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I just watched another video of him. He has issues with his sister, the girls are "cute," but "there are a lot of good looking guys." But, as far as the California accent....just remember, a lot of the biggest pieces of shiite in California, aren't natives (Nancy Pelosi-Baltimore, Barbara Boxer-Brooklyn for example(s)). As a result, there is often a Mid-western, Wisconsin type accent found in CA. He doesn't "party;" he "pertys," however, people in Wisconsin "pyarty." He lets the cat out of the bag, and declares Las Vegas as his most recent mailing address. Few in LV are natives. LV has one of the fastest growing popluations of poor people in the US; having been extremely hard by the GFC, as well as Indian Gaming, and Maccau. And of course, he was a cab/limo driver and we all know they are the smartest people in the world. 12 minute video, about 1 minute of it was worthwhile. He also states that his aprment is two blocks from the Ping River....anyone from over there want to claim him? JC derves a Pulitzer compared to this guy.

You left someone off your list: Ronald Reagan.

Let me see....second and third biggest landslide victories in US Presidential Election History....only topped by a true Californian; Richard Milhouse. http://www.ourcuriousworld.com/PDFs/BiggestBlowouts.pdf

RWR was truly despised by non working men everywhere.

Oh, I get it. The quality of a politician's character is determined by popularity. In that case, Vladimir Putin is a saint.

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Did no one catch that he's on wordpress in his videos?

"Cheap Harry" @ wordpress. It's like a condensed text version of his video ranting.

April 22: "I love Chiang Mai!"


I think Thailand might be just what your looking for. This includes you senior couples out there too. The health care is cheap and world class. Rent is low. Food costs can vary but if you budget you can literally live like a King or a Queen.

Don’t end up like my alter ego “The Joker” and lose your mind……..just get your ass to Thailand while your young enough to enjoy this beautiful country and smile again. Follow me on journey. I promise to keep you informed about things to do, costs of living in Thailand in the year 2015 and lots more. If you are adventurous and have always had an inner child that you have suppressed then do yourself a favor.. GET YOUR ASS TO THAILAND.

What happened here?

June 7: "I hate Chiang Mai!"


OMG…..if you want to wander aimlessly around South East Asia, then Thailand is for you. First of all if you can’t speak Thai and want crap ass Thai food, and not say anything AT ALL TO ANYONE, then this is your hell hole. Chiang Mai area is a ghost town after midnight. Everything shuts down. Oh except 7-11. Wow.

June 9: "I hate chinese phones"


/rant about chinese phones

July 4: "Chiang Mai is Awesome! I wont put anymore stupid videos on the interwebs"



I don't think "Harry Nick" is his real name.

Haha. Some people are stupid enough though. Could be Harry Nicholson or similar. There again you could be right. I'm just about to make a cup of coffee and watch all the videos.

He seems to be a real prat.

I tried to "watch" his videos and the camera work was giving me a headache. I soon realized I could listen on one tab and continue to do other tasks in other tabs and simply listen to "Harry Nick's" whining to see if something interesting developed.

This guy is not eating properly! He is having a big bowl of fruit and yogurt for breakfast each day. That's a good start. But it looks like he finishes his day with 35 baht noodles from a street stall and 2 or 3 large beers. Just look at what he buys with his trips to Tesco. Yogurt, toiletries and junk food like banana cakes. At age 64, he's just a few years away from having a problem with a hip fracture due to weak bones or dementia due to B-vitamin deficiency.

Fortunately, after watching half a dozen of Harry Nick's videos, You Tube "suggested" this very interesting video for me. I vaguely remember reading something about ASMR once and looking it up on You Tube a long time ago. I guess You Tube remembered this and decided a needed to relax with a good ASMR video after enduring Harry Nick. Watching this is almost as relaxing as actually going and having a facial:


OK, I watched them. I watched an old man in a nightclub. I watched an old man trying to engage Thai girls in conversation at the supermarket. I doubt his 'You're cute' opening line is ever going to work. I watched him whine on about prices. But then I watched as he said something about not being able to bang the girls because he didn't speak Thai, words something like "You want to bang them" followed by (and it's an exact quote) "They want to bang you". They want to bang you. That's the kind of thing a rapist says to justify his actions.

He has a very high opinion of himself. I honestly think that the only kind of girl he is going to attract is the kind who are doing it for money. And from what we've seen, he doesn't have enough to make them bother.

He's creepy. He needs to leave.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


I guess I qualify as a creepy old man. I am in my late 60 s.

The 1st few years here I was available by choice.Ladies were very much available.

Age - ranged from 19 to mid 40s

Now, I have been in the best relationship of my life to a lady 30 years my junior. Why so young? That is just the way it turned out.

Things to do in CNX - too many.

There is no need to e a drinker - I am not,

Golf, tennis, swimming, gym, massage, movies, restaurants, literature society, movies, bridge club, self-help groups, trekking, parachuting, shooting - on it goes.

CNX is recorded as one of the cheapest places to live in SE Asia - but with great infrastructure except public transport

Elementary Thai will get you by; International airport., language schools, embassies. Immigration Office

Negatives - pollution & traffic

If CNX is a challenging - I suggest that you return home.


Please don't think that I regard all male expats in their 60's as creeps, I don't and I hope I didn't offend anyone. I know a lot of expats who are happily married or in a long term relationship, probably as many as I know who have been through the ringer with a Thai wife or girlfriend.

In one video he ranted that pharmacists were raping their customers - very offensive - and in another he said 'you want to bang them and they want to bang you', meaning he believes that all the pretty girls he comes across have the hots for him and want to rip his clothes off, which simply isn't true. And it's creepy. And going to clubs with people in their early 20's? That's creepy.

With an opening line of 'You're cute', he isn't going to get very far. I wonder how long it takes for him to realise that.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


One reason his opening line may not be working is that he's not even close to pronouncing it properly. Actually, he was closer in his earlier videos, but he's drifted off in the later ones.

This guy is leading one isolated existence. As fang37 said, there is a lot to do here -- "Golf, tennis, swimming, gym, massage, movies, restaurants, literature society, movies, bridge club, self-help groups, trekking, parachuting, shooting" He doesn't seem to be checking out any of these activities. What did he hope to do by making those laughable videos. Set up a YouTube channel and sell advertising? To whom? No wonder he's decided not to do any more videos.


Maybe he spends his time trolling on Thai Visa - Winnie brought that one up a couple of days ago but didn't get any bites.

He is certainly isolated, and needs to realise that the overwhelming majority of Thai girls don't see him as being 'white and rich so they want you' as he said in a video, someone who can potentially take them away from a life of poverty etc, etc. He really needs to get this through his head. He's not young, he's not pretty and he has such a corny chat up line that most girls wouldn't even notice him because he's not on their radar. But I repeat, he will never get anywhere until he stops converting prices into US dollars and thinking (angrily) about how much more expensive things are here. And learning to shop for fruit and veggies at the markets. And accepting that the apples here aren't great, but if you want great you have to pay for imported Australian, NZ or US apples. And because they were packed, put onto a truck or two, went through customs and then came to Thailand on a boat and went through customs and put onto a truck or two before they got to the shops, they WILL be more expensive than 'back home'.

There's always something to do if you want to do it. Going for a walk and just wandering around aimlessly can be good entertainment - you really never know what you are going to see or who you will meet, but it's only entertaining if you are prepared to let it be entertaining. The bad thing now is that if he decides to go 'back home' he won't settle. He'll be back here or somewhere similar within a year, only to go back again or just float aimlessly around - I know several people who are doing that.

I still think he's creepy though.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


With an opening line of 'You're cute', he isn't going to get very far. I wonder how long it takes for him to realise that.

Works every time with a girl looking for a thousand baht.

In English or Thai.

It's an inoffensive way to start negotiations.

If they walk away, no sale.

If they hang around, game on.


I still think he's creepy though.

Very, and the girls in Tesco clearly think the same. The only one who didn't look scared was the woman selling phones.

He needs to go home.


I guess I qualify as a creepy old man. I am in my late 60 s.

The 1st few years here I was available by choice.Ladies were very much available.

Age - ranged from 19 to mid 40s

Now, I have been in the best relationship of my life to a lady 30 years my junior. Why so young? That is just the way it turned out.

Things to do in CNX - too many.

There is no need to e a drinker - I am not,

Golf, tennis, swimming, gym, massage, movies, restaurants, literature society, movies, bridge club, self-help groups, trekking, parachuting, shooting - on it goes.

CNX is recorded as one of the cheapest places to live in SE Asia - but with great infrastructure except public transport

Elementary Thai will get you by; International airport., language schools, embassies. Immigration Office

Negatives - pollution & traffic

If CNX is a challenging - I suggest that you return home.

Hello, Fang37.

Where did you find "parachuting" in Chiang Mai, if I may ask?


With an opening line of 'You're cute', he isn't going to get very far. I wonder how long it takes for him to realise that.

Works every time with a girl looking for a thousand baht.

In English or Thai.

It's an inoffensive way to start negotiations.

If they walk away, no sale.

If they hang around, game on.


(Mr K's opening line was skating up behind me and saying 'Do you come here often' at Billingham ice rink in early 1981. I turned around with a look on my face - after all it isn't very often that you hear such a cheesy line - didn't see the little kid swerve in front of me and I ended up flat on my backside. Of course it was the end of the night so there was an inch or so of water on the ice and my pink trousers (yes, pink) jeans were soaked through), Talk about love at first sight; I could have strangled him. Soaked to the bone and I had a long way to go home on a freezing night.

EDIT: True story.

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi



Ma Tee Nee boy boy mai?

Do you come here often?

Also works in Thailand ....... and not considered cheesy ....... but new and innovative.

(Easy Thai phrase to remember as girls like to drink Martini with boys)


"Wang ngai ja nong sao, wai reblao baby?"

Later on "Jeeb dai mai?"

Means "What's up girl, am I moving too fast baby?"

Then "Can we take this to the next level?"

I didn't learn this until I was married though, so no idea if it works. Maybe Harry Nick can try it out.


Talking about the bar/club scene at 60 yrs old. When the dj comes on and the place goes wild but cause he doesn't like it the owners are stupid.


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