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China: Uighurs deported from Thailand wanted to join jihad

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China: Uighurs deported from Thailand wanted to join jihad

BEIJING (AP) — China's official news agency said that 109 ethnic Uighurs who Thailand deported to China amid international criticism that the refugees could face persecution had been on their way to Turkey, Syria or Iraq to help wage holy war.

On Thursday, Thai authorities sent back the Uighurs, who had been in Thailand for over a year and claimed to be Turkish, after determining they were Chinese. The repatriations were criticized by the U.N. refugee agency as "a flagrant violation of international law." Rights groups expressed fears that they could face torture. In Turkey's capital, Istanbul, protesters ransacked the Thai consulate to denounce the decision.

China's official Xinhua News Agency said late Saturday that the 109 illegal immigrants had been on their way "to join jihad," and that 13 of them had fled China after being implicated in terrorist activities. Another two had escaped detention, Xinhua said, citing the Ministry of Public Security.

Xinhua's report also claimed that a Chinese police investigation had uncovered several gangs recruiting people for jihad, and that Turkish diplomats in some Southeast Asian countries had facilitated the illegal movement of people.

The Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gurs) are a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority in China's far western region of Xinjiang. The group has complained of harsh cultural and religious suppression as well as economic marginalization under Chinese rule.

Beijing has accused Uighur separatists of terrorism in Xinjiang, where ethnic violence has left hundreds of people dead.

Many of the 109 had been radicalized by materials released by the World Uyghur Congress and the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Xinhua said. The former is a Munich-based Uighur rights group, and China has designated the latter a terrorist organization.

In response to the report, Dilxat Raxit, World Uyghur Congress spokesman, said Sunday: "China is defending itself and shirking responsibility for Uighurs fleeing because of its policy of suppression. The so-called radicals are those who hope to flee China and live a stable and dignified life in a safe and free country."

Meanwhile, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying on Saturday voiced China's "strong dissatisfaction with and opposition to" remarks by the U.S. State Department that it was deeply concerned about the protection of asylum-seekers in Thailand because of the case.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-12

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Does it seem the same to anyone else reading these News Items that.....

(1) Wherever there is a problem spot in the world....The word Jihad is used.

(2) Wherever there is a problem spot in the world....The words Human rights are used.

Why arent these so called refugees, making a stand for their country, instead of running to another country, where they usually are not really welcome.

Every free country they run to, had to stand up and make it that way...They should do the same, whatever their religion....

We all worked, fought, and struggled together in our countries, to make it better...Just to see it given away to someone, because they say they are hard done by....

Human rights are interfering too much.....but this is my opinion....right or wrong

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"China's official news agency said that 109 ethnic Uighurs who Thailand deported to China amid international criticism that the refugees could face persecution had been on their way to Turkey, Syria or Iraq to help wage holy war."

Yeah right.

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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

Why should they?

They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

Strange days indeed.

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Well, It is a long walk if you do not have funding and if some is feeding, housing and caring for you for free, why leave for a certain death !!

Doubtful that IS-recruited jihadists would spend over a year in Thailand if their goal was to fight in Syria.

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This might be true, but it will be a cold day in hell before I'd believe anything China says.

One person's terrorist is another's revolutionary solider against Chinese oppression.

Edited by oneday
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China's official Xinhua News Agency said late Saturday that the 109 illegal immigrants had been on their way "to join jihad,"

If that be the case, China should say good riddance and be glad they left instead of trying to get them back. In fact they should deny them reentry into China.

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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

Why should they?

They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

Strange days indeed.

Unfortunately the more extreme Muslims are demanding that they will only live by laws handed down by the sky fairy. They will not live by man made laws..

So I agree with the original post- practice your religion quietly.

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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

Why should they?

They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

Strange days indeed.

Unfortunately the more extreme Muslims are demanding that they will only live by laws handed down by the sky fairy. They will not live by man made laws..

So I agree with the original post- practice your religion quietly.

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So why did the Chinese want these so called Jihadist back?... Seems like a better plan is to let the Jihadist go to Syria where they would most likely be killed?... Problem solved from the Chinese perspective...

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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

Why should they?

They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

Strange days indeed.

If this is the case then yes it is very sad.The chinese have never shown any tolerance to other religions,and maybe the uigars are now coming onto the radar because of whats going on around the world regarding muslims.

No good going to thailand,they respect no one.

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So why did the Chinese want these so called Jihadist back?... Seems like a better plan is to let the Jihadist go to Syria where they would most likely be killed?... Problem solved from the Chinese perspective...

Maybe they would come back trained a little better in killing innocent people....nip it in the bud before it happens?

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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

Why should they?

They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

Strange days indeed.

Unfortunately the more extreme Muslims are demanding that they will only live by laws handed down by the sky fairy. They will not live by man made laws..

So I agree with the original post- practice your religion quietly.

Really? What is so extreme about wanting to maintain a way of life centuries old?

Why should those who have lived in a place for centuries have to change their way of life because it doesn't suit the authoritarian dictatorship that passes for govt in China?

Do you feel the same about Tibet?

Do you feel the same about Christian communities in China or the Middle East?

Not that it would make you right but you would at least be consistent.

Edited by Bluespunk
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So why did the Chinese want these so called Jihadist back?... Seems like a better plan is to let the Jihadist go to Syria where they would most likely be killed?... Problem solved from the Chinese perspective...

Maybe they would come back trained a little better in killing innocent people....nip it in the bud before it happens?

They were refugees fleeing persecution who were offered sanctuary in turkey.

This is just china trying to justify the retribution about to take place for fleeing persecution.

Edited by Bluespunk
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wonder how long it will take for ISIS to gather in western china?and russia too.Neither of these countries will tolerant them and will be merciless in their eradication...i cant wait for this to happen.

I have no doubt the uigars are persecuted in western china and did flee to thailand.If they are muslims and are under the chinese spotlight they could very easily solve the problem by quietly going about practicing their religion behind closed doors inside each others houses.This way they can remain true to their beliefs without pissing on everybody else.

Why should they?

They have lived that way of life for centuries. It is the Chinese state that is forcing them to change their way of life.

The Uighur culture is being eradicated by the Chinese state, the people are persecuted for trying to maintain it and are being economically marginalised.

Now if I recall correctly I often read posts complaining that Muslims expect everyone to change to suit their needs. Generally BS but there you go.

Yet here we have a case where an Islamic culture is being destroyed and suddenly it's ok to force change on a way of life centuries old.

Strange days indeed.

Unfortunately the more extreme Muslims are demanding that they will only live by laws handed down by the sky fairy. They will not live by man made laws..

So I agree with the original post- practice your religion quietly.

Really? What is so extreme about wanting to maintain a way of life centuries old?

Why should those who have lived in a place for centuries have to change their way of life because it doesn't suit the authoritarian dictatorship that passes for govt in China?

Do you feel the same about Tibet?

Do you feel the same about Christian communities in China or the Middle East?

Not that it would make you right but you would at least be consistent.

Exactly. It seems like that the Chinese authorities are trying to justify persecuting the refugees after (according to Thai authorities) promising to treat them well as a part of Thailand sending them to China.

BTW I don't doubt that the refugees wanted to go to Turkey which is where they should have gone in the first place.

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I don't know that much about the Chinese persecution of Uigurs. I do know of reports of Uigurs burning alive some Chinese Han in the same province by using the tyre necklace method. I do know that the Uigurs have periodically gone to other provinces where groups have gone on rampages, murdering civilians. One such event took place at a Chinese train station in which dozens were murdered. I do know that over one hundred of the Uigurs illegally entered Thailand, claimed to be Turkish and wanted to be sent to Turkey. To me it seems the Thais did the sensible thing and sent them back to China.

Edited by metisdead
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I don't know that much about the Chinese persecution of Uigurs. I do know of reports of Uigurs burning alive some Chinese Han in the same province by using the tyre necklace method. I do know that the Uigurs have periodically gone to other provinces where groups have gone on rampages, murdering civilians. One such event took place at a Chinese train station in which dozens were murdered. I do know that over one hundred of the Uigurs illegally entered Thailand, claimed to be Turkish and wanted to be sent to Turkey. To me it seems the Thais did the sensible thing and sent them back to China.

Sending these refugees to China was the wrong thing to do.

To find out why read up on the persecution of the Uighurs and the ongoing destruction of their culture by the Chinese state.

Terrorist actions are always wrong and so is what the govt of China is doing in the Uighur's homeland.

Edited by Bluespunk
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