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Pooyai dead and someone has to pay - Experience anyone?


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Not too long ago, my wife's grandfather was knocked off his bicycle and died after a couple of months in a coma. Sad situation for his surviving wife and some family members - a prime opportunity for some to take the money and run.

The young man responsible was driving a pickup owned by Pooyai of my in-laws village. After some vigorous negotiation, financial restitution was agreed to and paid by Pooyai Baan and driver @ 60K. Insurance from farm bank came in around 250K and the vehicle insurance policy paid another 400k. All proceeds were 'collected' by #4 aunt, (#4 out of 11) and weren't distributed too evenly as #4 and husband promised they would get more out of the situation. (After more than a decade of knowing the pair, I think they're grubs on their best day and keep them at a distance). Somehow they have successfully sued the young man and the judge has ordered he pay a further 400K.

The latest is that #4 and husband, are chasing up another avenue to try and get more cash and I presume it is from Pooyai. The young drivers family have come to our home in the last few days and begged my wife and her sister to talk to the aunt. They have flatly refused and don't want anything to do with it but understand the boy's mother has mortgaged everything already and is scared that she will be up for more.

I am not a lawyer, but I would have assumed the original 60K, once agreed to and physically accepted by the deceased persons family, was compensation over? I can't understand how the aunt has sued the driver successfully, let alone be able to purse more?

Any experience out there?

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unfortunately i have heard that situations like this can escalate into a money grab fest by anyone who thinks they are in any way entitled to any amount no matter how small

my wife bought some land a while back and we hired a local lawyer to over see the land office/payments etc

good job we did because when pay day came no less than 12 people showed up to make their claims

fortunately the lawyer had previously made provision of entitlement which amounted to 3 people

the rest of the chancers went away empty handed bees and honey pots

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There was an old saying in thailand: the reason there are so few lawyers in thailand is because bullets are cheaper.

The "Aunt" should think about moderating her greed before the the village chief becomes mad.

As she knows accidents do happen and she should be very careful around that village.

Edited by Time Traveller
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There was an old saying in thailand: the reason there are so few lawyers in thailand is because bullets are cheaper.

The "Aunt" should think about moderating her greed before the the village chief becomes mad.

As she knows accidents do happen and she should be very careful around that village.


Not too many in their respective villages would care if he did 'get upset'. Un/fortunately this guy is a good man and apart from being a little pissed off with #4 and co, he has rolled with the punches up to now. but you never can tell with those quiet ones.

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Obvious fact, but far too late now in this case I know, was to get a signed statement that the 60,000 Bt. was being accepted as full payment of compensation due and negates any further claims in the future....or words to that effect.

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There was an old saying in thailand: the reason there are so few lawyers in thailand is because bullets are cheaper.

The "Aunt" should think about moderating her greed before the the village chief becomes mad.

As she knows accidents do happen and she should be very careful around that village.


Not too many in their respective villages would care if he did 'get upset'. Un/fortunately this guy is a good man and apart from being a little pissed off with #4 and co, he has rolled with the punches up to now. but you never can tell with those quiet ones.

" but you never can tell with those quiet ones. "

This whole thing sounds like the plot development of about half of Agatha Christie's mysteries, which probably explains her international appeal. When it comes down to it, every situation involving families and money has a parallel reference to something that once happened in St. Mary Mead.

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Obvious fact, but far too late now in this case I know, was to get a signed statement that the 60,000 Bt. was being accepted as full payment of compensation due and negates any further claims in the future....or words to that effect.

Agreed, and accepted as normal in some circles.

I'm not sure what is standard cultural practice in these negotiations but I would suggest that a verbal agreement might have sufficed in the good old days when these things were simpler. Those involved in the cash handover have a different moral code than #4 and co -who like to view themselves as ex village and a cut above the common rice farmer.

I'm hoping after they finish sh_tting in their family's nest they disappear and those that are left behind aren't blamed.

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You would expect only direct family could pursue compensation...ie any children, and have any say in when compensation could be pursued.

Also past settlements should draw a line under the issue.

Your aunt obviously has more grit and a better lawyer?

Just greed and you mat be better served distancing yourself.

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You would expect only direct family could pursue compensation...ie any children, and have any say in when compensation could be pursued.

Also past settlements should draw a line under the issue.

Your aunt obviously has more grit and a better lawyer?

Just greed and you mat be better served distancing yourself.

#4 IS the daughter of the old man.

I assumed the first settlement would have ended it but obviously they are able to run with it, that's what I can't work out? When my wife told me at the outset that they were going to sue, I told her there would be no chance as they had already accepted cash....I was wrong.

My direct family have always kept a long distance from this crowd and they realised long ago that my wife and I weren't into playing nice with a__holes.

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The young drivers family have come to our home in the last few days and begged my wife and her sister to talk to the aunt.


My direct family have always kept a long distance from this crowd and they realised long ago that my wife and I weren't into playing nice with a__holes.

doesn't add up.

Stop lying to yourself.

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The young drivers family have come to our home in the last few days and begged my wife and her sister to talk to the aunt.


My direct family have always kept a long distance from this crowd and they realised long ago that my wife and I weren't into playing nice with a__holes.

doesn't add up.

Stop lying to yourself.

I know what you're saying/thinking and i must disagree. I don't care enough to be lying to myself or TV members. I have nothing to gain and haven't mixed with nor cared about the family members on either side, until they have rolled up at my (wife's) property. I don't like, nor do I mix with #4 as stated in my previous posts and I have only met the the prosecuted family on a few occasions.


I'm a part of the story by default,,, Yes, I am a little bored and I am slightly curious, but mostly I am more than bewildered about how much a +90 year old Thai farmer with nothing but a village dwelling and 15 Rai of land can be worth? Instead of going round in circles asking for answers to legal questions from my wife and other Thai people I know, I am asking for opinions on Thai law and anyone's experience or observation of that law being applied in a similar circumstances. Personally, I find it a little unusual and concerning that this litigation is allowed to continue, given the fact of payment being accepted at the outset.

I will admit am also a little pi__ed off that they have bought it to my doorstep. Occasionally one must vent but...... I reckon if this sort for money can be extorted from a Thai family with very little cash - The average non-Thai could take note.

In any event, cheers for the constructive criticism. thumbsup.gif

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