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Seeing the toppling itself is nicer still.

Are you actually saying that you think people having accidents is nice?

It's only seven words, but since you're struggling:

I said that *seeing* the toppling is nice.

You think *seeing* people toppling of their motorbike is nice???? Like I said, you are a nice person.

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If you've ever read Crowd Intelligence by James Surowiecki, there seems to be a behavioural change where if more people do something, more people join in, so it needs the first one to help, then you might see a second one, and then likely the crowd will form (except for farangs of course, who want to help but are concerned about being implicated).

Still, I agree with OP that it's nice to see people helping each other. Of all the incidences I've seen, there usually seem to be an abundance of rubber neckers not contributing.


Seeing the toppling itself is nicer still.

A nice OP followed by four negative ones. One can only hope that you topple as a form of poetic justice.

While I don't hope that anyone has an accident, I think you'll see that this sort of 1 positive post followed by several negatives are the norm in ThaiVisa. Some people just don't like others to be happy.

When ever this happens (which is rather often,) it reminds me of the classic Van Beuren cartoon of the mid '30's called "The Sunshine Makers."

It's well worth the few minutes to watch it. You'll see what I mean. smile.png


But all that sunshine bombing near the end kind of reminded me of the U.S. bombing democracy into North Vietnam.

How's that for finding something negative in a positive post? smile.png


"Bombing democracy into N. Vietnam".....and here I thought they were bombing the NVA and Viet Cong to gain a military advantage, that was later negated by the likes of Jane Fonda!


our local encourgement for the ''old grouch'' types was , forgot to take your happy pill this morning.

at my age i am happy to wake up in the morning, do personal chores, eat breakfast and start my enjoyment of the days coming events, some not so enjoyable but interesting never the less.i feel sorry for those who wake up angry, want to stay in bed all day (PEOPLE DIE IN BED) AND pospone all that they said they would do the day before. lots of good friendly people in this world but they are not noticed nor acknowledged as are the grumps. maybe its the volume or frequency of the old grouch's complaints/coments.


2 other nice things to see in chiang mai are the depature lounge at the airport and the city in the rear vision mirror. Only joking folks. Dont skin me alive. All tongue in cheek


Seeing the toppling itself is nicer still.

Are you actually saying that you think people having accidents is nice?

It's only seven words, but since you're struggling:

I said that *seeing* the toppling is nice.

You think *seeing* people toppling of their motorbike is nice???? Like I said, you are a nice person.

Surely he means the toppling of the rain, not the fact that an accident occurred...

A bit insensitive I suppose, although not by TV standards, but nobody was hurt and it has been really hot here!


If you've ever read Crowd Intelligence by James Surowiecki, there seems to be a behavioural change where if more people do something, more people join in, so it needs the first one to help, then you might see a second one, and then likely the crowd will form (except for farangs of course, who want to help but are concerned about being implicated).

I realize the part in brackets is at least partly tongue in cheek, but for those following along - "attributional bias"


Sometimes if group B is more familiar to you it can seem that group A takes action X because they lack common decency, whereas group B takes identical action X for entirely legitimate reasons.

Even when, as in the case of the post above, group A's actions are being interpreted using evidence gathered from studies conducted on members of group B! smile.png


Seeing the toppling itself is nicer still.

You are a very nice person aren't you?

Just an honest one in a sea of hypocrites apparantly.


Fell off my MTB today in the rain.

Helmet and gloves protected me from skin loss.

The roads were unexpectedly slippery.

I was coming down Doi Suthip last at about 19:15 in heavy rain and a Fino type motor bike slide out on a corner. The rider went sliding across the road too. He wasn't going very fast either but was ok. Further down three tourists had stopped on a corner again on Fino type bikes. They seemed to scared to go down. Further down again were some more tourist descending at about jogging speed on fino type bikes. The road had a lot of water rushing over it but my bicycle was ok. Seeing the crash and other people riding like they were on ice dented my confidence so i was happy to off the mountain.

Color me dumb, but whats a "fino type bike" can't wrap my head around that one..............


I've taken a couple of spills on the scooter ( unhurt except for pride ) and witnessed quite a few as well. Invariably there will be up to half a dozen Thais pitching in to help, irrespective of whether it's a falang or a Thai. It's a nice part of their culture.

I confirm.
2 times I crashed my scooter and I was immediately helped by people around.
The second, as my PCX was slightly damaged the person Pick up loaded it to take him in a small garage in the area that has repaired everything for a ridiculous price. When I wanted to compensate him he refused with a big smile.
Thailand Land of Smiles and small simple pleasures. For me it is not completely a legend ...

Fell off my MTB today in the rain.

Helmet and gloves protected me from skin loss.

The roads were unexpectedly slippery.

I was coming down Doi Suthip last at about 19:15 in heavy rain and a Fino type motor bike slide out on a corner. The rider went sliding across the road too. He wasn't going very fast either but was ok. Further down three tourists had stopped on a corner again on Fino type bikes. They seemed to scared to go down. Further down again were some more tourist descending at about jogging speed on fino type bikes. The road had a lot of water rushing over it but my bicycle was ok. Seeing the crash and other people riding like they were on ice dented my confidence so i was happy to off the mountain.

Color me dumb, but whats a "fino type bike" can't wrap my head around that one..............

Its a scooter type, small wheels fatter tyres than a dream or a wave. The people i saw i am pretty sure sure they were on Yamaha Fino's. loads of them about and they look quite smart.


Fell off my MTB today in the rain.

Helmet and gloves protected me from skin loss.

The roads were unexpectedly slippery.

I was coming down Doi Suthip last at about 19:15 in heavy rain and a Fino type motor bike slide out on a corner. The rider went sliding across the road too. He wasn't going very fast either but was ok. Further down three tourists had stopped on a corner again on Fino type bikes. They seemed to scared to go down. Further down again were some more tourist descending at about jogging speed on fino type bikes. The road had a lot of water rushing over it but my bicycle was ok. Seeing the crash and other people riding like they were on ice dented my confidence so i was happy to off the mountain.

Color me dumb, but whats a "fino type bike" can't wrap my head around that one..............

Its a scooter type, small wheels fatter tyres than a dream or a wave. The people i saw i am pretty sure sure they were on Yamaha Fino's. loads of them about and they look quite smart.


Careful 'taotoo' or you may end up like the bloke posted by 'mamborobert'


You're another that has never laughed at somebody else's misfortune presumably?

Good point - BUT there is a line. Seeing the English captain get hit in the huts by the cricket ball was funny - even his own team mates were laughing.

But seeing someone fall off a bike is not funny. And seeing Phil Hughes getting hit in the head by a cricket ball was not funny.

May I suggest you bring your line back a little - there is nothing funny about seeing someone fall off a motorbike - even if they were not hurt.


The last time I saw this cartoon was back in the 60's. The Grateful Dead was using it as part of their light show playing behind the band. Of course "Sunshine" had a different connotation back then.

Seeing the toppling itself is nicer still.

A nice OP followed by four negative ones. One can only hope that you topple as a form of poetic justice.

While I don't hope that anyone has an accident, I think you'll see that this sort of 1 positive post followed by several negatives are the norm in ThaiVisa. Some people just don't like others to be happy.

When ever this happens (which is rather often,) it reminds me of the classic Van Beuren cartoon of the mid '30's called "The Sunshine Makers."

It's well worth the few minutes to watch it. You'll see what I mean. smile.png


What I find interesting about this is what OP is insinuating by this post. You must not think much of the citizens you choose to surround yourself with if you find this kind of behaviour surprising.

What gives you the idea that I was surprised? I said that seeing it was nice. That's all. Fellowship with man. Nothing more.

Stop looking for things that aren't there simply to suit your negativity.

Nevermind! LarryBird is just confirming his credentials as resident cynic. rolleyes.gif

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