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Clinton says she opposes boycott effort against Israel

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Sanctions work.

Yes, they do. One needs only to look at what happened with South Africa and its despicable Apartheid regime.

The BDS campaign is working now and only gaining effectiveness with each minute of every passing day. This is apparent in the fear exhibited by the occupiers and their apologists.

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Sanctions work. If governments won't apply sanctions to bring Israel to heel, then citizens-of-the-world imposed sanctions might. It's certainly worth a try, and if the predictions are correct and it means Israel loses out on tens of billions each year, then it should indeed work when the Israeli voters go to the polls. Ultimately, it's the voters who will decide the way forward.

With respect I do not think Israel will dismantle the Wall & permit the Right of Return, no matter the sanctions. I believe JT, in today's world, it would be suicidal for the State of Israel.

They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

Posts removed to enable reply.

Would an Israeli government ever accept such a proposition with the certain rejection by their electorate? If you look at the map on the brink of the deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians in 2008 doesn't look viable or have those negotiations been thrown out of the window, never to be revisited.


Leaves outstanding the major issue of Right to Return, would a Palestinian government be able to sell giving up on this objective? All seems rather intractable at this stage, especially with the Israelis and Hamas getting ready for another conflict.

That's the whole point of economic sanctions, so that the electorate gets behind the peace agreement. I notice on your map that the largest and most contentious settlement has most of it's population as post 1990 immigrants to Israel. Caveat emptor! They would not have been ignorant to the fact that they were settling in occupied territory, and as relative newcomers, their protestations certainly should not figure highly in Israel doing what is proper and pulling them back into Israel.

You see, this is what Netanyahu is about. Continue to expand and force a situation where apologists for Israel might not be blamed for saying, "They can't withdraw now!".

If I steal a generator from your shed and refuse to give it back, what will you do? I then invite a person on dialysis to my house and hook a dialysis machine up to the generator ..do I then have a right to keep it just because I need it now? Should you, the victim, accommodate my demands to keep it? Especially since I did not need it when I stole it, but deliberately invited the needy person in, just to make use of that generator.

True justice would be you get your generator back, I compensate you for the crime I committed, and I am forced to buy a new one, or evict the person back to where he came from.

The settlement creep has been continuous since the 70's and it still has not stopped now. As we chat here now, the bulldozers are leveling land, pulling down Palestinian lemon groves. How can anyone say that the settlements can remain? They are illegal, and the occupants know this. They are squatters.


Actually, it is always a few anti-Semites denying the facts and trying to convince others with lies. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have been losing on every front for almost 70 years. Everything keeps improving for the country of Israel while the Palestinians remain in a purgatory of their own making with no accomplishments, no money and no economy.

the only thing that keeps israel alive is america and due to demographics that wont last. get used to it
More ignorance. Israel has a self-sustaining economy which keeps improving and one of the best armies in the world. America is a good ally, but nowadays Israel could easily survive without them. However, they probably won't have to. Israel has too much to offer when it comes to Intelligence and technology.

Interesting you add in that it has a good army as if that is a part of success. In my view the need to not have to rely on an army would be an indication of success.

You mean in some imaginary dream world? Pretty much every country on earth has a military, including your Arab friends that have attacked Israel and LOST so many times.

Thank you for proving my point. A strong military is no barometer in determining the success of a country. The fact Israel needs a strong army and continually has to use it is proof it is not a success.


Actually, it is always a few anti-Semites denying the facts and trying to convince others with lies. The Palestinians started the violence in the first place and have been losing on every front for almost 70 years. Everything keeps improving for the country of Israel while the Palestinians remain in a purgatory of their own making with no accomplishments, no money and no economy.

the only thing that keeps israel alive is america and due to demographics that wont last. get used to it
More ignorance. Israel has a self-sustaining economy which keeps improving and one of the best armies in the world. America is a good ally, but nowadays Israel could easily survive without them. However, they probably won't have to. Israel has too much to offer when it comes to Intelligence and technology.

Interesting you add in that it has a good army as if that is a part of success. In my view the need to not have to rely on an army would be an indication of success.

You mean in some imaginary dream world? Pretty much every country on earth has a military, including your Arab friends that have attacked Israel and LOST so many times.

Thank you for proving my point. A strong military is no barometer in determining the success of a country. The fact Israel needs a strong army and continually has to use it is proof it is not a success.

Excellent point.

It looked like the Soviet Union was forever... then it wasn't.


The continued comparison of Israel to South Africa and the claim that it is an apartheid stated is wrong. There is no apartheid in Israel.

Of course not, but that does not stop the Haters from twisting, turning and distorting the facts and trying to claim otherwise. Arabs of Israel are full citizens. They have the vote and Israeli Arab MPs sit in parliament. An Arab judge sits on the Supreme Court. An Arab is chief surgeon at a leading hospital. An Arab commands a brigade of the Israeli army. Arab and Jewish babies are born in the same delivery rooms, taken care of by the same doctors and nurses, and mothers recover in adjoining beds. Jews and Arabs travel on the same trains, taxis and buses. Universities, theaters, cinemas, beaches and restaurants are open to all. This is NOTHING like apartheid.

http://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20130304_new_fence_in_hebron nothing like apartheid!


The continued comparison of Israel to South Africa and the claim that it is an apartheid stated is wrong. There is no apartheid in Israel.

Of course not, but that does not stop the Haters from twisting, turning and distorting the facts and trying to claim otherwise. Arabs of Israel are full citizens. They have the vote and Israeli Arab MPs sit in parliament. An Arab judge sits on the Supreme Court. An Arab is chief surgeon at a leading hospital. An Arab commands a brigade of the Israeli army. Arab and Jewish babies are born in the same delivery rooms, taken care of by the same doctors and nurses, and mothers recover in adjoining beds. Jews and Arabs travel on the same trains, taxis and buses. Universities, theaters, cinemas, beaches and restaurants are open to all. This is NOTHING like apartheid.

http://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20130304_new_fence_in_hebron nothing like apartheid!

Do you have any current news on this matter?

Your article is over two years old.


BDS is doomed to fail for one obvious reason.........

It demands Israel change everything, but makes no demands upon Arab opponents.

Picking one side and persisting against it does not exhibit understanding of this conflict.

Thus, BDS will remain an anti Israel organisation, not an anti conflict organisation.

I remember a poster once saying they seek a 'different' Israel from their BDS support.

Pressed further, it was the end of Israel in the actual details of this 'different Israel'.

BDS has remarketed decades old Palestinian nationalist demands into a new trendy package.

(coffee drinking emoticon)


BDS is failing. Israel's economy grew by 7% in quarter four of 2014, large trade and investment deals recently signed with China and India and Argentina. The boycotters are themselves being threatened by U.S boycotts.

Some of our esteemed members persist in tilting at windmills for ways to further their antisemitic agenda.


BDS is failing. Israel's economy grew by 7% in quarter four of 2014, large trade and investment deals recently signed with China and India and Argentina. The boycotters are themselves being threatened by U.S boycotts.

Some of our esteemed members persist in tilting at windmills for ways to further their antisemitic agenda.

anti israel agenda


They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.



BDS is failing. Israel's economy grew by 7% in quarter four of 2014, large trade and investment deals recently signed with China and India and Argentina. The boycotters are themselves being threatened by U.S boycotts.

Some of our esteemed members persist in tilting at windmills for ways to further their antisemitic agenda.

anti israel agenda

Above all other issues. Well fancy that!


They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.


what Israel wants is all palestine and they aint gonna get it


They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.


what Israel wants is all palestine and they aint gonna get it

There is no Palestine and never was other than a region called Palestine that encompassed several countries. The so-called Palestinians are newcomers who hijacked the name and try to pretend there was a nation called Palestine. They never called themselves Palestinians or Palestine until Yassar Arafat started calling them that in the 1960's. They are frauds who were nomadic wanderers who no one, not even Arabs wanted or want.

If they aren't careful they will be the ones who get themselves blown off the map via retaliation for terrorist acts.

You're wishing for something that never was and never will be.



They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.


what Israel wants is all palestine and they aint gonna get it

There is no Palestine and never was other than a region called Palestine that encompassed several countries. The so-called Palestinians are newcomers who hijacked the name and try to pretend there was a nation called Palestine. They never called themselves Palestinians or Palestine until Yassar Arafat started calling them that in the 1960's. They are frauds who were nomadic wanderers who no one, not even Arabs wanted or want.

If they aren't careful they will be the ones who get themselves blown off the map via retaliation for terrorist acts.

You're wishing for something that never was and never will be.


nomadic wanderers!!!! lol. hilarious. if the region was called Palestine then its name would be Palestine! and Israel wants it. and they aint gonna get it lol.


They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.


How many muslim countries would allow Jews to have a synagogue?

Nearly all muslim countries allow it.


Sanctions work.

Yes, they do. One needs only to look at what happened with South Africa and its despicable Apartheid regime.

The BDS campaign is working now and only gaining effectiveness with each minute of every passing day. This is apparent in the fear exhibited by the occupiers and their apologists.

Anybody that is interested in this type of protest might want to look at how South Africa is doing today. The country is a mess.

I think that many of those behind BDS are wishing for the failure of Israel. I really don't care one way or the other, but I don't think the ME will be better off without a strong Israel.


Sanctions work.

Yes, they do. One needs only to look at what happened with South Africa and its despicable Apartheid regime.

The BDS campaign is working now and only gaining effectiveness with each minute of every passing day. This is apparent in the fear exhibited by the occupiers and their apologists.

Anybody that is interested in this type of protest might want to look at how South Africa is doing today. The country is a mess.

I think that many of those behind BDS are wishing for the failure of Israel. I really don't care one way or the other, but I don't think the ME will be better off without a strong Israel.

SA was a mess anyway, but the apartheid was stopped and that is what matters.

I don't wish for Israel to fail. I wish Israel remains strong, very strong....within her own borders. Cease illegal activity, reverse land encroachment, stop the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza...let the Palestinians have their own sovereignty and self-determination.


You might want to check out your facts. There are thousands of people leaving SA now. Thailand, by the way has a plethora of White South Africans looking for work and a number of them talk about the downward spiral of the country.

Israel would be headed the same direction.

Learn from history. The Palestinians have territory it is up to them to get moving on setting up a country; not Israel.

Personally, I believe you are being disingenuous. Many hear would like to see Israel fail and when it does, the ME is not going to be a more peaceful place.


You might want to check out your facts. There are thousands of people leaving SA now. Thailand, by the way has a plethora of White South Africans looking for work and a number of them talk about the downward spiral of the country.

Israel would be headed the same direction.

Learn from history. The Palestinians have territory it is up to them to get moving on setting up a country; not Israel.

Personally, I believe you are being disingenuous. Many hear would like to see Israel fail and when it does, the ME is not going to be a more peaceful place.

Ahh so you think apartheid should have remained in SA. I get it.

The Palesrinians have indeed got moving in setting up a country. Thats why most of the world recognise it.

Israel has its own country, care to explain what its border is? You know, just for reference in case they decide to move them yet again.


Please don't deflect. This topic isn't about South Africa. Do not assume to know what I think.

"Personally, I believe you are being disingenuous. Many hear would like to see Israel fail "

But you think you know what I and others think?

You're wrong. I want to see Israel succeed and be strong. So do others.

But they can't do that at the expense of the Palestinians, and flouting international law.... thats the entire motivation for anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli feelings for most.


They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it. It would not be suicide at all because by withdrawing from their illegal occupation, they will gain support of the people who are now condemning them. Defining their country and sticking to it will give them the legitimacy that is required for America, the UK, the UN to all defend Israel against any major attack. I certainly would support the defence of Israel within it's proper borders as long as it has stopped it's incursions outside.

LOL. I thought this was about Hillary while I'm watching Hillary supporters go into apoplexy when learning that Hillary supports Israel.

"They can build their wall on the 1967 borders, and retreat behind it."

That isn't going to happen and you know it. That border cuts through Jerusalem, and would leave Muslims with E. Jerusalem, The Old City, The Temple Mount, The Mount of Olives...

If the Muslims wanted E. Jerusalem they shouldn't have attacked Israel in the Six Day War in 1967 because that's when Israel took the West Bank including E. Jerusalem for a buffer of safety against other attacks including rockets.

As it is, there is a Muslim Mosque on the Temple Mount - the Mount that was the site of the Jewish Temple mentioned in the Old Testament where there was the Jewish Holy of Holies and where the Ark of The Covenant was said to be.

Right now Muslims in Israel worship at the mosque. How many Muslim countries would allow Jews to have a Jewish synagogue and worship, especially on a Muslim holy site such as Mecca?

Get honest. What the Muslims really want is the Temple Mount in E. Jerusalem. That's it and that's it. They ain't gonna get it.


what Israel wants is all palestine and they aint gonna get it

Actually, its the other way round. Hamas wants all of Israel and you would like to hide it.


The goal of all the demonizing Israel movements is all the same.

BDS, Hezbollah, ISIS, Fatah, Iran, Hamas, etc. etc.

No Israel.

Jews gone from Israel or dead (those unwilling to flee or nowhere to run).

The "innocent" sounding demand of BDS of right of return of "Palestinians" to Israel is part of the same goal, overrun Jewish majority Israel demographically and ending Israel that way.

Israel has 20 percent Arab citizens.

"Palestinians" will not allow any Jews.

They're into Jew free, like the Nazis.

It's so bizarre the Israel demonizers call Israelis like Nazis, when it's the other way around, including historically when during WW2 the most powerful "Palestinian" political leader was exiled in Berlin and openly worked for total genocide of both European and Middle Eastern Jews.

Now the current situation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza is not ideal.

But even with the status quo this is a much more humane situation overall than if the "Palestinians" got their dream of a river to the sea Jew free Palestine.

I know some people call Jews paranoid.

You're only paranoid if the threats aren't real.

When people say they want to kill the Jews, Jews have learned: BELIEVE THEM.

I recently saw a BBC documentary about the children on both sides of the recent Gaza conflict.

They had some Arab kids say, we will get revenge and kill all the JEWS, every last one of them.

There was no such racial hatred coming from the Israeli kids.

To make this richer, BBC falsely translated the Arab word for JEWS into Israelis.

That was a pure media spin. They said JEWS.

Also yes if "Palestinian" kids today are thinking in this genocidal way ... pie in the sky dreams of any kind of lasting peace anytime soon is just not realistic. It's more like something that if started now might come about in a few GENERATIONS.


The goal of all the demonizing Israel movements is all the same.

BDS, Hezbollah, ISIS, Fatah, Iran, Hamas, etc. etc.

No Israel.

Jews gone from Israel or dead (those unwilling to flee or nowhere to run).

The "innocent" sounding demand of BDS of right of return of "Palestinians" to Israel is part of the same goal, overrun Jewish majority Israel demographically and ending Israel that way.

Israel has 20 percent Arab citizens.

"Palestinians" will not allow any Jews.

They're into Jew free, like the Nazis.

It's so bizarre the Israel demonizers call Israelis like Nazis, when it's the other way around, including historically when during WW2 the most powerful "Palestinian" political leader was exiled in Berlin and openly worked for total genocide of both European and Middle Eastern Jews.

Now the current situation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza is not ideal.

But even with the status quo this is a much more humane situation overall than if the "Palestinians" got their dream of a river to the sea Jew free Palestine.

I know some people call Jews paranoid.

You're only paranoid if the threats aren't real.

When people say they want to kill the Jews, Jews have learned: BELIEVE THEM.

I recently saw a BBC documentary about the children on both sides of the recent Gaza conflict.

They had some Arab kids say, we will get revenge and kill all the JEWS, every last one of them.

There was no such racial hatred coming from the Israeli kids.

To make this richer, BBC falsely translated the Arab word for JEWS into Israelis.

That was a pure media spin. They said JEWS.

Also yes if "Palestinian" kids today are thinking in this genocidal way ... pie in the sky dreams of any kind of lasting peace anytime soon is just not realistic. It's more like something that if started now might come about in a few GENERATIONS.

Off topic ramblings. What on earth has World War II and the rest got to do with the topic of BDS?
Bottom line is: Israel will never have peace unless it ends its occupation of 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank, with obvious Israeli security concerns addressed for decades to come until true peace and trust is established. There will be lots of fanatics on both sides desperate to derail a just peace agreement because they hate compromise.
And if the politicians can't cajole Israel into ending its occupation, then maybe people power will via BDS.
Stop the paranoia. No-one is going to drive Jews into the sea for the simple reason that the IDF is too powerful and wont let that happen. So calm down.
If Israel makes a just peace with its neighbors, BDS will collapse and I for one of millions will start buying Israeli products again.

The goal of all the demonizing Israel movements is all the same.

BDS, Hezbollah, ISIS, Fatah, Iran, Hamas, etc. etc.

No Israel.

Jews gone from Israel or dead (those unwilling to flee or nowhere to run).

The "innocent" sounding demand of BDS of right of return of "Palestinians" to Israel is part of the same goal, overrun Jewish majority Israel demographically and ending Israel that way.

Israel has 20 percent Arab citizens.

"Palestinians" will not allow any Jews.

They're into Jew free, like the Nazis.

It's so bizarre the Israel demonizers call Israelis like Nazis, when it's the other way around, including historically when during WW2 the most powerful "Palestinian" political leader was exiled in Berlin and openly worked for total genocide of both European and Middle Eastern Jews.

Now the current situation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza is not ideal.

But even with the status quo this is a much more humane situation overall than if the "Palestinians" got their dream of a river to the sea Jew free Palestine.

I know some people call Jews paranoid.

You're only paranoid if the threats aren't real.

When people say they want to kill the Jews, Jews have learned: BELIEVE THEM.

I recently saw a BBC documentary about the children on both sides of the recent Gaza conflict.

They had some Arab kids say, we will get revenge and kill all the JEWS, every last one of them.

There was no such racial hatred coming from the Israeli kids.

To make this richer, BBC falsely translated the Arab word for JEWS into Israelis.

That was a pure media spin. They said JEWS.

Also yes if "Palestinian" kids today are thinking in this genocidal way ... pie in the sky dreams of any kind of lasting peace anytime soon is just not realistic. It's more like something that if started now might come about in a few GENERATIONS.

Off topic ramblings. What on earth has World War II and the rest got to do with the topic of BDS?
Bottom line is: Israel will never have peace unless it ends its occupation of 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank, with obvious Israeli security concerns addressed for decades to come until true peace and trust is established. There will be lots of fanatics on both sides desperate to derail a just peace agreement because they hate compromise.
And if the politicians can't cajole Israel into ending its occupation, then maybe people power will via BDS.
Stop the paranoia. No-one is going to drive Jews into the sea for the simple reason that the IDF is too powerful and wont let that happen. So calm down.
If Israel makes a just peace with its neighbors, BDS will collapse and I for one of millions will start buying Israeli products again.

BDS ar just shooting themselves in the foot, not that it will take hold but if it did, it would effect the west bank arabs much worse than it would the Israeli's. If an arab state is to be viable in the west bank it will rely on Israel economically. No work in Israel no employment for Arabs. So all BDS is doing is making it worse of the Arabs. clap2.gif

Just to add I personaly hate the idea that Israeli produce would sustain the lives of Israel haters so BDS all you want!



I recently saw a BBC documentary about the children on both sides of the recent Gaza conflict.

They had some Arab kids say, we will get revenge and kill all the JEWS, every last one of them.

There was no such racial hatred coming from the Israeli kids.

To make this richer, BBC falsely translated the Arab word for JEWS into Israelis.

That was a pure media spin. They said JEWS.

Also yes if "Palestinian" kids today are thinking in this genocidal way ... pie in the sky dreams of any kind of lasting peace anytime soon is just not realistic. It's more like something that if started now might come about in a few GENERATIONS.

Since Israeli orphans of the conflict would have been really hard to find, but almost all Gazan kids have had a relative or parent die, is it any surprise that random Israeli children bear no malice but random Gazan kids do?


Israel will just stop trading with Europe so much.

There's always China, India, etc.

Israel is a small country with very talented people and lots of options.

It can deal with some hot headed "progressive" Europeans who don't think Israel has a right to exist.


Israel will just stop trading with Europe so much.

There's always China, India, etc.

Israel is a small country with very talented people and lots of options.

It can deal with some hot headed "progressive" Europeans who don't think Israel has a right to exist.

Good luck dealing with China.

India has quite a progressive population and may surprise you with their willingness to join BDS. Lets hope so, anyway.

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