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Looking for the recent price of Thai Baht Gold

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Hi guys,

Wondering at the approximate cost today of Thai Baht gold, necklace or bracelet, if it makes a difference.

Not looking for anything exact, but just an approximation of the selling cost today, or this week.

Ideally looking for the cost of 5 or 10 Baht pieces, as the smaller you go, the higher the manufacture premium.

Looking at investment graphs, they say that 1 Thai Baht of gold is selling for 18,700Baht.

So doing some simple math, one Baht is approx. 1/2 oz, so 2 Baht is ~ one troy ounce.

So 2 X 18,700 is 37,400. Dividing that by a US exchange rate of about 33.5 Baht, and I get the price of 1 ounce of Thai Baht gold to be about $1,116USD.

Add in 3% or so since Thai Baht gold is only about 96.xx% snd I get a price of around $1150USD, pretty close to the spot price today of around $1160/ounce.

Using those (admittedly rough) numbers, 5 Baht would go for around 93,500Baht and a 10 Baht piece for about 187,000Baht (plus manufacturing markup).

Is this anywhere near what anyone has seen lately?

Thank you,


Edited by dynalmadman
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Thai gold jewellry is 96.5% gold, or 23 carat - not good enough

You're better off to get Chinese or Canadian gold - it's 24 carat - 100% gold, and they don't rip you off as they do with Thai gold in the west when you go to sell it - they lump it in with 14 carat gold - I shiit you not good sir, crooks that they are.

And you're even better off to avoid gold completely..

I was a gold bug, LOLcheesy.gif

I'm much poorer but better for it too..but being much poorer and a bit smarter ain't for everyone though.clap2.gif


Another former BIG TIME gold bugcoffee1.gif

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