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Where to buy composit wood (not Shera or similar)

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Where in bangkok can i buy real composit wood? Not the fibrecement stuff butt the half plastic hollow planks is what i need.

On internet are some companys who sell it but i want to buy it from a shop, cash and carry.

Also, can anybody indicate me the price of that stuff?


MegaHome certainly have it.

No idea of pricing, but it isn't cheap.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Megahome? I've never heard of that one in Bangkok.

Yes that website has what i need. I haven't seen it in homepro though, i know that shop very well. They don't have any wood like nice planks or so.

I m looking for a shop who has a big stock of it, no ordering or whatever. Just pay and go and in Bangkok.

4xx baht for 2.4 metre is not cheap but real wood still costs much more. A plank like that in teak would be 1000 or more.

Actually real hardwood is also fine for me but also that i don't know where to go buy it. I searched that whole bang sue area but couldn't find it.


Megahome? I've never heard of that one in Bangkok.

Not exactly Bangkok 14.0429933,100.6174416 but I know I've seen the stuff in question there.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Allright thanks for the help but i really hate homepro. I think i need a shop where all the contractors go, Thai watsadu or something like that.

Strange that while hardwood is very very expensive in Thailand they don't have anything artificial to replace it.

In Europe topklass hardwood from all over the world costs less then in Bkk. I want something durable though even if that costs more.

I have tried several of the woodshops you see along the ringroads but nowhere it is cheap. Cheap wood is very low quality or laminated. I am looking for some beams/planks of mai daeng and i want to pick it from a shop myself.

In Bang sue many shops belong to the same owner, also they won't show their price and you even can't see the wood before anything else.

I want to be able to inspect every piece of wood myself. I know where it will end if i don't do that and the delivery truck arrived.

I can't understand why good wood is so expensive in Thailand. Also not why they sell such crappy quality teakwood furniture along the roads. Indonesians are much better carpenters then the Thai in my opinion. I've never seen a wobbly chair or table or rack made in Indonesia from hardwood.


The Thai Sun brand of Composite Wood is widely available in Buriram province. Certainly it must be on display and in stock at building materials stores in Bangkok. In Buriram Homepro sells this Thai Sun composite wood decking and fence board for a higher price than some other shops. MegaHome is the new chain developed and owned by Homepro. MegaHome is a very large store which competes with Global House and Thai Watsadu. However a lower overhead family owned store might in fact offer lower prices for cash purchases of Thai Sun as was my personal experience in Buriram. Top quality hardwood lumber at what I consider a reasonable cost, in Thailand is a different matter in my shopping experience.



The Global House Store in Buriram has a great selection of house building materials and home decorating items. The best selection of ceiling lighting fixtures that I have seen in Buriram. However they do not stock Thai Sun composite wood. They do have a made in China composite wood product near the Conwood display of the five Global House stores I have visited in the past nine months. It was not less expensive than the Thai Sun I viewed on display and in stock at a family owned builders merchants store in Buriram. You might not find Global House open just yet in Bangkok.


Allright but if that composit wood isn't much cheaper then real wood then i might go for that.

I just checked the price of teak in Europe and it costs about half of what the wholesalers in Thailand ask. Somebody is really filling his pockets on wood or there is a serious shortage. In that case all the rice farmers can start growing hardwood for timber.

But in Bangkok even the big thai watsadu almost doesn't have just pieces of wood for carpenter. I know their wooddepartment very well. Homepro and homeworks have no wood at all. I mean just planks and beams in different sizes..

I'm sure there is a huge hardwood wholesale shop somewhere, i just have to find it. Bang sue is a joke and traffic jam makes it a terrible place to visit. A big company would never fit there and big trucks couldn't deliver.


Allright but if that composit wood isn't much cheaper then real wood then i might go for that.

I just checked the price of teak in Europe and it costs about half of what the wholesalers in Thailand ask. Somebody is really filling his pockets on wood or there is a serious shortage. In that case all the rice farmers can start growing hardwood for timber.

But in Bangkok even the big thai watsadu almost doesn't have just pieces of wood for carpenter. I know their wooddepartment very well. Homepro and homeworks have no wood at all. I mean just planks and beams in different sizes..

I'm sure there is a huge hardwood wholesale shop somewhere, i just have to find it. Bang sue is a joke and traffic jam makes it a terrible place to visit. A big company would never fit there and big trucks couldn't deliver.

Right.. The instant money bonaza.. Growing teak!

" A fully mature teak tree will attain a height of about 40m, and will have a diameter of about 1 to 2m. It takes about 50 to 60 years for a tree to grow and mature. Commercial cutting of Teak trees are done within ten to twelve years from the time of their planting. Commercially Teak trees are considered mature within ten to twelve years from the time of their planting."

The reason why wood is so expensive is primarily because most Thais CANNOT think long term. It takes time to grow trees. And you have to manage them properly!


The 'wood + plastic recycle 'boards' made in America are made mostly from recycled plastic grocery bags and sawdust -- added to some type of Epoxy and hydraulically extruded. It would be nice if Thailand had a plant that was recycling plastic grocery bags - it uses a lot of them up. Sawdust is not overly plentiful in Thailand but such cellulosic materials as Coconut husk / coir could be pulverized and would work well I think...

Of the photos 'borads' posted here so far -- I have seen these as Chinese imports on Alibaba. I would like to learn more about any Thailand plants that produce these or any other varieties in shape and size.

Assuming initially cost effective - this type of 'board / lumber' is even more cost effective over time as it is extremely long lasting, termite and insect proof, mold and rot resistant if not fully rot proof. To me this is a perfect product for Thailand and the environment here.

My other favorite product is the extremely light weight AAC Block -- Superblock -- Autoclaved Aerated Concrete - about 60% lighter than regulare concrete block -- can be sawed, drilled, nailed, routed and many other advantageous things... Coupled with the sawdust - plastic composite boards - a house built with these two products would be a very good long lasting - low maintenance structure.


There is much more high quality wood other then teak, maybe those tree's grow a lot faster as well? Good wood can easy get prices from 10-20.000+ us$ a square metre. I think it's a perfect job for Thai farmers to grow tree's for wood. You plant them and then wait 10-20 years, easy job.

But i wouldn't trust all claimed property's of that composit wood. I will believe it when i see it after 10-20 years. Even stainless steel for outdoor can rust in Thailand (or they cheated me again) so i'm carefull now.

Plastic grocerybags in the full thai sun are totally gone in a few months. They sure will use additives to recycled plastic but i was looking for a qualitybrand of composit wood. In the West we have several brandnames in it.

Why the Thai don't order teak (or other wood) from Indonesia if it seems to be much cheaper there. Do they still protect their own teakmarket even when stocks are very low?

I do see cheap (er) teak furniture in Bangkok but that's always from chiang mai and for very short people. My wife told me it's illegal to buy me wood in Chiang mai and transport it to Bangkok, that's what makes it expensive.

  • 1 month later...

No i won't order online, i won't even buy wood if i don't see every piece myself.

Many pieces of teak in Thailand are crooked or damaged,spintwood , cut with a very blunt sawblade, have fungus, are cut in an angle, and so on. Of course you pay the full price.

I bought a lot allready but i noticed the sellers always give me a receipt, which is strange to me.

My wife told me it's illegal to transport wood without a receipt.

Guess this is all because of selling illegal wood in the past. Well at least the Thai can maintain a law, but only one then.....

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