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Prayuth likens Uighur refugees to breeding animals

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Completely agree my dear friend..Completely agree.

When it involves dehumanising people Amsterdam is the man to turn it around...I never mentioned thaksin, but you are correct my friend. He is one of the biggest human rights abusers in history and Amsterdam turned it around for him..

Thank you for reinforcing my point my friend... Much appreciated.

But he was still 'one of the biggest human rights abusers', it matters not how some PR guy 'turned it around for him'.

You just don't get it, do you huh.png

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So cavalier as he delivers desperate people who trusted in Thailand as a free country to deliver them securely to Turkey. Instead he bows down to Chinese pressure ($) and they will most certainly be killed and jailed.


Maybe Prayuth spoke a bit harshly and maybe used crude analogies, but I think his point was they are immigrants that were not granted asylum, they don't bring anything unique to Thailand, Thailand is not going to subsidize them or spend money or resources supporting them. Granted this comes across as a hard line immigration approach, but all countries have immigration laws, quotas, criteria or reasons for allowing or harboring immigrants. The USA gets yelled at everytime some poor illegal immigrant family is expatriated back to Mexico, but never gets mentioned on the positive side about the literally millions of illegal immigrants that are allowed to stay in the USA every year from that country.

This may be a timely reminder that ALL us citizens are illegal immigrants. The indigenous people did not invite you to their country. You're trespassing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90U2IqXEvSM


Undereducated hillbilly is just that. if he were to travel to Xinjiang he would meet real people who are being starved and squeezed with no way out. After taking their own and forbidding them their language and forbidding to congregate they are finding some hope through the Islamic community.


Hes just saying what thais think of foreigners (esp farang) in generel - the most racists people on the planet ... bah.gif

BTW I´m not a defender of PC, in fact quite opposit but there must be a limit ... In my homecountry he would have been arrested for racist remarks and the Prosecution would have a solid case ... not the Scapegoat-case facepalm.gif

Once Again (and its just like a tsunami - hope one come soon) : Shame on you Thailand ...sick.gif


I believe that all country's have the right to choose who can enter their country and who can not, The difference is refugee's and asylum seekers are not tourists or wishful expats, but those wishing to escape persecution, therefor the question could be proposed could the refugees have been offered to relocate to a country that would accept them?

What if the same actions were applied to those who fled Nazi Germany, and they were forcibly returned, or the Vietnamese escaping their lands, etc etc etc.

Unfortunately this major gaff is now out there and will be difficult to spin, and many would suggest not fitting of a PM of any country to have said.

Also there are many Thai people and expats that will support his view and that's their right, again unfortunately it's not confined to people from other country's. NOT all but many in the southern and central areas of Thailand will have the same thoughts about people in the north and north east, Don't think so?

CHALLANGE, Ask ten Thai people that are from the southern or central areas of the country, most will have a higher value (we are more up) opinion of themselves.


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut


Dear Khun Prayt! Thank you for telling the truth to all these Western hypocrites. you are protecting your own nation and I am happy to live in the country managed by you. And His Majesty as the Head of State. Thailand is so lucky to have you as a PM. May be it's because of good karma of all Thai people.

Buddha bless you!


Poor choice of words... and the PM certainly needs a script writer... but not a politically correct one -- but not shoot himself in the foot.

But despite the gaff and despite the often non workable UN policies ... I think Thailand and any other nation has a right to say who comes and who goes in the country...

The Ughurs / Uighurs want to carve out part of China for a budding Muslim nation and have done violence in support of that goal... I suggest that they don't do that -- then they won't have to become political refugees.

Only insane leaders of America, the U.K. and the EU see fit to import Muslim disgruntlement and hatred...

Especially when Muslim mullahs in European countries and the UK state these countries WILL be ISLAMIC countries within 50 or so years just due to the birthrate!


Europe’s Muslim population, boosted by large families and immigration, will nearly double, from less than 6% (43 million people) in 2010 to more than 10% (71 million people) in 2050, the forecast estimates.


Off topic I know. You are usually such an advocate of PEW. You should have used the article in its full context,



Not so funny now is it ?


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand


Dear Khun Prayt! Thank you for telling the truth to all these Western hypocrites. you are protecting your own nation and I am happy to live in the country managed by you. And His Majesty as a Head of State. Thailand is so lucky to have you as a PM. May be it's because of good karma of all Thai people.

Buddha bless you!

Yes because the Buddha was all about hate, ignorance and intolerance to vulnerable people wasn't he?

Buddha bless him indeed.


Dear Khun Prayt! Thank you for telling the truth to all these Western hypocrites. you are protecting your own nation and I am happy to live in the country managed by you. And His Majesty as the Head of State. Thailand is so lucky to have you as a PM. May be it's because of good karma of all Thai people.

Buddha bless you!

Oh dear...:)


So cavalier as he delivers desperate people who trusted in Thailand as a free country to deliver them securely to Turkey. Instead he bows down to Chinese pressure ($) and they will most certainly be killed and jailed.

Well to be fair, the US did bow down to China when they refused to entertain the Dalai Lama at the White House ..


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand

some Muslims live in any almost any country on Earth. Does it make them indigenous? does it give a right for other Muslim to claim refuge and citizenship where some Muslim already live?

Absolutely not!

let's send all Muslim refugees to UK, EU and US!

left-wingers in these countries would be able to exercise there compassion and tolerance to new Muslim friends!


Dear Khun Prayt! Thank you for telling the truth to all these Western hypocrites. you are protecting your own nation and I am happy to live in the country managed by you. And His Majesty as a Head of State. Thailand is so lucky to have you as a PM. May be it's because of good karma of all Thai people.

Buddha bless you!

Yes because the Buddha was all about hate, ignorance and intolerance to vulnerable people wasn't he?

Buddha bless homework indeed.

because Buddha taught to see things as they are and not lie to yourself and others.


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand

some Muslims live in any almost any country on Earth. Does it make them indigenous? does it give a right for other Muslim to claim refuge and citizenship where some Muslim already live?

Absolutely not!

let's send all Muslim refugees to UK, EU and US!

left-wingers in these countries would be able to exercise there compassion and tolerance to new Muslim friends!

some? lol, theres millions of them and theyve lived there for centuries


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

Pattani ring any bells?


Dear Khun Prayt! Thank you for telling the truth to all these Western hypocrites. you are protecting your own nation and I am happy to live in the country managed by you. And His Majesty as a Head of State. Thailand is so lucky to have you as a PM. May be it's because of good karma of all Thai people.

Buddha bless you!

Yes because the Buddha was all about hate, ignorance and intolerance to vulnerable people wasn't he?

Buddha bless homework indeed.

because Buddha taught to see things as they are and not lie to yourself and others.

The Buddha left his life of luxury to go and beg for alms on the street, the buddha agreed to make criminals, cheats and even and murderers and cannibals his disciples. He was truly An enlightened individual and didn't judge people on their backgrounds.

The Thai elite can call themselves Buddhist but they couldn't have his basic messages more twisted.


some Muslims live in any almost any country on Earth. Does it make them indigenous? does it give a right for other Muslim to claim refuge and citizenship where some Muslim already live?

Absolutely not!

let's send all Muslim refugees to UK, EU and US!

left-wingers in these countries would be able to exercise there compassion and tolerance to new Muslim friends!

some? lol, theres millions of them and theyve lived there for centuries

and in US it's even more Muslims! let's send all Uygur and Rohyngya refugees there!


some Muslims live in any almost any country on Earth. Does it make them indigenous? does it give a right for other Muslim to claim refuge and citizenship where some Muslim already live?

Absolutely not!

let's send all Muslim refugees to UK, EU and US!

left-wingers in these countries would be able to exercise there compassion and tolerance to new Muslim friends!

some? lol, theres millions of them and theyve lived there for centuries

and in US it's even more Muslims! let's send all Uygur and Rohyngya refugees there!

So go and send them to the US, then get back to us and let us know how you got on...


He's in China's pocket, wadya expect? He fast tracked the speedo train, he quickly agreed to 3 Chinese subs, ......now he's doing what the Chinese do, when the Chinese send fleeing N.Koreans immediately back to their gulag-country. What's next, mandating a tablespoon/day of MSG for all Thai students?


The Buddha left his life of luxury to go and beg for alms on the street, the buddha agreed to make criminals, cheats and even and murderers and cannibals his disciples. He was truly An enlightened individual and didn't judge people on their backgrounds.

The Thai elite can call themselves Buddhist but they couldn't have his basic messages more twisted.

Buddha was enlightened so was able to see a person's soul. and we are just normal people and should act according to our knowledge and experience.

and you forgot one important thing - these criminals and murders WANTED to understand Buddha's teachings. they didn't try to kill him or call him unfaithful. And even Buddha didn't communicate with people who rejected his teachings.

I have nothing against immigration of Buddhists to Thailand.

and in US it's even more Muslims! let's send all Uygur and Rohyngya refugees there!

So go and send them to the US, then get back to us and let us know how you got on...

Thanks God I am not a citizen of US, so I feel neither right nor desire to dictate anything to another nation. I just offer US behave according to values which it's try to impose to other nations.


Some animal like replies in here, bah.gif, which is quite ironic as those thais who think like prayut, also think that we are like animals. hahaha


Poor choice of words... and the PM certainly needs a script writer... but not a politically correct one -- but not shoot himself in the foot.

But despite the gaff and despite the often non workable UN policies ... I think Thailand and any other nation has a right to say who comes and who goes in the country...

The Ughurs / Uighurs want to carve out part of China for a budding Muslim nation and have done violence in support of that goal... I suggest that they don't do that -- then they won't have to become political refugees.

Only insane leaders of America, the U.K. and the EU see fit to import Muslim disgruntlement and hatred...

The Ughurs / Uighurs want to carve out part of China for a budding Muslim nation and have done violence in support of that goal... I suggest that they don't do that -- then they won't have to become political refugees.

I would suggest that you read just a teeny, tiny bit about China and the Uihgers - then you won't need to say things that are completely inaccurate.


What Prayut tells is surely not Political Correct, but it is true

Good grief H90. You are totally confused with the term politically correct and the appropriateness of the speaker. He is the PM and should be careful and have the smart to avoid expression that may marginalized particular group of people. He represent the country in the world arena and stupid off the cuff remark like this bring shame to the country.

I don't need any sweet talking politicians, I need honest one. The true often hurts. Contraception is not allowed. And you have some Imam in Europe who are boasting about the degenerated western and how they'll win with the wombs of their women.

So what Prayut tells is complete true or at least a valid concern even you don't like to hear it.


I'm sure that comment will endear him with the Human Right's crowd. I'm sure the Human Right's World Leader (I'm pretty good at killing people) Drone Master will have already issued a statement condemning Prayut's remarks. But on the flip-side, talk about jingoism at it's finest. Lol We live in interesting times.


Have to agree with the sentiment here.. stupid and dumb remark. But one has to wonder how many people in the USA think the same about illegal Mexicans and people in the UK and EU about illegal Muslim immigrants. There are quite a few people who think like this on this forum many would love to have the Thai tough immigration rules in their home country.

For the record I think this is a stupid remark and the general should be ashamed.

No need to wonder.

Broad Public Support for Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants
Most Support Path to Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants in U.S.With immigration shaping up to be a major issue in both the final years of the Obama administration and the 2016 presidential campaign, most Americans (72%) continue to say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in the country legally, if certain requirements are met.

The Buddha left his life of luxury to go and beg for alms on the street, the buddha agreed to make criminals, cheats and even and murderers and cannibals his disciples. He was truly An enlightened individual and didn't judge people on their backgrounds.

The Thai elite can call themselves Buddhist but they couldn't have his basic messages more twisted.

Buddha was enlightened so was able to see a person's soul. and we are just normal people and should act according to our knowledge and experience.

and you forgot one important thing - these criminals and murders WANTED to understand Buddha's teachings. they didn't try to kill him or call him unfaithful. And even Buddha didn't communicate with people who rejected his teachings.

I have nothing against immigration of Buddhists to Thailand.

and in US it's even more Muslims! let's send all Uygur and Rohyngya refugees there!

So go and send them to the US, then get back to us and let us know how you got on...

Thanks God I am not a citizen of US, so I feel neither right nor desire to dictate anything to another nation. I just offer US behave according to values which it's try to impose to other nations.

buddha communicated with everyone and he rejected the existance of a soul


This has to be in the top ten public gaff's not only for him but even to any PM/leader of any country in the last 12 months.

Yet again Thailand has broken International laws and chosen not to comply with it's obligations with the UN and HR which it is a signatory.

Regardless of your views on refugees or asylum, publicly describing any ethnic group as breeding animals/" three liters of offspring" is not what any PM should saying and could very easily be considered by some people as hurting the reputation of Thailand and peace and order as the Uigurs are Muslim as are many people in the south are also Muslim, Not going to help with any peace process now is it?

BTW what is happening to people for hurting Thailand's reputation? whistling.gif

Appalling remarks for sure. But put it into context. How many asylum seekers were repatriated? Some to Turkey and some to China. Normal to repatriate to home country.

Compare to say Australia. How many of they turned back, imprisoned on an island or allegedly paid pirate crews to take them away? What happened to that story btw - has Abbot confirmed or denied it for sure?

How is Australia's reputation regarding the treatment of asylum seekers?


I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand

some Muslims live in any almost any country on Earth. Does it make them indigenous? does it give a right for other Muslim to claim refuge and citizenship where some Muslim already live?

Absolutely not!

let's send all Muslim refugees to UK, EU and US!

left-wingers in these countries would be able to exercise there compassion and tolerance to new Muslim friends!

Why not send all refugees to your country.

You normally twist any thread to bash against US, EU and UK in particular.

Tell us, which Utopia is your country?

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