to England two weeks ago.

If other counties applied Thai immigration standards to Thai Natives in their own countries, there would be a lot of Thais being deported back to Thailand.

If we have a wife, extended family, even a child, do we get: 'indefinite leave to remain' here in Thailand stamped on our passports??? No. Were made to fill out reports every 90 days showing our location, re-apply for visa extensions every year.

Cry me a river all you pathetic liberals. We're treated like dogs here in Thailand, but some Thai commits a crime and gets deported and it's front page news. OK. Why isn't it front page news that my English friend who got deported back to England, even though he has a child here in Thailand, isn't "front page news".

Hypocrisy knows no bounds!


At 27 years, from the age of 11..... I really don't think he should be deported unless the crimes he was to be deported for are grave (i.e. murder, attempted murder, armed robbery, or connections to organized crime). He is more British than Thai.....

I think UK has enough British criminals, they don't need foreigner helping them in this kind of business.

He is about as british as anyone else there... he has no ties to Thailand - probably has no memories (I have none from 11 year old)..... his only ties to Thailand are maybe an accident of birth. In fact this is about as close to dumping ones criminal problems on another country as it comes -- since all his socialization (and with that criminal socialization) has been done in Britain. If he is a "foreigner", it really just comes down to the colour of his skin at this point.

yes you are right....and send him to Thailand!

UK in this case should get rid of any criminal if they can. Unfortunately they can't get rid of British nationals who are criminal, but kick out the rest of them. Where he is socialized is not relevant. And no it is not the color of his skin, it is his nationality. If he would be Russian with the same skin color as British, exactly the same would happen, so don't try to construct a racism where there is none. There is enough real racism on this planet, no need to fake one...


coffee1.gif If he had stolen in Saudi he'd be missing a hand as well. Dumb.

Agreed ... "dumb" But does beg the question, "Then why did you post it?"


How would a person teach English in Thailand if they can not speak Thai?

Quite easily, I did it for three years, and I can only speak a little Thai. If you start using Thai when teaching, your employers won't be pleased.

But it is OK to speak Thai if you are giving commands.


Good riddance to bad rubbish

Glad to see Britain can get rid of some of the bad immigrants,wish they could get rid of a lot more criimal inclined ones.

There is a certain faith that needs this done quickly.


He has (if I read it correctly) indefinite leave to remain.

I agree he shouldn't have committed the crimes, however, I personally don't think that's a good enough excuse to kick someone out of the country when they have children that ARE British citizens.

If you go down that road, let's also then deport all British citizens that don't conform and that are convicted of the exact same crime rather than fining or imprisoning them. Perhaps we could also send them off to Australia. Oh wait, we already did that.

and the other name for "indefinite leave to remain" is Permanent Residence, ergo he is not a citizen, and many countries have these sorts of rules for PR's, you have a right of unhindered abode "provided".....criminal convictions of certain levels are enough for someone to get their PR revoked, which is what appears to be happening in this instance, the one thing that hasn't been addressed is the person concerned own responsibility for getting his affairs in order with regard to getting his citizenship sorted out, this is not a child under discussion but a grown man.

I am a dual national, and like the person in this story, i grew up, was schooled etc. in another country and between leaving my country of birth and next time I went back over 25 years had elapsed. in my case, until the age of 16 in the new country, I classed as a PR, once reaching 16 and onwards I had the option to be nationalised which was a formality, (but I still had to apply if I wanted it), or I could remain a PR, but If remaining as a PR into adulthood and one got caught by the law for certain offences, my PR could be stripped and I could be deported under the terms of , irrespective of how long I had been in country and the fact I had a child who was born in country was irrelevant.

Rather than going on about him being a British citizen, should the discussion be the lack of responsibility by the individual who is grown man, not getting his affairs in order ?


This is wrong on so many levels ... and another reason I detest the UK.

His crimes were no different from 1,000's of others that Britons commit on a daily basis, so jail him ... or fine him ... but he hasn't killed anyone, and doesn't deserve to be deported, especially as he is the father OF a British child, that will (now, presumably) lose his father.

This guy really needed to have been more careful.

As a father, with responsibilities, he shouldn't have stolen over 2,000 pounds, or assaulted anyone.

I don't believe that murder is the line which defines when someone should be deported either.

Within this framework, anything up to murder is permissible, does this include rape/pedophilia - at what point do countries have the right to remove undesirable non citizens?

The nature of all defined crime is that it labels people who are not considered conforming.

If non citizens don't conform, they should be made to leave.

He has (if I read it correctly) indefinite leave to remain.

I agree he shouldn't have committed the crimes, however, I personally don't think that's a good enough excuse to kick someone out of the country when they have children that ARE British citizens.

If you go down that road, let's also then deport all British citizens that don't conform and that are convicted of the exact same crime rather than fining or imprisoning them. Perhaps we could also send them off to Australia. Oh wait, we already did that.

My English friend with a Thai citizen son still living in Thailand, is kicked out of Thailand and deported back to England. Explain to me how his situation isn't different from this Thai dude being deported back to Thailand. Tit for Tat. My friend didn't make front page news. Liberals aren't lining up and screaming "Foul" for my friend. Heck no. He's white and English.


Em sorry he did the crime now he has to pay. It it means deportation then let it happen. Thais would not show any mercy for Farange and on top of that Now he is sorry for doing what he did

Common You cannot go back and hope everything is going to be OK. He should have thought of that before he went stealing.

Sorry I don't feel a thing for this bloke.


normally I would agree but he was 6

if he was one of the 'new' immigrants and 16+ when he arrived I'd say 'som nam na' in fact all those criminals that pick pocket and shop lift on Oxford Street and the rest should be sent back home as soon as convicted but maybe not this guy as he has a son and was only 6 years old

If the UK want to start deporting criminal Immigrants, they should start with the real bad ones, I think we all know who that is.


Stupid criminals do stupid crimes. duh. Britain is stuck with home grown citizen criminals, but that doesn't mean they have to put up with short sighted foreign ones. Now that Australia, USA and other former colonies no longer can be dumping grounds for "low lifes but British" sort, the powers that be more likely to apply the boot to those pesky aliens.


I wish the U.S. would pass a law like this.

Yes same here, I wish Sweden would do the same!!


But the UK are still not deporting the real bad ones, and they are going to pay for it soon.


Em sorry he did the crime now he has to pay. It it means deportation then let it happen. Thais would not show any mercy for Farange and on top of that Now he is sorry for doing what he did

Common You cannot go back and hope everything is going to be OK. He should have thought of that before he went stealing.

Sorry I don't feel a thing for this bloke.

this is not even a "race" or nationality issue, its following the laws of the land pertinent to PR's, whether in Thailand or the UK/US Aussie etc

The guy is a PR in the UK, got done for various crimes, which contravenes his conditions of being PR, and they are booting him out the country


Deport first, appeal later Law right??? same like shoot first, ask questions later... I really think people of the same ethnicity should stay in their appropriate regions and not migrate... unless it is very very special special circumstances!!! Anyway when cultures and tradition clash there are a lot of problems which cannot be solved... in one's own society, religious beliefs, traditions and societal norms can find answers or solutions, might not be the best but won't make things worse. Anyway it is sad to know the mother committed suicide... and the child was left on his own within the Childcare system or whatever... anyway this is what happens when you are out of you society...

Please stay in your appropriate region and try not say more on here.Thank you


Good riddance to bad rubbish

Glad to see Britain can get rid of some of the bad immigrants,wish they could get rid of a lot more criimal inclined ones.

How would you feel if you came here as a 6 year old and had his kind of life and then for no reason you were deported to the Uk with no where to live just because of a couple of tiny mistakes that no doubt the UK press have amplified like they always do. I hope the Thai authorities look into your past, deport you for breaking the speed limit and all anyone on here will say is GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH! Selfish and racist comments show you for what you are!


So many Muslims in UK, but they deport this guy.

Sorry for the Donald Trump blunder

What has the faith of British citizens got to do with this story?

That's very easy to see.


normally I would agree but he was 6

if he was one of the 'new' immigrants and 16+ when he arrived I'd say 'som nam na' in fact all those criminals that pick pocket and shop lift on Oxford Street and the rest should be sent back home as soon as convicted but maybe not this guy as he has a son and was only 6 years old

If the UK want to start deporting criminal Immigrants, they should start with the real bad ones, I think we all know who that is.

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We did well once we stopped having to receive criminals. And they did better in Australia too. Suddenly, those northern, snotty layabouts decided it wasn't such a bad idea and wanted to come voluntarily. We relented, and decided they could come and paint houses. Paid ten pounds to incentivize and the fare.

Australia had the worst interior decor by brush through the fifties to the seventies as a result. Only just recovering now.

If he can paint send him to Australia. 457 visa waiting.


How would a person teach English in Thailand if they can not speak Thai?

Do you really think all the unqualified, barely educated, misfits that somehow get jobs "teaching" English here can speak Thai?


So many Muslims in UK, but they deport this guy.

Sorry for the Donald Trump blunder

What has the faith of British citizens got to do with this story?

That's very easy to see.

Really? I'd better get some glasses then.

Where does one buy hate engendering lenses from?

The blind bigotry shop?

KKK supplies?

Intolerance in abundance supplies?

The shop that put jerk into knee jerk reactions?


Shows that Britain is still ruled by the same bs mentality that transported poor citizens across the world while the wealthy plundered their way through the rest of the world. And what's amazing is seeing people on Thai visa condone it Unbelievable ! His crimes weren't that bloody serious. Brits bash and rob each other every day of the week <deleted> ! It's part of the culture ! Wake up you Brit butt lickers you are ruled and played like pawns by Etonites and they would toss you to the lions too without a second thought. Stand up for what is right for once !



Sounds like three crimes, including assault. Might be a nice dad, but a crappy citizen. And as he is not a citizen, time to head home, even if it is a home he has never really known. He won't be the only Thai who doesn't speak Thai - and yes, he can always teach English. Heaven knows this country needs that.

Well, there's the funny and sad thing...I bet he could teach English better than some foreigners herre, but he wouldn't be allowed as he is not a NES! (Native English speaker).

Besides, I'm not sure the kids here could handle a Lancashire accent.

Most schools have Thais teaching English, if you can call it that, to the majority of poorer kids who cannot afford the 'English program.' His services in this area would be invaluable.

Ive met a German, a Scot, a Welsh, scousers and other Brits with broad regional accents all of whom Ive had difficulty in understanding, let alone their poor Thai students.


It amazes me that the hang em' high club don't stop for a moment and think how easily something similar could happen to them.

Let's say you move to England with your Thai wife, perhaps take your wife's child from a previous relationship too. Your wife is insulted by another woman in a supermarket, bar or other public place; perhaps called an immigrant, a prostitute or other derogatory term. Your wife snaps and slaps this woman. The woman files an assault charge and your wife, and your adopted son/daughter are then facing deportation.

Another scenario. Some money goes missing at work. The finger is pointed at the foreigner; your wife. There is no evidence, but another racist member of staff says she saw your wife steal. She is sacked and charged with theft. She now faces deportation. Or perhaps she did steal some money. A stupid moment of madness. Her family were putting pressure on her to send money home to pay some medical bills and she didn't want to ask you. It's totally out of character but she did it. She's human. She made a mistake.

Another scenario. Your wife's child, your adopted child, becomes a tad unruly as a teenager after many years of a loving upbringing by yourself and your wife. He/she starts stealing from shops, nicking car badges and other stupid rebellious things. Turns out this behaviour was brought on because he/she is being bullied at school. But the government don't care. He/she is 16 now and eligible for deportation.

And how about you? What if your cosy life spent judging others from a computer in Nakhon nowhere is upturned because you get into a fight with a Thai. He assaults you first, you hit back, he falls and smacks his head on the floor. He dies. You go to jail and are then deported. Suddenly the place you've called home for the last 10 or 20 years is torn from under your feet. you are separated from your wife, and child, if you have one.

Don't be so quick to judge. Laws change quickly, and any of us could find ourselves victim of a cruel system in the future as Thailand becomes more hostile and right-wing towards foreigners living and working here.

But more than anything, show some compassion and kindness. This guy was brought to the UK, an alien land, when he was six years old - not his choice. His mother, an alcoholic, treated him so badly he asked to go into care. The British step father didn't/doesn't give a crap. His mother then dies. He is alone. He looks different to all the other kids. He grows up surrounded by rough people. I'm willing to bet most of us wouldn't have lasted a year in his shoes with the type of life he's had. Being neglected by your parents is hard enough, being in care, struggling with your identity and growing up in a hostile fight or fall environment is something most of you are lucky enough to have not had to go through.

So what, he stole some money - he was in debt. He has no family to turn to. You did/do. So do I. We are incredibly lucky not to feel that isolated, helpless and alone. So what, he got into a fight (probably) and was charged with assault. You know nothing of the circumstances surrounding that incident. He's probably dealing with so much pain and anger inside that we have no idea how he feels on a day-to-day basis.

What we need to do as a society is give him the guidance and care/rehabilitation for him to get his life back on track and be a good father and citizen, not call him an immigrant and kick him out. Do you think kicking someone again when they're down is going to make them a better person. No, it makes them angrier, more resentful, more fearful, more hateful...

This is the same government that just cut the independent living fund for the disabled. Go figure.

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