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Hi guys

Application form suubmitted on September 11th and the wait now is pretty stressful...

GF had a call a couple of days later asking about the relationship, my parentsa and their occupations. All answered with no problems but my GF made a mistake on how many times I've visited Thailand.. she said 5 when I've been 6, although I've only known her for 4 of those visits - will this be a problem? I wouldn't have thought so? May have been some confusion on how many times I've sent some money to her in the past. I haven't done this too often but GF may have stated slightly less then is acutally true.... but we havewn't deliberately tried to conceal anything. Any thoughts on this?

How long, realistically, should I have to wait now? I know the UKVAC site says at least a month but is this realistic?

I'm tempted to call them today to chase them up to see what's happening... what do you think?

Replies appreciated...




If my memory seves me right then its quite quick. Less than a month i think. As for the questions you asked. I think you will be ok. Its not a major mistake. Try applying fir Oz. Man thats take a long time. The wife waited 3 months 3 weeks from interview. Anyway as long as all your paper work is in order then you should be ok. Good luck.


They are trying to decide everything on the papers submitted alone nowadays. Obviously they are on your case right now if she has already had a phone call.

From that call they have either decided to issue the visa (although i would have thought they would have told her this at the end of the call , as thats the usual way) , or refuse it or write to ask her to attend for an interview.

Either way you will know very very soon



I've just rang the visa processing company and they tell me that the passport is ready for collection and a decision is contained in an envelope.

I have very bad vibes about this but the person I spoke to tells me that acceptances and refusals alike are contained in envelopes. They can't open it and tell me as its confidential.

Any thoughts?

We can't there til tomorrow and I'm crapping myself!!!




Hi Scouse

I know you've got a lot of knowledge in this area but I have to ask why you think she's got it or is it just a gut feeling?

My GF was supposed to go to BKK tomorrow to pick up the envelope but due to the coup is going to wait until things settle down....man the wait is killing both of us!!!

I really do hope everything is OK after all this... I never realised how stressful this would be.

Thanks to those of you have replied on this thread.



I think she's got it because to refuse the application without an interview, i.e. without the opportunity to explain herself, would be unreasonable. The visa section could reasonably refuse on papers if the application is bound to fail, but that doesn't appear to be so in your girlfriend's case.

Furthermore, they telephoned her to ask a couple of routine questions, whereas if they were so concerned as to be contemplating refusal, they would have called her in for a formal interview.


I think she's got it because to refuse the application without an interview, i.e. without the opportunity to explain herself, would be unreasonable. The visa section could reasonably refuse on papers if the application is bound to fail, but that doesn't appear to be so in your girlfriend's case.

Furthermore, they telephoned her to ask a couple of routine questions, whereas if they were so concerned as to be contemplating refusal, they would have called her in for a formal interview.


I agree, scouse's last sentence being the key. If they were going to refuse they wouldn't have asked so few routine questions , which she appears to have answered reasonably well.

She's got it ..so relax. The coup couldn't have come at a worse time for you but hopefully in a day or two she will be able to pick it up.



you've no idea how happy I am to read your comments... it's taken a bit of weight of my shoulders but we still have to wait for my GF to open the envelope before we can breathe a sigh of relief and crack open some champagne.

I hope things settle down in BKK soon for everyone affected by it.




Thanks for the good lucks guys.

Well.. I've been awake since 5AM this morning with frequent calls to Malai as she travelled to BKK to the visa centre.

A little wait for the envelope and I am very, very pleased to say we have it!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

I am sooo relieved and happy.. this has been quite a stressful experience for both of us.

Many, many thanks to those of you who have given support and advice in the past. I really do appreciate it.

So, this is a big step in our relationship now... the journeys just starting really..

Final couple of questions on this..

1. Can anyone recommend how we should go about gettng a flight for her? We're thinking of Friday next week BKK to LHR. Shold we book from an operator here of thru one in Thailand.. can anyone recommend one?

2. How does the visa work.. does she just show it at customs in BKK and Heathrow? How does it work?

3. Those of you who have been thru this before? TGF coming to London .. first time out of Thailand. Its going to be exciting for her but also scary.... Any advice for me/ us? I've only been in London 2 years.Nearly all my friends and family are in Newcastle. We are plannng trips up but not straight away.

My head is spinning!




Hi Tariq

well done on visa i know it is stressful ,but think about your poor gf travelling by herself

she should have no problem as long as she fill out the landing card and goes through immigration control show her passport ,Tell her to ask someone at passport control which is the immigration queue

she will be fine


My answer in italics

1. Can anyone recommend how we should go about gettng a flight for her? We're thinking of Friday next week BKK to LHR. Shold we book from an operator here of thru one in Thailand.. can anyone

recommend one?

> If you are in the UK you could book it through expedia. No ticket required when she books in. But You do need to provide her passport number when booking.

2. How does the visa work.. does she just show it at customs in BKK and Heathrow? How does it work?

Yes she just shows the Visa. Note she will also need to show her TB certificate. If it is packed in her luggage she will be sent off to health center and you will have to wait 3 to 4 hours at Heathrow not knowing where she is (just like I did last Saturday). She will also have to fill in Landing Card for which she will need to supply her address in the UK (in English of course).

3. Those of you who have been thru this before? TGF coming to London .. first time out of Thailand. Its going to be exciting for her but also scary.... Any advice for me/ us? I've only been in London 2 years.Nearly all my friends and family are in Newcastle. We are plannng trips up but not straight away.

If she has some Thai friend (or friends of friends) in the UK then arrange a meetting as it will help her alot to get the Thai perspective on the strange behaviour of English people. There are lots of other places to get good advice on the web as well.

Well done and best of Luck for the future.


Thanks guys.. appreciate it.

Erm.. TB certificate???? Have I screwed up here? I thought that was only needed if her stay was more than 6 months? She's staying for 2 months.



Well done Tariq ,

Don't forget that when she arrives in the UK she still has to get through immigration. Depending on who she gets that can take all of 1 minute or considerably longer. She will be asked a few simple questions like why is she here, for how long , who is she staying with , how much money does she have. That kind of thing. Thais are not great at answering this kind of questions (never understood why but they're not) so make sure she is drilled in this most basic of stuff. If they ask where is she staying it doesn't look good if she doesn't know the address.

No matter if she does cock up the answers , she will still get in , but she could be considerably delayed whilst they ring you and even contact the BE Bangkok if you get an officer who feels like being difficult. So just get her prepared with your mobile number handy just in case.

After all this time waiting to be together you don't want her delayed at immigration do you

I'm sure you have better things to do :o


Congrats tariq. Hope you both have a great time. BTW. She does know its nearly winter? I took the wife in April and it wasnt that cold. But she was. Make sure she buys herself gloves and a big jacket. Just incase. Good luck mate.



Yeah, I've told her winter is approaching fast. She says she'll do some clothes shopping in LOS before she leaves but I can't see the local market in Kampaengpetch doing much in the way of warm boots, sweaters and overcoats! A trip to Oxford Street is on the cards me thinks!!

A couple more q's on the visitor visa...

1. How long after the first visa has expired can we/ should we apply for the second visitor visa?

2. Malai will hopefully be flying into LHR on Friday 29th Sept. We stated on the applicaion form that Malai would be staying for 2 months. It would be great if Malai can stay until Sun 3rd Dec so we can have a final weekend together before she returns home. This means a couple of days more than 2 months though. Could this cause probles for future visas?

Finally, does anyone have any recommendations on where I can get a reasonably priced ticket, BKK-LHR-BKK. One that I can easily book and pay for in the UK and I suppose it would have to be an e-ticket. I've had a look around and the cheapest I can find is about £650 with British Airways which is a lot more than I was expecting.

Thanks again for all the help and wishes of good luck.. this site has certainly helped me a lot.




Yeah, I've told her winter is approaching fast. She says she'll do some clothes shopping in LOS before she leaves but I can't see the local market in Kampaengpetch doing much in the way of warm boots, sweaters and overcoats! A trip to Oxford Street is on the cards me thinks!!


Hi Taz,

Congrats on the success.

My wife landed on January 1st, now that was a culture shock, I think because of an adrenaline rush she didn't feel it, as it was wearing off we got home and my heating had packed up!

Welcome to Oxford.

I will PM you a travel agent I have used several times recently, got me some good deals, paid about 725 pounds to go Xmas with Eva and about 460 during the school break at the end of Oct with Thai.

Good Luck

Moss :o


I too applied for a Settlement Visa on the 22nd of September. We have both been through hel_l so far with all the TB testing, being turned away for missing documents and given time deadlines to hand them in and waiting and wondering what the hel_l is going on.

She was told to go away and look on the internet to see what is happening. If nothing is posted in 5 days then to call and follow it up.

Today she received a telephone call from them asking for me. My GF said that i had gone home. They asked when did he go home. She said on the 16th. She then asked how long i was in Thailand. The response was two weeks. Then she said ok thank you very much.

She spoke in english and my GF answered everything in English. But she was very confused as to why they called her and not me. I left my number there.

Can anyone shine some light on this?

Oh and try Airline Warehouse www.airlinewarehouse.com. I fly with them, they are quite cheap.


Well done tariq ! And good luck to everyone awaiting news on visa for gf/wife.I been through it with visit and then settlement visa,STRESS is the word all right,but i think we got them a lot easier than some people,no interview,got visa quickly.Did call embassy when waiting for settlement visa.

Today she received a telephone call from them asking for me. My GF said that i had gone home. They asked when did he go home. She said on the 16th. She then asked how long i was in Thailand. The response was two weeks. Then she said ok thank you very much.

She spoke in english and my GF answered everything in English. But she was very confused as to why they called her and not me. I left my number there.

Can anyone shine some light on this?

The visa section try to make as many decisions as possible using the documents alone, without the need for an interview.

However, if the documents are not enough, or there is some element of doubt, then they will want to interview the applicant. Anecdotal evidence suggests that if there is only a minor clarification needed then this is done by telephoning the applicant. Otherwise a full face to face interview at the embassy is required.

I assume that as you weren't there when they phoned, they asked her instead and, hopefully, her answers were satisfactory.

Any news yet?


Yeah, She got it. I am so happy. I am going back over soon to get her and she will be here on the 20th October.

Cheers for all your help guys. i hope evryone else gets as much success i as i did from this forum.

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