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Thai-English actress Anna Reese becomes nun after killing cop in car crash

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Why has she got hair? I've never seen a nun with hair. Oh, wait...I know...because it's just a typical superficial HiSo gesture that makes everything better. Is she going to shell out 3 million baht to the victim's family like the Red Bull punk's daddy did?

I second that. A Thai Buddhist nun has no hair. Period. Imagine a Thai man in a Buddhist monks robe with all his hair still uncut. They surely must be laughing their heads off over at the Religious Department. She's an actress. Now, that's very badly acted. It certainly doesn't make viewers believe what she says she's doing.

I was ordained a monk for 2 weeks after my mother died here in Thailand. I first had to get my hair shaved off and only thereafter I went to the temple to get ordained.


Let's put it this way ......

You're driving home after a night out, you've had a few beverages. Your friend on a motorbike is riding next to you ( although this is the 1st I've heard of this ). Being irresponsible you drag each other for a while. You're not looking and BAM you run up the back of parked car, killing the occupant.

Here's your dilemma:-

You can be breath tested, taken to the Police station and charged, sent to jail until your due in court, be found guilty and spend the next 10 years in jail.


Act contrite, think of what could happen to your family whilst you're incarcerated, be given the chance to pay your way out to the deceased family so that his family are not impacted financially .. with no jail time.

Which would you choose?

Get off your collective soap boxes!


Wow.. I didn't realise she murdered him.. Was he parked legally when he was sleeping on the highway? As far as I know she wasn't speeding or intoxicated, I wonder if he had his hazard lights on.

A terrible accident.

How and where the poor deceased parked may well have been a contributory factor.

Was she speeding and racing with a big motor bike as a witness reported? Was she over the drink drive limit or on illegal drugs? We shall never know because the police aren't interested to do their job. Is that down to apathy, laziness or a brown envelope? Again we shall never no.

Normally you are held responsible for driving your car at a safe speed and driving with due care and attention. So even if you are observing the speed limit, perfectly sober but manage to hit a stationary vehicle you will need to offer an explanation. The famous "black dog ran in the road" of countless insurance claims perhaps?

What seems to rile many is the behavior following the fatal accident. The histrionics, the grabbing at the dead body, the avoidance of giving a statement until after she had time to compose herself, talk to advisers and then follow the usual pattern for "stars, celebrities, or hiso's i.e. attend the funeral and look upset, negotiate payment with the bereaved family, crocodile tears and some very public merit making. Meanwhile the police simply file the case away. No one will know if it was simply a tragic accident or if her actions contributed to it, there won't be a trial or any charges, or even an investigation or inquest.

Next she'll be claiming the ghost visited her and fully forgave her - all good publicity.


From what I understand, this swine actress has been living in the UK, where one is taught to take responsibility for one's actions. Funny how the minute she steps onto Thai soil, that education went right out the window. What would the abbott and costello crew (MIB) do if she held a press conference and confessed to manslaughter? I am not sure why I have not been arrested, since I did kill that man. I will be waiting at my home, for the police to come do their jobs and arrest me.

Now that would be some fun drama. She could write a script about this event. She probably will, since she will have a lot of time to kill after she leaves the temple in a weeks time.


These Hi-So 'famous' people.

Thonchai (Bird) Mcintyre became a monk for 2 weeks years ago, He had the road to the temple paved because it was too hard on his feet and he had an aircon installed in his cell.

Now this madam is becoming a Nun.....bah.gif1zgarz5.gif


One of the first things you learn in this world is that rules don't apply to certain people. Everywhere.


Halliburton & British Petroleum committed mass murder for money, killing 15 people on a Gulf of Mexico oil platform. Nobody has been punished.

Bankers all around the world caused a loss of trillions of dollars in the "dark" market of derivatives in 2008. Nobody has been punished.

An American president and his cabal commit war crimes by invading an innocent country, murdering tens of thousands of people, including torturing dozens in "secret" torture rooms, all around the world. Nobody has been punished.

I'm sure each and every country in Europe has a similar dark history.

Get off your high horses...


Nothing more than platitude.... using these meaningless acts of publicity to attempt deflect negative public attention...

She hasn't shaved her hair, why would the media need to be present...

(Previously) Her apology and request for forgiveness could have taken place in private.

(Previously) Her visitation to Temple to pray over the dead body could have happened late at night (out of the way of the media spotlight).

I'm not sure how the general population react to such obvious attempts a manipulating favour and the media... do they buy into this obvious BS?....

.....IMO it seems quite disgusting and desperate.

The Thai go on with their lives. Not much time to ponder this case for them. Why get so worked up over it? This is what happens. Life is NOT fair. Thais know it but westerners deny this fact of life. Life is not fair.


Why so much jealousy?

She had an ACCIDENT caused by poor road lighting, some daft bloke parking his car on the highway without warning lights and her driving a bit too fast.

We've all driven over the speed limit at one time or another. She was driving a decent car which makes going fast easier.

Point is it was nothing more than a terrible accident and she is just a young woman who's life was suddenly turned upside down. She has to live with the thought that she killed someone, which can't be an easy thing to deal with.

The policeman should not have been parked where he was, or at very least he should have had his lights flashing.

One day you or I might have an ACCIDENT, when we do I hope people treat us with a bit more fairness than is being thrown around on this forum towards her.

Interesting you assume she was sober, not under the influence of drugs, not racing a big motor bike as a witness reported and that the majority of the cause of the accident lay with the bereaved and how he parked.

I always though that those driving actually have a responsibility for being in control and driving their vehicle safely, moral and legal.

At best she wasn't paying attention or driving within the speed limit.

But nice you are so compassionate to her whilst ignoring the dead victim.


To me the most revolting thing about this is that the RTP will take bribes even to ensure that a cop killer gets away with the crime. How can they ever get any support or respect from the community if they allow this to happen??


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

This doesnt come as a surprise to me. I am a practicing Buddhist and what she has done is a cultural practice in Thailand that I abhor. In the modern thinking of Thai Buddhist philosophy, that practice is very much frowned upon. Have people forgotten that Khun Suthep became a monk down south once he lost favor. Costing Thailand billions didn't go over too well with some quarters of the community. Becoming a monk gave him sanctuary, as much as becoming a nun (?) has done for Anna Reese. In Thai culture it gives protection.

(Suthep says he will soon leave the monk-hood, and again become active, good luck to him on that. Just what Mr. P needs).

As some have pointed out, technically Anna Reese has not become a nun (mae chee). She is still a layperson. An everyday person who has sought solitude for meditation. At least that is what she should be doing.

There was a Thai champion boxer 20 years ago who fought Jeff Fenech in Australia, for a title. He was supposed to have won, but lost. Some say he threw the towel in. Thai backers were furious, the only way he survived was to become a monk as soon as he got home.


No she is channeling the dead mans feelings GIVE ME A BREAK

She says he has partially forgiven her What bull crap is this

This is a real problem in Thai society not the financial corruption.Its the human spiritual corruption that is the root of the problems here in Thailand,

Start by extraditing Red Bull Heir Vorayuth Yoovidhya, who killed that poor police officer in 2012 and stop buying red bull drinks Your only supporting his exile .

Thais will cheer if he is brought back to Thailand to face the music He is scum


One of the first things you learn in this world is that rules don't apply to certain people. Everywhere.


Halliburton & British Petroleum committed mass murder for money, killing 15 people on a Gulf of Mexico oil platform. Nobody has been punished.

Bankers all around the world caused a loss of trillions of dollars in the "dark" market of derivatives in 2008. Nobody has been punished.

An American president and his cabal commit war crimes by invading an innocent country, murdering tens of thousands of people, including torturing dozens in "secret" torture rooms, all around the world. Nobody has been punished.

I'm sure each and every country in Europe has a similar dark history.

Get off your high horses...

Excellent posting.


TV at its worst in this thread, or best depending on your point of view.

I doubt many if any posters have spent time in a monastery. The knee jerk "this is what happens where i come from" view is so shallow but so prevalent. Hey don't get me wrong, There are plenty of things that shit me in Thailand but i like to be informed before I get on my horse and rant.

Otherwise you are just another lonely coin in jar rattling 'bing' to those that go "yeah"

It is common for Thais to spend time in monasteries for short or longer periods. Many will have encountered boys who commonly will shave their heads before an event or even a marriage. The girls too will enter as Anna has done, but commonly do not shave their heads and it does not excuse or exempt them from observational duties inside the nunnery.

I am not excusing Anna's crime nor commenting on her manner of penitence as i have been hyper critical of her elsewhere, but the sickening catch cry of a nun with hair says so much more about the depth of knowledge of TV posters than anything else. The wonton have a crack at Thailand but i don't want to relocate home is sad.

Wizen up warriors


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

murder: the crime of deliberately killing a person

So, you're saying Anna knew the policeman was sleeping in the car and deliberately ran into the back of it to intentionally kill him?

Hyperbolic, much?


I agree, what has murder got to do with all this. Manslaughter is what she commited , punishment ................ 7 days as a nun.


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

Funny how it works, isn't it? thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

Personally, it makes me sick to my stomach......

How damn fake can it get!

Maybe we should call it the 7 days of perdition.....

Guess money has a funny way with what people think...... gigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif


That photo looks so strange to me, four photographers in a line, filming a person praying barely a metre away. It is just bizarre-looking to me on every level.

I actually think she is tormented by guilt, I do really believe that. But I still think she should have been tested for alcohol at the scene, even just to prove her innocence and give her some personal closure in a tragic accident. Or of course the alternative.

How does that prove her innocence? She hit a parked car at high speed killing the sleeping occupant. He had the sense to pull over and sleep because he was tired. She was rushing home in the middle of the night because she was bursting for a dump. That is called causing death by careless driving and she should go to prison for it. She is a nobody just like you and me but there are laws to protect the innocent so somebody please enforce them.

If the impact speed was 100kmh then I wonder what the speed was before she started braking realising she was about to crash. Maybe she was so busy looking at her phone screen that she didnt see anything? Any skid marks? It wouldnt surprise me to find out that the lights were even on on the police car? This can be checked by seeing if the glass from the broken bulbs is stuck and melted to the bulb filaments. Come on police, he was one of yours. Do your jobs please.


TV at its worst in this thread, or best depending on your point of view.

I doubt many if any posters have spent time in a monastery. The knee jerk "this is what happens where i come from" view is so shallow but so prevalent. Hey don't get me wrong, There are plenty of things that shit me in Thailand but i like to be informed before I get on my horse and rant.

Otherwise you are just another lonely coin in jar rattling 'bing' to those that go "yeah"

It is common for Thais to spend time in monasteries for short or longer periods. Many will have encountered boys who commonly will shave their heads before an event or even a marriage. The girls too will enter as Anna has done, but commonly do not shave their heads and it does not excuse or exempt them from observational duties inside the nunnery.

I am not excusing Anna's crime nor commenting on her manner of penitence as i have been hyper critical of her elsewhere, but the sickening catch cry of a nun with hair says so much more about the depth of knowledge of TV posters than anything else. The wonton have a crack at Thailand but i don't want to relocate home is sad.

Wizen up warriors

"but the sickening catch cry of a nun with hair says so much more about the depth of knowledge of TV posters than anything else."

Are you blind??? The title in this thread says "becomes nun". She's not a nun. She shows up as a laywoman with one small difference: afaik a laywoman's clothes are white..


TV at its worst in this thread, or best depending on your point of view.

I doubt many if any posters have spent time in a monastery. The knee jerk "this is what happens where i come from" view is so shallow but so prevalent. Hey don't get me wrong, There are plenty of things that shit me in Thailand but i like to be informed before I get on my horse and rant.

Otherwise you are just another lonely coin in jar rattling 'bing' to those that go "yeah"

It is common for Thais to spend time in monasteries for short or longer periods. Many will have encountered boys who commonly will shave their heads before an event or even a marriage. The girls too will enter as Anna has done, but commonly do not shave their heads and it does not excuse or exempt them from observational duties inside the nunnery.

I am not excusing Anna's crime nor commenting on her manner of penitence as i have been hyper critical of her elsewhere, but the sickening catch cry of a nun with hair says so much more about the depth of knowledge of TV posters than anything else. The wonton have a crack at Thailand but i don't want to relocate home is sad.

Wizen up warriors

The title in this thread says "becomes nun". She's not a nun. She shows up as a laywoman.

You make my point.

The categorical understanding of permanence to becoming a nun is precisely what you bring to the connotations of convent commitment that you learnt where-ever you came from.

I will re-phrase it for you. Just because in Europe, for example, the is no real history of temporary 'nunship', or monasticism does not mean it cannot happen here.

That is the unbridled prejudice on this site and in this thread.


When the poor farmer ran over the family bicycling around the world, killing the husband/father and injuring the wife and child, the driver said his cell phone slid off the seat and he was looking for it when the 'accident' occurred. I don't remember the same venom and calls for punishment for him. Could it be because she comes from privilege? Should everyone wear a hair shirt and renounce privilege? There's a lot of class hatred in the world and it is witnessed here. As was posted earlier, we don't know the facts; so why assume the worst of someone because they have money? I'll bet that poor farmer didn't attempt to pay compensation to the dead man's family or even apologize to them or become a monk. His failure happened in broad daylight on a lightly traveled road. What was he charged with?

Have you never been distracted, even for a moment, while driving? If you have, you were lucky not to have killed someone. Humans are imperfect and we all have lapses in judgment and are inattentive at times. Even drivers of High Speed Rail sometimes lose focus and sometimes a great number of people die. Was it intentional? That is the question that should be asked when wanting to assign punishment.


Thailand is a wonderful country and most of its people are marvelous... but this aspect of Thai society / culture is sickening. Making "merit" for 7 days !!! 9 times out of 10, taking someone's life here means nothing if you are rich or famous.

Because there is no value in life, in Thailand.... Easy come, easy go... And it is happening around the world.... How sad is this? facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif


One flame post has been removed from this thread.

You are entitled to have your own opinion... and voice it here on the forum... but personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Please be civil.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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