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Half-Thai boy looking for a different kind of girl from Thailand


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Hello all, I've posted here before, and I know this may sound redundant, but I've been lonely lately, and I keep thinking about a certain type of girl from Thailand. I am a 22 year old dual-citizen, Thailand + USA

Has anyone here married a hill tribe girl in Thailand? I am planning to.

If this isn't the best option I will try Myanmar as a second option, and Laos as a third, but a traditional tribal girl from Thailand is my first option as I will have to go through a heap of paperwork to bring a girl from Myanmar or Laos to Thailand to live with me.

This seems like a better option than Thai girls to me, as these girls are more traditional and respectful, and they require even less maintenance and ask for less money than Thai girls.

When I traveled to remote rural Laos I was asked for a sin sod of only $200 USD, though I know it'd be more with the paperwork I'd have to do for the Lao government.

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^^^ Did the OP say he was going to beat her with a stick, or does he just want a more traditional woman? The Thai women I see aren't much different from western women when it comes to wanting money, house, car, smartphone and face face book.

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I've had a couple of people call it a Neanderthal mindset, and I would like to know why you think that.

Whenever I told this to Thai people they think it's a great idea and that I'm noble or something for it.

Westerners are split 50/50 between "you're a sexist prick" and "yeah I totally agree and how is my son even going to find a wife in 20 years women now are all ruined."

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You'll no doubt get some direct & maybe some blunt replies on this....

You're 22 & in your limited experience of females, makes you think that those options are suitable for you. How do you know this?

Answer is, you don't.

Look for a woman that you have a connection with, & not a particular ethnic background or social class.

It seems very much to me, that you want someone to be subservient to you & not give you any trouble.

Date as many women as you are attracted to - you don't have to have sex with them particularly - just get experience of females & how they are as a person.

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Westerners are split 50/50 between "you're a sexist prick" and "yeah I totally agree and how is my son even going to find a wife in 20 years women now are all ruined."

Many western men are completely owned by their western women.

They toe the female line, or they lose their home, children or assets.

Buying a wife is a great idea in Asia. but don't take her to a western country, unless you want her to own you.

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Well it doesn't help that I'm extremely physically and sexually attracted to rural southeast Asian women with their sarongs and their quiet demeanor.

I've got to fess up that I don't have much of a lively personality and I'm not a very sociable or chatty person so I never enjoyed having long conversations with any women. Most of my interesting conversations happen with old men, to be honest. They have the most wise things to say.

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Once you've found your low maintenance, cheap, tribal girl and you've had a year of submissive sex, remember what Wilde said, "there are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

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To be completely honest I went to Laos over a year ago and an hour hasn't passed by without me thinking about those rural girls and yearning for them. I have a bad case of jungle fever and to me anyone else is completely irrelevant and I cant get interested in them emotionally.

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Well it doesn't help that I'm extremely physically and sexually attracted to rural southeast Asian women with their sarongs and their quiet demeanor.

I've got to fess up that I don't have much of a lively personality and I'm not a very sociable or chatty person so I never enjoyed having long conversations with any women. Most of my interesting conversations happen with old men, to be honest. They have the most wise things to say.

And that, dear boy, is because they have experience of life.

Which you do not.

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As a fellow half-Thai I disagree with everything you're trying to do.

To me, one of the most important things in a relationship is communication. Even though I speak fluent Thai my preferred method of communication is English, and if this hill tribe doesn't speak English then we won't have a great relationship. And for all you know, a hilltribe woman probably doesn't even speak Thai, really.

What you want here is a sex doll. No offense. I'm shy and quiet like you are, but you've been rejected so many times you probably started to think the only women on this planet who won't reject you are submissive tribewomen. If these hilltribe women reject you because they don't want to be with someone who isn't from their community, what are you going to do then? Be alone forever? My suggestion is to find a half-Thai woman. That would probably work out best for you. I never liked foreign women and I never really felt a connection with Thai women, but when it came to half-Thai women, I felt right at home.

but hey, it's just my opinion. I'm not looking for my soulmate, you probably are. You will probably meet the love of your life in the hilltribes, who knows? But unless I could use a hilltribe woman as a sex object I wouldn't want anything to do with them.

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To me, one of the most important things in a relationship is communication. Even though I speak fluent Thai my preferred method of communication is English, and if this hill tribe doesn't speak English then we won't have a great relationship. And for all you know, a hilltribe woman probably doesn't even speak Thai, really.

Met a new girl in the bar a few years back, spoke to her in Thai ..........

She said, "sorry, I only speak Akha and English"

Lots of missionaries teaching English out there in the hills.

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I suggest none of the above.

Visit South East Asian Brothels occasionally.

It won't fulfill the need to be loved, but hey.....

I would suggest that if the prostitutes were pretty and hot. But the problem is none of them are sexy/pretty/hot at all. I don't know why I would spend 1,000 baht on an ugly working girl when I can spend 2,000 on a dinner with a gold digger who looks 10x hotter?

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I would suggest that if the prostitutes were pretty and hot. But the problem is none of them are sexy/pretty/hot at all.

In terms of Thai ones, on the whole I agree with you.

Sexy, they can be. Pretty? Rarely.

I had elsewhere in the region in mind when making the suggestion (partly tongue in cheek).

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As a fellow half-Thai I disagree with everything you're trying to do.

To me, one of the most important things in a relationship is communication. Even though I speak fluent Thai my preferred method of communication is English, and if this hill tribe doesn't speak English then we won't have a great relationship. And for all you know, a hilltribe woman probably doesn't even speak Thai, really.

What you want here is a sex doll. No offense. I'm shy and quiet like you are, but you've been rejected so many times you probably started to think the only women on this planet who won't reject you are submissive tribewomen. If these hilltribe women reject you because they don't want to be with someone who isn't from their community, what are you going to do then? Be alone forever? My suggestion is to find a half-Thai woman. That would probably work out best for you. I never liked foreign women and I never really felt a connection with Thai women, but when it came to half-Thai women, I felt right at home.

but hey, it's just my opinion. I'm not looking for my soulmate, you probably are. You will probably meet the love of your life in the hilltribes, who knows? But unless I could use a hilltribe woman as a sex object I wouldn't want anything to do with them.

>my preferred method of communication is English

Why is this? I've learned new languages before and I quite enjoyed it. I can communicate with a Thai or Lao person just as well as an English speaker. Why couldn't I learn to speak her language?

>My suggestion is to find a half-Thai woman. That would probably work out best for you.

No, it wouldn't. I don't like being western and I don't like being Thai, to be honest. Why would I reproduce with a combination of things I dislike? A hilltribe woman allows me to kill two birds with one stone and throw away both sides of me while still having the "Southeast Asian" experience.

>. If these hilltribe women reject you because they don't want to be with someone who isn't from their community, what are you going to do then? Be alone forever?

I already told you, there's Myanmar and Laos, and I don't think 100% of them will reject me. I've seen farangs marry hill tribe women before. Obviously you don't give up if one rejects you, you try to find the next one.

We may be of the same racial stock but we are indeed very different people, my friend.

>. I'm shy and quiet like you are, but you've been rejected so many times you probably started to think the only women on this planet who won't reject you are submissive tribewomen.

Wrong, I haven't been rejected in years now. I do fine with American women, even, though they aren't my cup of tea.

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To me, one of the most important things in a relationship is communication. Even though I speak fluent Thai my preferred method of communication is English, and if this hill tribe doesn't speak English then we won't have a great relationship. And for all you know, a hilltribe woman probably doesn't even speak Thai, really.

Met a new girl in the bar a few years back, spoke to her in Thai ..........

She said, "sorry, I only speak Akha and English"

Lots of missionaries teaching English out there in the hills.

Hate those missionaries and hate how Thailand allows Christianity and such. In Laos they protect the hill tribes from these predators and don't allow missionaries.

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To young to be settling down or even thinking. About meeting someone.

Go out in the world and fine yourself, you have loads of time..

Enjoy your youth... And life...

I'm not really the "find yourself" type of person.

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To young to be settling down or even thinking. About meeting someone.

Go out in the world and fine yourself, you have loads of time..

Enjoy your youth... And life...

I'm not really the "find yourself" type of person.

And what sort of person is that then? facepalm.gif

Perhaps someone who truly understands themselves maybe?

Because at 22 one cannot understand oneself....your opinions, goals in life...all of this will change so much over the coming years.


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To young to be settling down or even thinking. About meeting someone.

Go out in the world and fine yourself, you have loads of time..

Enjoy your youth... And life...

I'm not really the "find yourself" type of person.

And what sort of person is that then? facepalm.gif

Perhaps someone who truly understands themselves maybe?

Because at 22 one cannot understand oneself....your opinions, goals in life...all of this will change so much over the coming years.


Well, I'm a simple person you know. I don't require that much to stay happy. I like to be active and healthy.

As for whether I'll change, we will have to just wait and see.

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Westerners are split 50/50 between "you're a sexist prick" and "yeah I totally agree and how is my son even going to find a wife in 20 years women now are all ruined."

Many western men are completely owned by their western women.

They toe the female line, or they lose their home, children or assets.

Buying a wife is a great idea in Asia. but don't take her to a western country, unless you want her to own you.

Women are not property to be bought and sold, and this topic is closed.

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