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Clinton says she opposes boycott effort against Israel

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The question is not "uncomfortable". It is a foolish waste of time. There is not the slightest indication of BDS targeting anyone other than the Jewish nation.. They are hypocrites.

A pity you don't get it. Your bias is blindfolding you.
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The continued comparison of Israel to South Africa and the claim that it is an apartheid stated is wrong. There is no apartheid in Israel.

Of course not, but that does not stop the Haters from twisting, turning and distorting the facts and trying to claim otherwise. Arabs of Israel are full citizens. They have the vote and Israeli Arab MPs sit in parliament. An Arab judge sits on the Supreme Court. An Arab is chief surgeon at a leading hospital. An Arab commands a brigade of the Israeli army. Arab and Jewish babies are born in the same delivery rooms, taken care of by the same doctors and nurses, and mothers recover in adjoining beds. Jews and Arabs travel on the same trains, taxis and buses. Universities, theaters, cinemas, beaches and restaurants are open to all. This is NOTHING like apartheid.

Sorry thread full,
geriatrikid wrote,
You missed the point. The continued comparison of Israel to South Africa and the claim that it is an apartheid stated is wrong. There is no apartheid in Israel.
It would appear that the majority of Israelis, Mick Davis one of UK's most prominent Jews, Secretary of State John Kerry, and ex US President Carter disagree with you...
Meet the Israelis
One-third of Israelis want to deny Arab citizens the right to vote; about half of Israelis favor a policy of 'transferring' Arabs out of the country; and a majority says there is apartheid here.
Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of 'apartheid' policies
Three out of four are in favour of segregated roads for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, and 58% believe Israel already practises apartheid against Palestinians, the poll found.
A third want Arab citizens within Israel to be banned from voting in elections to the country's parliament. Almost six out of 10 say Jews should be given preference to Arabs in government jobs, 49% say Jewish citizens should be treated better than Arabs, 42% would not want to live in the same building as Arabs and the same number do not want their children going to school with Arabs.
Mick 'the Miner' Davis, the mogul who criticised Israel, heads list of Britain’s most powerful Jews
A millionaire businessman who enraged Jewish opinion when he warned that Israel is at risk of becoming an apartheid state over its treatment of Palestinians has been named as Britain’s most influential Jew.
Is this not apartheid?
With friends like John Kerry, who retracted his true and well-meaning warning under pressure from the U.S. Jewish lobby, Israel doesn’t need enemies.
Once upon a time, it was forbidden to say “Palestinians” was forbidden, after that came the prohibitions against saying “occupation,” “war crime,” “colonialism” or “binational state.” Now "apartheid" is prohibited.
But no political correctness or bowdlerization, however sanctimonious, can conceal reality forever, and the reality is an occupation regime of apartheid.
Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's
"When Israel does occupy this territory deep within the West Bank, and connects the 200-or-so settlements with each other, with a road, and then prohibits the Palestinians from using that road, or in many cases even crossing the road, this perpetrates even worse instances of apartness, or apartheid, than we witnessed even in South Africa."

Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of 'apartheid' policies

While some citizens are fed up and may be "in favour" of taking rights away from Arabs, they HAVEN"T. Arabs citizens have the same rights as Jews.

Arabs of Israel are full citizens. They have the vote and Israeli Arab MPs sit in parliament. An Arab judge sits on the Supreme Court. An Arab is chief surgeon at a leading hospital. An Arab commands a brigade of the Israeli army. Arab and Jewish babies are born in the same delivery rooms, taken care of by the same doctors and nurses, and mothers recover in adjoining beds. Jews and Arabs travel on the same trains, taxis and buses. Universities, theaters, cinemas, beaches and restaurants are open to all. This is NOTHING like apartheid.

The Jimmy Carter quote proves that the man is a fool. crazy.gif


Israeli poll finds majority would be in favour of 'apartheid' policies

While some citizens are fed up and may be "in favour" of taking rights away from Arabs, they HAVEN"T. Arabs citizens have the same rights as Jews.

Arabs of Israel are full citizens. They have the vote and Israeli Arab MPs sit in parliament. An Arab judge sits on the Supreme Court. An Arab is chief surgeon at a leading hospital. An Arab commands a brigade of the Israeli army. Arab and Jewish babies are born in the same delivery rooms, taken care of by the same doctors and nurses, and mothers recover in adjoining beds. Jews and Arabs travel on the same trains, taxis and buses. Universities, theaters, cinemas, beaches and restaurants are open to all. This is NOTHING like apartheid.

The Jimmy Carter quote proves that the man is a fool. crazy.gif

You are in a state of denial.
Adalah, the legal center for Arab minority rights in Israel, publish an annual report with more than 50 laws enacted since 1948 that directly or indirectly discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel in all areas of life.
The most contentious of the above IMO are the marriage laws which are specifically designed to deny Israeli Arab citizens the right to marry whoever they like from a long list of Muslim countries even after Shin Bet vetting. Yes I know they apply to Israeli Jews too..but how many Israeli Jews want to marry Muslims from the West Bank or Pakistan? Just sneaky apartheid legislation intended to maintain a Jewish majority.
Apart from apartheid, it beggars belief how this pariah state not even counting its war crimes against Palestinians [and the US forces in the USS Liberty], its spying on the US in the Pollard case, thumbing its nose at the UN, attempting to undermine the US President and dictate US foreign policy on Iran, and with a cabinet in blatant opposition the the US principle of a 2 state solution...how on earth can this be the darling of Hilary Clinton and every US Presidential candidate? Incredible. With friends like Israel, who needs enemies, especially when you are forking out $3 billion plus pa. When you pay the piper at least you would think the most powerful country on earth could call the tune. Her kowtowing is an embarrassment.

You are in a state of denial.

You are delusional. Pretty much EVERY country on earth is accused of passing laws that

discriminate against minorities and lots of them. Israel does not stand out from the rest in this regard.

Just a few examples, in America, black people have to show a photo ID to vote, just like everyone else, but left-wing loons claim that is "discrimination" and have brought it to court. France bans Hijabs in schools and the UK is seeking to bring in new laws that would allow the government to ban peaceful non-violent groups or individuals who don't subscribe to British Values and shut down buildings, including mosques that host extremists. Radical Muslims are protesting both of these laws, but no one is calling the USA, The UK or France "apartheid" states.


You are in a state of denial.

You are delusional. Pretty much EVERY country on earth is accused of passing laws that

discriminate against minorities and lots of them. Israel does not stand out from the rest in this regard.

Just a few examples, in America, black people have to show a photo ID to vote, just like everyone else, but left-wing loons claim that is "discrimination" and have brought it to court. France bans Hijabs in schools and the UK is seeking to bring in new laws that would allow the government to ban peaceful non-violent groups or individuals who don't subscribe to British Values and shut down buildings, including mosques that host extremists. Radical Muslims are protesting both of these laws, but no one is calling the USA, The UK or France "apartheid" states.

Its the hidden agenda intent of discriminatory laws that counts...like the ID laws in US, ostensibly to stop the minuscule amount of voter fraud, but de facto deliberately disenfranchising millions of poor who may vote for the wrong party.
To stay on topic...Similarly Israel disingenuously claims its marriage laws are for security reasons (potential partners could be easily vetted by Shin Bet), but in fact they are designed to keep the Palestinian population lower than the Jewish.
And the editor of Haaretz agrees
Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state
"We do not have to identify the characteristics of South African apartheid in the civil rights discrimination in Israel in order to call Israel an apartheid state. It is best that we not try to evade the truth: The Citizenship Law's existence turns Israel into an apartheid state."

To stay on topic...Similarly Israel disingenuously claims its marriage laws are for security reasons (potential partners could be easily vetted by Shin Bet), but in fact they are designed to keep the Palestinian population lower than the Jewish.

Your reasoning is ridiculous - as well as that of the OPINION piece from a left-wing newspaper - but you would be very happy to see Israel destroyed. Of course its marriage laws are for security reasons and Jews have to follow the same laws as Arabs. They can not bring Palestinians from the West Bank to live in Israel because of the risk of implanting terrorists in Israel via marriage. Doing otherwise would be national suicide.


To stay on topic...Similarly Israel disingenuously claims its marriage laws are for security reasons (potential partners could be easily vetted by Shin Bet), but in fact they are designed to keep the Palestinian population lower than the Jewish.

Your reasoning is ridiculous - as well as that of the OPINION piece from a left-wing newspaper - but you would be very happy to see Israel destroyed. Of course its marriage laws are for security reasons and Jews have to follow the same laws as Arabs. They can not bring Palestinians from the West Bank to live in Israel because of the risk of implanting terrorists in Israel via marriage. Doing otherwise would be national suicide.
Thanks, good example of apartheid in Israel.

I find it amusing that some claim Jews are the ones with the obsessive victim mindset, when in actual fact it is the total opposite, especially when it comes to Israelis. Israelis are not victims, they are pro-active unpolitically correct 'doers', and it is precisely 'that' which enrages the the true serial whingers - the Arabs, Muslims in general and foreign supporters of anti Israel initiatives.

If Israelis mention the holocaust, it is to remind you precisely why they don't give a flying toss that the world disapproves of the measures it takes to protect citizens of that one Jewish state in the world, and to make sure it won't be brought down, either through overt military action or the more insidious wolf in sheep's clothing / Trojan horse initiatives which are being employed against it after finding it cannot be destroyed the old fashioned way.

Those who are paying attention will know that the Jihad hides in many guises, and Islamic war methods use all manner of angles against an opponent, including damaging economic channels and even trying to outbreed the target area.

Anyone who is fooled by the slick seemingly isolated modern media of BDS is naive, hence why it is incredibly popular on college campuses where high emotion dominates and is popularist. Infiltration of charities is the one that irks me. BDS is essentially an arm of the wider Jihad in disguise, outsourced to foot soldiers many of whom seemingly have no idea that's what it is, or do but chose to present some other face.

Luckily. Israel is not stupid. It has been studying the mindset of the Arab and particularly of Jihadists for a long long time. It knows exactly who it is dealing with, how to deal with them, and knows the various guises it uses (unlike Europe which is bloody clueless and is going to be well and truly consumed from the inside out).

The whingers with the victim mentality are everyone in the region 'surrounding' Israel it seems. Infact, there are people all over the world who see themselves as victims of the Jews one way or another. Don't tell me nobody has noticed how so many claim their lives or nations are not doing well because they are victims of a calculating Jewish conspiracy. Lost your socks today? Clearly Israel had a hand (or foot) in that.

Edit : fixing auto complete misspellings.


Thanks, good example that you don't know what apartheid is. Jews are subject to the exact same law as Arabs.

...but with totally different outcomes, exactly as was intended by the Israeli Jewish legislators. Jews still get to marry who they like, but Israeli Arabs don't unless they want to leave Israel and live in the West Bank with their Muslim or Christian spouse, and as a by product the Jewish population is encouraged to increase, while the Israeli Arab population is curtailed.



I find it amusing that some claim Jews are the ones with the obsessive victim mindset, when in actual fact it is the total opposite, especially when it comes to Israelis. Israelis are not victims, they are pro-active unpolitically correct 'doers', and it is precisely 'that' which enrages the the true serial whingers - the Arabs, Muslims in general and foreign supporters of anti Israel initiatives.

If Israelis mention the holocaust, it is to remind you precisely why they don't give a flying toss that the world disapproves of the measures it takes to protect citizens of that one Jewish state in the world, and to make sure it won't be brought down, either through overt military action or the more insidious wolf in sheep's clothing / Trojan horse initiatives which are being employed against it after finding it cannot be destroyed the old fashioned way.

Those who are paying attention will know that the Jihad hides in many guises, and Islamic war methods use all manner of angles against an opponent, including damaging economic channels and even trying to outbreed the target area.

Anyone who is fooled by the slick seemingly isolated modern media of BDS is naive, hence why it is incredibly popular on college campuses where high emotion dominates and is popularist. Infiltration of charities is the one that irks me. BDS is essentially an arm of the wider Jihad in disguise, outsourced to foot soldiers many of whom seemingly have no idea that's what it is, or do but chose to present some other face.

Luckily. Israel is not stupid. It has been studying the mindset of the Arab and particularly of Jihadists for a long long time. It knows exactly who it is dealing with, how to deal with them, and knows the various guises it uses (unlike Europe which is bloody clueless and is going to be well and truly consumed from the inside out).

The whingers with the victim mentality are everyone in the region 'surrounding' Israel it seems. Infact, there are people all over the world who see themselves as victims of the Jews one way or another. Don't tell me nobody has noticed how so many claim their lives or nations are not doing well because they are victims of a calculating Jewish conspiracy. Lost your socks today? Clearly Israel had a hand (or foot) in that.

Edit : fixing auto complete misspellings.

Sounds a bit paranoid that you see a jihadi conspiracy behind the BDS campaign. I support BDS and there is no way in the world I am a jihadist. I am an atheist who thinks all religions are bs, and I find Sharia laws especially in its treatment of women sexist and abhorrent.

I simply want Israel to be pressurized into coming to its senses for its own ultimate good. The present state of affairs in the words of Obama is unsustainable.

For Hilary to pander to the Israeli lobby is encouraging their state of denial that Israel can do no wrong. It's people like me and supporters of BDS who are the true friends of Israel, who may help them reluctantly to break the cycle of violence, which has not achieved peace nor security after 67 years of bitter conflict.


Poor her, she needs money for her election, this type of speeches is a deal with Zionist lobby in USA. Normal business in dirty American politics where there is no ethics, no democracy and only money govern.


Jews still get to marry who they like, but Israeli Arabs don't

Another dexterm distortion. Jews that want to marry Palestinians from the West Bank have the same restrictions that Arabs do, because of the risk of implanting terrorists in Israel via marriage. Jews are subject to the exact same law as Arabs and there are plenty of Jewish-Palestinian couples .


I support BDS and there is no way in the world I am a jihadist.

I wonder how many people who read your obsessive bashing of Israel and Jews that you

post here almost every single day believe you. You have been less than honest about plenty of other things. wink.png


Look at the history of the Jewish people and why Zionism was necessary. Jews are a tiny global minority. After thousands of years of being persecuted in the diaspora collectively Jews have decided on the path of having the power of a nation state that while having significant minorities has a solid majority Jewish demographic character. If that offends ... tough sheit. Jews don't need to apologize for that any more than immigration policies of any country including Thailand. The so called Palestinians on the other hand want a Jew free state. That side is the severely racist side. Don't be deluded by sweet talking BDS rhetoric. The goal of BDS is the end of Israel ... the one tiny nation state in the world with a majority Jewish character.

BDS supporters who claim they don't hate Jews ... makes no difference. Their goals are racist. They work against the Jews dominating one state when they have no problem with scads of Muslim and Arab states. The BDS movement is an enemy of Jews and the Jewish people. Jews who support it are traitors to their people as if they signed up for Hamas.

The more I read the Israel demonizers on this board the more I realize how odious and racist their movement is. Yes I have moved to the right in response to their obvious complete lack of respect for Israels right to exist and defend itself. It gets even richer when some posters who have repeatedly linked to Neo Nazi websites now try to act like their pro BDS position is not a threat to the existence of Jewish majority Israel. I don't believe them. Only a sucker would believe them. Some suckers sadly happen to be Jews.


Look at the history of the Jewish people and why Zionism was necessary. Jews are a tiny global minority. Collectively Jews have decided on the path of a nation state that while having significant minorities has a solid majority Jewish demographic character. If that offends ... tough sheit. Jews don't need to apologize for that any more than immigration policies of any country including Thailand. The so called Palestinians on the other hand want a Jew free state. That side is the severely racist side. Don't be deluded by sweet talking BDS rhetoric. The goal of BDS is the end of Israel ... the one tiny nation state in the world with a majority Jewish character.

BDS supporters who claim they don't hate Jews ... makes no difference. Their goals are racist. They work against the Jews dominating one state when they have no problem with scads of Muslim and Arab states. The BDS movement is an enemy of Jews and the Jewish people. Jews who support it are traitors to their people as if they signed up for Hamas.

There is a point at which Mr Jingthings' intelligent mind gives way.

The first thing he does almost invariably in his controversies is to accuse his opponents of racism. At this, the well trained Zionist spinster smiles almost maternally and prepares for the next phase of the attack. This is a carefully untruthful statement of the antagonist's position. I say 'carefully untruthful'; he does not err, he deliberately distorts .

Facetious abuse and witty insults, followed by a patronizing dismissal is the usual finale.


Jews still get to marry who they like, but Israeli Arabs don't

Another dexterm distortion. Jews that want to marry Palestinians from the West Bank havethe same restrictions that Arabs do, because of the risk of implanting terrorists in Israel via marriage. Jews are subject to the exact same law as Arabs and there are plenty of Jewish-Palestinian couples .

Israeli educational system is splitted in a Jewish and an Arab entity. Impossible for any individual to change from system.

This bipolar education system has been created so that both ethnic groups would not interchange or mix and result in multicultural or multi-religious relationships.

Even, with this separatist education system, the laws by State and the laws by religion are still against multicultural relationships.

It's just a demographic and political (votes) barrage, or a clear sign of apartheid...


The first thing he does almost invariably in his controversies is to accuse his opponents of racism.

Anyone who is honest and reads this forum regularly knows he is right. There is a small core of posters who do nothing but demonize Jews and Israel obsessively - usually dishonestly - make excuses and justifications for Muslim terrorists and "like" each others posts. You have to call a spade a spade when it is so blatantly obvious.


The first thing he does almost invariably in his controversies is to accuse his opponents of racism.

Anyone who is honest and reads this forum knows he is right. There is a small core of posters who do nothing but demonize Jews and Israel obsessively, make excuses and justifications for Muslim terrorists and "like" each others posts. You have to call a spade a spade when it is so blatantly obvious.



It's just a demographic and political (votes) barrage, or a clear sign of apartheid...

According to the Israel-bashers, the new definition of "apartheid" must be "unfair" and every country on earth has laws that are considered "unfair" by someone. It is a stupid definition though, considering what it really means, which has NOTHING to do with Israel


a former social system in South Africa in which black people and people from other racial groups did not have the same political and economic rights as white people and were forced to live separately from white people


It's just a demographic and political (votes) barrage, or a clear sign of apartheid...

According to the Israel-bashers, the new definition of "apartheid" must be "unfair" and every country on earth has laws that are considered "unfair" by someone. It is a stupid definition though, considering what it really means, which has NOTHING to do with Israel


a former social system in South Africa in which black people and people from other racial groups did not have the same political and economic rights as white people and were forced to live separately from white people

Substitute "South Africa" with Israel; "black people" with Palestinians; and "white people" with Israelis and you have described the situation accurately.


Jews are indigenous people in Israel. In most of history in the diaspora in most countries Jews not considered white. More like exotic outsiders. Don't fall for the BS painting Israelis as white colonialists. They are not that at all.

Now if Israel had been established in Uganda as was considered then the colonialism argument would have more relevance as Jews aren't indigenous to Uganda. But it wasn't.


Jews are indigenous people in Israel. In most of history in the diaspora in most countries Jews not considered white. More like exotic outsiders. Don't fall for the BS painting Israelis as white colonialists. They are not that at all.

Now if Israel had been established in Uganda as was considered then the colonialism argument would have more relevance as Jews aren't indigenous to Uganda. But it wasn't.

a 2000 year absence does not carry the right of return. your ancestors came out of somewhere else , does that give you the right to return and claim the land?


I support BDS and there is no way in the world I am a jihadist.

I wonder how many people who read your obsessive bashing of Israel and Jews that you

post here almost every single day believe you. You have been less than honest about plenty of other things. wink.png

Says the guy who in this very thread posted an outright lie about what Hilary said.

Another outright lie is saying that Member Dexterm bashes Jews. He does not. He never has (nor have I).

In fact, he does not bash Israel...he criticises where criticism is due, as do I.

And you're still disingenously trying the "Israel is not apartheid" tack. It is moot. BDS does not claim Israel is an apartheid state (or if it does, it would be a minor stand promulgated by the more radical elements within BDS), but uses the tactics that helped bring about an end to apartheid, to bring about a just peace and an end to the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands.


It's just a demographic and political (votes) barrage, or a clear sign of apartheid...

According to the Israel-bashers, the new definition of "apartheid" must be "unfair" and every country on earth has laws that are considered "unfair" by someone. It is a stupid definition though, considering what it really means, which has NOTHING to do with Israel


a former social system in South Africa in which black people and people from other racial groups did not have the same political and economic rights as white people and were forced to live separately from white people

Substitute "South Africa" with Israel; "black people" with Palestinians; and "white people" with Israelis and you have described the situation accurately.

Your ignorance is astounding. Arabs of Israel are full citizens. They have the vote and Israeli Arab MPs sit in parliament. An Arab judge sits on the Supreme Court. An Arab is chief surgeon at a leading hospital. An Arab commands a brigade of the Israeli army. Arab and Jewish babies are born in the same delivery rooms, taken care of by the same doctors and nurses, and mothers recover in adjoining beds. Jews and Arabs travel on the same trains, taxis and buses. Universities, theaters, cinemas, beaches and restaurants are open to all. Black people in South Africa under apartheid had NONE of this. This is NOTHING like apartheid.


It's just a demographic and political (votes) barrage, or a clear sign of apartheid...

According to the Israel-bashers, the new definition of "apartheid" must be "unfair" and every country on earth has laws that are considered "unfair" by someone. It is a stupid definition though, considering what it really means, which has NOTHING to do with Israel


a former social system in South Africa in which black people and people from other racial groups did not have the same political and economic rights as white people and were forced to live separately from white people

Call it 'hafrada' like you want, it simply comes back to the 'apartheid' analogy...




Jews still get to marry who they like, but Israeli Arabs don't

Another dexterm distortion. Jews that want to marry Palestinians from the West Bank have the same restrictions that Arabs do, because of the risk of implanting terrorists in Israel via marriage. Jews are subject to the exact same law as Arabs and there are plenty of Jewish-Palestinian couples .

You are clearly demonstrating exactly the way the minds of those disingenuous Israeli legislators operate..looks good on paper, but we all know what the real intention is. No time for your nonsensical nitpicking today.
BTW feel free to call me a basher of Zionism or the current right wing Israeli government...a label I am proud of.. I hate all bullies. But please do not call me a Jew basher. That is tantamount to calling me an anti Semite, which I regard as an inflammatory insult..a reportable offense on this forum.

I support BDS and there is no way in the world I am a jihadist.

I wonder how many people who read your obsessive bashing of Israel and Jews that you

post here almost every single day believe you. You have been less than honest about plenty of other things.

Says the guy who in this very thread posted an outright lie about what Hilary said.

You mean this? Guessing how Hillary feels is not a lie and - as I told you before - you would have to ask her if I guessed correctly. I did not quote her and I could be correct about what she "feels". You are so desperate to call anything I say a lie, that you forget that there is evidence that shows you are the one - once again - being dishonest.

"Israel is a vibrant democracy in a region dominated by autocracy, and it faces existential threats to its survival"

Like Hillary probably feels, I think that anyone who tries to compares South African Apartheid to Israel is not only hateful and stupid, but dishonest - including far-left academics. Israel is a democracy where ALL citizens have the vote and the same rights. There is no legitimate comparison.

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