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Prayut apologises for seizing power, but explains that 'it was necessary'

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Oh! That makes it ok then, he's said "sorry".

BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday told a group of returning students that he was sorry for seizing power last year, but something had to be done to break the political deadlock.

"I did not want this to happen but it was necessary, so I apologise to all of you," he said.

Neither did I and my army want to support the legal, democratically elected government of the day.

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That's ok general, when the country eventually charges you with treason, they will likewise provide you with a hollow insincere apology also.

Does anybody have a good and complete accounting of how past "dictators" or coup leaders have made out over the years? How many stayed in country? How many are still alive? How many are still working in the government? In Private industry? Were any ever charged or prosecuted after they gave up power after the coup?

there were three generals names are impossible to spell. that ran off to the temple and became monks! as far as I know there have never been a general court martialed or put in jail!

if you are of high rank or famous and you get into trouble, the standard procedure seems to be to get into a temple asap......


Why oh why oh why did he not step in and protect the polling stations in Feb 2014, to actually allow the democratic process of holding an election. ?

He's like Tom Pepper, more twisted than a Viennese whirl!!

Because he (or more properly those behind him) had assessed that their favored candidates were not going to win.


That's ok general, when the country eventually charges you with treason, they will likewise provide you with a hollow insincere apology also.

you still think it was ok for the yingluk government to keep killing protesters then nice human you are....do have a long life


Try commenting and justifying the OP without any political agenda, and the use of article 112, and the coup?


He actually meant "I am sorry about taking democracy away, but Suthep and I had it planned long beforehand (just as Suthep stupidly admitted after the coup). The real problem was the sacred 50 Families were losing money, and they, we, cannot have that. Ok, kids, give us another rousing refrain from Auld Lang Syne, and cue the lady to my right dabbing a nostalgic tear from her eye on three, two...."



He actually meant "I am sorry about taking democracy away, but Suthep and I had it planned long beforehand (just as Suthep stupidly admitted after the coup). The real problem was the sacred 50 Families were losing money, and they, we, cannot have that. Ok, kids, give us another rousing refrain from Auld Lang Syne, and cue the lady to my right dabbing a nostalgic tear from her eye on three, two...."


It amuses me that some people have so much hate and vitriol towards the Shinawatra clan for things like corruption when the 50 families have been raping Thailand before the shins even became political, and they are doing it now after he is gone and want it to stay that way.

Thaksin was just a rogue, they are all cut from the same cloth. Prayuth is protecting their interests. They don't give a toss about the rest of the Thai people, they are just pawns in their game.


Oh cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it, for forks sake!

I feel so much better now you've told us democracy supporters to get over it. I'll do the same for you after this lot get kicked out.

Yeah...I meant the Gener...sorry...the good PM, to get over it! (Prayut apologises for seizing power, but explains that 'it was necessary')

But thanks anyways!


"Democracy is the best system but it's not without flaws. The advantage is that people can participate through elections, public referendums and getting representatives to solve problems".Does he not see the irony of this statement nor the irony of telling the children "but something had to be done to break the political deadlock"? (Something needs to be done NOW to break the political deadlock created by him methinks)


We had to suspend democracy. Who is "we"?

That would be the anarchists that over-threw the existing government!


The 37 students back home from studying in the United States and Europe and 76 of their parents

Presumably nobody was studying maths.


"It was necessary"

Only to stop his High Society Cronies drowning in their own tear filled soup bowls.

At the expense of the minimum wage and subsidized medicine.


"Thai kings were regarded as divine and could not be compared with kings of other country's"

So as I understand it the Chinese emperor was considered divine.

The Egyptian pharaoh was considered divine.

The Japanese emperor was considered divine.

Even the English Plantagenet kings were considered divine.

Thai kings of old [and history dictates] as well as European kings, Emperor's, Pharaoh's and even Queens were not above conflict as they went out to battle and sometimes at the for-front of the charging forces.

So just how is it that kings of other county's can not be compared with Thai kings?

Now if it that he is talking about more modern royalty then still today the Japanese Emperor is still considered divine.

Seems to me just another case of Thailand is special and the world doesn't understand Thailand.

Also that it's just another attempted justification of the use of article 112 laws?

My question is when a constitution is written it must be signed and have royal approval, so when a person breaks the constitution why is there no problem?

I'm just asking? It would be great to have this clarified once and for all.

"so when a person breaks the constitution why is there no problem?"

I suspect there was no problem when the Head of State endorses the military coup, abolishment of the Constitution, and issuance of a Junta Provisional Constitution.

The more fundamental problem for Thailand is that it has dual sovereignties. The military does not pledge its allegiance to the People's Constitution but to another "power base."


why doesn't he just admit it.......

he was planning the coup for months / years and had to seize power because he was facing mandatory retirement in six months.....

wow....glad that came out.....finally.

Now........ can we redefine for thailand what a dictator is?

nuf said


is the kid saying 'I'm going to pee on your lap one more time'?

Judging by the Good General's expression, the kid could be asking, "General, is that a gun in your pocket?"



"The students were special envoys who could help enhance the understanding of foreign countries about Thailand's situation, he said."

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Priceless, couldnt make this up if you tried ... Does he have a clue how the World look at him ... ? facepalm.gif


Isn't that the same excuse that wife beaters use? I'm sorry I hit you but I had to because I love you...

On a lighter note, I watched the movie "caddie shack" last week. One of the best lines is when the Judge is talking to Danny in his office and says something like: " I sent a lot of boys your age to the electric chair. I didn't want to do it, but I felt it was for their own good".


Why oh why oh why did he not step in and protect the polling stations in Feb 2014, to actually allow the democratic process of holding an election. ?

He's like Tom Pepper, more twisted than a Viennese whirl!!

Because he (or more properly those behind him) had assessed that their favored candidates were not going to win.

or maybe this was the reason



Democracies are doomed to failure as soon as the majority realized they can vote for candidates that promise them things that are taken from the minority.

A democratic-republic has a chance to last a little longer as long as the population is educated and votes accordingly.


Winston, can you please please please post the evidence that the Government were doing all the killing, are you actually telling me that the ones who have all been caught like the Trat grenade throwers were PTP MP's and Government representatives?

I'd like to see communications between Government officials stating to carry out these attacks please, the logistics memo's of where to collect their hardware etc, all from Government sources.

Otherwise I think your claims are just red herrings.


The most naive comment I've seen on TV.

As if any senior would dirty their hands. But the reaction to the Trat killings of innocent people and children, the clapping, cheering, comments about good the can't be against us when they grow up at the PTP rally, which included PTP ministers says a lot. As does the time that elapsed before Yingluck made her prepared statement.

And what's your opinion on who organized the nightly attacks and murders on those opposing the PTP regime?


That's ok general, when the country eventually charges you with treason, they will likewise provide you with a hollow insincere apology also.

you still think it was ok for the yingluk government to keep killing protesters then nice human you are....do have a long life


Try commenting and justifying the OP without any political agenda, and the use of article 112, and the coup?

What a silly comment.

There was a government, controlled by a crook who paid them salaries and selected ministers to do his bidding, concentrating most effort on whitewashing the boss and making him above all laws, filling their own pockets with nice little earners, funding schemes that were not being financially managed or accounted, and cheating things in parliament whilst trying to reduce all checks and balances.

When the people finally had enough and massive protests kicked off - the response was escalating violence, random shootings, bombings and a failure of the much vaunted and very very expensive CAPO headed by the drunk Chalerm and now under investigation Tharit to do anything about it.

You don't think this is about political agenda? Thaksin's wish to get himself whitewashed and back above all laws with his family clan in power versus the opposition's agenda to remove his family once and for all?

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