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Family Values?


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There are good ones there are bad ones.

There are virtuous ones there are non virtuous ones.

It happens everywhere.

If the relationship is good and honest, there is no need to doubt. If the relationship has not yet reached that point, don't be paranoid, look and learn.

There are good thai's??

I thought my gf was the only one

Sorry to disappoint you Donz.

Thailand the land of smiles.

With 60 million people, there should be a few good, smiling people.

I also agree with the other posters who say there are far too many sceptics out there.

What kind of relationships DO they have?

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The action described by the OP is NOT usual in any way. Something is not right and a private dick will sort in a matter of day(s)

I would do this because lets face it, its your future and the only chance you get... also there are a thousand good girls for every bad egg in this world whichever country you are in!!


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The ones that " Are having money sent over next week ". Give them a wide berth, in general Thais are cool, Farangs will cheat you at the drop of a hat given the chance. :o

Thanks for the character reference... can I put that on my resumé without having any copyright problems?

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Thais and sex, I still havn't figured them out. Seems to me the girls at the office swing both ways as the wind changes... and it seems perfectly acceptable.

So who knows what is going on with your gf and her bbf (brother boyfriend). From my cultural view point I'd say the boy is a Ranger, but like I said who knows but them.

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I have to ask myself if a Thai man would be prepared to let his wife/GF live with and sleep with a stranger for 4 months

The answer is, many would.

(and indefinitely in the future)

Or at least until they've bled you dry / got everything they wanted from you

and not get a dime out of it (as would be the case with me).

You are perhaps over confident in the control you have over your spending.

She's a teacher, and therefore has her own income.

If she get's you she'll have two incomes.

All I pay for is the rent on my apartment.

And free accommodation into the bargain

I don't give her money, and she doesn't ask for any.

But when you do it will seem like your idea.

I have a year's contract in Indonesia coming up in 5 weeks time. She's due to come with me. So any husband/BF is going to be waiting a long time for any money.

Patience is a Thai virtue, a one year wait for more money that he could dream of earning in ten years - and not having to do anything for it - may well be worth it.

I never think with my prick ... ever!

Actions speak louder than words.

That has to be the answer of the year, not that I agree with you but just because it very well done.. You da man :o

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You will be ok, just do what you would do in any other country and any other person you have just met.

One thing though, don't worry about Thai's cheating you in Thailand, it will be more wise to take great caution against your fellow Farangs.

The ones that " Are having money sent over next week ". Give them a wide berth, in general Thais are cool, Farangs will cheat you at the drop of a hat given the chance. :D

Wouldn't have expeceted anything less from you Mr Maggot. Still as provocative as ever I see :D

BTW I love your new nickname :o

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Maybe the younger brother is all touch feely because he is gay.

Yes I would say thats when it looks like.

Probaly the correct answer here.

How do you reach such a conclusion? It could be many things, but this behavior is out of line. If it were my GF this would stop or she's history.

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The action described by the OP is NOT usual in any way. Something is not right and a private dick will sort in a matter of day(s)

I would do this because lets face it, its your future and the only chance you get... also there are a thousand good girls for every bad egg in this world whichever country you are in!!


I've already said my piece, but I'll just add that my present wife has 3 younger brothers (in their 20's), and my previous wife had 2 younger brothers. In both families the sister was/is very close to their brothers, love them very much and help them out whenever possible. When they are together thay talk, joke, have fun, horseplay, sometimes quarrel, but never, never show the signs of affection that the OP refers to.

Thai's have a much higher tolerance and understanding of gays than most western families, and if this guy is guy is gay, it is unusual that it isn't all out in the open.

In my book he's the boyfriend/hubby - and they're both taking the piss.

But I may be wrong :o

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Thais and sex, I still havn't figured them out. Seems to me the girls at the office swing both ways as the wind changes... and it seems perfectly acceptable.

So who knows what is going on with your gf and her bbf (brother boyfriend). From my cultural view point I'd say the boy is a Ranger, but like I said who knows but them.

Yes, I can't figure them out either. What do you mean "swing both ways"?

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Thais and sex, I still havn't figured them out. Seems to me the girls at the office swing both ways as the wind changes... and it seems perfectly acceptable.

So who knows what is going on with your gf and her bbf (brother boyfriend). From my cultural view point I'd say the boy is a Ranger, but like I said who knows but them.

Yes, I can't figure them out either. What do you mean "swing both ways"?

they like hot dogs AND tacos. :o

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Thais and sex, I still havn't figured them out. Seems to me the girls at the office swing both ways as the wind changes... and it seems perfectly acceptable.

So who knows what is going on with your gf and her bbf (brother boyfriend). From my cultural view point I'd say the boy is a Ranger, but like I said who knows but them.

Yes, I can't figure them out either. What do you mean "swing both ways"?

i'll help you out my friend with your problem. :D

the quote : ' SWINGS BOTH WAYS ' , means that a person whether male or female is a lover of either the back bottom or the front bottom and never discriminates againt either. :D

in other words what ever turns you on. :D

but cricky's mate,

thats not my game and my gate will only ever swing north staying firmly attached to the front bottom and no amount of oil will ever move it. :D

hope this helps you out mate. :D

cheers :o

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