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background checks for those handling huge sums of money/items of value

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recently we hear about embellizment of billions , robbery of millions, corruption of billions , laundering of sums no one can count that high. is there a system to check background history of individuals who are being considered for positions of trust for these vast sums whose lose results in lthe poor/middleclass going bankrupt littke hope or relief for the little people who get caught up in the skams.

the majority of the thieves leave thailand for a few years, some forever The wealthy are more than likely laundering ill gotten gains so if they recover 40% of what the lost they are ahead of the game. those haqndling the caqsh, artifacts, gold , foreign bank accounts/assets seem to be ignored as to asset seizures, jail time etc. in fact its common for their family to carry the tourch following family tradition

revenge, paybacks, all manner of physicak abuse are ecpected including a complete disappearance of a offendding family or person.employed.if me or mine are screwed by others. the thai way seems to be hire someone to do what a good father. husband, friend etc does back home. then you add the thai being adapdt at lieing running away, mommy coddling the little shits and daddy buying their way out of stupids the childrn get caught up in.

who keeps records of these habital criminal people and families (as it seems to be a family enterprise) not individual? maybe these are set up as insurance skams from the time the culprits go on payroll. you have to be ruthless, mean and in some cases deadly if you expect to make progress against these type.


Well a 10% cash back for purchases, or in rare cases technicians (most are satisfied with getting a bottle black label from time to time) are common.

Often dramatic for companies....purchase change supplier because of corruption, technician are angry to work for 15.000 Baht per month don't get their Black anymore while the purchase make a 150K extra. So the supply from the new vendor has a high rate of failure....failure caused by the technician.

If a production machine crashes because of a "faulty" seal that has a delivery time of 2 weeks at a car producer you can imagine what that costs.

Also producing beside the books and selling black in companies happen.

There are scams that are so well planned that you wonder that this person could earn way more money legally if using that much IQ on some honest thing......

Way to check.....no....big problems in many companies.


As a seasoned member of this Forum with almost 6000 posts, is any of this "News" to you?

People handling "huge sums of money" will make sure beforehand, that "Background-Checks" will end up as exercises in futility.


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