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Why do we do it?

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man can learn something new every day of his life if he is just aware or paying attention. tv can be a learning experience or a piss contest depening on who is involved. i bite my tonge at times so as not to tell someone they havnt a clue to the bad advice they giving to solve a problem. which some of us have encountered and solved before. then i read again and consider his idea might work, not likely but possible, we are never too old to learn and if a solution is presented in a gentlemans manner instead of some smart arse, ''know it all'' reply the forum can be quite entertaining and informative.

i can even stay a step or two ahead of the wife on some things, from info gleamed here and she has spent over 50 years in this area.

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I think a fair amount of posters simply post to start a fight and will argue about things they know bugger all about, then get all hurt and pull there handbag to there chest when someone throws a punch back...........

Think of TV as an anger mangement program, giving people a place to vent , as yes there are a few of them on here who have anger issues, and without TV the same people would be punching their wives or GF's

Projection ?

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The problem in part comes when someone posts an answer based on logic and common sense yet it's the wrong answer. Some have great difficulty believing that is the case and end up defending their answer to the death.

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Dont have any answers, but I can often get a good indication of what lies ahead just from the avatar/name. Certain individuals I dont even stop to read there contribution any more, I scan the avatar and names and often just scroll on by.

Well! often some posters have designed their questions to be intimidating and that's why we reply to them,because we don't accept what they are saying,

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Why? Boredom, emotional stimulation. Despite it negative, still a stimulus. Reading about injustices makes some people feel morally superior. And some people simply love perpetuating negativity, sucking it in and spewing it out.

Edited by jerojero
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