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The second video above has 38 views...

1. Nice dentures.

2. Why isn't he living in Phuket or Pattaya? I agree that CM isn't all that special, particularly if you want the babe scene and music that suits you.

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It's interesting that so many posters on here are so active, they must not leave their house, or have any social life outside of their e-friends.

You need to move with the times matey, most of us have internet access 24/7, no matter where we are or what we are doing.

You no longer need to be in your house to post on the internet.


It's interesting how people are keying in on him being an American and not that he's decrying being depersonalized and being called a farang. I do give him credit in that I don't think he feels he's somehow special because he's American, he just thinks he should be recognized as a "kon American" and not as "farang". As he says, it's the same as the "n" word to a segment of the Thai people. He's got a point.

He doesn't have a legitimate point in expecting his visa agent to invite him over to her house for a meal. Did his dentist, car mechanic or accountant in the U.S. do the same? I don't think so.


Good heavens, I had a quick look at those vids and well..... watching paint dry would be more exciting. Maybe he has something of importance to say but the monotonous voice just put me to sleep.

FWIW I think Chiang Mai is a great place. If one gets bored or needs a change, it doesnt take long to find a new area to explore/discover. Lots to see if one gets of ones backside really. wai.gif


Unless you are a BKK or Pattaya devotee & do not NEED the beach, I suggest that Chiang Mai is ideal, It is big enough to have all necessary infrastructure, services etc, Proficiency in Thai is not mandatory.

I agree that it is a bit of an old man's town - there is room for everyone.

If you get bored in Chiang Mai, you might just get bored anywhere.


I wonder how he, as an Amellican, accurately views others of a different culture. Do you think he would recognize a person from say Nicaragua and refer to them as such, or perhaps simply use a hispanic descriptor? Or a black person from say Canada ... would he know that person's country of origin?

The OP is a sorry excuse for a man, whatever his reasons may be.

Given that only people from a handful of countries are acknowledged by their country of origin by many Thais, I've never really understood the disdain by so many when they are referred to as farang.

Get over yourselves, and if Thailand is such an overbearing place to live, I'm sure you must remember your last address. Go back there and quit bitchin'.


I wonder how he, as an Amellican, accurately views others of a different culture. Do you think he would recognize a person from say Nicaragua and refer to them as such, or perhaps simply use a hispanic descriptor? Or a black person from say Canada ... would he know that person's country of origin?

The OP is a sorry excuse for a man, whatever his reasons may be.

Given that only people from a handful of countries are acknowledged by their country of origin by many Thais, I've never really understood the disdain by so many when they are referred to as farang.

Get over yourselves, and if Thailand is such an overbearing place to live, I'm sure you must remember your last address. Go back there and quit bitchin'.

No matter how much they complain..they will still be just "farangs". All the foreigners could sign a petition to wipe that word off the Thai vocabulary...but the judge would just tell all the "farangs" to approach the bench...and all the attorneys would be saying........"on behalf of all these farangs, I am submitting this petition to the court".

What I don't understand is...my girl jerks me on the sleeve and tells me to be quiet...if I see another "farang" in the store. However, when she gets up to the cashier, the wife and her are both happily gossiping about this "farang" (me). Cashier wants a "farang". Wife says I am a good "farang"....farang...farang ...farang.

It doesn't bother me..except that I am not allowed to say that word.

As long as they throw in the "handsome" part....I can live with it.


I wonder how he, as an Amellican, accurately views others of a different culture. Do you think he would recognize a person from say Nicaragua and refer to them as such, or perhaps simply use a hispanic descriptor? Or a black person from say Canada ... would he know that person's country of origin?

The OP is a sorry excuse for a man, whatever his reasons may be.

Given that only people from a handful of countries are acknowledged by their country of origin by many Thais, I've never really understood the disdain by so many when they are referred to as farang.

Get over yourselves, and if Thailand is such an overbearing place to live, I'm sure you must remember your last address. Go back there and quit bitchin'.

No matter how much they complain..they will still be just "farangs". All the foreigners could sign a petition to wipe that word off the Thai vocabulary...but the judge would just tell all the "farangs" to approach the bench...and all the attorneys would be saying........"on behalf of all these farangs, I am submitting this petition to the court".

What I don't understand is...my girl jerks me on the sleeve and tells me to be quiet...if I see another "farang" in the store. However, when she gets up to the cashier, the wife and her are both happily gossiping about this "farang" (me). Cashier wants a "farang". Wife says I am a good "farang"....farang...farang ...farang.

It doesn't bother me..except that I am not allowed to say that word.

As long as they throw in the "handsome" part....I can live with it.

My personal theory of farangs not liking to be called farangs is that those people carry their own deep seated prejudices about some types of people.


Frankly, I don't understand how people can say Chiang Mai is boring. There are so many different external opportunities that can appeal to such a wide variety of interests, that if one were to explore a different one every day it would take years to see them all! And that's just the external venues. How about internal ones? Reading, listening to music, learning a new skill, watching a documentary. We could (but don't) stay indoors for weeks on end and never run out of things to keep us entertained.

It's not Chiang Mai that is boring. It's that some people simply need new eyes to see what is around them and learn what to do with it. Some people see a length of yarn on the floor and throw it away. A kitten can entertain itself for hours with just that piece of yarn. A weaver can turn that yarn into a masterpiece.


so the guy has come out here and found it wasnt all he thought it would be, goes on a bit of a rant because hes lonely and struggling to adjust.

Instead of showing him compassion most posters sink the boots in, yet they claim it is he who is the miserable old git


so the guy has come out here and found it wasnt all he thought it would be, goes on a bit of a rant because hes lonely and struggling to adjust.

Instead of showing him compassion most posters sink the boots in, yet they claim it is he who is the miserable old git

...so lets see now...... out of close to 70 opinions, yours is the only one that sees the true light..... seems to me that something is wrong with that equation......


Interesting view point WillFreeman. But in what Ive read thus far it seems to me that this guy would fit into the category.... you can lead a horse to water but you can`t make it drink.

At his stage in life I would have thought he would have enough life skills in order to meet new people and make new friends. Although the art of conversation is slowly dying as more and more people have their noses stuck in their cellphones these days. Bars, restaurants and just about anywhere where people gather you will see the cell addict. But then..... this is progress? Or just the modern form of communication?

Im lucky enough to know a group of foreigners whom (although some have smart-phones!, still prefer to have a weekly get-together over a few beers and chat about nothing in particular. Banter and piss taking is the name of the game and at the end of the day we all go out separate ways but we have built up an unspoken friendship. Should either one of us need help we all know that any of the other will assist where possible. I didnt find these people on the internet but rather introduced myself to them at places that held like minded interest. As the saying goes....if you dont ask you dont get. Not that I was asking for friends but you do need to make the first step sometimes and then see where it goes. Ok enough of my ramblings

Another saying that I remember is "Those who expect nothing in life are rarely disappointed"


so the guy has come out here and found it wasnt all he thought it would be, goes on a bit of a rant because hes lonely and struggling to adjust.

Instead of showing him compassion most posters sink the boots in, yet they claim it is he who is the miserable old git

Perhaps you can show us how YOU have let him (not his video, but him) experience your compassionate nature.

Saying 'there, there' while watching a YouTube video is hardly worth points on the 'Mother Theresa' scale.

Quite a few of the posts have suggested ways and means to turn one's life in a more positive direction. What was your?


I wonder how he, as an Amellican, accurately views others of a different culture. Do you think he would recognize a person from say Nicaragua and refer to them as such, or perhaps simply use a hispanic descriptor? Or a black person from say Canada ... would he know that person's country of origin?

I'd never thought of it this way. In the UK Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are collectively referred to as Sub Continental or just Indian in polite circles, we'll not bother with the not so polite name. Black people with a Caribbean accent are West Indian and black people with a non-Caribbean accent are called African. People from all the countries in the middle east are called Middle Eastern. People east of Poland are called Russian. People from the Balkans are called Yugoslavs. All of this is regardless of the actual country.

I have no problem with being called a Farang or anything else - I firmly believe that it's not what you say, it's the way you say it.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Reminded me a little of the ArchieLuxury videos.. Just even more rambling if that's even possible. :)

A strange fella. Is he real or some kind of Australian comics act? I couldnt watch it all , only got as far as his meat cleaver scar.


What I don't understand is...my girl jerks me on the sleeve and tells me to be quiet...if I see another "farang" in the store. However, when she gets up to the cashier, the wife and her are both happily gossiping about this "farang" (me). Cashier wants a "farang". Wife says I am a good "farang"....farang...farang ...farang.

It doesn't bother me..except that I am not allowed to say that word.

As long as they throw in the "handsome" part....I can live with it.

As long as the 'cashier' slips me her phone number on the back of the till receipt, I can live with it.!


I am sure the "Youtuber" Harry Nick has seen this thread by now? His youtube hits must be going up. How about he goes and does a video of the Nana Jungle Bread. His take on on the queuing and the quality of bread and free coffee. It might be interesting. Actually having seen a couple more of his vids i do like his "Punk" style i.e. he doesnt give a flying <deleted> about camera angles, content and what he says, just do it anyway and very candid - trying to meet a nice lady but only gay men show any interest! Pity you didn't get that on video. If Harry reads this comment, keep knocking the videos out. With the internet you never know where this may lead.


When I was working in the Middle East the company employed many staff from India and a few from South Africa. At staff meeting they were collectively known as TCNs. After a few weeks I asked a work colleague (Who later became a bloody good friend) what TCN actually stood for/meant. I had never heard the term before whilst serving 23 years in the military.

He said TCN means Third Country National..... oh I said, Im glad you told me that or I may have made a terrible faux pax. He asked what I thought it meant and a little embarrassed I said oh.... Tan Colored Native. My bad


I watched the video and I thought the guy was Canadian. However, with so many US references, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for being American. Seattle area perhaps? Upper Great Lakes area? Any other ideas?


I watched the video and I thought the guy was Canadian. However, with so many US references, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for being American. Seattle area perhaps? Upper Great Lakes area? Any other ideas?

I tried listening to two other videos that he made, hoping he would mention where in the US he was from, but his negativity just brought me down in under a minute each time. My ear is telling me West Coast, somewhere between L.A. and S.F. Definitely not upper Great Lakes area. That accent is too distinct. I think mid-California, closer to L.A, more because of the rhythm of his speech rather than his accent. His complaining reminds me of a Valley Girl grown up, even including several Oh My God's on one of the videos.


I just watched another video of him. He has issues with his sister, the girls are "cute," but "there are a lot of good looking guys." But, as far as the California accent....just remember, a lot of the biggest pieces of shiite in California, aren't natives (Nancy Pelosi-Baltimore, Barbara Boxer-Brooklyn for example(s)). As a result, there is often a Mid-western, Wisconsin type accent found in CA. He doesn't "party;" he "pertys," however, people in Wisconsin "pyarty." He lets the cat out of the bag, and declares Las Vegas as his most recent mailing address. Few in LV are natives. LV has one of the fastest growing popluations of poor people in the US; having been extremely hard by the GFC, as well as Indian Gaming, and Maccau. And of course, he was a cab/limo driver and we all know they are the smartest people in the world. 12 minute video, about 1 minute of it was worthwhile. He also states that his aprment is two blocks from the Ping River....anyone from over there want to claim him? JC derves a Pulitzer compared to this guy.


Yes, he finally let gave some meaningful background info -- Las Vegas limo driver who called in sick half the time but still kept the job for the health insurance. Didn't like to pick up "trannies" so doesn't like all the ladyboys in CM and hates being hit on by gay guys. It seems he played poker in Vegas when he wasn't working.

It's no wonder he complains about "all the bars" closing at midnight in CM if he's from Vegas.

I guess he expected that CM would be like Vegas, only cheaper and the girls would pay attention to him!


I just watched another video of him. He has issues with his sister, the girls are "cute," but "there are a lot of good looking guys." But, as far as the California accent....just remember, a lot of the biggest pieces of shiite in California, aren't natives (Nancy Pelosi-Baltimore, Barbara Boxer-Brooklyn for example(s)). As a result, there is often a Mid-western, Wisconsin type accent found in CA. He doesn't "party;" he "pertys," however, people in Wisconsin "pyarty." He lets the cat out of the bag, and declares Las Vegas as his most recent mailing address. Few in LV are natives. LV has one of the fastest growing popluations of poor people in the US; having been extremely hard by the GFC, as well as Indian Gaming, and Maccau. And of course, he was a cab/limo driver and we all know they are the smartest people in the world. 12 minute video, about 1 minute of it was worthwhile. He also states that his aprment is two blocks from the Ping River....anyone from over there want to claim him? JC derves a Pulitzer compared to this guy.

You left someone off your list: Ronald Reagan.


I just watched another video of him. He has issues with his sister, the girls are "cute," but "there are a lot of good looking guys." But, as far as the California accent....just remember, a lot of the biggest pieces of shiite in California, aren't natives (Nancy Pelosi-Baltimore, Barbara Boxer-Brooklyn for example(s)). As a result, there is often a Mid-western, Wisconsin type accent found in CA. He doesn't "party;" he "pertys," however, people in Wisconsin "pyarty." He lets the cat out of the bag, and declares Las Vegas as his most recent mailing address. Few in LV are natives. LV has one of the fastest growing popluations of poor people in the US; having been extremely hard by the GFC, as well as Indian Gaming, and Maccau. And of course, he was a cab/limo driver and we all know they are the smartest people in the world. 12 minute video, about 1 minute of it was worthwhile. He also states that his aprment is two blocks from the Ping River....anyone from over there want to claim him? JC derves a Pulitzer compared to this guy.

I haven't watched all the vids but there is one where he leaves his place which i didn't recognize but quickly joins Ratanakosin Road at the bridge over the river. Some great wonky footage while he's on his scooter. Accent Seattle area, somewhere up that end is my guess. With youtube and the internet it is possible you can become a mini celeb in Chiang Mai or Thailand, in a niche but with enough views to generate some income. Look at the archieluxury guy above. Characters like these seem to stop me in my tracks when i come across them. If Harry Nick had caught the gay guys hitting on him when he was out looking for a nice lady that could have been funny. Videos like that will build his following.


I was impressed that after the 1st Tesco Video he felt the need to follow up with a sequel.

I might check out some more of his videos when he works the camera out and I don't have to lie on my side to watch them..that or I'll get a life biggrin.png


I just watched another video of him. He has issues with his sister, the girls are "cute," but "there are a lot of good looking guys." But, as far as the California accent....just remember, a lot of the biggest pieces of shiite in California, aren't natives (Nancy Pelosi-Baltimore, Barbara Boxer-Brooklyn for example(s)). As a result, there is often a Mid-western, Wisconsin type accent found in CA. He doesn't "party;" he "pertys," however, people in Wisconsin "pyarty." He lets the cat out of the bag, and declares Las Vegas as his most recent mailing address. Few in LV are natives. LV has one of the fastest growing popluations of poor people in the US; having been extremely hard by the GFC, as well as Indian Gaming, and Maccau. And of course, he was a cab/limo driver and we all know they are the smartest people in the world. 12 minute video, about 1 minute of it was worthwhile. He also states that his aprment is two blocks from the Ping River....anyone from over there want to claim him? JC derves a Pulitzer compared to this guy.

You left someone off your list: Ronald Reagan.

Let me see....second and third biggest landslide victories in US Presidential Election History....only topped by a true Californian; Richard Milhouse. http://www.ourcuriousworld.com/PDFs/BiggestBlowouts.pdf

RWR was truly despised by non working men everywhere.


I don't think "Harry Nick" is his real name.

Haha. Some people are stupid enough though. Could be Harry Nicholson or similar. There again you could be right. I'm just about to make a cup of coffee and watch all the videos.

He seems to be a real prat.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi

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