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Althought the relevant article is piffle, this is an issue that is very much alive for Phuket.

It is also one facet of the many reasons why I recently chose to move from the Island.

There is another popular thread running talking about how dead Patong is at the moment. That may be true but what has not been discussed is the significant shift in the demographic of the visitors to Phuket. There is a huge influx of chinese. That is a given. But they are zero dollar tourists, who rarely venture out of their packaged group environment to interface with workaday thai folk. If the Chinese stock market continues to tank then these visitors may well dry up, or if they tire of the scams, for example being bused in to a mall to buy latex products that were imported from China and then put in a bag labelled made in Thailand, they will go elsewhere.

But, chinese aside, who are the new source markets for Phuket tourists? What I see on the ground are morrocans, kuwaitees, iranians, and other muslim visitors. A growing trend I have observed is muslim men, with their wifes, walking down Bangla. Why on earth a married muslim would want to walk with his wife on a street filled with prostitutes and bars selling alcohol is beyond me but there you go. As the Chinese dry up, or wise up, to Phuket, the remaining tourist demographic will be Muslim men. Of course they are only staying in Patong for its great mosque. If, in the near future, the bulk of vistors to Phuket are muslim, it would seem safe to assume that the tourist areas will eventually undergo total Islamization. Not a big leap for Kamala, or Bang Tao.

And what is wrong with some areas being Islamic. You probably don't know that the largest Muslim country in the world is Indonesia. The Muslims that travel as tourists from Malaysia and Indonesia and Iran bear little resemblance to those from Arab countries which practice strict Islam. They are Malays and Persians and are very westernised. Having lived in these countries I would prefer them as tourists to a lot of other nationalities including some of the low life Fanangs ones sees here


Dear Thailand: welcome to 21st century. BTW according to these numbers, was part of what would become Malaysia for over a thousand years. You ignored and/or abused them for over a century. Gee I wonder why many might want to be part of Malaysia? Time to start treating all citizens with a bit of respect, regardless of religion, culture, language..... actually, past time.

What planet have you come from?....must be Ork. facepalm.gifthumbsup.gif


Don't shoot the canary.

There have been around 4,000 murders in the South of Thailand in the last decade. On average around one every day.

All in the name of islam.

They do not integrate. The number of schools teaching only the islamic version of the world is increasing, they have their own civil courts based on shariah law, NOT the national law. You will not see an islamic eating at a restaurant run by a buddhist.

There is only one ultimate aim, and that is a world under islam. They constantly have this drummed into their heads six times every day. But it is a long term plan, maybe another 1,000 years, who knows? But it IS incessant, constantly increasing and gnawing away at the non-believers.

I'll be dead in the next 20 years anyway. So I really shouldn't care, I just avoid them as much as I can.

So if you think they are benign and nice, then go and give a muslim a big hug.

I, for one, do not want my descendants to live under a religious regime, based on the rantings of a murderous paedophile, with the State, religion, law and finance system all defined by one book, written in god's language.


Yep,,, It won't happen overnight but it will happen,,, You wait they will take over and rule the world,,,

Click on link below,,,

Muslim World: how Muslims will take over the world via population growth and immigration

Lived in the gulf states for a few years, had some very interesting and intelligent chats to both Suni and Shia' Muslim's, one thing that surprised me was the view that Islam does not exist unless the whole world is Islamic, and its a duty for all to convert others in this pursuit. Quite a scary concept. I think as do most, live and let live but I dread the day that here in the U.K. sharia law is introduced as some communities here have been pushing for for many years now.


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

I have lived in Thailand for 9 years and I do not notice any signs of islamisation in the country.


Maybe some propaganda but makes for an interesting view.

This type of propaganda is constantly regurgitated by the far right, thereby the posters' political affiliation is known.

The subject of the Muslim population of Europe has been thoroughly researched and the conclusion reached is Europe will have a total Muslim population of 10% by 2050. The trend for Muslim birth rates shows a dramatic decrease. For those who haven't seen any analysis a starting point is below...



Yep,,, It won't happen overnight but it will happen,,, You wait they will take over and rule the world,,,

Click on link below,,,

Muslim World: how Muslims will take over the world via population growth and immigration

Lived in the gulf states for a few years, had some very interesting and intelligent chats to both Suni and Shia' Muslim's, one thing that surprised me was the view that Islam does not exist unless the whole world is Islamic, and its a duty for all to convert others in this pursuit. Quite a scary concept. I think as do most, live and let live but I dread the day that here in the U.K. sharia law is introduced as some communities here have been pushing for for many years now.

You are out of touch.

There are some 100 shariah courts operating in the UK today. Even if the "judgements" are not in accordance with UK civil law, there is a HUGE and IRRESISTABLE pressure exerted by the religion to ensure that the cases are decided under shariah law and not UK law.






You are out of touch.


There are some 100 shariah courts operating in the UK today. Even if the "judgements" are not in accordance with UK civil law, there is a HUGE and IRRESISTABLE pressure exerted by the religion to ensure that the cases are decided under shariah law and not UK law.


If thats they case, then its illegal and they have absolutely zero authority to implement anything, i.e. imprisonment, fines etc. and has been on our news before, when sham courts are found the guilty parties are arrested.





Althought the relevant article is piffle, this is an issue that is very much alive for Phuket.

It is also one facet of the many reasons why I recently chose to move from the Island.

There is another popular thread running talking about how dead Patong is at the moment. That may be true but what has not been discussed is the significant shift in the demographic of the visitors to Phuket. There is a huge influx of chinese. That is a given. But they are zero dollar tourists, who rarely venture out of their packaged group environment to interface with workaday thai folk. If the Chinese stock market continues to tank then these visitors may well dry up, or if they tire of the scams, for example being bused in to a mall to buy latex products that were imported from China and then put in a bag labelled made in Thailand, they will go elsewhere.

But, chinese aside, who are the new source markets for Phuket tourists? What I see on the ground are morrocans, kuwaitees, iranians, and other muslim visitors. A growing trend I have observed is muslim men, with their wifes, walking down Bangla. Why on earth a married muslim would want to walk with his wife on a street filled with prostitutes and bars selling alcohol is beyond me but there you go. As the Chinese dry up, or wise up, to Phuket, the remaining tourist demographic will be Muslim men. Of course they are only staying in Patong for its great mosque. If, in the near future, the bulk of vistors to Phuket are muslim, it would seem safe to assume that the tourist areas will eventually undergo total Islamization. Not a big leap for Kamala, or Bang Tao.

If that is the tourist demographic they are aiming to attract then fair enough, be more Muslim friendly.

However the term islaminisation has darker connotations than a method of attracting tourists.

This article's title suggests a more sinister meaning and that is pure BS (not your post, which frankly was a more interesting read)

No it is not the tourism demographic they WANT to attract. There is endless talk about pursuing the QUALITY tourists. But after witnessing, either first hand, or via social media, the environmental degradation, trash and fetid waterways and beaches, road carnage, scams, and taxi mafia, quality tourists no longer visit Phuket. The island is now scraping the very bottom of the tourist barrel. Just before I left phuket I went to a street fair up the back of Patong that had a great traditional Thai puppet show visiting on tour from another province. While standing in the crowd there I noticed a Thai grand father with his daughter and her loog krung son. The grandson clearly had a middle eastern father, but he was no where to be seen. The daughter, who I am guessing from her tatooes worked in a bar had a black eye and a bruised cheek. The bargirls who thought they were doing it tough with their old, fat, drunk western boyfriends are in for a rude shock moving forward. Mohamed aint gonna pony up for no sick buffalo.

If the woman was as you describe, the beating she received could just as easily been dished out by her Thai husband as the Muslim...


Maybe some propaganda but makes for an interesting view.

That was 2008.

The clock's ticking . . .

No it's not.

Yes it is. And one day you will wake up and find out you are on shaaria trial for eating a big mac.


Maybe some propaganda but makes for an interesting view.

That was 2008.

The clock's ticking . . .

No it's not.

Yes it is. And one day you will wake up and find out you are on shaaria trial for eating a big mac.


Pure BS.

I've lived in the middle east, not sure about macmurderburger but definitely recall eating in burger king.

Plenty of locals in there doing the same.



God Almighty, it's this nonsense again. Basically, halal food is harmless, and kebabs are good. It's not a problem if these kebab shops appear in lots of places. I was pissed out of mind on Friday night, and had a extra-large doner kebab. The only problem being that it cost £7.00, seven pounds, that's a bit over ten US dollars.

Hilarious. The net result of Phuket morphing into an Islamic community is an increased availability of kebabs.

Now that would be fine, but couple it with decreased availability of beer and bacon and I'm all up for a crusade.


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

I would be most interested, sir, in knowing the basis for your casual dismissal of the o/p's opinion? I am a firm believer in the "live & let live" doctrine, however the Muslims (and not just the radicals, the Islamists), according to the written word of their Qu'ran and the teachings of many of their imans, have the stated goal of having all humanity practice the Muslim faith! I don't profess to know whether or not those are the true thoughts of all Muslims, just that I am satisfied that is what they are being taught! There was a time in history when there were those of various other faiths,notably the Catholic Christians, who felt the same way....BUT an important difference....the Bible insofar as I am aware, never supported or promoted the genocide of any disbelievers NOR even an insistence that all humanity convert to the Christian faith! The non-believer might be, in the Bible's opinion, "damned and doomed to a hereafter in Hell or at least denied entry to Heaven" but the Bible contains no exhortations to "kill those who refuse to obey the will of Mohammed and Allah".

So, you will pardon me, absent proofs of the reasonableness for your lack of concern, the Islamization of Thailand will continue to cause me great concern for I have seen and am seeing what happens in other parts of the world when the toe-hold turns into a foot-hold and the foot-hold threatens to become the leg stuck in the doorway! Yes, right now they are relatively quiet and undemanding....as they were in England, France, parts of the US and now too in Canada!! Their undemanding ways are undergoing a rapid and very disturbing change in those countries!!


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

I would be most interested, sir, in knowing the basis for your casual dismissal of the o/p's opinion? I am a firm believer in the "live & let live" doctrine, however the Muslims (and not just the radicals, the Islamists), according to the written word of their Qu'ran and the teachings of many of their imans, have the stated goal of having all humanity practice the Muslim faith! I don't profess to know whether or not those are the true thoughts of all Muslims, just that I am satisfied that is what they are being taught! There was a time in history when there were those of various other faiths,notably the Catholic Christians, who felt the same way....BUT an important difference....the Bible insofar as I am aware, never supported or promoted the genocide of any disbelievers NOR even an insistence that all humanity convert to the Christian faith! The non-believer might be, in the Bible's opinion, "damned and doomed to a hereafter in Hell or at least denied entry to Heaven" but the Bible contains no exhortations to "kill those who refuse to obey the will of Mohammed and Allah".

So, you will pardon me, absent proofs of the reasonableness for your lack of concern, the Islamization of Thailand will continue to cause me great concern for I have seen and am seeing what happens in other parts of the world when the toe-hold turns into a foot-hold and the foot-hold threatens to become the leg stuck in the doorway! Yes, right now they are relatively quiet and undemanding....as they were in England, France, parts of the US and now too in Canada!! Their undemanding ways are undergoing a rapid and very disturbing change in those countries!!

My dismissal of it?

Easily done.

It's simply not true.



God Almighty, it's this nonsense again. Basically, halal food is harmless, and kebabs are good. It's not a problem if these kebab shops appear in lots of places. I was pissed out of mind on Friday night, and had a extra-large doner kebab. The only problem being that it cost £7.00, seven pounds, that's a bit over ten US dollars.

Nothing wrong with Bacon either but we dont force that upon Muslims do we


I fought them for a long time and most of the men are punks and women beaters. If they ever tried to do that with the women in the United States of America they end up with something stuck in their mouth if you know what I mean.


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

Good god man! Are you daft or just the world's greatest hypocrite complaining about BS and also reading ThaiVisa?

I fought for 27 years in the special forces division and the truth is that these guys are not good souls

Your trade was killing and you are a judge of what is a good soul vs a bad soul? I am owed a significant amount of money by a former "special forces" participant and know that those folks have no monopoly on saintliness. The Thai connection might be the former SF network that ran the "Thai stick" from Thailand/Laos to the US fronted by the Patpong bar owner who was eventually busted for tax evasion. But I got to admit that, at the time, that was some legendary weed.


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

Good god man! Are you daft or just the world's greatest hypocrite complaining about BS and also reading ThaiVisa?

I fought for 27 years in the special forces division and the truth is that these guys are not good souls

Your trade was killing and you are a judge of what is a good soul vs a bad soul? I am owed a significant amount of money by a former "special forces" participant and know that those folks have no monopoly on saintliness. The Thai connection might be the former SF network that ran the "Thai stick" from Thailand/Laos to the US fronted by the Patpong bar owner who was eventually busted for tax evasion. But I got to admit that, at the time, that was some legendary weed.

And who says intelligent discourse is dead?


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

I would be most interested, sir, in knowing the basis for your casual dismissal of the o/p's opinion? I am a firm believer in the "live & let live" doctrine, however the Muslims (and not just the radicals, the Islamists), according to the written word of their Qu'ran and the teachings of many of their imans, have the stated goal of having all humanity practice the Muslim faith! I don't profess to know whether or not those are the true thoughts of all Muslims, just that I am satisfied that is what they are being taught! There was a time in history when there were those of various other faiths,notably the Catholic Christians, who felt the same way....BUT an important difference....the Bible insofar as I am aware, never supported or promoted the genocide of any disbelievers NOR even an insistence that all humanity convert to the Christian faith! The non-believer might be, in the Bible's opinion, "damned and doomed to a hereafter in Hell or at least denied entry to Heaven" but the Bible contains no exhortations to "kill those who refuse to obey the will of Mohammed and Allah".

So, you will pardon me, absent proofs of the reasonableness for your lack of concern, the Islamization of Thailand will continue to cause me great concern for I have seen and am seeing what happens in other parts of the world when the toe-hold turns into a foot-hold and the foot-hold threatens to become the leg stuck in the doorway! Yes, right now they are relatively quiet and undemanding....as they were in England, France, parts of the US and now too in Canada!! Their undemanding ways are undergoing a rapid and very disturbing change in those countries!!

As you will see from the replies, we westerners are the soft touch.

Our freedom of speech and freedom to practice religion will be our downfall.

Islam does not make that mistake.

It is hard core all the bloody way.


Dear Thailand: welcome to 21st century. BTW according to these numbers, was part of what would become Malaysia for over a thousand years. You ignored and/or abused them for over a century. Gee I wonder why many might want to be part of Malaysia? Time to start treating all citizens with a bit of respect, regardless of religion, culture, language..... actually, past time.

and the Muslims treat all citizens with respect regardless of religion, culture etc?????

Indonesia with the largest Muslim population in the world certainly treats all its citizens with respect regardless of religion culture and language et cetera same in Malaysia. The problem with you people who criticise Islam you don't really seem to realise that there are many different types of Muslims and you always seem to harp on the worst possible aspects of religion


Indonesia is now the most populous Muslim country in the world. Back in the 1400's it was primarily Buddhist and Hindu. By the mid 1500s-within a mere 150 years- it became primarily Islamic. Malaya went the same way.

Muslim colonisation happens very quickly.

Currently mass illegal migration from failed islamic states into western democracies poses a huge future demographic problem.

The politically driven high birth rate in Islam ensures colonisation and domination of host countries over a few generations.

The mullas in the mosques openly brag about future Islamic dominance in their host western democracies which naively have given them sanctuary.

Thailand with its tolerant Buddhist culture and advanced economy is particularly vulnerable to this muslim invasion and subsequent bullying islamic ingratitude.

It needs to do what the UK and Europe have failed to do-which is to stop all muslim immigration-including family visas-which is a primary source of muslim immigration into the UK for example.

The UK has 5% muslim population, as does Thailand. Even at 5% there are huge problems in crime, unemployment and drug abuse in UK muslim communities.

France has 10% muslim population, with extensive no go areas where Sharia law prevails

Sweden is even worst.

It would be tragic for Thailand to suffer the same fate.

For references see http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/



God Almighty, it's this nonsense again. Basically, halal food is harmless, and kebabs are good. It's not a problem if these kebab shops appear in lots of places. I was pissed out of mind on Friday night, and had a extra-large doner kebab. The only problem being that it cost £7.00, seven pounds, that's a bit over ten US dollars.

Nothing wrong with Bacon either but we dont force that upon Muslims do we

Why should they be forced, they dont force you to eat the kebabs do they?


Some stories contain BS.

Some stories are BS.

This story however is in a world class standard of BS all of its own.

I would be most interested, sir, in knowing the basis for your casual dismissal of the o/p's opinion? I am a firm believer in the "live & let live" doctrine, however the Muslims (and not just the radicals, the Islamists), according to the written word of their Qu'ran and the teachings of many of their imans, have the stated goal of having all humanity practice the Muslim faith! I don't profess to know whether or not those are the true thoughts of all Muslims, just that I am satisfied that is what they are being taught! There was a time in history when there were those of various other faiths,notably the Catholic Christians, who felt the same way....BUT an important difference....the Bible insofar as I am aware, never supported or promoted the genocide of any disbelievers NOR even an insistence that all humanity convert to the Christian faith! The non-believer might be, in the Bible's opinion, "damned and doomed to a hereafter in Hell or at least denied entry to Heaven" but the Bible contains no exhortations to "kill those who refuse to obey the will of Mohammed and Allah".

So, you will pardon me, absent proofs of the reasonableness for your lack of concern, the Islamization of Thailand will continue to cause me great concern for I have seen and am seeing what happens in other parts of the world when the toe-hold turns into a foot-hold and the foot-hold threatens to become the leg stuck in the doorway! Yes, right now they are relatively quiet and undemanding....as they were in England, France, parts of the US and now too in Canada!! Their undemanding ways are undergoing a rapid and very disturbing change in those countries!!

As you will see from the replies, we westerners are the soft touch.

Our freedom of speech and freedom to practice religion will be our downfall.

Islam does not make that mistake.

It is hard core all the bloody way.

Rubbish, Saudi Arabia is the only muslim country that bans other religions. Indonesia has over 60,000 christian churches.


I fought them for a long time and most of the men are punks and women beaters. If they ever tried to do that with the women in the United States of America they end up with something stuck in their mouth if you know what I mean.

Im sure they think highly of western people after meeting you too.

Perhaps a bex and a good lay down is in order.

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